Chereads / Fanfiction I am reading / Chapter 1586 - 67

Chapter 1586 - 67

Chapter Text

The city of Osgiliath (four months after returning to Annuminas)


"Well, we're finally here", said Jon excitedly, dismounting his mare and running to aid his companions off of theirs.


"Indeed, welcome to Osgiliath, the Capital of our beautiful Kingdom of Gondor ... Your new domain ... Prince Baelon," Said Anárion jovially much to his ire and the amusement of his companions.


"Truly, the city is the fairest in the South," Daenerys said, gazing at the great battlements in wonder.


"Yes, it is," Jon thought as he gazed upon the swan prowed ships that lay in harbour.


"Thank you very much for your words, Princess Daenerys ... We desired to construct this City in the image of Anduinë, although I am sad to say that at most, it is a reflection of its greatness," Isildur said sadly as he remembered his lost home.


The city glowed pearl white in the sunlight and straddled the Anduin River at a point roughly halfway between the cities of Minas Anor to the southwest and Minas Ithil to the northeast and to the north of the nearby mountains of Emyn Arnen.


Although it wasn't the first time he had gazed upon the Citadel of the Stars, its beauty still filled him with a fierce love for the men of Westernesse.


Jon knew the chief city of Gondor was Osgiliath... In Minas Ithil was the house of Isildur, and in Minas Anor the house of Anárion, but they shared the realm between them and their thrones were set side by side in the Great Hall of Osgiliath. The City, through the midst of which the Great River flowed; and the Men of Westernesse built here a great bridge, upon which there were towers and houses of stone wonderful to behold, and tall ships rested in the broad quays of the harbour and here sat the Dome of Stars, which housed the Osgiliath-stone, the greatest of the seven Palantíri.


"The City that I will now rule in the name of King Elendil and his sons ... Although I don't comprehend why? Why did the King urge that I rule the city if I have no knowledge of governing? Especially the chiefest city of the Southern Kingdom," Jon thought irritably at the knowledge that he would have to govern such an important city.


It was all a rather queer happening not after three days they had revealed the Silmaril, King Elendil and his children made a rather queer proposition. To travel south and take up residence in the city, acting as its Steward and defender in times of war and peace.






"Aaahh ... It's magnificent," Shiera said, captivated by the beauty of the Silmaril.


Ever since she had gazed upon those beautiful gems many years ago, she had yearned to possess one, and now one sits before her.


"And my beloved Jon gave it to another," The beautiful bastard thought in vexation.


And she was not alone in her dark thoughts; indeed, there was many a maiden in the room who desired the gem greatly though they could glean why he had given it to Galadriel.


It was unmistakable to all attending that Jon was ... captivated with the Lady of Light, and ostensibly, she is likewise charmed with him.


"By the Valar, he attracts women like flies to dead flesh," They thought in vexation. As if Lady Írimë was not enough, now they must contend with the fairest Elf in Arda; indeed, their beloved was too alluring for his own good.



Though unbeknownst to them, Galadriel had peered into their minds and was amused by their jealousy and satisfied that those mortals knew about her love for Jon and that she need not conceal it though her mood quickly soured when Arianne embraced her wolf.


"It's extraordinary what you have achieved, Jon ..." Arianne said, kissing Jon suddenly and furiously.


Her boldness filled him with desire for his beautiful viper ... He had been away far too long and missed her tender embrace deeply.


Though her boldness did little to endear to the maidens present who were aghast at the princesses boldness.


For their part, Arianne, Rhaenys and Daenerys, aided each other to fare with Jon's absence ... But the three young women knew that their touches could not be likened to those of their wolf.


And now that he was back, Arianne will not let Jon escape from her bed until she is wholly sated of him.


"Arianne…" Rhaenys growled, vexed at her cousin for taking her place with her beloved brother.


"Enough ... Rhaenys, Arianne, it wouldn't do us any good to cause a commotion and sour my return," Jon whispered, hoping to soothe their anger.


"You're right, my wolf; we shouldn't cause trouble," Arianne said sadly.


"Yes…" Rhaenys said, reddening in embarrassment.


"Good .." Jon said with a smile until he saw the bitter faces of Loras and Robar, who hadn't deigned to glance at the Silmaril.


"Is something awry, my friends?" Jon asked curiously.


"Nothing Jon, except ... that you seem to have forgotten us ..." Loras growled, seeing his friend's Mithril coat, and King Durin laughed at their cheek.


'Nonsense, I was merely saving your gifts for last!' said Jon, bringing out a parcel which seemed to be rather heavy for its size. He unwound several folds of cloth and held up two shirts of glittering mail.


Loras and Robar, upon seeing their gifts, were overcome with joy.


"Oh ... Splendid, it feels as soft as a silk shirt," said Robar. Carefully, he took it and held it up, and the gems on it glittered like stars, and the sound of the shaken rings was like the tinkle of rain in a pool.


"Those two behave as children... Lord Jon too ..." Andreth muttered, thinking of some way to punish Robar for his cheek.


"Those three have always been like this. Best get used to it, my lady", Rhaenys said, all the while looking at the mail with envy.


"And its shine is magical ..." Loras said, smiling akin to a cat who had gotten into the cream.


Some like Rhaenys, Arya, and Anárion were exceedingly desirous that the three of them had been armed in the manner of the Dwarves of old.


"It's not fair that only they got one. I want a shirt of Mithril as well," Said Arya, jealousy.


"We are the same mind, Lady Arya", Anárion seconded as his father, brother and nephew laughed heartily at his plight.


"Jon… Could you forge me a silver corslet?" Arya said, adopting a sad expression the same one she used as a child when she hoped to charm Jon.


Which amused her cousin and everyone else who couldn't believe Arya still used that trick to charm Jon.


"Little sister ..." He said, not knowing it pained her greatly to hear him speak those words.


"Little sister, I'm still his little sister," Arya thought sadly.


It is true that when she was a child, she enjoyed very much that Jon called her that or that he said that she was his favoured sister; yet after many years, the affection she felt for Jon turned to something more.



Many years ago, when Jon still dwelled in Khazad-dûm, she had just celebrated her thirtieth nameday and was eager to test her skills against the men of Arnor, and while she had grown mighty under the watchful eye of Glorfindel, there were still those among the Men of Westernesse who could defeat her though the sting of defeat was diminished when Jon returned.


The following day a surprised Arya saw him fight with the soldiers who had defeated her a few days ago, and she greatly relished when Jon humbled them. The joy of seeing him again was calmed for a few moments by the fantastical display of arms at that moment, a queer sensation filled her, and soon her body was aflame.


Arya couldn't understand how she never realized how dashing Jon was, though that was a trifle compared to what happened shortly after.


Days later, Jon and some of his men thought it wise to patrol the northern highlands, and after much debate, she was allowed to accompany them.


That same evening she and the others resolved to camp near a small lake, and she had separated from the others to look for some faggots, and when she returned, she spied Jon's horse and his belongings on the shore.


Her eyes widened in stupefaction when she saw Jon bathing in the stream. During her time on the road, she had seen many filthy men, and even to her shame, Arya had seen them strip down to take a swift bath ... And it wasn't pleasant, but ... Seeing her beloved cousin bathing ... That was ... that was something ... alluring.


Seeing the water cascading down her cousin's broad chest filled her with a flame of desire.



She carefully put the bundle of faggots down, and after a few moments of hesitation, she persisted in watching Jon bathe.


At first, she was merely content to admire his form, but as time passed, Arya felt her nipples grow stiff and a pleasant heat pooling in her stomach.


