Chereads / Fanfiction I am reading / Chapter 2079 - 9

Chapter 2079 - 9

Chapter 9

*** Arthur***

Arthur was enjoying the weather on his mount; the sky was a clear blue and decorated by white puffy clouds. A nice breeze was blowing through his hair, cooling his face and permeating his black armor as he enjoyed the scenery before him. Greenery was on either side of the road, simply called the River Road, as he and the Royal caravan neared their destination; the ancestral home of House Tully.

Lady Catelyn, his second goodmother-to-be, had extracted a high price for the slight against House Stark's and House Tully's honor regarding Lady Sansa's betrothal to Prince Joffrey. King Robert had folded to her every demand in order to please his friend Lord Eddard Stark. Lord Stark himself had come to talk to Arthur regarding his daughter and her engagement to him. After what Joffrey did, Arthur did not begrudge the man on wanting to know who his future goodson was, especially with the wedding held merely a month after Princess Mordred's own.

Lord Eddard had grilled him on his life in Essos, and he been truthful. After all, there was no point in hiding anymore. Arthur had been exposed so thoroughly there was nothing he could do to ever disappear into obscurity ever again. He could try but now the word was out, the men from Essos during the tourney had not paid him much mind until he defeated Princess Mordred. Afterwards, some of the sellswords had recognized him having at some point either fought with him or against him. His name spread like wild fire according to Prince Oberyn and would no doubt be known in most of the Free Cities by now. Though he didn't consider himself that well known, the Eagle's were, and they would associate Viserys Targaryen with the Eagle's.

That was the main reason why he had reclaimed the Pendragon name. He would be a dragon again, but a different one; one not cursed by madness. So his banner was remade and shown, which had apparently shaken the princess for some reason.

Speaking of which, Arthur turned to look at the blonde beauty who was riding next to her father at a relaxed pace. The two could not be any more different. Her father a big rotund man, with black hair and blue eyes, and the daughter was slim, shorter, with sun kissed blonde hair. He could scarcely believe they were father and daughter at all.

His attention did not go unnoticed by the King as he nudged his daughter and pointed his way. The girl turned her attention to him, as if surprised he would be looking at her, before she blushed red and looked away, the action pulling a roaring laugh from the King who then turn to him and winked as if he was in on some colossal joke.

The princess was... strange. Arthur thought it might be unkind to think of her in that manner but, her action around him compare to everyone else was as different as night and day. Whenever she was in his company she tried to present herself as a Lady of High standing that put the Queen to shame. However it was always accompanied by the King's laughter whenever he saw the princess' act. To her credit, she took the laughter with grace. Yet, in moments when she did not think he was looking at her, or when he happen across her in the Red Keep, she traded insults with the man and was a lot more... crass.

Furthermore, Arthur did not know much about her, and not for lack of trying on his part. Of course, she showed up for the obligatory dinner with him, but it was always accompanied by Lady Sansa, who ALSO gave him strange looks. If he didn't know better, he said she was always on the verge of wanting to say something but present company held her back.

Although, there was one thing that was going to be very beneficial from his marriage to Lady Sansa. That of course being her renown cooking skills. By GOD could the girl cook. Her dish the 'Prime Ribs' was the best steak he had ever had, ever, even the ones he had with Irisviel paled in comparison. And her desserts... well sellswords had fought for less. Hell, he was starting to drool just thinking about it. Of course being a lady of high birth, Sansa could not be expected to cook every meal, but he'd be damned if he ever miss one on purpose. He might not have wanted the marriage but there was no way on god's green earth or wherever he was, would he foolishly give her up like Joffrey had. Quickly, he wiped the drool from the corner of his mouth.

It was unseemly.

"Have I told you lately that you are the luckiest man in the realm my friend," Lord Beric Dondarrion of Blackhaven grinned on the mount next to him. "First Princess Mordred then Lady Sansa. If only I had your skills."

