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The Nanite Necromancer: Resurrecting Darkness

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Alexander sank deeper into the salty river that fed into the Ocean. his wound bleeding into the ocean, despite the cauterizing burn from the quarter sized hole. 'No, please. Not like this. Not when everything was working out. Quin, Seraphina, Grey, I'm so sorry. every time I try to fix things.. I should have know not to trust those rich bastards. I swear to any god that will listen, give me a break, will you!' Alexander replayed the moment of the attack. Kahawai stood over Alexander with the golden flame threatening to blast him. the spell was a low first tier spell using fire and air to condense and increase in power enough to melt metal. "You're joking, right Kahawai. You cant just hit me with that. I'm only ranked F. Your going to kill me." He flinched, taking a step backwards. the edge of the dock making him step forward again. "You have no one to blame but yourself, Alexander. This world is unforgiving and I cannot have you as a weak link. This is to important! Survive this and you will prove you are ready. If you cant then you will die here. Better her than getting the rest of us killed later." Kahawai held his spell at Alexander, firing at his center. 'I wont die, not like this!' A swirl of darkness took him further down into the river, swallowing him. Do you wish to live? 'Yes!' Will you serve? 'Yes, as long as I can live with my family. Anything.' Then I have found you. The soothing voice faded, releasing the darkness around him. A mass of darkness flooded round Alexander, slightly different from the magical darkness. it covered his body and entered the wound and into his body. 'User found, initiating repair function. greeting user. Hello host, you may call us, Lunaris.'

Chapter 1 - Awakening: Embers of the Dead

Alexander woke early for school as his final day for training at the famous school had ended. The messy black hair and dark circles around his eyes gave him a dead look with his non-tanned skin. his red uniform was dry-cleaned and looked perfect in his eyes, though he didn't show it.

'Another day done, mom, dad. I'll make you proud and take care of this place. when I turn eighteen I'll take this place back from those idiots lawyers, and actually fix this place up.'

The small brown townhome that stood between two high rise skyscrapers in the heart of Hawaii, Hawaii, was the Orphanage were Alexander and three others stayed. In need of repairs and serious fixing, it was a cozy and humble home for those who were lost. 

'Mothers embrace Orphanage. I wonder who came up with that one. Mom or Dad? I wish I knew you guys, but now, I have school.'

The celebration of the graduating class from Xavier's school for Hunters was short and simple. An experienced Hunter gave them their device, measuring their rank for their Hunter evaluations. a final test was expected at the end of three months to test their proficiency. 

Alexanders device attached to his wrist were a large F was depicted. 

"Look at this looser guys. An F rank shouldn't go to this school. They should be in the Slums with the rest of their kind."

"Don't start anything, Mark. the professor and the representative from the United Federal Government is watching. If I don't get knight status in the Association my family will dis own me. He's not worth that."

"Yeah, I'm not worth it, Mark. Don't give you stupid family anything more to be ashamed of you for." Alexander quipped. his hand was clenched and his other covering his device. This was a catastrophe. 'F ranked, curse the gods.'

"Watch yourself freak. One of these days," Mark shot a blast of cold water on Alexanders head, chilling him to the bone. "You might loose that luck."

Alexander grunted to the bathroom and felt worst than what a bully could ever do as he starred at himself. 'F ranked. How can I make my dreams come true now? I cant even hunt now. come on Alexander, you just need to get stronger. Now that you know, you can over come.'

The door to the bathroom flung open, and walked in Kahawai, king of the school, and ranked number one in prospects for the Hunter's Association. 

"We've been put on the same team, with the rest of the class. Were having a meeting tonight by the old pier. You'll be there, or else." he looked displeased as he glanced at the device, walking out with a disappointed frown.

'That's concerning. He didn't even wait for my answer. This school never changes, even though I am ranked tenth out of the schools ranking in academics. I thank the gods that powers are prohibited here. Now for the real danger, going home to tell the family. More importantly, how do I tell her.'

The door to the Orphanage burst open as Alexander took the first step onto the porch.

"Lex" an adorable girl with freckles asked. Her brilliant green eyes gleaming at her brother, red hair the shade of vermillion in curls shaping her pale face. "You got it! So go on, come in and tell us."