Arya suppressed a moan of pleasure, and soon the heat filled her. Then, without a second thought, she unlaced the strings of her corset and discarded her shirt, staring at her flowering body; she was elated while she didn't possess the curvaceous bust of her sister she knew the men of Arnor desired her hand, that mattered little in light of her current plight.


Soon her mind was plagued by fantasies of herself and Jon on the road journeying even to the far lands of Rhûn and Harad where the stars are strange none but themselves making love under the heavens.


Arya was brought out of her fantasy and soon felt shame as the heat in her belly proved too great, and her intimate demanded attention."By the Valar, what has come over me? to desire my cousin in such a way."


Yet, the desire soon overcame Arya, and she brought her hand to her most sacred place and moaned in pleasure before quickly doing away with her breeches and small clothes.


"Aaah", she groaned in pleasure, and Jon turned towards her hiding place.


Now Arya was fearful, believing Jon had heard her. But he gave no inkling that he had discovered her, and so Arya was content to surrender to the pleasures of the flesh.


This continued for several moments until the knot in her belly finally came undone, and she released her essence onto her hands. Thankfully her cries of pleasure were muffled by the splashing of the water, and Jon still hadn't discovered her.


She savoured the sensation of her first true passion until, little by little, she mastered herself and conceded the enormity of what she had just done.


She had pleasured herself to the thought of Jon. She had fallen prey to lust so great that her mind was dimmed, and she had given herself over to carnality, disrobing in the woods like some whore.


"Aaaah… What overcame me?… When I saw Jon, I" Thought Arya utterly mortified, turning to look at Jon once more only to see that he was standing on the shore and would cross her path.


Terrified, she swiftly dressed and retrieved the bundle of faggots before rushing back to camp, hoping her companions wouldn't question her long absence.


Once there ...she said nothing and busied herself with the cooking of a boar and vainly trying to drive the visions of Jon from her mind by the Valar, she felt akin to a blind man who had glimpsed perfection for the first time.


Was there someone more beautiful and fierce than her cousin? ... She did not believe it.


"The same cousin who has captured your heart," Sneered the little voice in her head.


At that moment, Arya remembered her mother and Septa Mordaine, neither of them had a fondness for Jon, and in fact, they had hoped to turn them all against him.


What would they say if they had glimpsed what she did in the forest?


"Nothing good, I imagine", She thought all the while, watching Jon and his companions merrily drinking and smoking.


Since that night, she constantly had fantasies in which Jon would take her furiously against a tree, yet other times, she dreamt of a simple life where they lived in a small cabin deep in the woods of Arnor, absent the plights of the world raising their children in peace and comfort.


The first time she had that dream, she woke with a start ... And a part of her was unhappy that it ended.


She never desired to be the broodmare of some weak necked lordling.


But having Jon's children ... That was an entirely different matter.


But he's already taken ... by seven women.


"You can join them," Said the voice of her conscience.


"I'm not a slattern!!!" Arya answered, blushing, debating with herself.


"Oh no? ... You long to share your cousin's bed and to bear his children, be swift, or you shall never be anything more than his "little sister "... Her conscience said mockingly.


And Arya remained silent, brooding on the truth of her heart.


Arnor's she-wolf was in love with her cousin much the same as her, drab and coquettish older sister; she wished to be his love, his partner, his wife; she desperately wanted to have a litter of wolves with him.


One night she was returning from her training when she saw that Sansa was in front of her and was about to call her when Arya something very astonishing in one of the courtyards of the King's palace.


Ghost furiously fucking Lady, claiming her as his own.


Arya was astonished by the act and thought to call out to Sansa, but when she slinked closer, she noticed that Sansa seemed in some kind of trance.


So instead, she hid and merely watched as her sister seemed to enjoy the deflowering of her wolf.


And later that evening, she heard noises coming from Sansa chambers, but she paid them no mind and tried to sleep.


Yet it seems sleep would elude her as Sansa persisted with this racket for several hours; finally, Arya could stand it no more and rose from her bed, striding across the room and opening the door to her sisters' chambers, and she was meant by the most amusing sight.


Her demure elder sister was stricken by the same lust that had claimed her in the forest and explored her body with abandon.


"Oh, who would have thought the proper northern lady is a slattern like Ros," Arya thought amusedly. She was about to leave until she heard Sansa mutter something that filled her with cruel jealousy.


"... Mmm ... Jon, Jon take me ... claim me as a wolf does his bitch," Sansa said sleepily as Arya's world turned sour and her smile faded.


"By Yavanna, I knew it; that's why she is so eager to act the slattern when Jon is around," Arya thought sourly as she recalled how cruelly Sansa had treated Jon before and yet she believes herself worthy of him now.


"Sansa has always been the fairer of us with her head filled with dreams of knights and fair maidens, and now she has set her sights on Jon, the man that I adore," Arya thought enviously.


But that mattered little Jon saw them as his sisters and nothing more.


With that in mind, she quickly left her sister's chambers, though not before swiping a bottle of elvish whiskey.



But unbeknownst to the She-Wolf of Arnor, her fantasies were soon discovered by Galadriel, who merely smiled at the boldness of the sisters.


Galadriel still remembered her oath in Khazad-Dûm ... She and Írimë will become dearest to Jon now; they must set their plans in motion.


Though she had every intention of aiding Arya in her pursuit of Jon partly because it amused her to witness the she-wolf succumb to her lust and to be certain that the future she saw come to pass.





"I'm afraid that my mastery is not yet so great that I can fashion true-silver as I would like", Jon soughed, vexed that he couldn't match the skill of King Durin in the arts of fashioning silvered steel.


Hearing this, Arya adopted a gloomy countenance that filled him with sadness.


"But ... The daggers I fashioned for you are unique ..." Jon said, arousing his cousin's curiosity.


"Unique?" Arya asked, glancing up curiously.


"Your daggers, Dany's bow, as well as Arianne's spear and Rhaenys's axe were fashioned according to the teachings of Enerdhil ... they will gleam blue if goblins are about; Jon said, enjoying the astonished looks of his companions.


"Really?" Arya asked excitedly, and he nodded, then she embraced him, much to Sansa's ire.


"Thank you, Jon ... But I still desire a corslet of mithril-rings," said the She-Wolf of Arnor, feigning sadness.


"Hahaha, perhaps I can aid in that young wolf; mayhaps you wish to work in my mines?" King Durin asked while Arya went pale at the prospect of toiling in the dwarven forges, and she swiftly returned to her sisters' side, eager to get away from the old dwarven king.


"Thanks, Durin," Jon thought, amused by the response of his cousin.


"Well, Jon, I must say your adventures are worthy of many tales and songs, but your treasures are worth even more," Said Robar admiring his brothers' fair compensations.


"Yes ... Chiefly Anguriel," Loras said, admiring its keen edge.


"Nay flowering knight the Helm is the best", Said Anárion gazing at the fabulous object and beginning to squabble with Loras before everyone's amused gaze.


Seeing Loras with Anguirel, Jon had a queer feeling… And he saw a vision of a green field with golden flowers.


Jon felt in his heart that the sword in Loras's hands was far meeker and less cruel.


The sword was not intended for the hand of Loras; that much was certain but, he had a feeling that the intended owner of Anguirel would be joined to him and Loras in some way.


At that moment, King Elendil stood up.


"I must admit that you outmatched my expectations, Jon… forth objects of great power, wrought it in the deeps of time and great knowledge that will serve us well for years to come, but you have also allowed us to contemplate the sacred light of the Elder Days," Elendil said, recognizing the value of what Jon accomplished in the East.


"Thank you, my King ..." Jon said humbly, kneeling before the King of the Dunedain.