"Not lately no, but I'm sure Lady Dayne would appreciate your... candor," Arthur smirked as he saw the man paled.

"I was-err, merely praising your luck is all, surely Allyria shouldn't be told right my friend?" Beric replied, a strained smile on his face as he nervously looked back to the carriage carrying the beauty of Starfall.

The Lord of Blackhaven had taken it upon himself to remain Arthur honor guard until he is escorted to Harrenhal with his brides. Prince Oberyn Arthur twenty five spears before he was recalled back by Prince Doran making the Dorne prince unable to attend his upcoming wedding with Lady Sansa. He desperately hoped that Prince Oberyn was kidding about their parting conversation.

'When next we meet Arthur I shall be calling you goodnephew, after all, what's one more bride now that you've been given Harrenhal? Besides, I don't think Arianne would be adverse to it!'

'Don't even joke about that!'

… He REALLY hoped Oberyn was joking. He had definitely displayed a warped sense of humor during the time he had known him.

God... how did he end up with two wives? How?! It was all so simple, go to King's Landing, kill Gregor, leave. And somehow he had ended up engaged to two of the most desirable women in Westeros. According to Lord Eddard Stark, his bannerman would have gone to war with one another for the honor of having Lady Sansa wed to their Houses, while Princess Mordred was one of the biggest political unspent coins in the kingdom. No betrothal, no alliance, no courtship, the only way to win her was by sheer force of arms. Something he had foolishly done.

Though there was something about her style of fighting that niggled at his brain but then again, so did a lot of Westerosi. It reminded him of the Britanian knights of his time. This land reminded him quite a bit of his old country, if only larger and with a much more diverse culture. He had only seen glimpses due to his young age when he was here last, but as they traveled on the King's Road to Riverrun, the resemblance to his former country grew ever more noticeable.

But there were differences too. The smallfolk looked as if they lived harder lives, their villages shoddier, their knights not all uniformed like his, their sanitation left much to be desired. The most glaring of all was their main roads. It was not made of stone like those of his former country. Valyria, what he considered the Rome of this world grip never reached this far to build the roads for them.

"Lord Arthur!" Two voices called out.

Arthur turned around to see two little boys, one his soon-to-be good brother, Bran Stark, riding up alongside him after Beric dropped back a bit, the other being Beric squire and nephew to Lady Dayne. Edric if he recalled correctly.

"Lord Bran, Squire Edric," Arthur greeted courteously. He had forgotten how tedious it all was, things were much simpler in Essos.

"Just Bran, Lord Arthur," Bran corrected with a wide smile. "Is there anything you need My Lord? Something to drink? Something to eat? Hold your sword for you?"

"If he need anything I am better suited to the task, after all, I am actually a squire right now you know," Edric interjected. Bran glared at the boy, who in turned and glared back before looking to Arthur for his verdict.

"Nothing at the moment," Arthur answered with a shake of his head.

The two boys instantly looked dejected at the thought of nothing to do.

"Perhaps I can ummm, ummm..."

Edric grinned at Bran's loss of words as he turned to Arthur. "It appears Lord Arthur is fine for the moment. I shall check back later."

Bran looked embarrassed as Edric left as if he had failed some obscure test.

Apparently Bran had not been told that he was to be Arthur's squire when he rode for Harrenhal. It had come as a surprise to Arthur when Lord Eddard made the request, but it was Sansa pleading eyes that made him accept. Never mind that he had no need of a squire... but ever since his victory over Mordred, the boy had been constantly at his side, as if competing for the position with Edric. Didn't he know that a squire only served one knight?

"Enjoy the scenery," Arthur spoke up to the dejected boy. "I know I am; it's rare when I get to travel peacefully like this you know."

Bran's eyes took on an excited look. "Is it because of all the battles you been in? I heard a couple of the free riders from Essos talk about you and the Eagles. Is it true you shattered a Dothraki army that was ten times your numbers?"

