Chereads / Fanfiction I am reading / Chapter 1585 - 66

Chapter 1585 - 66

However, all was not well; upon discovering that his wayward knight had revealed his dragon to the Easterlings, Elendil's wraith was terrible to behold, and many feared Jon would be stripped of his position.


It was only when a few days later they received a letter from Regent Hawain telling of Jon's bravery and how the great dragon had saved his city; fortunately, this soothed Elendils mood somewhat, though he would see Jon punished for his foolishness.


Finally, the letter spoke of the Dwarves of the Eastern houses who wished to flee East as the shadow of Sauron had grown mighty indeed.


This caught the attention of the King and his Council, so he quickly sent messages to his children so that they would strengthen the defences of Gondor lest the Lord of Mordor catch them unawares as he did all those years ago.


However, the thing that drew their curiosity was Jon, together with Lady Galadriel, ventured to the Sea of Rhûn, accompanying the throng of Dwarves, and with Vhagar's aid, they retrieved an ancient and fabulous treasure from the deeps of the sea.


Upon hearing their beloved had discovered some grand treasure, his Lady loves felt the adoration of beautiful things made by hands and by cunning and by magic moving through them, a fierce and jealous love, the desire of the hearts of dwarves, however, the queerest thing about the note was Jon spoke of how these treasures would change this Age as they came from distant Beleriand.


However, not all was well as Jon had said he would not return to until matters were settled in Khazad-dûm.


And so they all endeavoured to wait for him and settled for his letters of apology and promises of compensation, but their patience was wearing thin, and soon they would venture to Durin's Hall and drag him out by his ear if needed.



At last, it had been some six months since Jon returned to Khazad-dûm after his sojourn Eastward, and to the joy of his companions and loves, he would finally return home.


The entire City was anxiously awaiting the return of their champion as they had not seen him in a long time in a long count of years, while Loras and Robar were eager to see how their brother had changed in so long an absence.


"How much longer will we have to wait for Jon to return?" Arianne asked vexedly; she was eager to see her dragon again and far more anxious to lay with him again.


"It shouldn't take long, even Jon isn't so foolhardy as to leave us waiting, and he knows about our guest surely he was delayed", replied Robar, who was taken by the arm of his Lady Andreth who was silently observing everything that happened.


"If Baelon tarries much longer, I'll go look for him and ..." Rhaenys growled, irritated, clenching her axe tightly as everyone glanced at her; the anger in her expression was apparent, but there was love in her glance as well, for she had been parted from her beloved brother for far too long.


"Calm, my good maidens, your suffering shall soon end," Galadriel said, joyously glancing off into the distance.


"I can see a retinue of Dwarves approaching," King Gil-Galad said, suddenly no doubt his keen eyes had spied them some ways off.


"It's Jon and King Durin," Said Lord Glorfindel, happy to see his most talented and worrisome pupil.


"Good…" Rhaenys said, happily though Dramborleg hadn't fallen from her grasp much to the ire of Rhaella.


"Rhaenys ... Please," Said the former Queen wearily.


"Ohh ... I see, Jon," Sansa said excitedly and happy, practically jumping like a small child to the amusement of Ashara and Shiera, who stood next to her. She had chosen to wear a dress she had made herself; it was a beautiful gown of jet with pearls sewn into the bodice.


The dress did much to present her womanly figure, and the wolf of Tully hoped to attract her cousin's attention with it.



Finally, everyone could see a large retinue of Dwarves carrying the banners of the House of Durin.


They were marching on foot, and the strangest thing was that they were leading a caravan; however, all was forgotten when they saw the raminent of the Dwarves.


They were armed with splendid armour and weapons that shone like silver in the firelight, like water in the sun, like snow under the stars, like rain upon the Moon.


Their coats of mail were clearly not Mithril, yet it seemed as if a silver light had been woven between the steel rings.


When they saw them, the Kings and Lords were overcome; they knew of the skill of the Longbeards as many had visited their Halls before, but this was extraordinary.


"Oh ... by the Valar ..." Loras said, looking spellbound at the armour of the Dwarves.


"Indeed", Arya seconded, enraptured by the craft of the dwarves.


"I knew the smith of Khazad-Dûm's were the finest in Middle-Earth, yet none of the tales told of arms and armour so splendid," King Elendil said.


All the Lord's glanced silently at King Durin's retinue while Círdan and Glorfindel glanced at each other.


Arms and armour of such quality hadn't been seen in these parts and days since the sinking of Beleriand indeed, the retinue of Durin greatly resembled the Dwarves of Belegost, yet that should be impossible as no dwarf of such skill had survived those horrid wars.


But those thoughts were quickly put aside when they saw the person that all Annúminas desired to see.


Jon went next to King Durin ... A place of honour; he was strong and tall and valiant, his beard was cropped to his jaw, and his hair was shorn at his shoulders.


Jon Snow was undoubtedly the dream of every maiden; upon seeing him arrive, many girls whispered that he appeared as one of the Mighty of the West and fit to be the father of the kings of the Kings of Men beyond the Sea, Something that filled Lalwen and Galadriel with jealousy, as these foolish Arnorian girls spoke of him as if he were their husband.


He was dressed in a simple elven robe of red and black, on his neck, he wore two medallions of Mithril, and upon his brow, he wore a fillet of gold there sat a pearl great as a dove's egg, and its sheen was as starlight on the foam of the sea.


"Oh, what a magnificent gem," Círdan said, glancing in wonder at that jewel, and for a moment, he was reminded of the Nimphelos pearl, the one he gave to his King Thingol many centuries ago.


"Oooh… where did Jon get that beautiful gem?" Shiera asked, covering her mouth with her hands, unable to hide a cry of longing for the beautiful jewel, which amused her beloved Ashara, who struggled to suppress a laugh.


"It is akin to the Elendilmir," Elendil said, curiously staring at the strange jewel.


"I hope Jon has brought many gifts," Sansa said, eager to glimpse Jon's jewel while Arya sighed and gripped Needle with newfound vigour, keen to punish Jon.


A sentiment shared by Arianne, Rhaenys and Daenerys, who had yet to sheath their weapons.


"Mother ... do you know anything about this?" Celebrian asked, approaching her mother, who merely smiled.


"Yes dear.. Jon and I will finally tell you about what we found in the East and why he decided to abide in the Dominions of King Durin for these many months," Galadriel said, arousing the interest of the gathered Lords and Kings yet it seems the dwarves were not alone.