"However, that does not mean that I have forgiven your rebellion… So as punishment, you shall aid in the arming and training of the city guard once more and shall be sent to the armouries where you shall inspect and sharpen each blade to my satisfaction," said Elendil smiling.


"This was inevitable," Jon thought resigned while his friends and loves smiled satisfied ... Justice had been done.


In the case of the Elven Lords, they only smiled in delight when hearing Jon's suffering, and King Durin approached him and placed a comforting hand on his shoulder.


"Don't worry, Jon ... You're used to labouring in armouries anyway", The old Dwarf King said, mocking his friend, and he groaned in sadness.


"I am eager to see the weapons in the armoury after Jon inspects and repairs them as the case mayhaps all our blades shall equal those of the Edain of days past," seconded Robar all the while admiring his corselet of Mithril.


"I'm sure they will be magnificent weapons akin to those our ancestors used in the First Age," Anárion said, hoping to convince Jon to forge him a new suit of armour and perhaps a sword.


"Your remarks flatter me," Jon said sarcastically.


"Genuine flattery you have earned, young one. Now it seems to me that we will remain here to see the fruits of your labour," King Gil-Galad said.


"I am keen to see the fruits of Dragonfire myself," Elrond said with eagerness.


"You will not be disappointed ... I swear by my beard ..." King Durin replied, altogether trusting in Jon's mastery, leaving all the elves present delighted, particularly Glorfindel and Cirdan, who being the eldest beings in the room they were eager to glimpse something wholly unknown.


The same could be said for Elendil and his kin.


"I shall be worked until I depart Arda, it seems; well, at least I won't clean stables," Jon thought with satisfaction.


"And I think the stables need a thorough cleaning, my King," Loras said evilly, and Jon turned pale.


"Indeed, I think you can abide that as well, Jon," Elendil said heartily.


"As my King commands," Jon snarled before glaring at his brother in arms, who merely grinned, "You will pay for this, Loras".


"Well ... It is time to rest ... Many affairs have transpired, and we held a great celebration, and I think we are all eager for a rest," Elendil said in a tired tone looking at his guests, and they all nodded.


At that moment, Jon saw that his loves were looking with a sinister glee that filled him with dread.



"Oh, damn it", Jon thought, wholly terrified, as he thought of what awaited him at the hands of his lady loves whom he had neglected for far too long.


"Do not forget my wolf that you shall have to attend my aunt and I as well", Galadriel said mischievously, enjoying her beloved's plight.


"My Star", He groaned pleadingly.


"Jon…" Elendil said with authority, and Jon turned to face him.


"Yes? My King," Asked the wild wolf.


"Rest ... Tomorrow your punishment begins, and it will last until I'm satisfied that your rebelliousness has been stamped out, but I wish to see hereafter at first light we have much to discuss," Elendil said, gazing at him in a penetrating manner and even the Elven Lords were curious regarding Elendil's intentions.


"As my King orders ..." Jon said respectfully, bowing.


"Then go and rest ... I must discuss matters with our guests", Elendil ordered with a secretive smile.


Jon found that suspicious smile but obeyed and withdrew, followed by his friends and Anárion, who questioned him incessantly about his skills in the forge and if he could forge armour as stout as that of their forebears.


Although Isildur found his brother's childish and irritating, this amused their numerous guest.


As all of Jon's lovers prepared for the night of passion, they heard a familiar voice in their minds.


"Tomorrow, you shall have breakfast with me; we've much to discuss, young maidens", Galadriel declared with a blend of superiority and gentleness, startling all who heard it as the Lady of Edhellond had never spoken to them directly.


The Westerosi women turned towards the Lady of Light and saw the most beautiful elf offering them an amiable smile, but in her gaze, they saw an authority that none of them could dare to question.


And five maidens nodded and quickly departed towards Jon's chambers.




After taking a well-deserved bath, Jon settled into his bed and produced his pipe, eager to smoke.


"Aaahh ... it does my heart good to be among such fine and admirable fellows again", Jon said, relishing his seclusion when he heard the door of his chambers open.


"By the Valar, it seems I shall have no peace tonight," He thought before swiftly stashing it in his cloak and wafting the smoke out the open window.


Arianne, Daenerys, Rhaenys, Ashara and Shiera sauntered in with resolute countenances, and each wore silken nightgowns so thin one could see all the loveliness they held.


Arianne, her ebon tresses flowing freely, wore a gown of scarlet cloth embroidered with many snakes that did little to conceal her buxom figure.


Arianne is undoubtedly a gem of Dornish beauty.


Rhaenys, on the other hand, was not as exotic as her cousin, and her charms were not so great, but she is still a wonderous beauty in her own right ... clad in a gown of flowing orange silk that made her appear as mother Rhoynar herself.


Indeed his beloved sister still set his blood aflame with passion, and he yearned to take her as a dragon does its mate.


Then the young Targaryen's gaze drifted towards his beloved maidens.


Ashara wore a gown of sparkling amethyst indeed; she seemed so fair in her raiment that he swore he stood before some Elvish maiden of days long past.


Shiera was far more daring; her gown was of silver lace and sewn with many pearls though her bosom was freely exposed with neither stitch nor cloth to cover them, and her tresses gleamed like cascading silver in the light of the rising moon indeed his beloved Maiden of the Sea seem fay as if a goddess of the freehold had come from the deeps of time to claim him as her own.


The cunning glimmer in her mismatched eyes made him feel as if he stood before a ravenous dragon eager to devour him, and he hadn't the strength to deny her.


Yet the one who has changed the most in his long absence was his dearest aunt Daenerys who had dawned a gown of shimmering turquoise fabric that seemed to shimmer and dance like the foam of the sea.


Daenerys has always been a maiden worthy of songs, with her violet eyes, silvered tresses, and petite form, yet age had been kinder to her than most.


She now stood tall as himself with a curvaceous figure, and she wore her silver locks in a long braid.


In fact, Dany was akin to Rhaella in her youth, fair of face and fierce of countenance, a true dragon of old Valyria.


Seeing such beauties in front of him, Jon couldn't help but swallow hard as he felt their desire raging as the fires of the forge.


He tried to speak, but Rhaenys swiftly sprang upon him and placed her hand on his mouth.


"No, dear brother ... Now you will listen to us," Rhaenys snarled, her amethyst eyes glittering in anger.


"It took you too long to return, Jon ... Too long ... You left us alone for many months to go on adventures in the East with the Dwarves and then you made us wait longer to learn to forge ..." Dany said, her eyes wet with tears.


"We understand that you were ordered to do so by our King but, you are unfair and inattentive to us ..." Ashara seconded reproachfully.


"Besides my silly wolf ... We have heard tales of your adventures with the Ladies Írimë and Galadriel," Shiera said while his face turned to one of horror.


"I knew it," Said the "Maiden of the Sea" with a bitter smile.


"I knew it was a matter of time for that irksome elf bewitched you," Rhaenys said, slapping his face.


"That hurt ..." Jon said, unfazed by the blow from his beloved sister.


"You deserve it ..." Rhaenys said, envious of Lalwen.


"I did not expect Lady Galadriel ... to be with you ..." Ashara said, not wholly knowing what to say on the matter.


He blushed as he recalled the night that he and Galadriel consummated their love and the morning after when they had destroyed a perfectly good dwarven bed.


At that moment, gathering strength, Arianne closed her eyes and stepped forward.


"Why Jon? ... Why must you always do this? Whenever the mood strikes you, you disappear into the unknown and deem that we wait in doubt and darkness. Have you no thought for us?"Arianne said with bitterness and sadness in her eyes.


Seeing the woman who had stood by him the longest filled with such sadness shamed him.


