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Chapter 1535 - 26

Chapter Text




The next morning


They were taken to the training yard where the Knights of Westeros were preparing to test their skills against Glorfindel, who watched them intently analyzing every movement of their bodies.




The elves had brought them everything they needed, armor, shields, and swords ... It had really been so long since they fought someone other than themselves that they already felt as if they were out of practice.




All the ladies were seated next to Cirdan at a table with wine and some sandwiches as they prepare to watch Jon, Loras, and Robar cross swords with Glorfindel.




"Do you think you can beat Glorfindel?" Daenerys asked, worried about Jon.




"I don't know, I've never seen an elf fight, and it seems that Glorfindel is a respected warrior," Rhaenys said, staring at the training ground.




"He is; Glorfindel is one of the most venerated heroes of the First Age mainly for his heroic defense of Gondolin," Cirdan said, taking a sip of wine.




"He fought against the armies of Morgoth when they entered the city; that's what we heard from him," Shiera said, worried about Jon as the feeling of unease did not leave her.




"Yes, but it is more than that, Glorfindel achieved great renown for slaying a Balrog of Morgoth singlehandedly, that earned him the greatest renown among my people and eternal glory because it is said that only with an army can one hope to beat a demon of might but he defeated it alone, using only his skill with the sword. " Cirdan praised Glorfindel to the surprise of his guests.




"He defeated a Balrog?" Princess Arianne exclaimed clearly shocked recalling the lessons about the history of the Elves during which they were taken to a room with different paintings showcasing glorious and tragic events in their history, in one such painting It showed huge monsters made of fire more akin to volcanos that living creatures, their tutors had given them a brief description of the dark creatures that made up the armies of Morgoth and none terrified them more than the Balrogs, they had enormous wings like some great bat, tails that ended in flickering flames, these creatures were quite tall easily capable of shattering the gates of Kingslanding and They were wreathed in flames and carried great battle-axes and whips of fire into battle, the first time they saw the illustration of those things without knowing what they really were , the mere image transmitted terror to the travelers of Westeros since according to their guardians the greatness the Balrogs had when they were Maias had been twisted and corrupted by the wickedness of the master Morgoth.




"It's about to start," Said a nervous Shiera bringing Arianne back to reality.




Glorfindel drew his sword, and Jon and the others did the same; it was then that Westeros' warriors surrounded the Elf who calmly remained in the center. The first to attack was Loras, who tried to hit Glorfindel with a slash of his sword on the left shoulder, but the Elf dodged him gracefully, and Loras tried to press forward with several more strikes, but he could not avoid the swift sword of Glorfindel and received a cut on his forearm causing him to scream in pain.




Next came the young Vale knight, Glorfindel picked up a large shield and began to taunt Robar. The young knight charged and began to exchange blows with Glorfindel, but it soon became clear that the Elf was toying with Robar, and in a flurry of strikes, he knocked down the knight of Vale who still shocked, could do nothing but accept his loss.




It was there that Loras again launched himself against Glorfindel, who managed to repel each blow of the sword and in a quick movement of his shield hit Loras's hand, making him drop his blade, leaving him defenseless; Loras recovered quickly and tried to attack Glorfindel again, but the Elf was ready and used his sword in his right hand to block the blow and then with a shield strike broke Loras guard, and although Robar managed to stop the second blow he could not dodge the incoming sword strike once again Loras was disarmed.




All the ladies of Westeros were amazed by Glorfindel's incredible display of swordsmanship as they had seen Loras and Robar's skills firsthand, and the Elf made a fool of them; it was akin to an ant pestering a Lion.




"Why doesn't Jon do anything?" Ashara asked, confused.




"He is studying the battle," Princess Rhaenys said to the confusion of the others.




"Studying?" Daenerys asked curiously.




"Jon has never fought an elf or any of us, so he doesn't know what to expect from Glorfindel, so he let that pair of fools attack first to study his fighting style," Rhaenys said with admiration for Jon's pragmatism Rhaella was surprised as it was the closest thing to a compliment Rhaenys had ever given Jon.