At first, they heard the beating of great wings with a clangour like a raging wind and out of the East came to a thunderous roar that shook the very foundations of Annúminas and then she appeared her glimmering bronze scales shining in the morning sun.


Vhagar, the dragon of Jon, had also returned, and the great she-dragon had grown as mighty as she was in the days of her youth.


"Oh, by the blood of Elros," Anárion said, staring in amazement at the majesty of the dragon.


"And now I see the might of this beast with my own eyes," Isildur said solemnly as he gazed at the dragon in wonderment.


"How could that creature have grown so large?" Lalwen questioned, fretted about Vhagar's size… She hadn't yet forgotten how the lizard had ruined one of her favourite dresses with her breath of green flames.


"Are you afraid?" Asked a smiling Rhaneys who had heard the fear in Írimë's voice and did not neglect the opportunity to mock her rival while Finwë's Daughter looked at her with rancour.


"Rhaenys…" Rhaella growled in a warning tone as she anxiously awaited her grandson's return.


The Sages, for their part, merely observed with amusement the well-known animosity between Rhaenys and Írimë, and in Celebrian's case, they held back their laughter.


On the other hand, the elves regarded the dragon with apprehension; they may have accepted that Erú gave them those beasts with some unknown purpose. Yet the tragedies that befell their kin in the Dagor Bragollach and Nirnaeth Arnoediad were ever on their mind still when they had heard that Galadriel as ridden the dragon into battle it was a great boon to all the elves of the West who never foresaw one of their own accomplishing something so grand.


To know the mightiest among them had ridden a dragon was something they greatly desired to see. Although these thoughts could wait as the apprentice of Ulmo had returned after many long years away, and they were eager to hear his council.


Finally, after many years, Jon stood before his King, his family, friends and mentors, and he was scared by their cold looks, chiefly Rhaenys, Arianne and Dany, who had their weapons in hand.


"It's not that I don't deserve it," Jon thought sadly.


At that moment, he stepped forward and knelt before Elendil and his children though he was surprised to see Isildur there.


He was a handsome man, tall although not as lofty as his Father, with a black beard and ebon locks and stood broader and stouter in build than his younger brother.


"I hadn't thought to see Isildur here ... It has been many years since I last saw him," Jon thought, astonished to see Elendil's heir again and noticing that his eldest son Elendur was with him.


"My King ... I have returned," Jon said humbly as he waited for his King's response, but he only stared at him silently for a few moments.


"Welcome, Jon Snow; long has it been since you walked my halls, and yet I expected you far sooner than this", King Elendil said in a tone that indicated he was not pleased.


"My King ... I know that I have ... aroused your anger, but I have very good reasons for it, if I may explain it ..." Jon said in a conciliatory tone, but Elendil's gaze hadn't softened.


"Go ahead, Jon; you have a great deal to explain and not just to me," Elendil said, sitting on his throne as one by one, all Jon's lovers, as well as his cousins, surrounded him.


Perceiving the danger, he merely smiled and hoped to abate their anger.


"Well, met my dearest friends" Jon could no longer speak because Arya struck him in the stomach, although to her surprise, she felt a great pain bearing up her arm.


"Aaahh!" The little wolf screamed, holding her hand tightly as she held back her tears of pain.


Seeing Arya caress his hand in pain, everyone looked at Jon in surprise save Elrond, Celebrian, Írimë and Galadriel, who only smiled.


"By the damned Valar, why does it feel as if I struck stone?" Arya said more calmly but caressing her sore hand.


Smiling, Jon lifted a part of his robe, revealing a glittering shirt of mail.


Everyone in the City held their breath as they realised what that chain mail was made of.


"Mithril…" Glorfindel said in wonder.


"Master Glorfindel ..." Jon said, happy to see his mentor after so many years.


"Where did you acquire Mithril Mail Jon?" Loras and Anárion blurted before pushing past Rhaenys and Daenerys, much to their ire.


"Hello, my dearest friends", Jon said, mocking his brothers in arms.


"Don't play us for fools, Jon," Anárion growled.


"Answer," the Knight of Flowers growled only to hear King Elendil cough, and the pained knight realised his foolish acts.


"My King ... I beg your pardon," Loras said, kneeling before Elendil while the others chortled at him.


"Father," Anárion said fearfully.


"We'll talk about your disrespect afterwards, son, you too, Loras, for now, we have guests to attend to", Elendil ordered, gesTúring to his servants.


"At last, I thought they had forgotten about us", King Durin muttered.


"I apologise, old friend, come ... We will celebrate Jon's return and decide his punishment ", Elendil intoned, and Jon grew pale.


"Hahahaha ... Come on," Durin said, and when Jon went to follow them, he felt someone take him by the arm.


It was Lalwen ... His sweet Lalwen, whom he hadn't seen since he departed Imladris those many months ago.


He had missed her greatly as now she stood before him as fair as the radiant sun.


"Hello, Nin Mel…" Lalwen said before kissing him tenderly on the lips to the annoyance of his other loves.


In fact, Jon could sense the jealousy of Rhaenys, who was grasping her axe tightly looking at Lalwen with scarcely stemmed wrath while the smiling Princess of the Noldor laid her head on his chest, hoping to infuriate his older sister further.


"Írimë…" Rhaenys growled, being gently held by her grandmother.


"Rhaenys is enough ... Inside ..." Rhaella said, surprisingly taking Dramboleg from Rhaenys.


"WHAT!? ... GRANDMOTHER!" Rhaenys yelled, vexed that her grandmother treated her as a child in front of the court.


"Come on, everyone ... NOW!" Rhaella demanded, troubled by all the ensuing nonsense, and such was the power of her voice that Jon, Arya, Írimë, Rhaenys, Loras, Anárion and even King Durin nodded and marched towards the palace after Elendil.


"I'm home," Jon thought, feeling a great sense of happiness though this feeling of peace was interrupted when his dearest cousins began badgering him for gifts, but he merely smiled and told them they must wait till the celebrations were over much to their bother.



The welcoming party was ... Glorious, music, dancing, and food fit for kings rather appropriate as there were three Kings present and numerous Lords and Ladies.


Jon was delighted to return to Lord Círdan and Glorfindel. Still, he could not speak to them as much as he would have liked. He was quickly welcomed by all the soldiers and knights present some he knew as they served under him while others were unfamiliar though all was not so joyous as the maidens of the court approached him eager to dance, something Jon was loathed to accept, yet he had no wish to offend the lords of the court, and with each new companion, he felt the ire of his loves grow.


