Chereads / Dual levelling: I level up with my clones / Chapter 17 - My clones can level up

Chapter 17 - My clones can level up

Lee Seung's eyeballs glowed with fierce light as he gripped Jinhu's punch tightly. Although Jinhu flexed his muscles to free his hand from Seung's grasp, he couldn't.

"I didn't know you really wanted to fight,' said Seung boldly. "If you give me the go-ahead, I will do you the favor of breaking your arms."


He glared straight into Jinhu's eyes, anticipating his reaction.

Jinhu then cursed, as his fist got gripped more tightly which caused him pain. "Aish, d*mn it! Let go of me, you jerk!"

Just at that moment, Lee Seung twisted his arm, causing him to cry out in pain, and then pushed him away.

Jinhu fell to the ground, enraged.

"Take him down," he said to his 'followers'.

With swift movements, Seung kicked away the first two attackers and then slid underneath another, bringing down three in no time.

'Is it possible that the dungeon guy is him? Is that even possible?' Jinhu thought, his eyes widening in shock.


More male students fell to the ground with a loud thud. This continued until all ten guys were beaten by Seung.

'Ahh! My arm... it seems to be broken,' one of the students muttered.

'D*mn it, how did he get this strong? We couldn't lay a hand on him.'

Lee Seung gently walked closer to Jinhu, who was still on the ground. He bent down to eye level with him and said, "I know it's fun for you to be bullying me all this long. But, you can't do that anymore."

He rose up and adjusted his backpack, feeling lighter in his heart because he had always wanted to tell him that.

Glaring at him, he said, "I am still weak compared to a lot of people out there, but I believe I am strong enough to make you pay for taunting me all this while. See you around."

He smiled faintly, and headed towards the entrance gate. As he left, Jinhu stood up, fuming. He couldn't believe how a guy like that could finally overpower him.

In that moment, he smirked. He thought, 'He must have won because none of us took him seriously. Next time, I won't let him get a chance. Ptt, I got myself worried for nothing.'

Not long after Lee Seung entered the school, everyone was directed into the examination room. Since the exam hadn't yet commenced, he took the chance to review some important information he had read.

He didn't read anything the previous night because he knew his memory retention capacity was good. He had the ability to remember things even after three months he memorized them.

'Sulphur is used in the vulcanization of rubber in order to...'

At that moment, the door opened with a continuous rumble, and a man in a black suit entered. He was recognized as one of the teachers and therefore, the examination invigilator.

'Well, I don't think I forgot anything,' he shrugged, facing front.

The man stood at the forefront. He began to address the students in a friendly manner, "Hello everyone, I am Yoo Hyunjae and will be the invigilator for today's exam. Let's start, please."

Lee Seung sighed as he felt tension in his heart. He sat up straight, ready to do his best. Meanwhile, he spotted Jinhu glaring at him, but he ignored him.

"I don't have time for a staring contest right now."

* * *

In the meeting room at the World Hunter Association, the President sat before the board of different Guildmasters.

Silence filled the room as everyone eagerly awaited the reason for the sudden meeting.

"Good morning, everyone. I called this meeting for the sake of notifying you of a problem which may have vast consequences if not put into consideration," said the President, placing his hands together on the table. The Guildmasters glanced at him with curiosity evident on their faces.

A particular man, who had bluish long hairs and putting on earrings, asked, "A....a problem? Is there any problem as bad as the monster invasion already put under control?"

"It may get more dangerous than that very soon," said the President. Tension filled the room with each person wondering what's the matter.

It was then that Kim Seijin stood from his seat, which was beside the President. He walked slowly to the front.


Kim Seijin stood at the front of the long table where everyone could see him clearly. He said, "Some weeks ago, there's an alien ship crash and I had one of my men look into the accident. Their mission was to deliver an advanced war tech to our headquarters, however, it got lost during that accident."

"What tech is that?"the blue-haired man asked, quickly.

"It's a Power System tech," Kim Seijin replied. "Currently, we are at risk of a metahuman enemy as the material can be used to give immense power to billions of people. From my own perspective, it has already been found by someone."

Murmurs filled the room immediately. The probability of a single person carrying the strength of billions was so unbelievable. Just how powerful would that person be??

"That's not good! What if the founder turns out to be evil?" another man, identified as Guildmaster Hwang, said loudly, his eyes wide.

"My point exactly," said the President. He asked, "What do you think we can do?"

"Silence enveloped the meeting room as everyone contemplated the situation. Eventually, a Guildmaster raised his hand.

"Uhh, Mr. Gu, please speak," said Kim Seijin.

The man adjusted his tie and cleared his throat. "Someone who could have found it is most likely to have become a Hunter. So, I suggest each of us conduct a thorough stats check for the Hunters in our guilds. Anyone with irregular or strange strength could be marked..."

"... responsible for the case."

He knew who helped him complete the statement. It was no one other than his friend.

He continued, "Yes. That's what I think we can do."

Consequently, the President asked if there were any other suggestions, but there were none.

"Then we will follow Mr. Gu's suggestion. Let's call it a day."

* * *


Lee Seung yawned as he exited the examination room. As he approached the school gate, a feminine voice called his name.

"Who...?" He mumbled and turning back, he was surprised to see Mr. Song's granddaughter. She was walking towards him that moment. He thought, 'What's her name again? Uhm...I don't remember.'

"Hello," Jiwon said with a smile.

"Hey. Uh, how was the exam?" Seung asked with a wry smile. He still had a phobia of standing too close to someone.

"Gosh, it's a bit horrible," Jiwon said.

Seung nodded. "It wasn't... no, it was... horrible, like you said."

'I can't tell her I left no question unsolved. That'll be considered a show-off.'

Later, Jiwon asked him to join her for noodles. Seung had no choice but to honor her request. As they were served food at the restaurant, he hesitated to eat while Jiwon had already begun.

She asked with food in her mouth, "Aren't you going to eat?"

"Don't mind me," Seung said with a smile. As he was looking at every corner of that restaurant, his eyes caught the presence of a bluish platform.

That's undoubtedly the screen.

'What is it now?'

[Subject's clones have levelled up.]


Seung's eyes widened in shock, completely dumbfounded. Then, his lips twisted into a grin as he looked at the screen with excitement.

"Yahoo! I am-!"

He stopped, on finding out people were staring at him in a tensed manner. He quickly grabbed his bag and left Jiwon to her meal.

He took a taxi home and found his clones in the living room. The both of them quickly stood from the chair.

"Welcome, master."

Seung panted heavily, grinning. "Finally, I have gained the ability to never let you disappear again. I...I..I now have full control over your existence: can decide when you live or not."

"My cloning ability is actually the best way for me to save my sister and avenge my parents' deaths."


[Lee Seung]

[Your clones have levelled up and you have received bonus points.]

[ All stats have increased by five points each]

[Strength: 5.12]


[Mana content: 7.03]


[Stamina: 5.01]

[New skill: Mana Reservoir Fusion]

[An skill that allows Subject to absorb external manas into his clones to prevent them from running out of energy.]


"Good work, First and Second. You guys make me stronger."