"You are a vigorous man… but it is horrid to be alone for so long…." Shiera said, her mismatched eyes sufficed with pain.


At that moment, Jon saw that even his fierce sister was grieved, and for a few moments, he looked down in shame.


"Do you truly think that I value you so little? Of course, in my heart, I desire to see these lands, but you are ever on my mind no matter how many leagues separate us," Jon said.


"Indeed, and I assume your burden was helped by the company of two lovely elves," Shiera said scathingly.


He grimaced but responded the only way he thought satisfactory, "Yes ..." and then Shiera and Rhaenys set upon him with hammering blows that left many welts and bruises though he hadn't the heart to deny them their satisfaction.


"Enough ..." Jon said as his body healed whatever hurt was accomplished, and although they knew he possessed the gift, this was the first time any of them had truly seen it.


"So it's true ..." Ashara said with wide eyes and carefully caressed Jon's face, surprised that he didn't have any scratches.


"Are you satisfied?" He asked impassively.


"Not yet ..." Dany said, surprised by what she had just seen but still irked by his long absence she made to hit him, but Jon stopped her.


"I wanted to return after my business in Dorwinion was finished… I truly wanted to come back and see you, but I knew that I ought to learn from Enerdhil's books and only in Khazad-dûm could I master his techniques had I returned when I wished I wouldn't have learned anything, nor would I have been able to construct your gifts, "Jon said sadly.


"We know Jon… Oh, my silly white wolf, even though your methods are selfish, you always think of us," Arianne said tenderly.


"But it doesn't mean that we have forgotten your carelessness towards us," Ashara said.


"Don't let this ensue again, Jon", Rhaenys said.


"Why have we talked ... About you ..." Shiera said.


"And we won't be able to forgive you if you abandon us like that again…" Daenerys snarled.


And seeing the unforgiving gaze of all his loves, he understood ... This is his last warning.


"If I let myself be carried away by my impulses as an adventurer again, regardless of their feelings, they will abandon me as Erendis did Aldarion I declared I would not fall to the folly of my Forebears yet I have done as he did," Jon thought, shocked by the extent of his madness.


"Aye, I swear on the house of Elros that I shall not leave your side again unless duty to our Kingdom compels me to do so," Jon said gravely.


Glimpsing the sincerity on Jon's face, all his loves smiled happily.


"Now that that is clear to you ... Let's move on to something else ..." Shiera said mischievously, biting her lip as she took off her nightgown, leaving her entirely bare.


Without saying a word, the beautiful bastard pounced on Jon with a fierce kiss as she laid her ample bosom on Jon's broad chest, knocking aside Rhaenys in the approach.


"Shiera!" Rhaegar's daughter growled.


But at that moment, he discarded his robe, revealing his athletic body to his loves who hadn't believed he would mature so splendidly in Khazad-dûm.


"Oh my…" Said a surprised Arianne, full of passion and ardour.


"Jon…" Said a smiling Daenerys with a lustful smile.


Ashara and Rhaenys were reddening all the while hungrily, looking at Jon.


"By the Valar ..." Shiera said, touching Jon's chest marvelling at how hard he was, no doubt, from years of labouring in the forges.


"Come ... It wasn't bad at all living in Khazad-Dûm ... Besides the gifts, it seems that you enjoy my body," Jon said mockingly, and once again, his blushing love struck him for his cheek.


"Be Silent, Jon", Arianne said as her hand roamed over his broad chest, clearly pleased with the fruits of his long labours.


"All those years in Khazad-Dûm have served you well, my love ..." Ashara said happily before joining Shiera beside him.


And they both began kissing their wolf at the same time.


"How long ago did you plan this?" Jon asked when he saw Daenerys; Arianne and Rhaenys succumb to passion, kissing and caressing each other, their eyes never breaking from him as if they hoped to entice him with their antics.


"Since we received the message of your return, my Lord ..." Shiera replied mischievously.


"Ignore those three, my darling; they'll have their chance. Concentrate on us." Ashara bellowed before kissing him with a fierce vigour befitting her Dornish upbringing.


"Damned slattern, you shall not keep him to yourself!" Rhaenys growled, jealous at being cast aside.


"Rhaenys, your language!" Ashara replied indignantly.


At that moment, Jon had enough and stood up, eyeing his loves like a ravenous wolf eager to glut itself.


"Jon?" Rhaenys asked, swallowing hard.


"You shouldn't fight amongst yourselves out of fanciful jealousy when I had elucidated that I will not leave any of you for the other", Jon said boldly.


None among them had seen Jon act so boldly, and it filled them with a grander desire than they thought imaginable.


"Jon…" Rhaenys said, nervous but trembling with lust, but he silenced her with a swift kiss.


"Sshhh ... Dear sister ... I'm not done," Jon said.


"What shall you do to us, beloved?" Shiera asked anxiously and smiling while she was caressing the breasts of Ashara, who was delighting in the caresses of her Targaryen lover.


"Remind you all that I am no mere Ranger of the North but a ravenous wolf," Jon said, his amethyst eyes glittering with a furious lust unlike any they had witnessed before.


-------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------


The next morning


Jon awoke the ensuing day and smiled proudly at the state of his chambers; the air was heavy with the aroma of passion and lust, furniture was overturned, and the bed was all but ruined.


Arianne, Daenerys, Rhaenys, Ashara, and Shiera slept soundly, wholly uncovered, their bodies glistening with the glow of passions realized and their gowns either ruined or discarded on the floor.


Arianne, Daenerys, Rhaenys, Ashara, Shiera, Lalwen and Galadriel were his alone, and he no longer cared to hide it from the world.


Although with Galadriel, he must still be wary, the Noldorian nobles would no doubt demand his head once their romance was discovered and he had yet to confront her father, Finarfin.


The young Targaryen detangled himself from his loves, mindful not to rouse them and began to prepare for his meeting with the King still he found the whole affair rather queer as Elendil waited till breakfast to start the business of the court, so it must be something of great importance.


"My heart tells me that this meeting would change my life ... Again", He thought with dread, hoping that his King hadn't schemed some new task that would take him far from his loves again.


He quickly dressed in a simple tunic and cloak before setting off towards the Great Hall thought it seemed fate had other plans as he was delayed several times by soldiers, nobles and gaggle of maidens who seemed eager to meet him, but at last, he entered the throne room where he was greeted by a sociable sight.


King Elendil on his throne and his sons beside him and his grandmother, King Gil-Galad, King Durin, Lord Círdan, Lord Glorfindel and Lord Elrond, and they seem to expect him.


"How odd; where are Galadriel and Lalwen?" He thought, bewildered, that his dearest Elves were not welcomed among this council of the wise.


"Good morning Jon ... I was expecting you", King Elendil said seriously.


"My King ... My Lords," Jon said before kneeling on one knee.


"Jon…" Rhaella said, smiling and kissed him on the forehead.


"Grandma ..." Jon said, gently kissing one of her hands, noticing that she was wearing one of the rings that he had offered her the night before.


Seeing his gaze Rhaella smiled.


"They are enchanting Jon, and oh so lovely I'm gladdened that you would give me such a gift," Rhaella said, smiling pleased by her gift and at that moment, Elendil cleared his throat, clearly wishing to begin their business.


"I know it's quite early, but I wish to conclude this affair before my palace is swarmed by all manner of petitioners but do not fret, young Knight, I am not displeased with you, nor are you being punished," King Elendil said with a smile.


"What do you need from me ... my King?" Jon asked respectfully.


"It is not I who require your services; rather, it is my sons," Elendil said, motioning to Isildur and Anárion, who rose from their thrones and approached him.