Arthur sweat a bit at the glint in the boy's eye but decided to correct him. "First of all, it was not ten time our numbers, only three. Second, I did not repel the Dothraki. The battle was fought by four major Sellsword companies; the Axe Lords, the Bloody Legion and the Volantis Unsullied auxiliaries, which the Eagles were with, led by the Sand Scorpios. No single man can win an entire battle on his own."

"But the men said that the sellsword infantry had broken before the Dothraki warlords but you stood your ground and rallied the men, never budging. Like a true warrior they said."

Arthur sighed and looked at Bran's over eager face. "Bran, do not believe all the stories you hear. Yes I stood my ground but I had to. Do you know why?"

At Bran head shake Arthur continued.

"It was because my sister was in the city behind me at the time. I knew that if I retreated, they would rape and plunder Volantis and would only leave when they took what they wanted. I could not let it happen, not with so many innocent lives at stake. I was hired to protect the city and that was what I did. The men saw that and stood their ground with me.

"But they said you faced down the greatest Dothraki warlord in Essos, that you fought him in single combat and defeated him and saved the city."

Arthur sighed again, remembering the battle clearly. The Khal he had fought was a warrior that had pushed him to his utmost limit with his savagery. However, his skill and strength had won him the day as he landed a victorious strike on the warlord but was unable to finish him off as his troops swarmed to protect him. After that, the Dothraki lines had crumbled and the Eagles led the offensive to rout the rest.

He alone knew of the real reason behind the invasion of Volantis. Khal Drogo had seen his sister when visiting Volantis and fell for her. Their 'oracle' had proclaimed that only his sister would be a worthy bride for him and that together they would have a child that could 'ride the world', as they put it. He had offered Arthur gold weighing more than oxen, fine furs from the land beyond the Bone Mountains, a valyrian blade and rare gems the size of his fist.

Had he been anyone else, Daenerys would have been shipped off and married to the horse lord. However, Arthur had asked her her opinion to which she had simply politely refused the Khal but the man's 'oracle' was insistent. So he did as they dictated and would take her by force and the rest was history.

Shaken out of his musing by Bran expectant looks, Arthur merely shrug and looked at the boy. "You will find Bran, that soldiers will always embellish war stories."

The boys looked confused before looking to Arthur. "So... are you saying that you never defeated the Dothraki warlord in a duel?"

Arthur grinned at the boy then. "Well... I never said that."

++++ Riverrun+++

By the time the Royal convoy reached Riverrun it was close to midday. The castle was oddly built even by Arthur standard. It was tree sided almost like a triangle and had a large moat dug around it. He would bet anything that there was a water gate somewhere ready to filled the ditch with water making the castle an effective island. All in all, it would make the castle an island unto itself... but there were ways around that if faced with a determine foe.

As for the welcoming party, he saw the peasants, or smallfolk as they called them here, on either side of the road, hoping to catch a glance of the royal family. Or at least, that was what he had thought until he heard the whispers.

"Is that him? The last Targaryen prince?"

"I've heard it's Pendragon now."

"He's very handsome, and he get to marry the princess and Lord Stark daughter!"

"Isn't that against the Seven's faith?"

"He's a dragon, they do odd things. I heard his sister is already his wife. It's no different."

"Let's hope he's not affected by his sire's madness!"

Arthur winced at that... the Targaryen madness was infamous he guessed. Thankfully, he was exempt from that, being who he was. The women in the Targaryen family also appeared immune to the madness that afflicted the male of their family, so he was relatively sure Daenerys was unaffected as well.

Naturally, thoughts of Daenerys brought him up short, just before he left to attend his second wedding, or third if he counted the one between him and Dany, he received a correspondent from her. She would not be joining him, apparently she still needed to get their affairs in order, which was odd, since he don't recall having a lot of things to put in order. But then again, she was the lady of their home, not him. He just brought home stuff.