Jon and Glorfindel began to cross swords, and to the surprise of the Elf, Jon had managed to block various blows and feints; he was matching the elf blow for blow, but Jon was tiring as each blow from the Elf felt like striking solid oak.




Glorfindel realized that he had to take Jon more seriously than the other two, and using prodigious speed, he managed to take advantage of an opening in Jon's guard, and with the edge of his sword, he managed to angle his blade under Jon's pauldron and score a cut.




Jon's scream caused Arianne, Daenerys, and Shiera to jump up to the rest's surprise, and taking advantage of Jon's pain and shock, Glorfindel quickly disarmed him.




"I think that concludes today's lesson," said the Elf watching the knights of Westeros him.




Jon and Robar nodded, realizing that they had no way of beating Glorfindel even by working together, while Loras didn't look happy.




"It's incredible, the speed, the grace ... There were moments when I didn't know if Glorfindel was fighting or dancing," Princess Rhaenys said, impressed.




It was then that Jon, Robar, and Loras went over to where their audience sat.




"How are you, my wolf?" Asked Arianne, unable to resist teasing her love while Jon just glared at her.




"Here, Jon, let me help you," Daenerys said, quickly starting to help Jon take off his armor, much to the surprise of everyone, especially Arianne, who was filled with jealousy.




"Princess ..." Jon said sheepishly.




"Sssh ... Silence," Daenerys said in a tone that did not accept replies while Loras and Robar watched the scene in disbelief and gave Queen Rhaella a look of confusion to which the dowager queen could only laugh and shrug her shoulders in amusement.




"Princess Daenerys ... I'll take care of Jon," Arianne said in a challenging tone, hoping to shoo the young Targaryen away; alas, it didn't work as the princesses watched each other in thinly veiled hostility it became so strained even Cirdan and Glorfindel began to worry that a fight would break out.




So, the Lord of the Gray Havens decided to intervene.




"Well, Glorfindel, what is your opinion of them?" Cirdan said, genuinely interested despite wanting to change the subject quickly.




"They are better than I expected; they know the basic movements of using the sword, that will save us a lot of time," Glorfindel said in a pragmatic voice.




"Basic moves?" A pained Loras asked indignantly as he struggled to remove his armor.




"I am afraid that his ability is somewhat lacking, although I will admit that his fighting style is intriguing, Loras you let yourself be ruled by emotion and attacked me recklessly, never relenting in your assault. You could be defeated by any warrior who uses his brain. Glorfindel's comment filled Loras with embarrassment, and he continued to remove his armor in silence.




"Robar, you were more practical than Loras ... But your technique requires a lot of work, especially your reaction time" Glorfindel's words touched Robar's pride, but he took it much better than his partner as he nodded, taking off his armor in silence.




At that moment, Glorfindel directed his gaze towards Jon, whom Daenerys and Arianne had already managed to remove his armor.




"Jon, you really impressed me; you showed a ruthless pragmatism, and a calculating astuteness in taking advantage of your friends desire for glory to study my way of fighting and find a weakness in my technique; that was cunning; however, your ability is not much better than Loras and Robar, you must practice a great deal to equal me in skill, "said Glorfindel with a voice as forceful as a stone.




Jon only internally nodded in dismay realizing how poor his swordsmanship truly was compared to an elf as he understood that he had a long way to go as a warrior.




... The knighthood isn't worth shit; it will not make you better with the sword ... It is a lesson that I will not forget ...




After this dose of painful reality, Jon sighed and stared at Glorfindel.




"When do we start?" Jon said, anticipating a painful and torturous workout.




"Wait, I want to learn from Glorfindel too," Rhaenys said to everyone's surprise.




"Some women from our town decide to take up arms; it is not common but not unusual either," Cirdan said, studying Rhaenys.




"Although in the men's village, for a woman to use weapons is generally forbidden," Glorfindel said, and instantly Rhaenys's inner dragon began to growl.