He hadn't spoken to them nor even apologised for his long absence, and now he was dancing with the fair maidens of Arnor. He knew they wouldn't enjoy that.


The Elven Lords and the Dwarves, for their part, enjoyed the party chattering gaily, many elves had questioned the dwarven king about his mighty arms, and while Durin enjoyed the flattery, he said nothing on the matter; he knew that it was his right to reveal the secrets he had discovered. Although the young dragon knew the old dwarf was still bitter for having to relinquish the tomes of Enerdhil yet a dwarves pledge was his honour as nothing shall tarnish that.


Jon knew the conversation would continue after the banquet as no one wanted to wait any longer for explanations.


Even the Elven Lords desired to know what they had found in the East, and he understood full well that the word of the Silmaril's finding would mark that Age.


"Do fret, my beloved I've brought the Silmaril with me and shall reveal it when the time is right", Galadriel said, hoping to calm his nerves.


"That shall have to wait till after the banquet", Jon said glumly.


"Indeed, my beloved, they have waited long enough," Galadriel said with authority.


"I know ... I hope you understand my motives and forgive me ... But just in case I brought gifts," Jon said, not losing sight of the fact that his beloved Star was now curious.


"Gifts?… What gifts?… Galadriel asked, intrigued, but before Jon could reply, he was dragged to the centre of the Hall, and his golden harp was thrust into his hands clearly the court wished for him to sing.


"I'm sorry, my beloved, you'll have to wait to find out," Jon said happily.



Finally, after many hours of merriment and feasting, Elendil and his family, alongside the Elven Lords and the Dwarvish retinue, adjourned to the throne room where they were to await Jon, who had asked for several servants to aid him in carrying the chest.


A few moments had passed when Jon and several servants arrived with some wooden boxes and two huge iron chests.


That aroused the curiosity of the all present, especially his Lady loves who were eager to see the treasures he had brought from the East.


Once the chests were laid before the council's feet, Elendil turned to him and spoke.


"Very good, Jon, we are all here. Now speak ... What transpired in Dorwinion? I know about the battle at the gates of Caras Sant; however, I had no inkling you could summon that dragon through will alone," Elendil said, greatly surprising the Elves present.


"Does Elendil speak truly you can summon that dragon?" Asked King Gil-Galad in astonishment.


"Yes, King Gil-Galad, when we stayed in the Hall of Amon Lanc, my mind turned towards Vhagar. After that, I thought little of it until we entered the Vinter Realm; it seemed she had sensed my thoughts and sought me," Jon said, surprising everyone.


"I see ..." Elendil said, sitting back on his throne.


"How can you speak to Vhagar?" Daenerys asked curiously as she hadn't ever spoken to Meraxes.


"Yes, Jon, please tell us", Rhaenys demanded, hoping to bond with Meleys.


Jon looked at his family and loved ones, somewhat abashed.


"I know not how we share such as bond though I don't truly speak to her merely understand what she wishes to convey to me it is not unlike the bond I share with Ghost or Deathclaw yet I haven't given it much thought," Jon said filling his maidens with a jealously unbecoming as they desired to bond with their dragons in such a manner.


"Some share deep bonds with animals if they have raised them… But I have never heard of a bond so deep that it allows them to communicate in such a way," Lord Elrond said with one hand on his chin.


"I'm sure Jon's northern blood had aided in this", Shiera said, earning the attention of the gathering.


"What do you mean, Lady Shiera?" Asked King Gil-Galad.


"Jon is the only man of Northern blood to ride a dragon, and it is said that the greatest of them could wear the skins of any beast that flies or swims or crawls, " Shiera said with some jealousy.


Jon thought for a moment perhaps Shiera spoke truly in all his life he hadn't given much credence to northern magics save that he could enter the mind of Ghost, but if Shiera was correct, perhaps there were far more remarkable feats he could accomplish, alas there was no man in these lands who could instruct him even if he so desired.


"It's not fair. I wish to speak to Meraxes as well," Daenerys said irritably.


"And me with Lady ..." Sansa said, unsettled to think that although she was also a Stark and carried the blood of the First Men and the Eldar, she had no magic to speak of.


"Oh my sweet Dany, you're still as free-spirited as ever as are you, Sansa," Jon thought with a smile, but he remembered what he had come to do and endeavoured to finish his tale.


"Although I would like to discover the reason for my deep bond with Ghost, Vhagar and the gryphon, I think it best to return to my tale," Jon said seriously, and Elendil sighed.


"Continue then ..." Elendil ordered, and Jon nodded, recounting all that had taken place from his venture to Imladris and Galadriel accompanying him to their sojourn through Greenwood the great and finally the battle before the gates of Caras Sant.


Ultimately, recounting his journey to the East after so many years away was freeing for Jon, although he did not lose sight of the fact that King Elendil was clearly upset to discover that he chose to go to Imladris first in defiance of his authority.


"I should have you clapped in irons for such unruliness," Elendil said, staring at her knight and some like Arya and Rhaenys desired to step forward, but Jon agreed with Elendil's words.


"If it is what my King wishes ... I know my actions deserve penalty," Jon said humbly, and Elendil sighed.


"It was my fault, Elendil ... I asked your knight to aid me in delivering a parcel to Imladris, and I knew he would seek Elrond for council", King Durin said, telling that small falsehood to help Jon, and It seemed that it worked because the King only sighed tiredly.


"I'll decide your punishment later, Jon ... Continue, what happened next?" We already know that part of the story, but we also know that something else happened in those distant lands, but your letters were elusive, we know about Magni, Son of Thurimar who seeks to found a Kingdom in the West, and that's all ... Not even Galadriel betrayed your trust… Now, as your King, I order you to tell me what you found in the East," King Elendil demanded.


"We found the Glory of the EldeDaysys in the depths of Sea of Rhûn," Jon said before glancing at Galadriel, who merely nodded.


"What do you mean, Jon?" Lord Círdan asked, confused by his students' verbosity.


Jon sighed and began to tell about Magni and his Colony of Dwarves, how Magni's grandfather found a log of pirates from Rhûn who descended from Ulfang and plundered the ruins of the Kingdoms of Beleriand.


When the Elven Lords heard how those shameful pirates looted the Cities of their kin, they were filled with fierce anger, especially Elrond and Glorfindel when they learned that those thieves ransacked the remains of Gondolin and the tomb of the King Turgon.