What was odd was how polite the letter felt, there was no sign of her usual affection, it kind of saddened him that his little sister was growing up. But he was also happy that it appeared she might be moving on from her odd fixation on him. For a moment he believed she might have found someone worth her time. Well, he'll be the judge of that, after all, nothing but the best for his baby sister. After that, she ended the letter and said she estimated that she would be joining him within the year but had send the men he requested.

Well, that should make it much easier to file for that annulment when the time comes between the two since they never consummated their marriage. Thoughts of marriage naturally lead to his second wife, Mordred. Taking a moment to find her, he noticed that she was chatting beside the Stark sister. He hadn't consummated that marriage either.

Mordred had been extremely drunk in the bedding chamber. He had been prepared to be as gentle as possible, still remembering what he did with Morgana when he was under Merlin spell. So he wasn't a complete novice. Arthur recalled the Princess had looked at him with an odd expression, her eyes flashing through emotions quicker then he could read them. So having paid attention to her during the feast Arthur offered her some red wine to soothe her nerves. She must have been on her way to being passed out drunk as her unsteady hand spilled some of the wine on the bed, staining it red.

Concluding that maybe she didn't need more wine, Arthur had taken the cup from her, and leaned in to kiss her gently to begin the bedding ritual. However, something... odd occurred. The moment he kissed her, a spark of sort passed between them, at least it felt that way, then the girl shook violently before passing out.

Lost, Arthur simply placed her in their bed and went to sleep next to her. He woke up before the dawn as always to hone his skill and left the princess to her own devices. Sometime later he learned that the people thought the wine spill was Mordred maiden's blood. The royal Septa, a doddering old woman, had confirmed it after an inspection. Judging by the blush on her face now that she spotted him looking at her, she must have thought the same. As if on fire, she quickly dragged the two Stark sisters ahead as the rest of the party rode into the triangular castle.

As they passed through the gate, he saw the Riverrun men all on their knees waiting for King Robert to dismount from his stallion. Mordred, upon seeing his inability to dismount under his own power, giggled, earning a dark look from the man. With a silent signal of her head, a page brought her father a wooden step box so he could walk down. It only seemed to amuse her further and in a brazen move, she mouthed something to the fatter man.

A nudge from Sansa stopped Mordred from harassing the embarrassed king any more. Apparently the two girls had already formed a friendship that would be carried all the way to Harrenhal. Good. He would hate to see the two as enemies.

"Your grace, my father is too ill to greet you and beg you to forgive him, but in his place, I Edmure Tully welcome you to Riverrun. Our castle is yours," Edmure Tully, the acting lord of Riverrun declared.

"Up, Up all of you," Robert generously spoke up as the men of Riverrun returned to their feet. He then began to greet the Tully family first, then stopped short when he came upon a beautiful red hair woman, with a teen boy, with reddish hair like hers.

"Cat... I'm sorry for my boy foolishness," King Robert said contritely as he bowed his head a bit before the woman. The woman must be Lady Sansa mother and judging by the glare directed his way by the boy, her older brother, Robb Stark. He could understand why the boy's eyes were murderous. If Arthur found out Daenerys was going to join someone's harem as a third wife, he'd be angry too.

Sure it was hypocritical seeing as how he himself now had a harem of sort but, it was the principle of the matter!

It was then he noticed that Sansa's brother wasn't the only person glaring at him; there were some rough looking men in grey glaring at him too. Judging by their clothing, he believed that they were Norther, no doubt they felt he had slighted the girl honor. Their animosity was understandable; but from the Riverrun men, it was not, at least not until he saw the Tully family motto on their banners.

Family. Duty. Honor.

Heavy words, and the Tully's men appeared to take them seriously. He dipped his head in acknowledgment of their hostilities, but then drew himself up to his full height and returned their looks with a steely one of his own. If they were expecting him to be cowed under their combined stares, they would be sorely disappointed.

