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Chapter 2078 - 8

Chapter 8

*** Sansa***


Sansa, in the field of what Archer had explained was her reality marble, twitched her eyes as the Counter Guardian of Gaia pointed at her, laughing himself sick. Her previous existence, Shirou, was on the other side giving her a sympathetic look. Taiga, her Direwolf, was sitting in his lap, nuzzling her head against his midsection.

"It's not funny! Arya is really angry with me!"

Archer pulled up short, he looked quite different from the last time she had seen him. Apparently, something had occurred between him and the other Shirou, causing him to look and act much friendlier. The spiky white hair was now down in non-threatening bangs. He also smiled easily now.

He was still an asshole though, and as if to prove her thought, he once again broke out into a fit of laughter.

"Hahahahahahahahaha! Y-You- You're gonna get fucked by Arthur! BWAHAHAHA!" Archer clutched his stomach as he pointed to her, tears now leaking out of his eyes. He wasn't quite so free with emotions before... once again, she wonder what had occurred to cause such a drastic change.

"Sh-SHUT UP!" Sansa shouted at Archer, her face red at his crude wording. Shirou, who was dressed in what was once her favorite jeans and t-shirt combination, was also blushing.

"Hahahha!" Archer still continued to laugh as he pointed at Shirou.

"He- he- He's fucking Rin and Arturia!"

Then Archer pointed back to her.

"This is karma! Karrrma!"

"Archer! You're being a jerk!" Shirou shouted, his face redder than ever as he pulled his favorite twin Chinese blades out.

"Shirou?" Sansa asked, looking over to her previous existence who could not quite meet her eyes. "What did Archer mean by you, Rin, and Arturia? Who is she?"

She remembered a girl that might have been named Rin, a Tohsaka if she recalled correctly. But Arturia was not a name she heard of before.

Shirou looked a bit lost for words and started to look anywhere but at her. Taiga was now back at her side, sensing her displeasure at both of the men in her Meadow of Blades.

When last they met, the three had had a meeting of Fakers as Archer had called them. Archer considered himself a false hero, he called Shirou a fake idealist, and Sansa a fake girl. Things had been tense but Sansa told them about her life since she was familiar with Shirou's own story, which Archer recalling a similar experience in the grail war.

Her life story ended up taking more time than she thought but Archer had advised her to continue to analyze weapons and armor she came into contact with to fill up her own armory. He then told her of how he had betrayed Rin and her previous existence so that he could kill his foolish younger self. She had been alarmed that he might try to kill her but he had told her that she did not count since she had died and nothing changed.

It was Shirou who began to tell her about the Holy Grail War. It was so much more complicated than what she had to go through, yet at the same time, Archer said that she had the harder life living in such a brutal world. Unable to determine her fate without affecting many others negatively. Before they could talk anymore, she had woken up and gone about her day.

She had never expected her day to turn out like it did. She was now engaged to Arthur Sand! Or was it Targaryen? It was all so complicated. Arya had been furious with her, thinking she did that to spite her on purpose. Ser Arthur had looked lost while Prince Oberyn of Dorne had set up an honor guard around the exiled- no, that wasn't correct.

The Targaryen was no longer exiled. Robert had lifted the restriction and welcomed them back so long as they give up their claim to the throne. Arthur had already done so when he had confronted Robert the first time, now all that was left was for his sister to follow suit.

Lord Dondarrion of Blackhaven was the other House that had volunteered to be Lord Arthur's honor guard. She had seen the two men fighting side by side in the melee and he was obviously grateful for his salvation from Ser Gregor.

Then... the duel with Princess Mordred, the wedding announcement, and Joffrey, her betrothed, trying to free his sister from the engagement using her as a bargaining chip. He had lost and she now found herself engaged to Lord Arthur.

It all went downhill from there, as her father had words with King Robert, Joffrey had been cart off to the maester, the Princess and Queen at his side; the former verbally shredding his pride, the latter trying to rebuild it. Then Arya had run off with tears in her eyes as she had followed.

'You always get everything I want! I hope you're happy!'

With those final words, Arya had slammed her room's door in her face. Sansa and the Shirou aspect had learned to love others, and loved her own family fiercely. Without meaning to, she had somehow hurt her sister. She had went to her room to lie down and found herself here in the field with a different looking Archer and a perplexed Shirou.

She had told them her tale and here they were, Archer laughing at her predicament whilst Shirou attempted to comfort her. Both of their eyes had widen at the mention of Arthur but she had told them it was a common name in Westeros.

After Archer had settled down due to Sansa glaring at him, she turned back to Shirou expectantly.


"Remember how I told you I had a servant named Saber?" Shirou asked, to which she nodded in response. "Well... it turns out she was King Arthur, yes, THAT King Arthur. She hid her real gender from the world."

Sansa was stunned and looked at her previous existence incredulously. "King Arthur was a girl?! No way!"

"Y-Y-yeah I was surprised too," Shirou agreed while he scratched his cheek nervously. "Well... she is now being kept here by Rin while she trains to be a magus."

"And... and what? You three are like... an item?" Sansa asked looking at Shirou expectantly and saw his face redden until it matched his hair.

"Well... I mean... It's a complicated relationship, but we're making it work," Shirou finally answered, looking away from her with a blush.

Sansa nodded and sighed. Her previous existence was a playboy? Wait would she had ended up with the same situation had she lived? Though... did she really have room to talk anymore? She's part of Lord Arthur's wife collection now...

Sansa rubbed her temples, feeling the onset of a migraine before she looked at Archer. "And why do YOU find it amusing?"

