It's a Saturday morning, and the time was about 9:00 am, Derek love sleeping in on weekends, but today his dad was busy calling his name from down stairs.

"Derek" "Derek" "Derek" "Derek" "dereeeek".

"Ahhhhhhhh, what does he want again, it's fuckin early", Derek said stretching on his bed.

Derek got out of bed, and he went downstairs with his night wear still on, and he asked his dad what's the matter.

"Your brother just passed the Altered police Force (APF) program, so he sent you a gift, and he would love you to visit him at the APF district here in kroden before he gets transferred", his dad said while sipping his tea.

"Wow, you mean Damion passed, he's so lucky", Derek replied.

"Yes he passed, and he wants you to visit", his father said repeating the obvious.

"Ok lemme clean up and I'll be on my way", Derek said.

Derek went back upstairs with the present in his hands, as he entered his room, he started devouring the rapping on the present and as he tore the last rapping off, he noticed that the gift his brother had sent him was a brand new iphone x.

With a shocked expression on his face Derek thought, "Holy fuck this must have cost him a lot of money to purchase this phone".

Though there were advanced versions of the iphone available for sale such as the iPhone 12, iphone 12 pro max, and the latest product of the iPhone currently available was the iPhone 18 pro max, but Derek has always loved small portable phones of which his brother knew.

Though he loves and appreciate the gift, but a part of him admits that this was a little bit too much.

So Derek took his bath and put on some of his casual clothes, due to his current state of poverty he couldn't afford designers clothing like his mates do.

But that's gonna change since he got a new job as a transporter in the tiger claws gang, Derek thought, as he puts on a regular blue Jean trousers with a normal black shirt .

Derek stormed downstairs with his brand new iphone in his hand, he went straight to the kitchen, as he entered the kitchen he saw his dad preparing breakfast, but he couldn't wait, so he rushed to the fridge and took a sandwich.

"Why are you in a rush, it's only 10:30 am", his dad asked.

But Derek couldn't tell his dad that he needs to be back home by 4:00 pm at the club in other to deliver the package, so he lied and said "I don't wanna get stuck in traffic".

He then drank the cup of tea his father had already prepared for him in a rush.

"Gulp" "Gulp" "Gulp" "Gulp"

"Thanks dad, am already going to visit Damion", Derek said as he exited the house.

As he was walking to the bus stop he operated his new phone, he downloaded some apps and some musics, he then put's on his air pod and listened to the musics he downloaded.

While walking he saw some of his gang members extorting money from normal citizens, he just looked them as he walked past them.

Not too long he arrived at the bus stop, he paid for his transportation, and boarded the bus to the APF district in his hometown.

It took about an hour for Derek to reach the APF because of the traffic, and some other factors.

As Derek stepped out of the bus he saw some teenagers his age bullying another teenager, he was willing to intervene, but then he realized that he's also bullied and he couldn't do anything about it.

So he ignored them and walk his way to the APF, as he was almost there he got a call from his brother, so he answered.

***************PHONE CALL****************

"Hi bro how you doing", Damion asked.

"Am good bro thanks for the gift, and I wanted to surprise you but no need for that am almost at the APF", Derek answered.

"Wow, I mean how, when but you should have called me first, because today am on duty", Damion said.

"Okay, but can't you at least see me", Derek asked.

"Okay am gonna pick you up", Damion answered.

"No need for that am already at the APF", Derek said as he ended the call.

****************CALL ENDED***************

Damion came out of the 3 story building and hugged his little brother tightly, this made Derek tear up a little.

"Wow it's nice to see you though it's barely a week but I've missed you", Damion said.

Damion then accompanied Derek inside the building as he gave Derek a tour inside the APF, the APF building was built well and beautifully decorated by the best builders of this generation, the whole building is full of futuristic technology, and the weapon room was full of all sorts of gun, and cuffs for altered criminals.

As there approach the holding section of the APF, Derek saw some of the criminals caught, and some of them were still in their altered form.

Though Damion was not yet an altered, he was still a normal human being, but not for long, because when he gets transferred, he will be injected with a mutating altered serum (MAS).

So Damion took Derek to the cafeteria in the APF, and there both spend some quality brother time together.

And that's when Damion got a radio call, though they may be altered police but they still operated like the normal police force, but their uniforms were slightly different due to the difference in materials used in making them.

As Damion answered, he was told that a report came in concerning a mutating altered serum making lab, and he was ordered to check the area, then he should report if any altered is seen.