"What do they wish of me?" Jon wondered, and Isildur being the elder of the two who spoke first.


"As you know Baelon, the Kingdom that my brother and I founded in the South, Gondor, is made up of assorted territories and fortresses, the chiefest of these being Osgiliath, Minas Ithil and Minas Anor, of which Osgiliath is the capital of our nation," Isildur said proudly.


"Those three Cities are the most important in Gondor, Minas Anor is my domain, and Minas Ithil is my brother's domain ... But we both govern Osgiliath jointly, meeting in Council in case of any threat from Mordor" Said Anárion.


"However ... with the news you brought from the East and with the possible threat that Mordor marshal it's armies against us, we cannot neglect the defences of our beloved kingdom," Isildur said.


"Especially Minas Ithil where the white tree rest, it is the symbol of our lost home and Sauron is no doubt eager to destroy it", Anárion said darkly.


"And in Minas Ithil is the Pass of Cirith Ungol, a point in the Mountains of Shadow that can be used by the servants of Sauron in they reach an accord of Shelob," Said Isildur disgusted to pronounce that name.


At the utterance of Shelob's name, the entire room turned gloomy, and Jon learned the story of that horrible creature when he first visited Minas Ithil years ago.


Shelob was a great spider-like creature akin to those of Nan Dungortheb in Beleriand, the last offspring of the demonic Ungoliant.


It is said that Shelob fled the ruin of Beleriand during the War of Wrath and the monstrous spider made its lair high in the mountains of Mordor even before Sauron claimed that land as his own, remaining there at least since the beginning of the Second Age. She mated with her offspring whom she killed, and her descendants could be seen at Ephel Dúath and occasionally throughout the Greenwood.


As for Sauron: he knew where she lurked. It pleased him that she should dwell there hungry but unabated in malice, a more sure watch upon that ancient path into his land than any other that his skill could have devised. And Orcs, they were useful slaves, but he had them in plenty. If now and again Shelob caught them to stay her appetite, she was welcome: he could spare them. And sometimes, as a man may cast a dainty to his cat, Sauron would send her prisoners that he had no better uses for: he would have them driven to her hole and report brought back to him of the play she made, so they both lived, delighting in their own devices, and feared no assault, nor wrath, nor any end of their wickedness. Never yet had any fly escaped from Shelob's webs.


It pleased him that she should dwell there hungry but unabated in malice, a more sure watch upon that ancient path into his land than any other that his skill could have devised, and though they are not in league with each but should Sauron convince her to allow his armies safe passage through her lair.



"Minas Ithil would have an army at its back," Jon thought, worried.


"I understand the concern ... They need someone to take charge of ruling Osgiliath on their behalf ..." Jon deduced as Elendil and his sons nodded.


"That's right ... He must be someone strong to lead an army, capable, intelligent and charismatic enough to gain the trust of his men ... Someone like you, Baelon ..." Elendil said.


Jon's eyes widened ... Him? ... Governor of a City?, He had never given it much thought after these many years in exile.


When he was little and lived in Winterfell, he had always dreamed of leading men to glory, even at times he was jealous of his cousin Robb for being the next Lord of Winterfell and ruling the lands of the North, but the harsh words and indifference of Lady Catelyn, his betrayal by the Tyrells and his time in Middle-earth had driven those thoughts from his mind.


He had sworn allegiance to the House of Elendil, content to serve instead of Rule.


Also, leading men to war is one thing but leading them in a time of relative peace it is not the same to conquer as to rule, and he knew absolutely nothing of ruling.


He was a shipwright, a blacksmith, a poet, a musician, and a warrior, not a politician.


"My King honours me, but I have never ruled nor served as a Castilian ..." Jon said humbly.


"I know very well, Jon; however, you have shown a knack for earning the fellowship and trust of others as well as leading them when there is need. My two sons speak highly of you, but you are right; you have no knowledge, so I shall send my most trusted councillor with you," King Elendil said with a smile, and Jon quickly understood who he was referring to.


"Grandmother?" Jon asked, bewildered.


"Yes, don't look so vexed, my dearest child. I shall accompany you and aid you in whatever way I can," Said the ancient Queen of Westeros with a smile.


"But ... I have just returned to Annuminas after more than half a century away, besides this is a great honour..." Jon said, dismayed that he may depart these walls so soon after returning.


"An honour you have already earned ... Or shall I recite your own legend to you?" Elendil asked, amused at Jon's embarrassment.


"There is no need, my King ..." Jon said sadly while the others laughed.


"That isn't wise Father, if we recount all of Jon's exploits… Well, I think we'll spend the better part of an Age here," Anárion said with a mocking smile.


"Aye, you speak the truth, son and need I remind you that your punishment has yet to begin, and I daresay by the time you've finished, you shall never wish to see this City again," Elendil said with pridefulness as he saw his knights face pale.


"What of Loras and Robar?" Jon said.


"Loras and Robar will dwell here ... Robar is the captain of the City Guard and as for Loras is without a doubt one of my best soldiers, his skill inspires others ... Although they may visit Gondor from time to time as Emissaries, I will hear no more on the matter this is my decree as your King," Elendil said mightily, and Jon stood silent for he knew there was little he could say to dissuade the old King.


"If my King orders it, I shall heed his command though I feel that I'm ill-suited for such a task," Jon said darkly as he separated from his brothers in arms while Elendil sat back on his throne.


"We shall see ... speak to your cousins and your ... Mistresses, tell them that you only act according to my order and that they can accompany you if they wish ..." Elendil said.


"Oh, they'll be gladdened by that", Anárion said, eager to mock Jon, who just gave him an impassive look.


"Undoubtedly, my beloved Shiera will be delighted to live closer to the white tree, and wherever she goes, Ashara will follow her; as for the others, I can not think of a reason why they can refuse, they have a good life here, but they shall want for nothing in Gondor and Shiera had always desired to see the Southern Realm," Jon thought, analyzing the situation.


"It could work ..." Jon muttered.


"Although I will miss Loras and Robar ... I do not understand why they expect me to do this, I have no idea how to govern a City," Jon thought, anguished that his time in Annúminas was at an end.


"However, we have decided to make a slight change .." Isildur said suddenly.


"Change?" Jon asked, having a bad feeling.


And his suspicions were well-founded when he saw Durin's smile as if he had heard some amusing witticism.


"Yes, normally in Osgiliath, we leave a mere Castellan to defend the city, but someone of your rank and nobility ... It should not be considered in such an unworthy way ..." Anárion said earnestly.


"That is why for your feats and lineage ... We have decided to turn Osgiliath and its surrounding lands into a Principality, whose Feudal Lord received the title of Prince of Osgiliath and Lord of Emyn Arnen ", Isildur said.


"Me? A prince?" Jon said not certain he heard them correctly, but when they made no move to correct him, dread filled his heart. He certainly didn't feel like a prince.


"You have always been a Prince, you fool ..." Rhaella said, vexed with her grandson.


"Grandma!" Said Jon vexed that this grandmother would treat him as a child, especially among such dignified guests.


"Well, our business is concluded, so I bid you go to the stables and seek out master Huan. He shall oversee your punishment, and afterwards, you shall lead the training of the recruits," Elendil said with a smile as Jon tried to hide an expression of suffering in his face.


"Before I go, I'll make you pay for this Loras", Jon promised.


-------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------


Soon they were joined by Isildur and Elendur, who dismounted their steeds, and Isildur spoke in gladness "At last, we arrived ... We will show you the City and the Great Hall where you shall take up your rod of office,"


"Thank you, King Isildur," Jon said grimly, still lamenting leaving Loras, Robar and Annuminas behind after so long away.