"B-because! Y-your Arthur is Arturia reborn on your world! Bwhahah-huh!" Archer pointed at her and began laughing once more before dodging a blade she had flung at him. He actually looked a bit scared that the blade was embedded accurately between his legs brushing up his groin.


"No more laughing," Sansa threatened and saw Archer and Shirou eyes went wide. While she might have been Shirou in another life, she was now a she-wolf of Winterfell.

"S-scary..." Shirou gulped hard.

"Now if you would be so kind as to explain," Sansa requested, this time in a very courtly voice as Septa Mordane taught her.

"O-okay, from what you told me, this Arthur is a male, who is from the lineage of a dragon dynasty in your world correct?" Archer began slowly, his face no longer as jovial.

"The Targaryen, yes," Sansa confirmed.

"Well, it just so happens that Arturia is also from a dragon lineage too," Archer explained but she merely raised an eyebrow, waiting expectantly for him to continue. "You also said that he named a knife after our adopted father correct?"

"Yes? What about it? It could but any other number of people that knew our father in their previous life," Sansa replied, a bad feeling beginning to grow in her gut.

"Yes, but I bet you didn't know that our father was in the fourth Holy Grail war, and his servant was Arturia as well," Archer finished, his armed folded as he looked at her.

Before she could respond, however, Shirou spoke up first.

"Wait, are you telling me that Saber was in the Fourth Holy Grail war with dad?" Shirou demanded.

Archer, however, merely raised an eyebrow; he was still condescending despite his recent attitude change. "Oh? Your Saber didn't tell you? Better go ask her."

"Why you-"

"Enough!" Sansa ordered, making the other Shirou sit down and grumble but caused no more outbursts. She than turn to Archer again. "Granted, it is a big coincidence and it matches up, but that is still a lot of guess work."

"Maybe, but I didn't get to be a Counter Guardian by being stupid," Archer smirked before he realized what he said and looked crestfallen.

"I-In any case, you should ask Arthur yourself since he IS your husband to be, if they are one in the same... well you can see why I laughed, all things considered."

Sansa's migraine had only intensified up to this point. If what Archer said was correct, a female King Arthur, who lied about her gender in history, was actually now a male in Westeros and engaged to her. Then there was her previous existence that was carrying on a sexual relationship with the female King Arthur and another woman at the same time.

Shirou, as if sensing her headache, turned to look at her and put one of his friendly smiles on again. "So... want to take a look at some of the weapons I copied from Gilgamesh?"

Sansa nodded. She had no idea who Gilgamesh was but it was better than spending time with an amused Archer. She'd definitely have to find out something to blackmail Archer with in the future, if only to shut him up. For now, she needed to fill up her armory with more weapons; she found that if she tried to project anything in the waking world, she would pass out. Apparently, Westeros Gaia denied her ability. No wonder magic was so sacred in this world.

Still, an idea was already forming in her head regarding all of these marvelous weapons she traced. For the first since her new engagement announcement, she smiled.

+++ Cersei – King's Landing+++

One month was a short time to prepare for a wedding but she had done it. It would be an affair worthy of the Princess of the Realm and still be quick enough so that Mordred would be unable to back out of the wedding.

The wedding was nearly stopped due to the death of Peytr "Littlefinger' Baelish a week after the tourney, who had been killed by a jealous husband according to the whores. The killer still remained at large and while Robert had been uncaring of Littlefinger's death, some of his supporters had not, no doubt looking for the next handout. Amazingly enough, it was Mordred who had insisted that her wedding was more important than the Master of the Coin's demise, and so plans were made and invitation were sent out on short noticed.

Varys, surprisingly enough, had looked pale at the death of his former spying rival. The eunuch had even gone so far as to ask her where Mordred had been on the day of the murder. She had been shocked by his not to subtle implication that Mordred had a hand in the late Master of the Coin death.

Well, Mordred had been with the Stark girl that day, the former asking the latter with help on sewing some stags on her wedding dress. Speaking of the Stark girl... Cersei found herself frowning. The girl was also engaged to Mordred husband-to-be now and it was all Joffrey's fault, who had been sulking since his defeat at the Melee.

It was in anger at Mordred for hurting Jaime that she had convinced Robert of the Targaryens tendency for multiple wives. She could have saved her daughter, seeing as how Arthur had claimed to have been married. But, she had seen the wound Mordred dealt Jaime and how close it had been to his groin. She knew that Jaime would be unable to be available for coupling any time soon. Her visit to him afterward to try and seduce him had yielded nothing. He remained soft and looked as embarrassed as she was from the lack of ardor.

That only made her reaffirmed her decision to back this marriage. Mordred would be gone, the girl was grown now. Cersei will always love her little lioness but it was time to leave and find her own Pride. Lord Eddard Stark had been extremely offended that his daughter betrothal was given to Lord Arthur on top of Mordred's own, but Joffrey had freely wagered it in an honor challenge. The House Stark's name would have been tarnished if they broke the engagement to Lord Arthur simply because they didn't like it. Joffrey reputation itself and House Baratheon was already suffering from her son actions.

If anything, Joffrey was at fault and he was paying for that by becoming the laughing stock of the smallfolk. Robert himself had been furious with their son, but short of hitting him, which wasn't allowed under Mordred's gaze, he could only apologize profusely to Lord Stark.

Eventually, the two men made up when Lady Catelyn's letter arrived and grudgingly accepted what had happened if certain condition was met. First House Baratheon will be the one to pay for Sansa dowry that Winterfell had intended for the girl from their own land holdings. Second, House Baratheon would have to pay for the cost of Sansa wedding itself. Third, the Wedding was to be held in Riverrun, the seat of House Tully, and finally; Joffrey was not to attend Sansa wedding. Robert had agreed without a second thought, anything to mend the fence between him and his friend. So with Lady Catelyn blessings, contingent upon Robert acceptance to her demands, Ned forgave his friend.