Everyone could feel the anger of Glorfindel and Elrond growing although their countenance was stoic as always; the Lady Celebrian gently took her husband's hands, hoping to calm him.


"May Lord Nàmo have judged them fairly ..." Was all the Lord of Imladris said.


"I have no doubts that he shall give their a just sentence," Glorfindel said, remembering his time in the "Rooms of Command".


"Go on, Jon ..." Elrond said, and Jon nodded.


Jon told them how he and Galadriel chose to help Magni and his colony of Dwarves to recover the treasure of the Sea of Rhûn using all he had learned in the Havens to find the resting place of these ships.


Upon hearing Jon used the knowledge, he passed on filled Círdan with fierce pride as from a father to a son.


However, when his former protégé told of how he forged a suit of Iron to brave the crushing abyss, their mood darkened knowing that Jon had suffered in such a way to recover those ancient treasures filled them with a sense of melancholy.


Some like Ashara, Shiera, Rhaenys and Arya only looked at Jon in disbelief, knowing that he risked his life for mere trinkets.


While Elendil, Círdan , Glorfindel, Gil-Galad and Elrond looked at the young man with disappointment and sorrow for his recklessness. Whereas Loras, Anárion and Robar wanted nothing more than to hit their brother in the arms.


"How could you have been so foolish?!" Arianne and Rhaella asked simultaneously, holding back the urge to hit Jon.


"I had to do it; I vowed Magni to help him found his own Kingdom, and my heart told me that this treasure was of great importance and had to be recovered," Jon said calmly.


"Enough to risk your life?" Asked King Gil-Galad looking at Jon penetratingly, Jon nodded to everyone's surprise.


"Yes, it was worth risking my life for that treasure ... Please let me finish my story, and you will understand," Jon said, and such was his power that not even the mightiest Elf Lords dared to contradict him.


He told them that he heard the legendary music of the Úlumuri, and with his mind clouded by the piece's beauty, he returned to the abyss though now he was guided by Lord Ulmo.


Many were struck dumb by that revelation as no one had heard that haunting tune since Tuor himself.


Finally, Jon concluded the account by telling them how Lord Ulmo used greatly wondrous fish to guide him to the cavern where the pearl and chest lay hidden.


"That gem is wonderful, Jon, and it seems to be the sister gem to my Northern Star," Said King Elendil admiring the gift of Lord Ulmo.


"You have an excellent eye, my King. I admit I drew inspiration from the Elendilmir when I fashioned it," Jon replied, proud of his work when suddenly the gem turned a glittering sliver.


"Nin Mel, the pearl changed colour," Lalwen said in wonder and getting closer to better appreciate Jon's pearl.


"Yes, it is turquoise during the day, and at night it turns silver; I know not why it does that, but it is fair as all my other trinkets," Jon said, glancing at the chests he brought with him.


"Well? Must you leave us in suspense? ... Show us this great treasure you risked life and limb for," Shiera growled, eager to see the wonders inside.


"Peace my maiden of the Sea, I was about to do it ... There are two chests, the biggest one is the one I retrieved with the aid of Lord Ulmo, the other one was given to me by Magni as payment," Jon said opening the latter and revealing a vast horde of white jewels, pearls, silver and diamonds that filled the chamber with a wondrous light.


Seeing the purity of such gems, everyone felt overwhelmed and marvelled at the purity of the gems, Shiera, glimpsing them, could not compose herself and forgetting where she was and before whom she stood, gave a shriek of excitement and quickly took her pick of the pieces.


"Oh, what beautiful jewels," Shiera said, taking them in her hands as if she were dreaming.


"Shiera ..." Ashara said, in exasperation clearly vexed by the childishness of her dragon, while the others laughed, however soon, Sansa, Daenerys, Lalwen, and Ashara herself approached the chest, beginning to take some pearls and gems for their own.


"And there we go again," Jon thought sadly, seeing that his wealth would soon be depleted, as was the dragon's horde.


"Those gems were not carved in Middle-earth," King Gil-Galad said as he scrutinised one of the pearls.


"No, I'm sure these gems were carved in Aman and were part of the horde of Finrod Felagund, Lady Galadriel's brother ..." Jon said, glancing at his beloved star, who merely smiled as she remembered her dearest brother.


"My uncle ..." Celebrian said in a whisper as her mother smiled and nodded.


"I'm sure my brother would have no issue permitting you to keep these gems, Jon, after all, you went through to collect them," Galadriel said, smiling lovingly giving her blessing to her beloved wolf to keep the gems to the joy of the ladies who were eager to claim a piece of the horde.


Seeing Jon's bitter expression as his wealth rapidly depleted, everyone present smiled.


"So Jon… Did you truly hear the Ulumuri?" Lord Elrond asked.


Yes, I even heard Lord Ulmo's voice telling me to bear this pearl ... And it is just as the legend says for the longing for the sea is ever in my heart," Jon said, sighing, yearning for the white gulls called him now to the Havens yet he shall never sail there.


"I think we can help you with this later, Jon ... But I bid you show us what else you have collected lofty those these prizes maybe they do not excuse your absence," King Elendil said sternly, and Jon nodded.


"You are right, my King; there is much more to show you," Jon said, opening the second chest and pulling the blankets revealing his treasures.


The Black Sword, the Dragon Helm, and the Books of Enerdhil.


Glorfindel was the first to recognise the sword.


"I can't believe it ... This sword, this sword is Anguirel ... I thought it was lost during the Fall of Gondolin," Said the noble elf looking at the sword that Maeglin carried with him.


Hearing the sword's name, those who knew the story of Eöl and Maeglin were astonished when they saw that legendary sword, and if there were any doubts about its identity, these were dispelled when Glorfindel removed the sword from its scabbard, and the blackened blade shone with hatefulness unto itself.


Elrond eyed the sword with keen interest; Maeglin, the traitor, had used it to fight his grandfather Tuor on the walls of Gondolin when he attempted to rob his grandmother Idril and kill his father Eärendil, seeing the sword with his own eyes raised many questions.


Why would the Valar allow Jon to claim that sword after so long?


Elrond pondered this as Glorfindel passed the sword to Loras, who began to swing it with grace and precision, marvelling at the legendary weapon's balance.


At that moment, without anyone stopping her, and excited and smiling, Arya took the Helm of Hador from the chest, and this time it was Lord Círdan who recognised that work of craftsmanship.


"Oh, if my eyes deceive me ... That Helm is ... The Dragon-helm of Dor-lómin," Said the Lord of the Havens, walking towards Arya, who, disappointed, gave the Helm to the ancient elf.