It's already 3:25 pm, and it's time for Derek to leave, but he wanted to accompany his brother to the lab, his brother said no but he pleaded and pleaded, so Damion finally accepted.

As they both drove to the lab, they noticed that it was a little bit deserted, and that's when he remembered that it's Saturday, and labs don't really operate on weekends.

It took them ten minutes twenty six seconds to arrive at the supposed crime scene, and as they walked in they noticed that they've been a forced entry.

And that's when Damion peek, and he saw that the attackers were gangsters, so he told Derek to go back to the car but Derek was reluctant, but finally he realized that his brother was trying to protect him, so he obeyed his brother and, he went back to the car.

Now Damion was free to act without being distracted by Derek, as he entered the building he saw that there were no scientists present, he then reported the situation to his superiors, and right now they were sending backup.

It seems as though the gangsters were looking for something, because they searched very carefully, and Damion began to think, why would a gang plan to rob a lab, of what value would they get.


On the other hand Derek was quite bored and felt the need to do something fun, so he sneaked Inside the building trying his best not to draw attention to himself.

He walk quietly and checked the lab rooms one after the other in case he might see someone in need of help, and that's when he entered a lab, but this lab wasn't like the others, because it look more mechanical and technological than the labs he had entered before.

As he was checking some of the tech in the room he heard some sounds coming from outside, so he thought of where to hide, and the only idea he had now was the air vents in the wall, so he climbed and entered the vents.

After he entered he was closing the vent when he saw some masked gangsters, they were asking the scientists some questions, but the scientist didn't answer them.

"Look we know you have the technology give it to us and we'll spare your life", the masked man said.

"I can't give it to you, you'll reek havoc with it, and by the way it's too advance for you to use, but still I can't risk giving it to you", the scientist said as he was bleeding from his nose.

"Then you are of no use to us", the masked man said as he pulled out a dagger and stabbed the doctor twice in his chest region.

"Now we raid this whole building till we find that tech, otherwise the boss won't be happy", the masked man said as he walked out of the room with the other gangsters.

Derek who was witnessing the whole incident ran down to help the dying scientist, it was the first time for Derek to see someone dying in front of him so he asked "what should I do".

"it's too late for you to help me now, but you have to help me protect this tech from them and keep it beyond their reach", the scientist said as he pressed a small remote he was holding, then the floor they were on was opening while revealing a metal box.

The scientist picked it and gave it to Derek, as Derek collected the box, the scientist told him "you're the hope of this town", and those were the last words of the scientist as he died.

Derek immediately put the box inside his bag, and now he was so scared that his legs were shaking badly, now he understood why his brother wanted him to stay in the car.

So he climbed the air vent again, he then used the air vent to get outside the building, then he got into the car as he closed the doors, he heard the sounds of sirens and he knew back up has arrived.

After checking the building, they couldn't even find anyone except for the dead scientist, though investigations were ongoing but Derek already knew they won't get anything from the investigation.

But he too couldn't talk, because of the fear of being arrested, so he kept quiet about the whole incident.

Damion dropped Derek off at the bus stop, and he told Derek that he needed to get back to work, and this time it was already 5:00 pm and he's suppose to be at the club for delivery at 6:00 pm so he had an hour to get back.

He entered the bus, and the bus drove off while in the bus he thought about the recent happenings around him.

It didn't take long for Derek to get home, he dropped his bag which the box was inside, and he put the box under his bed, and he ran to the night club.

As he arrived he collected the whole package, and he started delivering the whole packages, after delivering the packages he came back to collect his payment.

And after collecting his money from king kade Derek ran back home.

As he got home the first thing he did was to open the metallic box giving to him by the scientist.

As he opened the box, he saw an egg sized orb, the orb was glowing slightly, and it was pulsing like a heart beat.

He examined the orb without touching it for some minutes, he noticed that there were some write ups on the box itself, and it looked like an alien write up.

He then proceeded to carry the orb in other to have a closer look, as he touched the orb, the blue pulsing color changed to red, the orb started pulsing violently, like a heart beating extremely fast.

Then he tried letting go of the orb, but to no avail he couldn't, and immediately the red light started crawling on his body, the light covered his body completely, and his whole body was now blood red.

Then he fell down flat on the floor with the orb in his hands, though his eyes were closed shut but his consciousness wasn't gone completely, the last thing heard was.

"checking host compatibility with system"

"Host is a 100% match"

"Merging system with host consciousness"

"Merging process: 3%".