If it had been Cersei, she would have extracted a higher price, but what could one expect from a Tully? However, her mind now turns to the whispers talks that was beginning to take root in the keep.

In a way, the inclusion of the Stark girl had started something strange. There was talk, according to Varys, of having Arianne Martell resume her engagement to the last Targaryen Prince and from High Garden, the Tyrell was said to be plotting to get their youngest daughter to become engaged to Lord Arthur. Baseless rumors in all likelihood as she knew Lord Stark was already in talks with the Tyrell's for their daughter to be Joffrey's new betrothed.

Still, she had underestimated the lure of the Targaryen blood, Arthur might have given up any claim, but that did not mean other houses would not try to use him to make a bid for the throne. Which mean it was imperative that Mordred remained by Arthur side now. The easiest thing to do would have been to just kill Arthur when they had the chance before Robert pardoned them. Now if they did that, especially after Robert extended guest rights? There would be severe repercussions among both the nobility and smallfolk. Her anger at Mordred had blinded her.

Speaking of Lord Arthur, the man was an enigma. He had refused a princess' hand repeatedly and appeared very confused about the whole ordeal. It was not until Robert declared that the Targaryen were no longer exiles and were free to come and go in Westeros that Arthur had reconsidered.

'All assassination attempts would stop?'

"I told you before boy, I never sent assassins after you!'

But politically, he couldn't refuse and he knew it. If he rejected Mordred, the Crown Princess, then there might be real retaliation against him and his sister. The positives to being in the Crown's favor far outweighed any objection that he might have against marrying a second and now third wife.

And so, here she stood, in the Royal Sept, surrounded by high ranking nobility from all over Westeros, from Olenna Tyrell to Brynden Tully, with her children beside her, waiting for the entrance of her daughter. She had thought the High Septon would have been adverse to polygamy but apparently, Mordred had been at odds with the church too. So he had agreed with Cersei's assessment that because there have been a precedent of Targaryen taking multiple wives before, he'd allowed it.

There was one last minute change Arthur had done that Mordred was probably unaware of, and truth be told, so was she until he showed up. She had assumed Arthur would wear Targaryen black and red with the three headed dragon emblem but instead, he was standing here in a magnificently royal blue dyed cloak, emblazoned with a white stitched outline of a wreath being pierced by a sword, two dragons, positioned as if climbing, on either side. Perhaps it represented him and his sister as the last two dragons in the world?

Cersei could admit that Arthur cut quite a dashing figure even now. The way he held himself, the aura he exuded, he was royalty, of that there would be no doubt. Why, her younger daughter's eyes had yet to leave the prince once.

The Hand and his family were right behind the royal family. The older sister was looking at her future husband as if trying to resolve something in her mind, while the younger girl appeared saddened.

Suddenly, the music played and the doors to the Sept opened, announcing the arrival of the bride. Cersei gasped and saw that everyone else did the same as Mordred showed up in a dress as white as snow with her father in tow, the man towering over her. One usually wore their house colors to the wedding, but this... The pattern and lace on it were elegant and the feeling that it gave off was magical in way. Her hair was tied into an elegant braid, the girl, for once, expression was demure as she only saw her daughter eyes flicker once to the groom before lowering it to the floor in front of her. She had a feeling that Mordred had just started a new fashion trend for weddings.

"Mordred looks so beautiful doesn't she?" Myrcella whispered to her. "Sansa and I worked really hard with Mordred to put that dress together."

Cersei looked at her daughter in surprise, even as her eldest slowly walked toward her future husband. That would explain why Mordred had not been seen in the company of Arthur this entire time.

Amazingly enough, Arthur's expression did not changed as he just merely maintain his firm look upon her daughter as she walked towards him. Was the man ignorant of the girl's beauty? Can he not see how all of the men in the Sept eyes was looking at his bride with barely concealed lust? It was only when Robert got to the base of the steps, that Arthur descended and took Mordred's arm, completing the final rites.

Robert moved smoothly back to her side, grinning from ear to ear.

"Can you believe it woman? We'll finally be rid of her," Robert whispered to her without moving his head. He was, surprisingly, being respectful.

Not keeping the smile off her face, she replied to her husband. "Have you decided on what lands you are going to give her?"

"I'm not giving her any land woman," Robert replied in a low voice as the High Septon continued to spout about the virtue of marriage.

Cersei turned to her husband then and glared at him, her eyes flashing green. "What do you mean?" she hissed. Her hand grabbed her husband by his wrist and dug her nail into his flesh.

Robert winced but glared at her but hissed at her softly. "Not now woman! You'll see at the feast."

"You may now cloak your bride and bring her under your protection," the High Septon announced and Cersei turned her eyes back to her daughter.

That was then something quite odd occurred. When Arthur removed his cloak, her daughter did a double take upon seeing the cloak different color. Mordred eyes darted around furiously, looking between Arthur and the cloak, her face, which had always been white, becoming even paler.

"What's wrong with the girl?" Robert whispered, having noticed the same strange behavior from her daughter.

Cersei, herself, was perplexed at her daughter sudden distressed. The girl body trembled slightly, as Arthur moved behind her to put his cloaked over her shoulders.

Mordred now appeared disoriented as she eyed the cloak now draped over her shoulders as if in disbelief. Suddenly her face paled even more as her eyes, once more, looked between it and Arthur's face.

If Arthur noticed the erratic behavior, he did not comment on it, instead, keeping his eyes on the High Septon.