"I am not like those defenseless women who need to be saved, I am Rhaenys from House Targaryen, and I am responsible for myself," She said proudly while her grandmother sighed. But Cirdan and Glorfindel just looked at her as if she had grown a second head.




"Me too," Arianne said after a moment.




"Ari?" Jon asked, confused as his love shot him one of her smiles.




"I am a Princess of Dorne, my white wolf before I left my home, my uncle Oberyn began to train me in the use of the spear as you well know" And Jon knew well his lady love was lethal with a spear.




"For me, there are no problems, but I warn you I am a severe teacher," Glorfindel said seriously.




"But that does not mean that they will neglect their other lessons Jon, Loras, and Robar, their language skills and shipbuilding must improve, and Princess Rhaenys, Aveneri has told me that you need a lot more practice with your weaving," Cirdan said seriously as the Westerosi only complained about the enormous amount of work they would have. At the same time, Rhaella, Daenerys, Shiera, and Ashara smiled in amusement.




"May I ask you a question, Lord Glorfindel?" Lady Ashara asked, intrigued by the Elf's skill with a blade reminded her of her brother Arthur Dayne "The Sword of Morning," although she doubted that her brother could match the ancient Elf.




"I have not been a Lord in a long time, my lady; I am only a knight in the service of King Gil-galad," Glorfindel said modestly.




"I once had a brother named Arthur who was also a Knight..." Ashara said with pain in her voice when she remembered the sad and absurd end of her brother.




"The sword of the morning, isn't it?" Glorfindel replied to a surprised Ashara, who stared at her fellow travelers.




"You will have to excuse us, my Lady ... Before this confrontation, we told Glorfindel about some of the best warriors of the Seven Kingdoms ... And it was inevitable that your brother's name would come up, " Jon apologized, while Ashara shook his head.




"Don't worry Jon, you didn't do anything wrong ... As Glorfindel told you when seeing him handle his sword with such skill, it was inevitable that he would remind me of my brother Arthur he only trained with the weapons master of Starfall, the seat of House Dayne, then he traveled the world polishing his skill, my question is… Did he develop his talent by himself, or was he perhaps trained by some aged elf? " The Lady Ashara asked, interested to know more about the elf knight who made her remember her brother not only for his ability but also for his gallantry. Despite the direct question, Glorfindel smiled slightly.




"Each apprentice is only as good as his master, Though I must admit that my master was far mightier than me, he was very patient, although at that time my ability was less than acceptable. Your question does not bother me, my lady, as it brings back memories of happier days. I was born in Valinor in the last Age of Morgoth's confinement when there was no suffering in the world, and there I had Lord Eönwë as a teacher, the herald of King Manwë, "He said to everyone's surprise.




"Eönwë?" Loras asked curiously.




"He is the herald of the High King; he carries his flag ... He is the best weapons master in all of Arda and the chief of the Maiar together with Ilmarë the maiden of Queen Varda ... It was Eönwë who taught me and Ecthelion our skill in lore and arms it would not be an exaggeration to say that thanks to teachings we became great in body and mind but also in spirit."




"I would like to meet him .." Ashara said with a dreamy expression.




"Lord Eönwë is one of the few Ainur who has been impartial to all races from the beginning ... Eönwë actually helped the Numenoreans to magnify themselves," Glorfindel said now arousing everyone's interest.




"Really?" Lady Shiera asked excitedly.




"Yes, when Eärendil and Elwing reached the shores of Amman, it was Eönwë who first greeted them and led them to present themselves to the Valar. When King Manwë agreed to Eärendil's plea, Eönwë was sent to Middle-earth to fight in the War of Wrath, leading the great host of Valinor ... My master Eönwë is said to have aided in overthrowing Morgoth. "




"He seems like someone amazing, " Jon said admiringly.