At that moment, Jon felt someone take him by the hands ... It was Sansa, and it seemed she wished for him to accompany her.


Seeing the joy in her glimmering eyes, he smiled and offered his arm, much to the ire of his Lady loves, who had hoped for Jon to pick one of them.


"Come on, Jon ..." Sansa said, eager to see the City.


"Oh, by the Valar, don't leave me behind!" Arya yelled, vexed that Sansa should command all of his attention.


"Some things never change," said Jon smiling when he saw the annoyed faces of his loves for the challenge of his cousins but cheering up when he saw his sisters excited to meet their new home.


Although marvelling at the splendour of Osgiliath, the minds of the maidens turned towards other matters, now their beloved must govern this City in the name of Isildur and Anárion, but they hadn't an inkling of their intentions.


It was a great honour, one that their beloved richly deserved, and while they were happy and proud of Jon, their minds were elsewhere.


A discussion they had the day after Jon returned to Arnor, a meeting in which the Galadriel and her aunt had revealed the truth of their love for Jon and would now be cowed by them or any other and then boldly claimed they would be dearest to him in the days to come.


It was a difficult task to be challenged by such Highborn Elves; facing Lady Írimë is challenging, but facing Lady Galadriel is another matter entirely.


But that won't hinder them… Rather, they'll put those vexing elves in their place.





The first thing Arianne, Shiera, Daenerys, Rhaenys, and Ashara felt when they awoke was the sweltering heat of the room.


The five Westerosi women woke up confused by not knowing where they were, only that they had slept with each other Rhaenys atop Arianne and Daenerys, resting peaceably on Ashara.


Shiera, for her part, saw that the sheets were wholly ruined, and her body ached with a wholly pleasurable sensation.


"But what ... what is this?" Asked confounded the Maiden of the Sea, feeling her hair between dry and viscous as well as noticing that she and the others had traces of Jon's seed all over their body.


That blushed and embarrassed Shiera.


"What happened?" Ashara questioned, starting to wake up, noticing that Princess Daenerys used her bare breasts as pillows.


Daenerys, on the other hand, when she wakened, saw a dusky brown lump in front of her and began to suck upon it greedily, compelling Ashara to groan in pleasure as Dany's skilful tongue lavished her breast.


"Where I am?" Daenerys asked suddenly, withdrawing from Ashara's bosom.


"Enjoying yourself, Princess?" Ashara questioned as she admired Dany's Valyrian beauty.


"I'm sorry ..." Dany said, redding as she had thought she was making love to Arianne or Rhaenys.


"Don't worry, Princess.. but what happened? ... Oh, my whole body aches with yet it feels so wondrous", Ashara said.


"Mine too, my love", Shiera said, curling up next to Ashara.


"What happened to us?" Rhaenys asked.


"The last thing I recall is our meeting this Jon", Arianne began.


Hearing Jon's name was as if a blindfold fell from his eyes, and everyone's minds were assailed with many memories.


The five Westerosi women remembered everything that transpired the night before.


Their beloved had roused the dragon and claimed them as a conqueror would his prize. Indeed the five of them had engaged acts of such debauchery that even in Essos, they would have been condemned as slatterns, and yet they felt nought, but joy for their dragon had shown he truly loved them.



"Oh my…" Arianne said, groaning in embarrassment as she recalled the night the before.


"What did my brother do to us?" Rhaenys asked in astonishment.


"He used us as he desired ..." Shiera said, surprised.


"And it seems we were so weary we slept in," Ashara said in disbelief.


"Perhaps we can inspire him to reprise the performance," Daenerys said happily.


And the others, although they looked at her in surprise, murmured in agreement.


"Nay, we cannot as much as I desire to wait for our dearest we must meet with Galadriel and Írimë", Ashara groaned in disappointment as she remembered the aged Elf wished to speak to them.


"It's true ... Lady Galadriel must be waiting for us," Arianne said gloomily.


"And Írimë too ... We should know what they're planning ..." Rhaenys growled.


"Aye, and how shall we get there? Jon ruined our clothes," Shiera growled, vexed that her dearest had ruined their costly gowns.


None among them said a word but knew they would pay Jon in kind for his wildness.



After an hour, the ladies made their way to the feasting hall and were greeted by silence; there was no sign of King Elendil, his children, or their guest.


Indeed the only ones at the table were Írimë and Galadriel, who paid them no mind content to dine upon stuffed swan and apple tarts.


"How queer where the hall should be filled with ten times this number", They all thought.


"Where is Jon?" Arianne asked.


"And my mother?" Dany asked curiously.


"No doubt speaking with Elendil", replied Lady Galadriel before taking a bite of stuffed swan.


"Talking to King Elendil?" Rhaenys asked curiously, and Galadriel nodded.


"Why? ... And why weren't we summoned as well?" Shiera asked, troubled that a counsel should be called without her.


"Perhaps you may ask Jon and Rhaella yourselves though I do know it's a matter of great importance," Írimë said indifferently.


"Speak plainly Írimë why were we not summoned" Rhaenys growled, but the Elven princess paid her no mind and persisted in eating her toast.


Rhaenys snarled menacingly while Finwë's daughter grinned cheekily, and the others groaned in irritation.


"Dearest Aunt, must you embitter her so?" Galadriel sighed wearily.


"Rhaenys…" Dany said, upset with her niece.


"Jon is in counsel with the King to debate his destiny though we did not attend so that we may speak with you," Galadriel said.


"About Jon, my Lady?" Arianne guessed, and Galadriel nodded.


"Yes, it seems to me that you know that both my aunt and I ... We love him as much as you do, and we have plighted our troth with him," Galadriel said without fear at the fact that the Westerosi Ladies were looking at her with resentment and annoyance at what she " Lady of Light "just smiled at them without flinching.


"But before we speak, let's have breakfast first ... The conversation can wait a bit ..." Said the beautiful elf with kindness.


None of Jon's mistresses said anything, and they ate their breakfast in quietness.



Finally, after breakfast, the Ladies Írimë and Galadriel led them to her chambers.


It was far more spacious than any of them, decorated in pure white with the House of Finarfin emblem and far better furnished.


Fit for a Queen.


Once they were all inside, the Lady of Edhellond secured the door to evade interruptions, and she and her aunt Írimë eyed them carefully.


It was no secret that Lady Galadriel could read minds and was undoubtedly reading theirs.


The thought did not please them and less so when the beautiful elf began to smile, confirming their suspicions.


"We are here ... Let us speak, my Ladies ..." Arianne said dryly, and both elves nodded.


"It seems you had a night of passion," Lady Galadriel said with a glimmer of envy in her voice.


"Jon was ..." Daenerys tried to say, blushing and embarrassed.


"I know, my dear, believe me, I know it very well the passion of the wolf," Galadriel said, her face redding.


"Lady Galadriel ... You and Jon have given yourself to each other?" Shiera asked, unsettled because although she and the others discerned that the beautiful elf and her beloved wolf had finally welcomed their feelings, they hadn't thought that they might have succumbed to their lust so swiftly though it seems foolish once they considered how gallant their beloved could be.


"Yes ... We even spoiled the solid oak bed of Jon's lot in Khazad-dûm," Galadriel said, her face redding even further, and now the Lady of Light resembled a ruby.


"Artanis ... You never told me ..." Lalwen said in surprise.


"Apparently, our white wolf is wholly passionate," Arianne said with some fear.


"Indeed, he can be quite forceful; he even tore my favourite dress during our night in Imladris," Írimë said, remembering her first time with Jon, although the mention of her time with Jon aroused the ire of Rhaenys.