"Princess?" the High Septon prompted. He gave Mordred an expectant look, who finally appeared to remember where she was, and shakily held out her hand. A moment later, Arthur put his hand on top of hers as the High Septon took a white ribbon and bound their wrists in matrimony.

"In sight of the Seven, I hereb-"

"Is the girl getting cold feet you think?" Robert whispered in confusion at Mordred's behavior. Cersei also found herself at a lost as Mordred shakily recited her vows even in contrast to how Arthur confidently spoke his.

"I don't know, she is acting a bit... odd," Cersei finally conceded as the High Septon concluded the ceremony.

"Let it be known that Mordred of House Baratheon and Arthur of House Targar-"

"My apologies High Septon," Arthur spoke up interrupting the man much to the amazement of everyone involved. Mordred, if possible, looked even more panicky. "But I have renounced all claims to House Targaryen. I have a new House name now; I believed it was submitted to your office a month ago."

There was a brush of whispering as all the nobles whispered at the unexpected drama unfolding before them. Cersei also blinked but upon seeing the new House Banner, it made sense he would choose a new House name.

"I'm sorry, my clerics never gave it to me," the fat High Septon apologized in embarrassment. "What is your chosen house name now?"


There was yet another brush of murmuring at the unveiling of the new name. Cersei herself mouthed the word over and found that it was an elegant name, one worthy of her daughter. In fact, Mordred Pendragon had a nice sound to it.

However, when Cersei turned her attention back to the girl, she looked as if the Stranger himself had come for her.

"Right then," the High Septon coughed and continued. "Let it be known that Mordred of House Baratheon, and Arthur of House Pendragon, formerly Targaryen, are one heart and flesh, one soul."

"The girl looks like she's going to faint," Robert whispered worriedly and Cersei once more found herself agreeing more with Robert in the past few weeks then their entire marriage thus far.

"Cursed be they who would seek to tear them asunder," the High Septon concluded and looked to Arthur.

Arthur, never wavering, looked at the crowd; his bearing regal as he announced the words as it was taught to him. "With this kiss, I pledge my love."

Mordred's eyes widened once more as Arthur leaned in and kissed her lips chastely as the nobles clapped loudly while the bells of the church tolled zealously.

+++ The Wedding Feast +++

Cersei was growing more concerned for her wayward daughter. She who had been so proud, so fierce appeared... scared, a word that had never been attributed to Mordred in the past. Mordred was fearless to a fault but since the wedding reception, the girl had been drinking as if trying to prove that she was Robert's daughter.

Even Jaime had caught her eyes and looked at Mordred as if to ask what was wrong with their daughter.

Amazingly enough, the newlyweds had gotten through their first dance; it was Mordred who appeared to be uncoordinated while Arthur gentlemanly led her around. This in itself was odd, as Mordred had always been a very graceful dancer. After that, Mordred had begged off and returned to the table, her husband went to dance with his next wife-to-be, Sansa Stark. Margery Tyrell and a host of lesser ladies-in-waiting moved over to Mordred to engage in small talk.

Just as Cersei was about to discreetly walk over to Mordred's table to inquire what was wrong, Robert, who had been drunkenly chatting with lord Stark, stood up.

Pounding his goblet on the table several time, Robert silenced all conversation as he beckoned Arthur over to him. "Looks like I've got you for a goodson now Pendragon."

Arthur merely nodded but did not comment. A wise move on his part as Robert had looked to have been a deep in his cup.

"I like your new name!" Robert exclaimed loudly as he leaned over the table to pat Arthur on the shoulder. "Much better than Targaryen, and I like the new colors, too! Fuck the red and black I say!"

Cersei bristled a little at that comment. The Lannister house colors were red.

"But, let's forget all about that for now. I have to give you a dowry for Mordred and I have decided..." Robert trailed off as he drank deeply into his cup and looked over to his 'daughter' and smiled at her. The crowd went silent, wondering what the King would bequeath to his daughter for her hand in marriage.

"For Mordred, that horribly ungrateful child that I reared, I give her two cows of the highest quality from the Crown's Land!"

There was absolute silence. It was as if the Stranger had come in and started dancing. A moment later, the crowd began to murmur softly at the scandalous announcement.

Cersei saw red. How dare this-this, BUFFON humiliate her daughter like this! Two cows was a dowry fit for smallfolk, not highborn nobility!

Even Lord Eddard and his daughters looked alarmed, Sansa and Arya eyes darted over to Mordred who appeared unconcerned with her father declaration. Joffrey too looked stunned, his face twisted into an ugly scowl while Myrcella looked as if she wanted to cry. Tommen probably was too young to understand the significance.

Jaime, for once, look absolutely livid with Robert but Ser Barristan had one of his hand on her brother to kept him from doing anything foolish.

Thankfully, she did not have anyone that would dare stop her. Turning to Robert, who was still looking at Arthur, she opened her mouth to chastise him.

"How dare-"

"I'll take it you fat fuck!" Mordred shouted from across the room. Her face was red showing that she was clearly well on her way to being inebriated. The nobles in the hall looked uncomfortable as father and daughter traded insults. Cersei was stunned by her daughter's acceptance. Well if Robert wasn't going to give her something worthy of her, she was certain, Tyrion would. Though she loathed the imp, the man was glaring furiously at Robert also.

Robert only smiled at his daughter for a moment before laughing out loud. Cersei clenched her teeth in anger and looked to Mordred husband to see if he would defend his bride's honor at least.

Arthur merely nodded. "Thank you your grace, I will give your gift the utmost care."

"Hah!" Robert laughed with a slight slur as he clapped Arthur on his shoulder once more. "You see this! A humble Targaryen. No wait, Pendragon now. I just insulted his ancestors and he let it go. This is why you are my favorite goodson. Of course, that isn't really difficult when you're my only goodson. I'm sorry to tell you this Arthur, but as my only goodson, you're also my least favorite as well."