"he, when Morgoth was defeated, Eönwë played a vital role in the aftermath of the war. He took the two remaining Silmarils and kept them safe, but when the two remaining Sons of Fëanor, Maedhros, and Maglor stole them and fled, Eönwë did not allow them to be killed. Sauron surrendered to Eönwë and abjured all his evil deeds. But because Eönwë did not have the power to forgive Sauron, he ordered him to return to Aman to receive Manwe's judgment. But Sauron was unwilling to be humiliated as his master was, so he fled to the East and hid there for centuries. "




"Yes, Lord Cirdan told us that part of the story," Shiera said with much resentment at the thought of Sauron since she harbored the desire to take revenge on him for what he did to the land of her kindred.




"But the greatest accomplishment of Eönwë is that at the beginning of this age, my teacher came before the three houses of the Edain when they had already established themselves in Númenor and taught them many things, granting them great wisdom and power. He carried with him a blessing from the Valar ... A greater hope of life. Thus, they became the first Tall Men in the history of Númenor."




"It's a shame that Númenor ended up like this ... Despite Eönwë teachings," Shiera said sadly, but at that moment, Ashara approached her and kissed her forehead, bringing a smile to the beautiful Targaryen bastard.




"I think I've talked enough about myself for today ... I hope knowing a part of my story will help you, my lady," Glorfindel said, bowing slightly to Ashara.




"Yes, my lord ... Thank you very much" -




"Well, in that case, you better return to your lessons; Glorfindel will start instructing you tomorrow," Cirdan said, bidding goodbye to everyone before returning to his study.




They all started heading back to their language lessons while watching Daenerys trying to get Jon's attention, but her efforts were far too subtle, and they also saw Arianne struggling to contain her temper while holding on to Jon's right arm.




"I can't believe my aunt Daenerys behaves like that as if seeing my cousin Arianne and Jon devouring each other wasn't enough," Rhaenys said, looking at the scene with annoyance.




"It's normal; Jon is a beautiful boy, and women, especially Southerners, found him fascinating because of his appearance as a man from the North," said Robar without giving any importance to the scene in front of him.




"Does Jon enjoy the company of women often?" Queen Rhaella asked, wanting to know if Eddard Stark's bastard son was a womanizer, but Robar shook his head.




"No, Jon ... He was always timid with women and, as you must already realize, incredibly dense," Robar said with annoyance when he saw how Jon remained naively unaware of the fact that both Princesses were fighting for his attention. That caused Ashara, Shiera, and Loras to start laughing.




"He is a Stark regardless of his last name; Jon is his father's son ... It is not in his nature to be like this ... Unlike his uncle," Said Ashara involuntarily, remembering the night that Brandon raped her and starting to shake, but Shiera takes her hand gently and gives her a calming kiss.




"Yes, but it is very annoying since all the women who know him want to fuck him, and the fool does not even notice it; damn, even the Red Viper of Dorne wanted to take it, I'm sure," Robar said with amusement and caused everyone who heard him laugh with them.




"Yes, I see that Prince Oberyn hasn't changed at all," Ashara said, wiping her tears with laughter.




"It's an unavoidable fact that if a woman spends a lot of time with Jon, she will want to fuck him eventually," Loras said with amusement, but his comment earned him a look from all the ladies.




"Excuse me, Sir? Queen Rhaella asked, somewhat annoyed with the comment.




"Ignore him, Your Highness; he is a prick," Robar said, hitting Loras on the head to the latter's annoyance.




... But what he says is true Jon has a unique charm with women; they all want to fuck him sooner or later; I still remember the maids, innkeepers, and prostitutes in Renly's camp all wanted to spend time with Jon. .. Something tells me that these noble damsels will not be the exception ... By the time this trip is over, they will all have fallen into his bed ...