"I don't think you summoned us here to liken our times with my beloved brother." Rhaegar's daughter snarled jealously, and the others soughed.


"They are right ... We came to talk about Jon ... About the place, he has in our hearts and our lives," Írimë said earnestly.


"We know that elves marry for love and only once in their lifetime as was decreed by Manwë," Ashara said sagely.


"They are right ... The relationship that we both have with Jon ... is" unique as it violates many of the rules set down by our Kin; many already know that my aunt is Jon's consort, but I am afraid that when our kin discover that cleaved to him as well, we shall face many hardships," Galadriel said with a sigh.


"And you shall fight the traditions of your people to remain with him," Shiera said, utterly sure of their answer.


"Yes, like you ... We fell under his charm ... My foolish dragon claimed us in body, mind and soul ... He will not let us go, and we shall not be parted from him," Írimë snarled.


"Then?" Arianne asked, narrowing her eyes.


"That's all ... We too desire to be with our beloved wolf, and we will follow him wherever he goes; we do not want to be parted from him; we all hold a place in his heart here so none of them will be pushed aside; however, my aunt and I shall strive to be his chiefest loves," Galadriel said challengingly.


"Excuse me?" Shiera asked, troubled by the boldness of the two elves.


"We do not want to set you aside but understand that now that we accept our feelings, there is no other way for us but to love our foolish dragon; he is ours," Írimë said, taking her niece's side.


"On my corpse Írimë! ... We loved him long before you were welcome among us, and we love him more keenly than you," Rhaenys said, rising to her feet, her amethyst eyes glimmering in a fury.


"We'll see that Rhaenys ... Mmmmpp I still remember the passionate nights we had together at Imladris, do you remember the kiss I gave you that left you stunned? ... Well, that was but a pittance to the nights I shared with him he shall be mine body and soul," Írimë said boldly while the others were amazed that she and Rhaenys had shared a kiss.


"That doesn't matter ... One night with me, and your spell on him will cease ... Witch," Rhaenys said, provoking the elf maiden's anger.


"Who are you calling a witch !?" Írimë roared in a fury.


"Let go of me, Arianne!" Rhaenys yelled as she struggled to pounce on Lalwen.


"Aunt ... We summoned them here in good faith to declare our love for Jon not so that you may cause strife between us," Galadriel said, holding her aunt.


"Leave me Artanis ..." Írimë said, struggling to free herself.


"If what they wanted was to tell us that they are going to fight for Jon and become the first for him ... They already did ..." Shiera said, unsettled to know that she must contend with the will of Noldorian Princesses.


"We shall not surrender him so easily," Ashara said boldly.


"Jon is as much ours as yours, and I shall always be his Rhaenys if you know my intentions," Daenerys said happily.


And Galadriel smiled.


"We shall see," Said the beautiful elf, amused by the bravery of the maidens who shared affection for Jon.

-------------------------------------------------- ----


End of Flashback


Since that day, the Westerosi Ladies have not left Jon alone in the company of Írimë and Galadriel as they knew of the beauty of the elves and how easily Jon was bewitched by it.


The good part of this new rivalry between "The Firstborn" and "The Second Born" is that at that time, Írimë and Galadriel are in Imladris arranging their departure to Edhellond, where Galadriel will reside for several months before joining them in Osgiliath.


"Well, let them take their time. We have a good while before those knife-eared upstarts arrive," Arianne said, holding back laughter as she used one of the epithets used by the Dwarves to mock the Noldor.



Westeros (1 Year after the fall of King's Landing)


Highgarden, the seat of House Tyrell, was suffering the consequences of winter; terrible blizzards had reduced the beautiful gardens to a withered place of ice and snow.


The War of the Five Kings had reduced the might of the Reach, and with the exiles of the Golden Company claiming the castles and lands of their ancestors, things had not gone satisfactorily for the Tyrells.


Everything they had done to win Margaery a crown had been hopeless, from that alliance with Renly Baratheon to the alliance with Lannisters undone by the craven whore Cersei who is rotting in the dungeons of King's Landing at that time ... The only one consolation amid so much misery.


And furthermore, Westeros now had a new King, an aspiring Targaryen to say the least, King Aegon Targaryen the Sixth with the Name, the son of Rhaegar Targaryen and Elia Martell of Dorne who with the help of the Golden Company, Dorne, Jon Connington, Tyrion Lannister, and Ser Barristan Selmy defeated the Lannisters and claimed the Iron Throne.


However, the kingdom had suffered and bled too much, many hundreds had died, and the treasury was drained, and while the new king seemed an able enough man, these problems would plague the realm for generations.


However, the Reach's losses were thankfully minimal compared to that of the Starks, Baratheon, Lannister's and Tully's as the armies of those Houses were decimated and their lands devastated by the ravages of war.


Compared to them, well, the Roses have nothing to complain about ... They have enough crops for the winter, while their military power is relatively intact, and for the moment, they are the most prosperous House in Westeros, at least until the Imp places the Westerlands in good order once more.


Though relations with the Crown soured enormously, the new King did not forgive the attack he suffered in Storm's End, and although he returned their Lord, the truth is that they are practically exiled from the Court, which is being filled with Dornishmen and Stormlanders, as Aegon had legitimized the bastard Edric storm and made him Lord Paramount of the Stormlands.


Intriguing information, although there was little that the Tyrells could do with it, At least until they managed to regain their power and influence in the Court and when the winter sets in and the Capital runs out of food, Then the new King will go to them; everything is a matter of patience.


However, at that time, the leading members of House Tyrell were in the solar of Highgarden.


Margaery Pov

At that time, the whole family was gathered in the Study, her father, her mother, her brothers Willas, Garlan and her grandmother Olenna; they set the hearth ablaze and settled in with warm wine hoping to discuss their next course of action.


"So ... That's it, won't Margaery be Queen again?" Garlan asked.


"Not at the moment, however, there is no Lady with noble enough blood worthy of being the King's consort, his cousin Arianne and that Targaryen girl disappeared along with Loras and the bastard, and I don't think the King wants Asha Greyjoy as his wife," Said her grandmother rubbing her knotted hand in front of the fire.


"Jon ... His name is Jon," Her mother said challengingly, which had become somewhat commonplace in the years that followed Jon's exile.


Her mother at that time was holding the hands of her father, whom she cared for with love and care, which filled Margaery and her siblings with joy, as their parents were once again the loving union they remembered.


Since her grandmother managed to throw Jon to Highgarden and Loras decided to go with him, her mother had behaved coldly towards her grandmother and father, forming a rift in their marriage which lasted throughout the war in which She had been distant from her father, only speaking to him on formal events. After her wedding to Tommen, Margaery had learned that a few nights after her mother had returned to Highgarden, she had burst into the Great Hall well into her cups, shrieking in wrath how she had lost two children all for a crown which filled many with shame as the peoples of Highgarden had come to regard Jon as a true Tyrell.


However, all was not lost as his mother had recently come to forgive her father after he was returned to Highgarden.


But there was hardly anything left of the father Margaery remembered ...


He had grown so thin as to resemble a skeleton, his skin was pale as a corpse, and his auburn hair was barely traceable, and his beard was a tangled mass of greying hair.


When the whole family saw him, they were horrified, Margaery's eyes filled with tears and her mother, who until then had been cold to her father, burst into tears when she saw his state and ran to hug him tightly but the disheartening thing was that her father barely returned her gesture even though his face was filled with tears.


It was as if life had deserted Lord Mace Tyrell ... Even her grandmother Olenna couldn't hide her grief at the state of her son.