Arthur just nodded once and said. "Of course your grace."

Cersei's nails were digging into her palm so hard that she could feel them begin to cut into her skin. Her daughter appeared to be unconcerned. Perhaps she was too drunk to realize the insult her father had leveled at her. However Robert wasn't finished yet.

Robert winked at the younger man. "Now then, Arthur, you might need a place to raise Mordred's two cows- and perhaps Mordred herself. Turn her into a proper Lady or something like that. The Seven know that if she had been born a man she'd be my heir at this point. It's almost unfrotunate, but then I remember what a pain in the arse she's been and I take delight in knowing she won't actually get what she wants and- er- what was I saying.. Oh right! I've decided that you can have Harrenhal and its surrounding lands too. That should be enough room!"

This time there were loud gasp from ever noble present, Cersei included. Since Lady Whent's death earlier this year, the nobles of the Riverlands had been squabbling over who would get rights to the land. Hooster Tully did not want to look like he favored one of his bannerman over the other, and though his son could inherit the land, he did not have the people to man it. So the situation was brought before the Crown to resolve but thus far Robert had not deemed it fit to rule in anyone favor.

"Naturally, you'll have to pay a tithe to the Riverlands, and the Crown of course, but it's yours," Robert nodded smugly as he looked over to Mordred, who returned his smug look with an unladylike gesture, shocking many of the nobility present.

Still, even with the tithe paid to the Riverlands and the Crown, it was a very generous gift. Furthermore, Mordred was entitled to two thousand Baratheon honor guards and she herself would be giving Mordred a thousand Lannister's ones, totaling up to three thousand men. Adding their family, it was a good start, and Hooster Tully would still get money from the land without having to support any of it with his own men. It was a win-win situation.

"Now! Let's celebrate!" Robert shouted one last time before sitting down to eat. Moments later, the music started up again and the nobles began to talk about the insult that wasn't an insult.

Cersei was now very conflicted on what to feel. On one hand, she realized she had been caught between Robert and Mordred's own private game of one upmanship. Yet on the other hand, she wanted to give Robert a kiss for the generous dowry he had given Mordred. Sure it would be under Arthur's name but she knew it was for Mordred. Frankly it was more than was expected for a princess and it was still close enough to the King's Landing that Mordred could still come visit. As much as the girl was a thorn in her side, Cersei would miss her otherwise.

Jaime was looking at Robert in genuine surprise while Tyrion raised a cup to Robert from his position on the table in respect. The oaf played them all while Mordred had not risen to the bait or simply not cared judging by the now refilled cup in her hand.

"I am going to go talk with Mordred," Cersei told Robert who merely waved her off as he pinched the buttocks of one of the serving girls. And just like that, he had killed any goodwill she had toward him.

Wine cup in hand, Cersei weaved gracefully over to Mordred's table but found her way block by Olenna Tyrell.

"Lady Tyrell."

"Your Grace," Olenna Tyrell curtseyed elegantly. Cersei have to give the old bat her due, the woman was known to be cunning and so she returned the gesture. "Quite a gift for the Princess, I'm sure I wasn't the only one surprised."

"My Lord Husband did not discuss it with me but I find I am quite pleased," Cersei replied politely and noticed that Mordred had continued her drinking binge.

"Still, to keep a Targaryen at the very place where they demonstrated their power, some would also call it foolish," Olenna commented casually as she looked around the room. The old woman was, of course, referring to the fact that before the Targaryens came, Harrenhal castle had been considered unassailable, unable to be taken by normal means. However, despite its size and their power, Aegon took the monstrous castle within a single day; for while Harrenhal could repel any ground attack, they had no answer for dragons.

"It's also a reminder that no matter how strong you think you are, you can also be crushed," Cersei retorted as she took a polite sip from her cup. While house Targaryen had been strong, they had been all but wiped out.

"Yes, it would be a reminder of that wouldn't it?" Lady Olenna agreed before she looked over Cersei's shoulders and excused herself to talk with Brynden Tully from the Riverlands.

Cersei narrowed her eyes at Olenna before making a note to keep tabs on the old woman. She looked over to the dance floor and saw the Bran Stark dancing with Myrcella while Arthur was dancing with Arya. Apparently the little spat between the Stark sisters had been resolved.

Speaking of the sisters, Robert had lobbied for the youngest Stark girl to be engaged to Joffrey but Lord Stark was rightly concerned, seeing how her son treated his last engagement. Already, she could see the youngest Tyrell daughter trying to make small talk with Joffrey. The conversation earlier with Mordred was probably a calculated maneuver to get noticed by Joffrey, who eyes had yet to leave his sister.

Drawing herself to her full height, she continued to make her way to Mordred's table and sat next to her daughter who had just poured herself another cup of Arbor Gold. The girl's face was flushed red and her eyes were slightly dilated. It was disconcerting to see her this... unfocused.

"Is something wrong sweetling?" Cersei gently prodded.

"Wrong?" Mordred turned to Cersei as if just realizing she was there. Her daughter then chuckled ruefully. "Oh there nothing wrong, except for the fact that I'm going to be killed tonight. So mother, have a final toast with me would you?"

Cersei looked alarmed and sharply turned to her daughter. "What do you mean?"

"Hah ha ha. It's funny, really funny," Mordred continued on, ignoring her question. "They always say daughters marry their fathers. Well. Congratulation to me I get to marry Arthur fucking Pendragon!"

Cersei watched as her daughter took another hard swig from her cup and started to sway from side to side. Still, Mordred's comment did not sit right with Cersei. "I believe Lord Arthur is nothing like Robert."