Robar thought while he saw Arianne and Daenerys competing for Jon's attention. In contrast, the others were upset with Loras. Robar had no doubt that it was because all these young ladies felt something for his brother in arms, Arianne Martell and Daenerys Targaryen already fought for him, Lady Shiera had also changed her attitude with Jon before she was kind to him but distant (as with everyone except Lady Ashara). Still, now she seeks to spend her free time between Ashara and Jon; Robar has seen them chatting and laughing while studying even though she pretends not to care, Lady Shiera must not converse with her lover for long of that Robar is certain, as for Ashara herself, well, if the rumors were true, she had fallen for Ned Stark. Jon was near his twin; she has always cared for Jon from afar as though she was hesitant to try anything else at the moment. Robar had noticed as the voyage progressed Jon had spent a great deal of time with the lady of Starfall; whenever Jon was on guard duty, she accompanied him for what purpose he cannot say, Robar realized because he got up to use the toilet and when he got up again an hour later to replace Jon he saw for Lady Ashara coming from Jon's cabin looking somewhat disheveled... This happened another two times, and it seems to have seized after they departed from Ulmo's island.




As for Queen Rhaella, Robar was not sure what the Dowager Queen thought about Jon, but he has seen her watching Jon from afar on many occasions ... As if she wishes or expects something from him, Robar did not know exactly what It was ... just that the Queen cared for Jon much more than she let on, that was proven when lord Cirdarin had told the young knight that he could become a servant of evil should the one corrupt him Rhaella was somewhat horrified at that revelation, it seemed as if she was going to carry him into her arms and not let go.




The only one who seems to have no interest in Jon (for now) is Princess Rhaenys, although she appears to be softening him up as she hasn't treated him like trash for months, though beyond that... She doesn't seem to care much for now.




The whole situation between Jon and the noblewomen concerned Robar a great deal; in any other circumstances, he would be jealous, but if you consider who the Ladies are ... Robar has gotten to know them well enough to know that they can be very territorial. With what they believe is theirs in this case, that would be Jon ... Robar would not like to be in the midst of all of them; he did not care about the carnal pleasure he could obtain, a jealous woman is a dangerous woman, and a jealous noblewoman is much, much worse ... Robar honestly wondered if there would be anything left of Jon when those beautiful ladies finished with him.




Robar may seem ridiculously paranoid, but considering the number of wars that are often fought and the blood that is spilled because of a woman's love, the most evident examples being in chronological order Rhaenyra Targaryen, Jenny of Oldstones, and Lyanna Stark, Robar can't be blamed for caring about Jon, especially if those beautiful, volatile women want a piece of him, Robar hoped they wouldn't decide to cut him up so each could have a piece.




... A beautiful woman can be very dangerous more than any sword only an idiot would doubt it ... Jon, I have no idea what these women see you, but you better not play with their emotions or they will kill you without hesitation ... He thought Robar observing Jon walking alongside Princesses Arianne and Daenerys while being watched by the rest of the ladies.




Robar might be the quietest of the three knights and the easiest to ignore and overlook, but that was why he was the most observant ... Although that seemed to be a curse at times.






6 months later




It had been a little over a year since Jon and the others had arrived in Middle-earth, and in that time, they had completely adapted to their new surroundings. His command of Quenya and Sindarin was almost perfect, although Loras and Arianne had some minor difficulties with Quenya. Still, Jon and Daenerys the only ones who speak and understand it perfectly; Sindarin, on the other hand, was already spoken and understood perfectly by all travelers from Westeros; in terms of Geography, Jon, Loras, and Robar due to their military training could understand the maps of Middle Earth with such ease that even the elves were alarmed with their progress. However, the ladies were better healers, especially the Ladies Shiera and Ashara, who both possessed excellent knowledge of herbology, and the healers of the Gray havens revealed lore long thought lost in the arts of healing, especially in the brewing of potions and poultices, as for the tradition of Middle Earth that was the only thing that everyone could keep up with.