Among them, he noticed one non-hostile faction, a group of men in light blue clumped together, the leader of the group, a man his age, looked at him with barely concealed amusement on his face. The moment the blue clad man caught Arthur looking, he gave him a wink before moving his eyes to the King.

"Think nothing more of it your grace, you have more than mended the discord between our houses," Lady Catelyn Stark spoke up loudly so everyone could hear, her tone showing that she had no tolerance for anyone that would make an issue of it as she curtsied to the King.

"You are a generous woman Cat, Ned's a lucky man to have you," King Robert replied, his tone clearly relieved as he embraced the woman before moving onto the son.

"And you! We just left you and you've already grown taller! What have they been feeding you?!"

"Northern food your grace," Robb Stark answered sheepishly. "My sister left a very competent kitchen staff behind when she left us."

"Bah, you northerners will grow soft eating such delicious food," King Robert laugh aloud but looked to Sansa enviously.

'Mine now!'

Arthur chide himself for his unseemly thought, but he couldn't help it, he really lucked out on this one.

"Well, I think that's enough courtly etiquette," Robert announced as he clapped the red haired boy's shoulder with his hand. "I'll leave you to talk with your family. Lord Edmure, lead on."

"Right this way your grace," Edmure Tully nodded as the retainer of House Tully lead the King's party away.

As the group left, Arthur decided to stay behind to observe the family's interaction, he was certain the mother of the bride would want to talk with him. He would not shy away from that, Arya had flung herself into her older brother arms just as the royal party barely made it out of sight, while Sansa was hugged by Lady Catelyn.

"Hu-husband," Mordred spoke up surprising him. She had rarely sought out his company. Once more she appeared to have a hard time meeting his eyes, as if afraid. He would have to get her to be less shy around him. Arthur extend his hand and give her a gentle squeeze on her wrist in a comforting gesture. It had the opposite effect as she looked at him in shock before wearing a strain smile.

That did it, he would find out where he stood with her. He had to see what kind of marriage he gotten himself into.

"Mordred," Arthur began and pulled at her wrist signaling for her to face him. His purple eyes met her green ones. "Why do you hate me so much?"

Much to his surprise, his wife only looked confused, openly gaping at him. "W-what are you-what would make you thi-... hate?"

"You have been avoiding me since our wedding. Don't try to deny it. You are never alone when you talk to me, and the way you act with me compared to everyone else is quite different. I can only conclude that you hate me."

Arthur listed his reason and gave the Princesss a serious look trying to determine where he stood with her. Once more, his wife surprise him as her face was riddle with confusion.

"Ha-wha-are yo- I love you."

Arthur blinked in surprise as he heard Mordred's response. Her words were soft and honest. Her face showed that she could not comprehend how he had possibly come to that conclusion. With that same deceptive strength that belied her frame, she shook her hand free and excused herself before leaving in the direction of her father.

Now he was even more confused. How could she love him if she didn't even know him? When did THAT happen? Though he didn't know her that well, he got the impression that Mordred was not the type to fall in love so easily.

Arthur could admit, initially, he had a hard time not associating her with Sir Mordred from previous life. It did not help she had the same exact coloring as the traitor knight of Camelot. But, it was her personality that separated the two. His Mordred, often referred to as Sir Mordred, was a knight on par with Lancelot in terms of chivalry and upholding the knightly code. He was a true example of what a knight should have strove for up until the point he revealed himself and try to claim kingship of Britannia.

Princess Mordred was different. If he had to put it into words, she was a combination of innocence, recklessness, carelessness and viciousness and openly affectionate; the complete opposite of his Mordred, who was strict and had no time for trivial pursuits, stern, unyielding, and obedient to a fault, at least until the rebellion.

'She... loves me?'

Arthur felt a headache coming on. Try as he might he could not determine exactly which interaction or any that would earn him her affection, but her tone did not lie. So it was with him slightly distracted that the Starks's came upon him.

"Lord … Pendragon?" Lady Catelyn voice shook him out of his contemplation. Drawing upon his courtly etiquette from Camelot, he bow low to her.