This time Mordred did react, after double checking to see if anyone was near, she lowered her voice and whispered to her. "We both know Robert is not my father, Mother."

Cersei stiffen as her daughter verbally confirmed that she knew about Jaime and her.

"Unfortunately, that's the story of my life, both of them," Mordred looked into the cup. "Born of incest between brother and sister only to be killed by my father again."

Cersei watched as Mordred sighed forlornly into the cup. Her expression was one of sadness and a bitter smile on her lips. It did not look right on her.

"I'm certain your father would not be killing you," Cersei assured her daughter and try to take the cup away from her.

"Oh that's right, Jaime's not the one that's going to kill me, it's going to be Arthur," Mordred eyes then looked up to Arthur and for the first time, she saw something on Mordred face. Unconditional love and admiration.

"Arthur just married you, how can you possibly believe he'll kill you?" Cersei said firmly looking at Arthur who seemed to noticed Mordred gaze on him. He simply nodded to her before returning to the dance floor with Margery Tyrell.

"Besides, you are not the type to let up without a fight."

"What's the point, I'm tired of fighting my fate," Mordred moaned as she laid her head on the table, careful to avoid the food. "Might as well lie down and let him stab me with his spear again."

Cersei eye her daughter oddly. Her daughter was not making any sense. "Stab you with his spear again? What do you me-"

"It's time for the Bedding!" Lord Edmure Tully shouted, turning the men of noble houses into lechers. The women likewise giggled as they made their way to Arthur.

Cersei frowned at Lord Hooster's son, the man had tried for Mordred hand once before and was sent on his way with a bruised ego courtesy of Mordred. He obviously wanted to see her naked.

"Goodbye mother," Mordred whispered to her as she stood up proudly as the men descended upon her. "At least I get to die a real Pendragon this time."

Cersei watched as Robert, Tommen, and Joffrey defended Mordred honor even as the men dragged her toward the bedding chamber ripping her clothes apart as they did so. The women, likewise, were doing to the same to Lord Arthur, but at a much slower pace. The Stark girls did not participate but the younger one looked as if she wanted too.

Cersei supposed she should go talk with Arthur. Walking toward the group of giggling ladies she saw they had an almost nude Arthur at the door to the Bedding Chamber. Mordred had been ushered into her room by Robert already, though her white wedding dress was left in a tattered trail.

Some of the ladies recognized her immediately and made way for her as she came upon the scene where Margery Tyrell just tore Arthur undergarment off. Cersei felt herself stop breathing, the man was sculpted like the Warrior himself. She hated to say it but Jaime never looked THAT good, and he was hairless, which was what she preferred. Then her eyes roamed lower where Arthur was modestly trying to cover himself and that when she understood Mordred's concern.

He was going to kill her with that... thing. No wonder Mordred was scared! She would be too had she been a maiden. A spear indeed.

Looking at the Arthur, whose face was now as red as Sansa hair, she gently put her hand on his shoulder.

"Lord Arthur?"

"Ye-yes your grace?" Arthur voice had a strained pitch to it.

Cersei sighed and made eye contact with him, her green ones holding his own purple. "Just... take it easy on her okay?"

*** Daenerys***

"Brother you IDIOT!"

Daenerys Targaryen, Pendragon now, tossed the letter her brother had sent to her to the ground making her guard detail from the Eagle's Brood jump in surprise.

"Viserion, burn it!"

The little cream colored dragon jumped off of her shoulders and spat a puff of fire burning the letter. He flew back up to her nuzzling her cheek. The other two, Rhaellion and Rhaenyion were feeding on meat by a bowl on her side.

She couldn't believe it! The Baratheon slut was going to be her brother first!


Daenerys flipped her dining table over in a fit of rage, making her other two dragonlings jump up, startled by the noise. For good measure, she kicked the stump of the table leg, only for pain to shoot up her leg a moment later as she hopped around.

"Ow! Ow! Ow!"

"Lady Daenerys are you okay?" Mellion, the bodyguard assigned to her walked into her pavilion looking worriedly at her. He was a handsome man, dark and rugged, but nothing compared to her brother. He was also obviously smitten with her.

"I'm fine, can you please call Captain Belidos here?" She asked sweetly and saw the man blush before rushing out.

''Fucking Baratheon SLUT!'

The secret was out of course, after the men of the Eagle's Brood had shifted through her burnt home and found her and her three drakelings, they had locked down the entire district not allowing anyone in or out.

Captain Belidos, Commander of the Eagle's Brood, had been so relieved to have found her alive, but when he saw the three dragons, he had been startled. He had proven to be a trustworthy man, and one that was completely devoted to her brother. That was when she requested all senior members of the Eagle's Brood to attend her.

When the one hundred men assembled, she revealed her brother's secret. How they fled from Westeros, how they lived in exile, how they married to throw their assassins off their trail. By the time she was finished, she noticed that all of the senior members had a look of admiration and respect in their eyes.

Before she realized what was happening, they all knelt down and pledged themselves to her brother, now that they were certain he was royalty. It was then the more realistic part of her mind, trained by her brother had told her to question why they would offer loyalty. Weren't they sellswords? Couldn't their loyalty be bought for the right price?

"My Lady Daenerys, I know this might be hard for you to believe, but during our time with your brother, he gave us something more valuable than gold."

"Oh? What's that?"

"Honor, pride and self-respect. It is because of him that I can wake up every day and look at myself without feeling like scum. We all feel his way. Let us serve you."