Hearing the Helm's identity, even Elendil and his sons leaned closer to appreciate it better.


It was undoubtedly an exquisite work of dwarven craftsmanship, the helm was wrought of grey steel adorned with gold, and on it were graven runes of victory; upon its crest was set in defiance a gilded image of a dragon, that Helm was used by Hador and his descendants, now held by Jon who had won it through suffering and effort.


"Wonderful ..." Isildur said upon seeing the legendary Helm recovered from oblivion.


"Indeed ... I never believed that I would see this thing with my own eyes ..." King Gil-Galad said.


"Have you used it, Jon?" Glorfindel asked, looking solemnly at the Helm and Jon nodded.


"I have used it, although it is a great burden. The Helm barely fits me, although King Durin and I can attest that the enchantments are as strong as the day it was first forged," Said Jon smiling.


"Damn you, Jon ... You always get the best ..." Loras said with great envy when he saw the Helm.


"Considering what I had to suffer for this thing ... I think I've earned it, Loras," Jon said sternly.


 "Then will you keep it?" Daenerys asked excitedly, and Jon nodded.


"Aye ... I wonder shall Sauron that Túrin has arose from the dead when he hears of the Helms discovery, " Jon said with a wild smile while Círdan returned the Helm, which was quickly taken by Arya who excitedly put it on her head only to discover it was far too great a burden.


"By the Valar, it feels as if I'm wearing a cap of stone", Arya said, looking in the direction of Sansa and the others who quickly felt fear fill them rapidly.


"Arya ... Take that thing off!" Ashara commanded, starting to tremble in fear from the power of the Helm.


Before the Wolf could react, Jon took the Helm from her and gave her a stern look that made Arya want to hide.


"I'm sorry," Arya said sadly, seeing the effect of the Helm's power.


"This is not a plaything ..." Jon said, returning the Helm to the chest.


"That Helm has tremendous power," said Robar wiping his cold sweat.


"Yes ... I didn't think Jon wanted to keep that thing ... But it's good that he did," Loras said more calmly.


"Aye, it would seem so," Anárion said, looking at the Helm longingly.


Isildur did not give anything, but inside he felt slight dismay to know that Jon Snow had found those objects; of course, he and his cousins were also descended from the royalty of Númenor, which made them distant relatives but still ... The eldest son of Elendil felt that Jon should at least offer the Helm of Hador and or the Sword of Maeglin to his father.


"Magnificent gifts you received thanks to Lord Ulmo, my white wolf", Arianne said with a smile until she noticed Enerdhil's books and took them from the chest.


"Books?" Rhaenys asked, confused, taking one of them.


"Be very careful, girl. They are in their own way more valuable than the sword and the Helm?" King Durin said, speaking for the first time.


"Valuable?" Rhaenys asked, arching an eyebrow.


"The author of those books was Enerdhil ... The legendary blacksmith of Gondolin," Jon said solemnly.


"Were they written by Enerdhil?" Glorfindel asked, taking Arianne's book and could see on the first page the name of his old friend.


"Yes… In that book, there are stories from the life of the great blacksmith and even notes on magic and how to use it when forging; in the other, there are ancient forging techniques taught by Lord Aulë to the Noldor and then taught by Mahtan the blacksmith to Enerdhil" Jon said retrieving both books.


"That's why you stayed in Khazad-dûm, to learn from those books," Rhaella said sadly, and Jon nodded with some shame.


"Yes, I beg your forgiveness, my dearest sister, but I have long desired to forge as the Noldor of the First Age and only in the Halls of Durin could I master such arts I'm sorry for making you wait, but I feel that the fruits of my labours are well worth it though now I must return these books to their proper owner," Jon said, striding towards a surprised Elrond and leaving the books in his hands.


"Jon… why are you giving me this?" The Lord of Imladris asked in surprise.


"Because they are rightfully yours my Lord, they were written in Gondolin at the height of its glory, and Enerdhil was a vassal of King Turgon, your great-grandfather ... These books, as well as all his knowledge and secrets, must reside with you May it serve you well, "said Jon walking away leaving those books with their rightful owner who smiled with appreciation at such a gesture.


"I don't know what to say ... Except thank you for this wonderful gift, I have so few memories of my Father and even fewer relics of his House ... I don't know how to thank you for this gesture," Elrond said, happy to receive such a gracious gift.


"I think your smiths shall find them quite useful," Jon said with a smile.


"Indeed, none in Imladris will forget this gesture as long as Arda lasts ... Although I must ask ... Did you learn from these books?" Elrond asked, intrigued, and Jon nodded.


"Aye, I learned a great deal on the use of magic and the power that lay in the blood of Dragon Lords," Jon said proudly, filling Rhaella, Daenerys and Rhaenys with happiness, knowing their dearest had truly accepted who he was.


"What do you mean, Jon? .. What do these books have to do with your dragon?" asked King Elendil, recalling his conversation with Rhaella and the others some time ago.


Jon sighed.


"When I finished reading the tomes, I thought to put the techniques to practice, and so I pleaded with Lord Oropher to allow the use of his forge though it was a foolish mistake to forge as one of the Firstborn it more than simply hammering hot metal it requires a mastery of the spirit few now possess," Jon said remembering the agony he suffered for his folly.


"Jon? .. What happened to you?" Sansa asked concerned.


"I forged a string of pearls, yet the strain of using my Fëa in such a way was nearly my undoing," Jon said grimly.


"You were able to forge as one of the Firstborn?" Glorfindel asked in disbelief.


"Yes, but it was only when I returned to the domain of King Durin that I began to understand why Erú gave me Vhagar, a Man cannot forge as the Noldor for our Fëa is not as potent that is the reason why the one that our use of magic is so poor compared to that of an elf, however, those of us who descend from the Freehold of Valyria and are united to a dragon are exceptions to that rule," Jon said, enjoying their looks of bewilderment.


"Speak up, young Westerosi ..." King Gil-Galad ordered.


"All that makes up a dragon is magic, its bones, its flesh, its scales, its claws, its blood and its fire, instead of exhausting my Fëa by forging, I discovered that I can use Vhagar's innate magic to forge as a Noldor, in that way I do not consume my Fëa or damage my Hroa.… Vhagar transmitted that knowledge to me with visions in his flames and later using the magic of the fire of Vhagar King Durin and I created this following the instructions in the book of Enerdhil … "Jon said, before gesTúring to the fillet upon his brow.