His father was absent and silent for days until he burst into tears and recounted the experience of being a captive of King Aegon; the King had apparently used strange sorcery to defeat her father in battle; he had become invisible and killed the advisers Randyll Tarly had sent him, and then a great fear fell upon them, and they thought no more of battle only of death and dying.


Apparently, her father felt that fear, and during his imprisonment, he heard the voice of King Aegon mocking him and clouding his mind with images of death and woe.


His father had endeavoured to commit suicide several times in his captivity to escape from that supernatural terror, but they had posted two guards to prevent it.


Margaery and the others were somewhat doubtful when listening to the story, but there had been rumours that Renly was slain by dark magic and to see her father in such a horrid state gave some credence to the dark powers beyond mortal grasp.


 Margaery took a sip of wine and then spoke, "I no longer want to be a Queen, I'm not even twenty, and yet I've had three husbands, the last one lost his throne while the previous ones died I'm content to remain in the Reach, not to mention that it is said that the King Aegon is fond of one of his cousins, Tyene Sand; there are rumours that he plans to legitimize her"


She had sacrificed love for a crown and for nothing.


"A bastard instead of a noblewoman ..." Her mother said with disbelief and rancour in her voice.


"At least she did not marry three usurpers ... And the first two died before consummating the marriage while the third fell from grace before achieving it," Margaery said wearily, and her grandmother, in a strange moment of compassion, nodded.


"Little one, we shall discuss your Queenship later," Her grandmother said wearily.


"She still wants me to be Queen," Margaery thought with annoyance.


"Any sign of Loras and Jon? ... His father asked in a whisper.


"Yes ..." was Willas' reply, visibly surprising everyone.


"Truly?" Garlan asked, excited to hear from Loras and Jon for the first time in two years.


"Yeah ... It's, well, a rumour I got from the Hastys ..." Willas said, satisfied with himself.


"Speak plainly, boy, and don't leave us in suspense," His grandmother said though one could hear the slight joy in her tone.


"Very good… I spoke to Lord Hasty, who told me what we already knew that Loras, Jon, and Robar Royce helped protect Lord Hasty's castle from those loyal to Stannis Baratheon, but we didn't know was that there was a commoner with them… A poacher named Grenn," Willas said, taking a glass of wine.


"Who is he?" Her grandmother asked.


"A simple commoner whom Loras and the others caught hunting in the lands of Lord Hasty, he was even their travelling companion for a while", Willas said before refilling his cup.


"How do you know this brother?" Margaery asked.


"And what do we know about this Grenn?" Asked his mother, happy to hear from Loras and Jon.


"If you let him speak, we will know," her grandmother snarled prickly as always.


"Thank you, Grandmother, now using what Lord Hasty's men told us about that boy I was able to find out he yet lived and is currently in the service of House Royce. I managed to establish contact with him through my men after they claimed Winterfell back from the Boltons, and at first, he didn't want to say anything, but when he found out that we were Loras's family, he changed; his mind… "Willas said with sadness in his eyes.


"What is it, brother?" Margaery asked, concerned.


"He told me that Loras, Jon and Robar Royce were planning to cross the Narrow Sea after taking Princess Arianne with them ... Apparently, they plan to explore the West of the World in search of a place called Middle Earth ..." Willas said with a touch of emotion in his voice.


But everyone was confused.


"What is Middle Earth?" Asked his father, genuinely confused, Willas stood up and reached into his breast pocket, producing an old map; it was yellowed, but it showed a great continent as large as Essos and many lands though it was hard to discern as the parchment was poorly cared for.


It even had strange writing that they had never seen; they looked like some kind of runes; the only part of the map that seemed legible was a drawing of a star-shaped island with a name below it ...


Númenor ...


Her grandmother extended her withered hand, and Willas handed her the map. For a few moments, her grandmother was genuinely surprised.


"Where did you get this?" Her grandmother asked.


"Summerhall ..." Willas replied.


"Summerhall? ... What does that ruined castle have to do with this?" Garlan asked, looking at the map curiously.


"According to Grenn, Loras and Jon along with Robar Royce visited those ruins, and then Jon insisted on crossing the Sea to seek this land, and Loras and Robar decided to accompany him ... But the boy did not know anything else, so I sent my spies to search those ruins to find information, it took them a long time to go through those ruins, but finally, they found an iron door hidden behind the rubble, they found an underground library where there were hundreds of books covered with a thick layer of dust ... Although at least What they told me it seems like some were missing .. "Willas said earnestly.


"Loras and Jon .." Margaery said hopefully.


"They could have taken them, yes, although I can't be sure… But my men didn't find anything about that place known as Middle-earth, except for this map in poor condition, and though the map may reveal how to travel to these lands, we cannot understand it," Willas moaned sadly.


"At least now we have a clue as to where they can both be ..." Her mother said, thanking the Gods with tears in her eyes, but her grandmother snorted in annoyance.


"We don't know where this place is, nor if it's even real", Her grandmother said with a tired sigh.


"Let's ask Maester Lomys!" Margaery said, happy and excited with tears in her eyes because of the happiness of hoping to find Loras and Jon, but to her disappointment, Willas sighed.


"I already did it, sister, and Maester Lomys has no idea what that strange land is or where it is; however, he already sent a word to the Citadel asking some of his companions to investigate for him… But until the answer arrives, I'm afraid this unreadable map is the only thing we have… "Willas replied, and Margaery sat back sadly.


"Maybe we should look west ..." Willas suggested, but his grandmother snorted.


"And end up like Elisa Farman? ... Think Garlan, no one has travelled to the West of Westeros for a reason ..." Her grandmother said with sadness, but there was an inkling of hope as well.


"She is happy to hear from Loras… But she is fearful of harbouring false hope," Margaery realized.


"I don't think we have anything else to talk about ... Leave me alone and try to rest, don't forget to bundle up well ..." Her grandmother said, after gulping down the remainder of her wine.

-------------------------------------------------- -------------


After leaving her grandmother's study and asking for a hot bath to be prepared, Margaery went to the only place in Highgarden where she could get peace ...The Sept and to her surprise, her mother was there kneeling before a lit candle and praying.


"Without a doubt thanking the gods for hearing from Loras' Margaery thought with a smile.


"Daughter?" Asked her mother, interrupting her prayers.


"Mother ... are you happy?" She asked, sure of the answer.


"I am; we are a little bit closer to bringing your brother and Jon home," Her mother said before embracing her.


"I would like nothing more ... But I don't think Jon still sees Highgarden as his home ... In our last meeting, I said horrible things to him ..." Margaery said, crying, remembering the last time she saw Jon.


"I know ... Your father told me ... That's why we distanced ourselves ... Your grandmother's machinations cost me two of my children ..." Her mother said with rancour in her voice.


"Do you think Jon will forgive me for what I said to him?" Margaery asked, and her mother smiled, kissing her forehead.


"I'm certain he will. Jon was never a cruel boy despite his upbringing," Her mother said though Margaery could see a flicker of guilt in her eyes.


And she understood why "It seems the prejudice of the Highborns will always be there",


"Do you miss him too, mother?" Margaery asked.


"Of course, my dear, they are my children, they both are, Loras is my little son, and I love him… Also, even though I didn't give birth to Jon, I raised him I loved him and took care of him as I did with you and your brothers; when I found out what your grandmother and your father asked you to do ... It was heartbreaking I felt like they ripped a part of me, I prayed and prayed that both of them would return home. In the case of Jon ... Willas and I were willing to lock him up in Highgarden to make sure he was safe, but we know they are alive, which fills me with hope," Her mother said with hope in her eyes.


"Thank the gods ..." Margaery said, hugging her mother.


"Please, Jon and Loras… Come home" Both thought in sadness,






thanks to great_red