Apparently his bearing and demeanor caught her off guard as she reassessed him in her eyes.

"That was a well-executed courtly bow," Lady Catelyn answered, next to her, was her two daughters who looked at their lady mother in shock. "Surprising since I was told you were a sellsword and had no contact with any nobles since your exile."

Arthur quirked a smile at that. The woman had almost spat out the word sellsword, her distaste for his profession clear.

"I was raised in the courts at one time, perhaps some of the lessons have stuck with me," Arthur replied with evasively. Lady Catelyn however did not appear to be done.

"I've also heard you were a … farmer, at one point in time before you became a sellsword?"

"Yes my lady, for the city of Pentos, on the outskirts," Arthur answered proudly. He knew it irritated the woman, but he was quite proud of his work as a farm hand. By their short exchange, he knew she was raised as a true highborn lady.

"Mother..." Sansa spoke up, as if sensing the tension between them. Arya, the normally wild girl was even placid in the presence of her mother.

"And you thought that was work worthy of someone of with your lineage?" Lady Catelyn asked derisively. "With the Targaryen name, many nobles would have gladly play host to you and your sister for your entire lifetime."

Arthur didn't reacted and continued to look at the woman who wasn't finished.

"Then, you became a common sellsword, a killer for hire," Lady Catelyn's distaste for this profession was more pronounced than her objection to him being a farmer. "Little better than a thug really."

"Mother..." Robb Stark spoke up after Sansa had nudged him into action. Arthur knew Lady Catelyn was aware of it.

"I can see you take offense to me Lady Catelyn," Arthur replied congeniality.

"The fact that my daughter is marrying someone who rolled in the mud with pigs and then later on kill people for the highest bidder does not sit well with me," Lady Catelyn spoke bluntly looking at him. His purple eyes meeting her blue. "If not for your blood, and the political repercussion, I would break her betrothal to you now."

Arthur nodded accepting her criticism but still held her gaze. "Lady Catelyn, since you were so blunt with me, I feel incline to return the favor."

Lady Catelyn eyes narrowed at him, while her son looked at Arthur warningly. Sansa, Bran and Arya began to speak up but Lady Catelyn simply raised her hand to silence them.

"I think you are under some grievous misconception my lady," Arthur began as he still held her gaze. The Courtyard was empty now saved for the men at arms. "You spoke as if what I should be ashamed of what I have done. To you I might be little better than a smallfolk-"

Lady Catelyn look confirmed his statement.

"- but I had a duty to my only remaining family member, it was my honor to do whatever was needed so that she may grow up safe. I have no regret and if I had to do it again, I would without hesitation."

Lady Catelyn eyes flashed dangerously as she realized he threw her family motto right back into her face. He could see the tight balling of her fist.

"But there were nobles loyal to the Targaryen in Essos, they would not turn away someone of your blood," Lady Catelyn countered.

It was then Arthur chuckled making the woman bristle. "And go to the first place the assassins would have looked? My Lady, if you truly believe that, then I have nothing more to say save this; Lady Sansa, my future wife to be will want for nothing. I will treat her with the respect she deserves."

Lady Catelyn's mouth thinned and with a huff she turned on her skirt and gracefully moved back into the keep interior. Her son following her, however, gave him a look of respect, if he understood it correctly, before walking into the keep.

"Amazing!" Arya and Bran said as one as they looked at him with respect in their eyes.

"Oh?" Arthur inquired as he saw Sansa give him a quick nod before running in the direction of her brother.

"Yeah! No one can ever face down our lady mother like you did when she's like that!" Arya said in awe.

"Even our father caves before her demands whenever she in that mood," Bran added as he openly gaped at him, no doubt wondering how he was still alive.

Arthur let out a soft smile at those comment. "Want me to let you on a little secret?"

The two younger children nodded eagerly and leaned in conspiratorially.