"The fillet?" Loras asked, confused.


"The metal ... It is a mixture of gold and Mithril that has not lost its beauty or its resistance; on the contrary, now it shines like the sun ... We call it Maltagil," Said Jon proudly while the elves watched in wonder at his work. Since even Lord Círdan and Glorfindel looked more closely at Jon's pull and realised that in addition to the pearl, the metal with which it was made shone by itself.


"I have no words before such marvellous feats created by the hand of Men," Lord Círdan said as he saw the shine of Jon's tiara. And even the Westeorsi Ladies and Celebrian gazed raptly at that mystically beautiful new metal with desire in their eyes.


"This is far beyond what any 'Second Born' can accomplish ..." Glorfindel said with his eyes full of pride.


"To be honest ... The honour is not only mine; King Durin and Vhagar helped me enormously in devising this metal ... Without them, I would never have been able to create it," Jon said humbly.


"I've never heard that a dragon could do what you describe; Jon, the Lords of Valyria, were truly mighty in their crafts," Elrond said joyfully, and Jon nodded.


"It was; indeed, Vhagar showed me a vision of Valyria in its glory days it was the most glorious City built by men the shores of beyond Middle Earth" Jon sighed sadly as he remembered the "Curse of Valyria", and it was destroyed.


"Perhaps it was for the best though my ancestors were mighty in their own right; they were indeed cruel and wicked men, " Jon acknowledged sadly.


"Oh, Jon…" Rhaella said with tears in her eyes, happy that her grandson finally truly accepted his Valyrian heritage.


"I am speechless; I see that your words were true, Rhaella; dragons are more than weapons of war; they are remarkable companions who guided your kin with wisdom and might," Elendil said, contemplating what these dragons could mean for his peoples.


They were a glorious gift without a doubt.


"How I would have liked to see those images in flames," Daenerys said happily, and Jon approached her and kissed her tenderly on her lips.


"You will, Dany, in time ... Just request Meraxes ..." Jon said before kissing her fiercely.


"By Mahal, control yourself, boy, you still have much to say ", King Durin mumbled, annoyed with the loss of Enerdhil's books.


"I'm sorry, you're right ... I think now it would be appropriate to allocate the gifts I brought," Jon said, opening the wooden boxes behind the chests one by one revealing glittering wonders that brought tears to the eyes of the Ladies present.


"My dear viper, this is for you," Jon said, handing Arianne a stout spear of blackened wood whose silver head was carved with twirling vipers set with many emeralds.


"Oh… it's beautiful, my white wolf," Arianne said; she began to kiss Jon furiously before admiring her new spear.


"Now for you, Dany ... Here," Jon said, handing a stout bow of horn and a silvered quiver of arrows.


"Thank you ..." Daenerys said, kissing her love fiercely, then Jon turned to Rhaenys, who stared at him angrily.


"If you think that some pretty bauble shall make up for your long absence, then you truly don't know me, dearest brother", She muttered with pride. While he merely smiled.


"Very well then it seems my gift shall mean nothing to you then, my dragon," Jon said, revealing the beautiful Mithril axe that Rhaenys had coveted for so long, and she gave a surprised groan.


"What?" Staring at the axe with ill-disguised desire.


"HAHAHA ... This boy worked in our forges for six months to win her girl, it is a great prize, but if you do not want her, I will take her back to my domain," Durin said, but not this had not finished speaking when at an incredible speed Rhaenys went dashing to claim her axe, but Jon held it just out of her reach.


"JON!" She yelled, commencing to jump like a rabbit hoping to claim it.


"By the Valar Rhaenys, you are a grown woman; please show some courtesy!" Rhaella groaned, embarrassed by the behaviour of her grandchildren.


At that moment, Rhaenys kissed him with all the passion she could muster, and soon the axe fell from his hands into her waiting arms.


"Aaahgg ..." Rhaella said sheepishly as everyone smiled and held back laughter.

"Let's go on ..." Jon said smiling, opening the rest of the chests, now revealing a pair of silvered daggers and many fine pieces of jewellery.


"Oohhh" Sansa said in wonder.


"Here, Sansa, this is for you," said Jon revealing a pair of silvered earrings shaped to resemble snarling wolves, and their eyes were set with sapphires.


"Oh Jon, they are lovely!" Sansa shouted excitedly, embracing her cousin and intimately hoping to mould his body to her blossoming figure, which didn't go unnoticed by Galadriel nor Arya.


"And what's in it for me?" So asked an annoyed Arya jealous of her sister, Jon revealed to her the twin daggers, and she smiled happily.


"These are yours, Arya, but much like your Needle, they are not toys," Jon said sternly.


"I shall cherish them always!" Arya said very happily, hugging her cousin tightly and struggling to mould her body against Jon's but regretting that she, unlike her older sister, was not a southern beauty.


"You're welcome ... Now, my sweet Shiera and Ashara, this is for you," Jon said, separating from Arya and revealing a Mithril bracelet adorned with sapphires and emeralds as well as a gold tiara with set with a bright amethyst.


"Oooh ... Jon, It's beautiful, truly really magnificent," Shiera said, marvelling at the new piece in her collection.


"Jon ... I don't know what to say, my love, except this time ... You really surpassed yourself," Said Ashara before kissing him with all the passion she could muster


"Say nothing, my dear, to see your happiness is reward enough," Jon said, causing her face to redden considerably.


"Now it's your turn, grandmother," Jon said, revealing an exquisite set of gold and silver rings, each set with many gems.


"Oh ... They are beautiful," Rhaella said, dazzled by the gesture of her grandson kissing him on the forehead.


"You're welcome ... Now Lawlen," Jon said, revealing the Maltagil necklace set with a brilliant emerald.


Seeing the quality of the necklace, all were silent, enraptured by the splendour of the chain.


"It was the first piece that I forged with Maltagil, and I think I recall before leaving Imladris, you asked me for something that matched the colour of your eyes. So take it now, it's yours," Said Jon hanging the necklace on Lalwen's exquisite neck, and there is sat glowing as if living flame.


"Oh ... My dragon, it is beautiful ... It is wonderful ..." Said the beautiful elf starting to kiss him fervently without the slightest shame.


"Lalwen... Lalwen ..." Jon said, struggling for breath as he felt everyone's gazes and the jealousy of his loved ones.


"I care not for their jealously we've been parted for many months, and I shall not be denied," Finwë's daughter said possessively.