For Jon, Loras, Robar, Rhaenys, and Arianne, their skill at arms improved greatly under Glorfindel's tutelage. Still, when he said that he would be a severe teacher, they should have known better as Glorfindel was as fierce as Cirdan when they had to train with him. He got up every morning at dawn and performed various exercises in the handling of weapons such as blades, knives, and axes. They also practiced with the elven soldiers to increase strength, endurance, and speed; in addition to Jon, Loras and Robar wore clothes that hindered their movement so that they could sharpen their reaction times; the training was inhumane, but finally, after three months of suffering they were used to the grueling training, and soon they improved enough that Glorfindel himself took the fighting more seriously to the point where it now took him five minutes to defeat Loras and Robar while Jon lasted fifteen. In training, they used simple swords and spears though never bows as they didn't have the strength to pluck a Noldorian bow; Jon also refused to use Ringil in training since he knew that with Fingolfin's sword he could have a better chance at winning, Jon knew that using it for that purpose would be an insult.




In terms of navigation and shipbuilding, Cirdan was still as severe as ever, but Jon and the others could already grasp and carry out his orders more easily (although they still needed to improve a lot). Nevertheless, soon they will build ships of such quality that they will shame any not fashioned by the lords of the Noldor and Westernesse. As for navigation, thanks to Cirdan's advice and the short voyages they accompanied him on, the trio know or at least believed they knew the coasts of the Gray Havens like the back of their hands; in fact, they were sure that if the need arose, they could traverse the entire river of Lhún without problems.








They were in training with Glorfindel. Each warrior was beaten and bruised, either laying on the ground exhausted or simply yielding all except Ser Loras, who was still standing unwilling to admit defeat; Loras had improved a great deal under the tutelage of Glorfindel but still could not present a real challenge to his teacher, everyone knew it except him.




"You are doing it wrong Loras, how many times do I have to repeat it to you? Your sword is not only a weapon or tool; it is an extension of you, like an arm, handle it firmly, but at the same time gently if you keep attacking in this way you only you will tire quickly and… "At that moment, Glorfindel took the opportunity to throw Loras off balance by attacking his legs, and the flower knight fell to the ground, exhausted and unable to get up.




"Any soldier of skill will see your openings and exploit them ... Outside of that, excellent work everyone, your improvements are much better than I expected," Glorfindel said, proud of all.




Jon helped Arianne up while Robar did the same to Rhaenys, and they all looked bruised, exhausted, and muddy.




"Thanks for the lesson, master," Jon said, bowing.




"There is no reason for that, Jon, now… Listen to me because I have something important to tell you."




Everyone, out of curiosity, approached Glorfindel after Jon helped a sore Loras to his feet.




"I will have to leave Mithlond in three days, so you shall be without instruction for several weeks," Glorfindel said, surprising everyone.




"Where are you going, master?" Ask Jon,




"I am afraid that yes, King Gil-galad sent a message for me to join a retinue of my people to go to the dwarf kingdom of Khazad-dûm to discuss matters between our races; my mission is to act as a guard for our dignitaries, so I won't be able to train you ... So, I want you to practice until I return ... Is that clear? " Glorfindel finished sternly, but Jon was no longer listening.




"Khazad-dûm? The great city of dwarves that is also a mine?" I ask how a child excited, and it was not for less since in his studies on the history and geography of Middle Earth, Jon learned that the kingdom of Khazad-dûm was founded during The Ages of the Trees by Durin I "The Deathless" the most prominent of the 7 fathers of the dwarves and after his death it was ruled by his descendants the longbeards, the Mansion is vast built deep beneath the Misty Mountains and its three lofty peaks Celebdil, Caradhras, and Fanuidhol. However, during the First Age, he intervened in the events of Beleriand, soon after his fame reached the ears of the great elves of ages past, but at the end of War of Wrath and the collapse of Beleriand with the destruction of the cities of Nogrod and Belegost, many dwarves came to live in Khazad- dum.






Ever since Ulmo told them about the dwarves and their unmatched ability in metalworking, Jon has been curious to meet them and see their skill for himself.




"I want to go with you, teacher," Jon said after a moment surprising everyone.




"Jon?" Arianne asked in surprise.