So then Daenerys had requested that her dragons be kept a secret, because they could never be sure who would come after them next. It was during the next few weeks that she realized the extent of her brother's popularity. Upon hearing of the attack on the Eagle's Brood and, specifically, her, multitudes of sellsword bands descended upon Volantis to offer their service, free of charge, to partake of the revenge for Arthur.

There was easily ten thousand Sellswords including the Eagle's own which now numbered a little over five thousand. Her brother's modest estimate of two thousand was only when he joined. Surprisingly, Captain Belidos had said that the reason for their swell in membership could be attributed to her brother. Amazingly enough, more sellswords had been headed their way but received Belidos' missive that she was alive, thus returning to their homes. The others that were now with the Eagle's Brood had just finished wiping out the remnant of the Sand Scorpions and their allies.

"Lady Daenerys, you requested my presence?" Captain Belidos enter her pavilion that had been set outside of the city, under protection from the eagles so her dragons could roam free.

"It looks like my brother was exposed in Westeros," Daenerys announced and saw Belidos' eyes widen in worry. She held up a hand to reassure him. "He's fine. In fact, he's more than fine..."

"Lady Daenerys?" the dark skinned man asked curiously seeing her fall silent.

"The restriction on the Targaryen Royal Family have been lifted by the Usur- no, I guess I can't call him that anymore..."

Daenerys sighed at what he brother had foolishly done. Giving up their birthright. She knew he disliked their line and hated their brother Rhaegar and Father, but to simply give up the claim? Ah well, she was his sister and wife, whatever path he choose, she would follow.

Although... that path was now going to be a lot more crowded. First the Baratheon slut than the Stark bitch.

It's not that she even mind that he married to three women now, that was the Targaryen way and she was glad he embraced some aspect of their heritage but... there was only one thing matter that made her angry. She wanted to be his first. NEEDED to be his first. It was her right! She would never forgive the Baratheon whore.

Looking over to the Captain, she sighed. "I'm to join my brother back in Westeros at the first available opportunity; 'King Robert' has graciously pardoned the Targaryen family."

The Dark skinned man eyes widen in surprised. "Truly?"

"Yes," Daenerys confirmed before an idea began to form in her head. "My brother stated in his letter that he would like to use some of the funding you held for us to hire five hundred Eagles, a good mix of Scouts, Rangers and Freeriders to help secure lands he would purchase."

"Ar- Are you two moving back there?" Captain Belidos asked softly.

"He has to, he married the Princess of the Realm and is engaged to the daughter of the Lord of the North," Daenerys replied flatly. Already her dragon blood boiled at the thought, if only her brother had just taken her first!


Daenerys turned around to see the Captain turning his head and his mouth covered, his body shaking.

"And what is so amusing Captain?"

After settling down, the dark skinned man turned to look at her. "Let's just say this is not the first time Arthur has attracted women without his knowledge. Or gotten married. I believe there is a Dotharki princess that is still searching for him."

"What?!" Daenerys shouted in shock. "Why didn't he tell me?!"

"Because he fled from her the first chance he got..." the Captain replied as looking very amused at the memory.

Daenerys felt a headache coming on again. "Send the five hundred men and I guess I should prepare myself too..."

She noticed Captain Belidos suddenly went quiet before looking at her. "Do you think your brother would let us serve under his House?"

"Us? You mean the Eagle's Brood?" Daenerys asked with a knowing smile.

"No, not just the Eagle's Brood, the Sunsworns, the NightBloods, the Stormrocks, they have all forged alliances with your brother and want to serve him as well,"

"So many?" Daenerys asked, genuinely surprised. She knew the Eagles belonged to her brother, but more? How? When? Why?

"Your brother inspires people, Lady Daenerys. He is like the Warrior on the battle field, yet a shining beacon of... of... glory. To fight by his side changes a man, and over the years, many have fought by his side. We would call him King if he asked for it. On some level we had always suspected. This merely confirmed it."

"... I had no idea," Daenerys said in an awe filled voice. "I think I can speak for my brother when I said he would be honored, he has always considered the Eagle's honorable men."

The Captain beamed proudly at her statement, returning his smile as an idea suddenly came to mind.

"Captain, would you protect me, his lady wife for as long as she needs it?" Daenerys asked seriously.

"With our lives if you ask it." The captain responded with unwavering conviction.

"Then, I don't believe we will be joining my brother just yet," Daenerys smiled as she looked at her dragons. When she came back to Westeros, she would give her brother a gift that would make him a power to be reckoned with.


Mordred woke up and wanted to die. She had a slight hangover due to the excessive amount of wine consume but that was because she didn't want to feel any pain when her father killed her. She had piece together everything, his plan. Hah! Who would risk their life to kill Gregor? No, her father had wanted to kill her and she had fallen neatly into his trap. Everything he did was a calculated blow to taunt her, from the colors of House Pendragon to the emblem of Camelot on his cloak. If he wanted her to feel shame and remorse before he killed her, well he succeeded. It was bad enough her father despise her in their first life time, but for him to do it again. It broke something inside of her, all her effort in her new life was wasted. Nothing mattered. She was resigned to her fate. Her inevitable death.

However, to her amazement, she was still alive and her fa-no, she suppose it should be 'husband' now, was no where to be seen! The more she thought about it, the more she realize she didn't even share any blood relation with Arthur Pendragon formerly Visery Targayen! Speaking of whom, she quickly looked around and got to her feet, her bed sheets covering her modesty. It was then she saw some splotch of blood on the bed and her eyes widened. That couldn't be...

"I don't feel any different..."

Mordred look down at her body, there didn't appear to be any bruise or blemish on it. She didn't even feel that sore. But she was almost certain her fa- Arthur had bedded her. He had kissed her, that much she remember and then... something strange happened.

She couldn't ask a Septa to check if she was still a maiden, that would be embarrassing!