"Please, Lawlen, let me conclude this exchange," Jon said, revealing a final piece of jewellery, a girdle of carven with birds and flowers whose eyes and petals were of jewels.


Jon handed it to a shocked Celebrian who was sad and jealous about not receiving any jewels at the time. Jon glanced at Lord Elrond, who seemed wholly confused.


"Jon?" Celebrian asked in surprise.


"It is a gift that Lord Elrond commissioned me the last time we saw each other ... He knew that gifts would come for the others, and he did not want you to be the only Lady present who received nothing," Jon said, hoping that his lie was plausible.


And apparently, that was the case as Celebrian gave a little cry like a little girl, grabbed the belt, and then kissed her shocked husband in front of everyone.


"Oh my love, you need not have bothered, it is wonderful... Thank you and you too, Jon ... It is an exquisite piece ... Put it on Elrond, please," said Celebrian excited and Elrond, smiling slightly, complied with his wife's request.


"Thank you for bringing my daughter some joy, my wolf," Galadriel said, her smile radiant.


"Think nothing of it, my Star; she is much my daughter as your," Jon thought, and for a moment, it seemed Galadriel shed a tear but not of sadness; rather, it was joy.


The rest of those attending watched the gift-giving with amusement and wonder to see that Jon almost escaped the punishment his loved ones would impose on him.


"I see that I did well to come to this meeting father, I have learned something valuable," Elendur said.


"Son?" Isildur asked.


"It seems the quickest way to stay a woman's ire is to offer her fine gems", The surprised young man replied as everyone began to chortle.


"Well, if that is all, perhaps we should adjourn to our chambers; it has been a long day," King Elendil said, but Jon and Galadriel shared a look and knew that the moment had come.


"Actually my King ... It is not all, the most important thing is still missing, the most valuable treasure that we discovered at the bottom of the Sea of Rhûn, one that will shape this Age and the following ones," Jon said earnestly, and Galadriel shifted to his side revealing that she had a beautiful metal box in her hands.


"Mother?" Asked Celebrian intrigued and the other Ladies were interested in that last treasure.


"What do you speak of, Jon?" Elendil asked, intrigued to see that even Durin adopted a solemn countenance.


Galadriel slowly opened the box without saying a word, and the halls shone with the radiance of a thousand suns blinding all with its majesty.


"What devilry is this?!" Elendil asked, unable to look away.


"It can't be ... I don't think so, this must be a trick ..." Glorfindel said as he recognised that jewel in shock.


"By the Valar ..." Elrond said, covering his mouth in shock.


"A Silmaril ..." Jon said in a dark voice, surprised everyone.


For a few moments, no one said anything, and they only stared in disbelief at the legendary jewel ... The Westerosi remembered when Lord Ulmo guided them to Middle Earth and used his powers to show them the history of those jewels.


And now they had one of them in front of them at the time.


"How? ... These gems were not supposed to reappear until the end of Arda," Glorfindel said with tears of happiness in his eyes as he saw again the light of Telperion and Laurelin.


"I don't know, somehow those pirates must have retrieved Maglor's Silmaril from the great sea since I doubt that this is Maedhros's; it was in the iron chest with the other treasures," Jon said earnestly.


"And now it's yours .." said Robar looking at the sacred jewel.


"No more ... Now it belongs to the Lady Galadriel," Jon said, revealing that Silmaril was set in a Maltagil necklace that he fastened around Galadriels neck.


"WHAT!?" Arianne, Daenerys, Shiera and Sansa yelled in astonishment.


"Jon ..." Lalwen said in surprise.


"Did you truly relinquish Silmaril?" Loras asked in disbelief.


"I can't believe it," Isildur said while the others silently watched everything, but from their faces, no one could believe that Jon parted with one of the most beautiful gems of creation without the slightest doubt.


"Hush ... Let him speak," Elendil said, still admiring the beauty of the legendary jewel.


"This gem is incomparable in its beauty except for its sisters, but I have not forgotten all the pain and suffering wrought by these gems. So naturally, I've no desire to be counted among those slain for the price of a pretty bauble, but I know that when I found this gem, it was with a great purpose of the Highest, and thought it better that it should remain under guard and who better than Galadriel Wisest of the Elves in Middle-Earth, the gem will be safe and most importantly, not cause concern, "Jon said coldly, showing he would not be cowed by greed nor begging.


"You are strong-willed and enormously wise for your age, young man," King Gil-Galad said, acknowledging Jon's wisdom.


"Indeed well done, Jon", King Elendil said, rising from his throne.


"Thank you, I know that not everyone will be happy with this decision, but it is for the best ... Those gems are not for mortals, although if Lady Galadriel wishes, she can allow us to gaze upon its light," Jon said with some mockery hoping to irritate his beloved star.


"You're too kind, Jon", Galadriel said, reddening.


"Ooohh ... Jon," Sansa voiced her displeasure and wished that Jon had given it to her.


Since she read the tale of Beren and Lúthien, she had been captivated by the story and more so when she discovered that they were her ancestors, but the Wolf had never seen a Silmaril and could scarcely imagine the beauty.


Until now ... She and Arya had over ever seen the twin trees in books, and they could see their light, thanks to their beloved cousin.


"Calm Sansa and rejoice, everyone, we are the first mortals to see with our own eyes the light of Telperion and Laurelin, the same light that shone in the Blessed Kingdom long before the Sun and the Moon rose in the sky," said Jon making the other Westerosi understand their fate with the blessing they have received.


Elrond, Celebrian, Círdan and Gil-Galad may be counted among their numbers as well as none among them had seen the blessed kingdom ere the trees bloomed.


Everyone was silent, admiring the beauty of the Silmaril and delighting in its light for the rest of the evening as they shared stories of what had happened in his long absence, enjoying Jon's company.

-------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------


Westeros (1 year after the fall of King's Landing)


On a cold winter night now upon them, Catelyn Stark stood in the chambers she once shared with her husband as she silently meditated in front of her fireplace after reading the messages that the new Winterfell Master, Master Wolkan, brought her.


The new Maester was not Maester Ludwin, but he was peaceful and had shown himself to be loyal and skilled in his work. Apparently, he did not like serving Roose Bolton or his son, feeling more comfortable now serving House Stark.


It was several months since Winterfell had been recovered from the Boltons. And quickly, House Stark claimed their dominance over the North; apparently, the Boltons were loathed in part for their betrayal during the Red Wedding and to a greater extent for the actions of Ramsay Snow, as none would deign could call that creature anything but a bastard.