He made a big show of looking left and right before leaning in until their faces were almost touching. "Once you face down a baby sister, who's a dragon, a human mother is child's play."

With that he walked passed the two Stark kids and was about to make his way inside when the man from earlier, sporting light blue colors stood in front of him barring his way.

The man, who had golden reddish hair, a beardless, handsome face, and was of similar height, was standing in the doorway, smiling at him while blocking his path.

"Excuse me," Arthur spoke and try to move aside but the man barred his way.

"Arthur Pendragon," the man spoke up, a mischievous smile adorning his lips. His blue eyes appeared to be searching for something on his face.

"What can I do for you Ser?" Arthur inquired politely but was getting annoyed. It had been confrontation after confrontation since he got here.

"I promised my younger sister I would look upon the face of Arthur Pendragon for her," the unknown man answered.

Annoyed now, Arthur folded his arms and glared at the man, only amusing the man, if his annoying smile was anything to go by. "And?"

His eyes roamed across Arthur's body once before focusing back on his face, nodding.

"We will meet again, perhaps after your wedding with Lady Sansa," the mysterious man replied before beginning to walk away.

"You failed to introduce yourself, Ser" Arthur called out, narrowing his eyes at his retreating form.

"Ah, how could I have forgotten," the man replied as he smacked the palm on his forehead exaggeratedly. "I am but a minor lord from the Vale, My name is Gwynn of House Lake."

And with that, the man gave a bow and left, humming a jaunty tune. Arthur did not know why but he disliked that man immediately.

+++ Mordred +++

Mordred Baratheon, but really Lannister (or Waters), and Princess of the Realm was face down on her guest bed at Riverrun when she suddenly let loose a frustrated scream into her pillow. Why was she so stupid! Of course he would notice her avoiding him!

To make matters worse, he had wrongly assumed she hated him. How could she ever hate him? The look in his eyes had told her answer would shape the rest of her life. The last time Mordred had seen that look was when she had confronted Arthur about her inheritance of Britannia. At the time she had threaten to leave the King's service if she was not name successor to the throne, to which her father had merely thanked her for her service before wishing her well in future endeavors.

'Heh... maybe he shouldn't have done that. ArghThis is no time to be amused!'


How could she face him now?! She had only intended to avoid him until Sansa had married him, then she'd use Sansa to distract him. Mordred had seen the gluttonous look in her fath- husband's eyes upon tasting Sansa's cooking. Her plan was simple; be around when Arthur was eating Sansa's cooking so that he would associate good things with her presence.

Unfortunately, her avoidance of Arthur had backfired.

'I'm so stupid~~~~~~~!'


The question was accompanied by a soft knock. It was Sansa.

Growling into her pillow, she punched it before she schooled her face to look at the door.

"Come in."

Sansa gingerly walked in and closed the door quickly. The look on the girl face was full of concern for her. Ah, Sansa was so nice it was borderline criminal. Something told her, if someone ever managed to convinced her that the only way to save the world was having sex, she'd probably do it.

"Sansa, were you not enjoying the welcome feast? It's being thrown in honor of your wedding after all," Mordred asked her friend.

"The men are getting drunk," Sansa replied flatly. She disliked excessive drinking.

"Ah bugger," Mordred groan into her hand. "Mother's going to be terrible tomorrow."

And an irate Cersei meant a fuck session with Jaime. Thankfully, she had spiked her Uncle's wine and food with medicine from Dorne that dampened one's lust, despite anyone's best effort. No brother would be fucking their sister today!

Except for her fa-Arthur. It already happened. Beside... he's a Targaryen... and there was how she was conceived, both time... she'd let him and only him. If he wants to. Shaken out of her thought she turned to look at her friend.

Sansa had been looking at the wall away from Mordred. The girl was well versed in King Robert's behavior by now. There would no doubt be several royal bastards in Riverrun before they left for Harrenhal. Speaking of the place, she looked to her the redhead Stark girl.