Suddenly there was a light knock on her room door accompanied by a familiar female "Mordred are you still in there?"

The door opened and in came her mother, but surprisingly enough, Sansa, along with Margery Tyrell and four other ladies from different houses. Immediately, her mother eyes darted to the bed and gave her a sympathetic look.

Now what the hell was that for?

"Well, you are obviously a girl no longer," Cersei chuckled ruefully making some of the other ladies giggle while Sansa merely blushed. It was then Margery and Sansa began to help her dress. It dawned on her that her handmaidens weren't here to help her.

"Why are you all here?" Mordred asked in a confused tone. God, even her voice sounded scratchy. How much did she drink last night?

"It's a Lannister tradition for the mother of the bride and her friends to help her the day after the wedding," Cersei replied fondly.

Mordred nodded in understanding. Her Grandmother had died giving birth to Uncle Tyrion, her mother didn't have her mother for her wedding day for this tradition. Speaking of whom, she only vaguely recalled talking to him with him swearing to kill Arthur if he hurt her.

She didn't feel like talking much as the women fawn over her.

"Where's Art- my husband?" Mordred try to wrap her head around that little titbit. It sounded strange calling her father, in another life time, her husband.

"Spending time with your father and Lord Eddard," Cersei replied and gave her a glare that told her to keep any smart remark about Jaime to herself in their present company.

Mordred just 'hmmm'ed' to herself. It was strange. She never in a million years would have thought her reincarnated father was Visery Targaryen. Truth be told, she had presumed her father had been reincarnated as Arthur Dayne, the famed Sword of Morning, who had been dead for sixteen years now.

As for why she thought Arthur Dayne was her father... he fit her father's description; the greatest knight of the land, the greatest fighter of the last generation, wielding a sword forged from a fallen star, Dawn. The sword was said to shine with a morning light, hence its name. Achieving feat after feat, defeating mysterious knights and completing difficult quests, he was said to be unwavering in his knightly code and the example that all knight strive to become even to this day. Her Uncle Jaime was one of the few who served with him on the Kingsguard of old and spoke nothing but glowing praises for the famous knight. The more people talked about Arthur Dayne, the more it made sense to Mordred that it was her father reborn. Then there was also the fact Arthur Dayne's father was named Uther Dayne, another dead giveaway to her. So it was with great sadness that she realized she'd never be able to meet him because he died at the Tower of Joy fighting against Lord Eddard Stark's forces.

Well... it appeared she was way off mark because her father was alive, well, strong, healthy, handsome and apparently, bedded her the previous night.

At least she thought he did... she was almost he did. Maybe...

Did he?

"Mordred?" Cersei prompted grabbing her attention. She realized her dazed state did not help the rumor mill that Arthur Pendragon had probably fucked her senseless. She just wished she could remember if he did or not...

"I'm... fine mother," Mordred said as Sansa finish tying the last string on her dress. Looking down, she realized she would have to wear Camulodium blue again since she was Lady Pendragon now.

'Oh god...'

Mordred obediently followed her mother toward the yard and saw a breakfast spread was already prepared. There were several chairs, enough for all the girls and her as they sat down.

Pouring some fruit juice in her cup, she listened to the other girls make small talk about how handsome Arthur was, and how lucky she was to have landed him. Especially now that he was given Harrenhal.

"So, Princess, what was it like?" A mousy girl, she believed from House Rosby, asked blushing red.

"Hmmm...," Mordred replied as she buttered a slice of bread and bit into it. She forgot the honey. "Strange... really."

"Oh? Strange now?" This time it was Sansa who spoke up. She genuinely looked curious. Understandable, as she'd be next in line to get fucked by Arthur Pendragon.

'Morgana tits...'

Still, Sansa was to be her sister wife now, so she did her best to try and remember exactly what happened last night. Her fa-no, Arthur her husband was there, he had said something, she was too drunk to care and was just waiting for him to end her life. When he suddenly leaned in and kissed her softly.

After that... she found herself falling down a tunnel before exiting over a sea of lava? Then she heard a roar as a massive winged dragon emerged from the ocean of liquid fire. She remembered that it spotted her and with a mighty flap of its wing, it flew toward her, it's jaw opening wide as it closed in on her and then... then...

"I..." Mordred began with a puzzled frown on her face. "I- I think a dragon ate me..."

The girls all went silent making Mordred look up to see their red faces, even her mother's. But it was Margery Tyrell who recovered first with a mischievous giddy gleam in her eyes.

"How scandalous!"


AN: Well once again, thanks to Cheesers for his editorial skill. Good luck on your work! Also thanks to UN for suggestion on making certain scenes funnier.

Now as for the Dragon Scene. For those that watch the Original Fate Stay Night anime, by Studio DEEN, Episode 15, YOU KNOW what i'm talking about. For those that are curious, just type in the words "Fate Stay Night Horrible CGI Dragon Scene" and it'll pop up.

So I think I can officially say I am running off the damn race track now. My tires are busted and I think I only have a quarter tank of gas left. I'm bone! Yet, I got big plans that should still be smile worthy. I hope.

As for the Archer at the beginning, and Shirou, for those that know, it's AFTER UBW path, where Archer hair became relax and he look more like Shirou and is kinder now but STILL an ass.

AS for the concession and political ramification on what JOffrey did. Oh it's a huge deal what he did and I only shown hints of it repercussion thus far, you'll see more in the future.

And I think that's it! Hope you guys enjoy! Thanks for those that left a review! You guys rock!

And yes, Harrenhal. I got big plans for Harrenhal. Poor Dany, have no idea what the hell is going on.

As always C+C welcome, reviews Appreciated!