After her two children returned home, Catelyn could see how much they had both changed. Just as she looked mortal enough, she was finally able to reveal her identity after almost a year of pretending to be a mute servant; this shocked the Northern Lords who believed they had seen a ghost.


"Well, almost," thought Catelyn.


Rickon was now far more savage, although slowly, he grew into his role.


The new Lord of Winterfell after Bran surrendered his position before the council of the North.


Bran's decision was sudden, and although she tried to make him give up, Bran kept saying that he could not be the Lord of anything because now he is the "Three-Eyed Raven". Gone was the happy child who dreamt of being a knight, now he was reserved, silent and taciturn ... Yet, his eyes showed great wisdom as well as a great fear of something unknown.


Bran told them that his mentor perceived it as a void absent light and joy and that the mere sight of it filled them both with terror it was gazing to where the Westeros stood, and thither all its malice was now bent and Bran everyone must wait for Jon Snow to return ... Well, he would have the answers.


That surprised and irritated her ... What did that bastard have to do with all this if he fled Westeros years ago? Of course, Catelyn did not know if Robb's plans had been discovered, But it is the same for the sake of her children; Catelyn will not allow the bastard to return to Winterfell if he does; her children shall not be safe.


Bran is now feeble, and Rickon is a child who had little strength save for swinging sticks, and despite everything, Jon Snow is Ned's son, so now with the death of Robb, the Lords of the North would likely instead be led by a skilled warrior than by the mother of a child, even if their uncle Brynden stayed by their side.


Despite this, Bran, relieved and happy, insists that Jon Snow will return and he will answer all the questions he had about that strange burning eye.


Bran's journey was the most surprising to the point where his uncle Brynden, a normally taciturn man, could hardly believe it.


After escaping from Winterfell after being captured by Theon Greyjoy, Bran, in the company of Hodor, his direwolf and the Reed children, set out on a journey to "Beyond the Wall to search for an enigmatic sorcerer whom everyone knew as the Three-Eyed Raven the reason was that Bran had been blessed with the gift of Greensight and this sorcerer wished to instruct him in its use.


At first, neither she nor her uncle nor her brother did not believe it until Bran spoke of their life in Riverrun, stories that only they would know and that she never told Bran, so she had to accept her son was blessed with the sight.


Catelyn stood up and watched a thick blizzard hit Winterfell with that in mind.


She had recovered her two sons, which made her give thanks every day, but she did not get her daughters back, Sansa apparently died in the Sea, and even Bran insists that he cannot see what happens outside of Westeros, so Catelyn had to accept the death of her eldest daughter through tears.


But Arya ... Arya was lost, lost since Ned's execution, the girl who had been married to Ramsay Snow turned out to be none other than Jeyne Poole, the daughter of Varon Poole who had gone south with Sansa, the poor girl was Held by Littlefinger in one of his brothels where she learned the trade of a prostitute to prepare her to impersonate Arya.


At first, furious, Catelyn considered having the girl flogged for her role in impersonating her daughter, filling her with false hopes. Still, when she saw the horrible scars that her husband inflicted on her as well as those that she received by order of Littlefinger, Catelyn did not have the heart to make her suffer more and allowed her to stay in Winterfell, something that the girl accepted happily,


As for Theon Greyjoy, the vermin had shown himself a coward who preyed upon those who could not fight back. The horrible torture he suffered at the hands of Ramsay Bolton was a Poetic justice; there was no other way to call it; Catelyn had no compassion at all for the deplorable state in which Greyjoy had been left, a shrivelled wretch.


Upon seeing him again, she thought about executing him for everything he had done, but thanks to her uncle Brynden, Catelyn understood that Theon probably wanted that, so instead, she sent him to the Wall to suffer a long and miserable life in that place where Benjen will surely be delighted to have him as a "brother".


It had been a lot since they had regained Winterfell… To begin with, the Lannisters were defeated by Dorne, the Golden Company under the banner of Aegon Targaryen, the son of Prince Rhaegar, who apparently turned out not to have died in the Sack of King's Landing.


That was a shock in the 7 Kingdoms and more when he and his followers ended the war in just a few months. It was said that he was a sorcerer of incredible powers and thus conquered the seven Kingdoms with little concern.


The young dragon was advised by Jon Connington, who they had long thought dead, yet it seems the Old Gryphon had endured as was now Hand of the King, as well as the Imp Tyrion Lannister, who is now the new Lord of Casterly Rock and Ser Barristan who now served as Lord Commander once more.


The presence of the legendary knight gave strength to his claim, and thanks to the advice of Tyrion Lannister ... The Kingdom begins to mend their differences. Although some Northerners did not want to be subjected to the Iron Throne again, they were too weary to resume fighting; besides, The new King had done his best to men the relations between his houses and those wrong in the rebellion.


The Frey's were stripped of their titles and ranks, and all the males were sent to the Wall, increasing their numbers enormously while Walder Frey is presently being held prisoner at Winterfell as a token of the new King's goodwill. Something that Catelyn is grateful for since she wanted to make the weasel suffer slowly for all the pain, he had caused her family.


Through missives, Tyrion Lannister assured her that he never touched Sansa and that, unfortunately, he has no idea what happened to her since she disappeared after he was charged with the murder of Joffrey.


As for Cersei, the Bitch is currently rotting in the dungeons of King's Landing and being flogged once a week while her youngest children, Tommen and Myrcella, have been legitimised as Lannisters according to rumours, though none of that is of much interest to Catelyn.


The Tyrells, on the other hand, have lost almost all their influence in the Court; the new King Aegon did not forgive the attack he suffered on Storm's End and reduced his influence in the City, although not totally so as not to generate unnecessary conflicts, for the moment Margaery Tyrell is no longer the Queen. And it seems that the King has no intention of marrying her at all, which was not a surprise considering that she was already married three times, and two of her husbands ended up dead before they could consummate the marriage.


The young Aegon Targaryen seems to be a competent monarch (or at least his advisers are); however, Bran urged her not to trust him since his son kept calling him the "Dark Dragon" and on the throne, everyone will suffer with him for he was the herald of death and darkness, something she did not understand.


Why was her son so suspicious of Aegon Targaryen?


And yet, that was not the only problem because the titanic debts inherited from Robert Baratheon and those that arose during the war are still there, and indeed the new king must prove himself as wise as his forbears or risk sundering the kingdoms forevermore.


Westeros will not withstand another war.


Thanks to great_red

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