"Did your mother tell you how many men your father will be sending as your honor guard?"

Sansa pursed her lips as she took on a thinking posture with her thumb and index finger cradling her chin. "I believe five hundred; two hundred riders, fifty bowman and two hundred and fifty infantry."

"Hmm that brings our numbers up to three thousand five hundred; four thousand if our husband gets the five hundred sellswords he promised... still leaves us in a weak position."

Mordred contemplated the logistics of what had been said and realized that her family only commanded what amounted to a tenth of the possible forces the surrounding powers could muster.

"We could always recruit bastards and enlist them into our army along with builders?" Sansa suggested making Mordred looked up at her.

"Argh, if we did that, we won't get notable houses to join House Pendragon," Mordred moaned as she realized most of the trueborns would not want to be working alongside bastards.

"Well, I don't see why not?" Sansa replied, a hard look on her face. "Just because the men who sired them refuse to take responsibility for them it doesn't make them any less of a person!"

Mordred's face softened. "I'm sorry your other brother couldn't make it to your wedding... Jon was it?"

Sansa looked downcast. "If only he never went to the Wall, I could have had him as my honor guard... now he's up there all alone."

Mordred pat the spot next to her bed, signaling for Sansa to sit beside her. "Well, when we have the run of Harrenhal, we can make your bastard haven if you'd like. Take the good ones from all over the land and forge them into a single unit and if the nobles we have under us don't like it? Well fuck 'em."

Sansa grinned at her in approval before looking a bit worried. "Don't we have to get Arthur's approval though? What if he's like the other highborn and doesn't want bastards in Harrenhal?"

Mordred had to smirk. "Oh, I don't think he'd be too picky. He strikes me at the type that would hire any mysterious knight on the spot if they prove worthy, regardless of birth status."

"That's... very specific..." Sansa glanced at her suspiciously.

Mordred sweat a bit. Perhaps she shouldn't have used Lancelot as an example. "Ju-just guessing b-base on what I learn of him that's all. I mean he was a sellsword, I'm pretty sure he worked with worse."

Sansa seem to contemplate this for a moment before she nodded. "True."

"Besides, if you want him to agree to anything, just ask for it over a meal you cook, I guarantee he'll submit," Mordred sighed. Her father's one weakness; good Food.

The two fell silent after that, giving them the chance to listen to the sound of revelry coming in from the dining hall. The sound of the men laughing, in particular Robert's, was easily discernible.

"So, Mordred..." Sansa started up suddenly as she continued to swing her legs over the edge of the bed. "I was wondering if you'd be willing to assist me in an endeavor."

Mordred grinned a she used her Sir Mordred voice, which was a bit deeper than normal when she was hiding her identity in Camelot. "My Lady need only to command this humble knight and it shall be done."

Sansa chuckled before turning serious. "I want you to convince my mother to let me make my own wedding cake. The staff here are terrible."


Up Next: Sansa

AN: Thank you once again to Cheeser for doing work. Good luck on your work! However, thanks to the kind offers form Deer-Shifter and Delaney Telos, we will be continuing the quality of this fic!

A warm welcome!

So , after repeated hits to the luls, I have to take my car into a little pit stop and ease down on the gas if i I want to finish the journey. There are major plots points all over this chapter , spot it if you can! :D

Thanks to those that left a review, your support is awesome! Some of them were very insightful but the question I have to ask is..

Is it really incest if Mordred and Arthur is not related by blood? How about Arthur and Daenerys? He's never had a sister in his previous life, but he has one now by blood. Where as, Mordred was Arthur's by blood but not any longer in this new life. What a conundrum! Right? Right? :P But, that's what make GoT /SoIaF fun, the crazy complicated relationship!

Also see! :P That Dothraki Princess was not Khal Drago! Can't believe you guys even thought that! Heh. It's a funny thought though but I have plan for dear old Khal too.

Anyway! Thanks again for the support! As always C+ C welcome, reviews appreciated!