"Sigh. Seraphina, you have a duty to your big brother, not to be annoying. ...I got an F rank."

"Oh, well anyways you silly. We got you something." Thge two walked into a suprise party with snacks and a wide cake with happy birthday written clumsily.

'Its not my birthday.' He thought. "Its wonderful," He said instead.

"Don't be such a nice guy, we know it's bad, and says happy birthday. Congratulations on graduating!" A tall young man named Quin spoke, patting Alexander on the shoulder.

"Don't even think about putting a kick-me sticky note on my back."

Alexander pulled a sticky note from his back.

They laughed for what seemd like hours before the cake ran out and Alexander remembered the meeting.

"I'll be back guys, I got a party to go with the Kahawai. My classmates and I have this final assessment for ranks. This will be my last chance to get a good rank in the Association Association, since I have a low rank."

"Are we going to be OK, big brother? I don't want you risking your life of you're going to bve hurt." Seraphina's starred at Alexander for any signs of a lie, something she was good at.

"I'll be fine. Whats the worst that could happen. You literally have me tagged from the last time. So just come resuce me of I get lost."

"Pinky promise?"

"Pinky promise, I swear." He responded.

"May the dark mother guide you back."


The bus ride nearest the docks took an hour to drive and another half hour to walk to. Byu the time he arrived everyone was seated around a roaring bonfire.

"Sorry I'm late. Had a real trek through the woods. You guys could have given me a ride." Alexander joked, wearing his dark hood and joggers.

Kahawai ignored the comment and started speaking, his voice deeply reverberating. "The Hunter Trails are finaly about to start. Some of us know how important that is, and others have no idea. I'll test each of you to my standards. Line up."

Alexander was confused as the group rose and walked to the docks, facing Kahawai. He got up, forced by peer pressure, doing the same.

Standing 6 feet tall or 2 meters, he was stocky with dark long hair with Samoan features. He pointed his hand towards a rusted trash can someone placed here what seemed like eons ago, drawing mana from his core and blasting a melted hole through it.

"This was a first tier spell, something any D ranked Hunter could dodge. You all must show me you can either survive or dodge this attack to move forward. Some of you have trained with me for years, others not somuch. I still expect the same from you all."

Kalani was first, black hair and a serious attitude, she was the closest thing to a warrior prince's the school had. She dodged the spell as if she was flipping her hair, using the most minimal movement possible.

Max, Nakamura, Kai, and Fox deflecting the spell with various spells themselves. Neither was as fast as Kalani.

The last up was Alexander, starring down the glowing orb of magic in Kahawai's hand. Heat caused distortions in the air around it.

"You're joking right, Kahawai? There's no way I can dodge that. I'm only an F ranked Hunter. I've never trained my magic. You could kill me!"

"You can blame no one but yourself." He showed Alexander his device, picturing a letter D. "You either survive or die here. Look at it as a mercy, rather you die here or in a gate. I would rather you die here than taking us down with you."

"Wait that isn't fair! None of this is right. Are you all going to watch this?"

"Survive then, prove us wrong!" Kahawai condensed the fire magic and shot Alexander, the power burning an inch wide hole in his left side chest.

There was no pain at first as he took a step back, furious at first then confused at the rushing water covering his body. He sunk deeper and deeper into the river falling over as he stumbled back.

'No! Not like this. Seraphina, Quin, Grey. I need to get back.'

Blood rushed out of the burnt hole with every beat of his injured heart. His life flashed before him as darkness engulfed his body.

'Do you wish to live, little one?' A soothing voice reached him in the darkness of the water. It was familiar yet unknown.

'Yes, please,' he answered.

'Will you serve me, onto your diying breath and further still?'

'...yes,' he responded meekly in his mind, losing consciousness fast.

'Then you have been chosen, Guardian!'

A dark gloop flooded into his wound, shocking him back. Nanites, small hive like robots invaded and sealed his wounds. In seconds he could breath and feel his body warming up, the effects of death reversed.

Repairs continuing, damage is severe. New host found. Greeting, Host. We are Lunaris.