"I would like to see the kingdom of Khazad-dûm with my own eyes, it has been more than a year since we arrived here, and we have learned a great deal, but we have never ventured outside the Havens. I know that we still have to go with Elendil, but I would like to see the other cities of middle-earth; I promise not to be a burden, master Glorfindel. Take me with you, please, "said Jon excitedly.




Glorfindel only stared at his student for a few moments and sighed.




"You have certainly improved a great deal since you came here, and I would like for you and your friends to visit the children of Aule for their fortress cities are truly a sight to behold, and I feel it will help you grow and learn more about Middle-earth. .. But you and your friends are guests and protégés of Lord Cirdan; if you wish to go first, you need his permission," Glorfindel said in a tone that did not accept replies.




Jon nodded and decided to go talk to his mentor later. While Loras and Robar shared a resigned look as they understood Jon's intentions, they were fully aware of their brother's adventurous spirit.




While Arianne and Rhaenys looked at each other, clearly confused by Jon's outburst about wishing to visit the kingdom of the dwarves yet they were deeply excited for the opportunity to see more of Middle Earth.




... I hope this doesn't end badly ... Arianne thought she saw her white wolf talking to Glorfindel.


-------------------------------------------------- -------------------




"So, you wish to go with Glorfindel to Khazad-dum?" Cirdan asked, raising an eyebrow.




"Yes, I wish to see Khazad-dûm for myself; I have read a lot about that kingdom and about the legendary friendship between the Celembridor and King Durin III and how dwarves and elves prospered from this friendship .. or the great smithies where gold flows like an endless river waiting to take on a glorious new shape, the sound of hammers hitting metal producing a song and the sound of spikes piercing rocks ... "




"Jon ... You don't have to praise the place so much; I have gone there I know what it is like ... It's far more magnificent... But I don't know ... The road through the misty mountains can be perilous... But, indeed, you have not left the Gray Havens since you arrived here ... This could be good for you," Cirdan said thoughtfully.




"So, it's a yes?" Jon asked excitedly as Cirdan stared at him.




After their lessons with Glorfindel, Jon and the others were able to have a hot bath, and Jon went to find Cirdan to ask his permission to accompany Glorfindel to the kingdom of the dwarves; the Lord of the Gray Havens was cautious at first. The idea of Jon going there because his training was not complete yet, but he soon began to consider that perhaps the experience could enrich the knowledge of Jon and his friends by meeting King Durin IV and his dwarves ... Maybe they will learn something useful. However, there were still two important problems. One was the retinue of elves, this was a diplomatic visit and if something went wrong ... King Gil-galad would not be happy if we soured our relations with the dwarves of Khazad-dum and to risk the life of the Valar's envoys and adding the fact of how proud, distrustful and quick to anger the dwarves are ... But Cirdan knew in his heart that despite the potential danger, this trip would be vital to Jon's growth as a warrior and scholar.




Having made up his mind, Cirdan put his hands on his hundred and sighed.




"Do you promise to follow Glorfindel's instructions to the letter and not be reckless?" Cirdan asked seriously.




"I swear ... by my blood," Jon answered, barely containing his joy.




"Then you can go, but remember not to cause problems for Glorfindel or the elves' entourage, much less provoke the dwarves; if you have read as much as you say, you should already understand their prideful nature," Cirdan continued in a commanding voice.




"Yes, my lord."




"Then go, prepare for the trip," Cirdan finished with a slight smile.




"I will," said Jon bowing and left the room happy like a child.








"So, you and Jon will go to the kingdom of the dwarves ...?" Queen Rhaella asked Robar and Ser Loras, who had come from their sparring session clearly annoyed. They were there, Queen Rhaella, the Ladies Ashara, and Shiera in addition to Princess Daenerys; the only ones absent were Princess Rhaenys and Arianne, who were preparing for another lesson in weaving and healing.




"Yeah, I swear since he got here, that boy has his head in the clouds," Robar growled.




"His Highness would have seen him; he looked like a child with a new toy," Loras.




"Aren't you happy to go there, Sers?" Lady Ashara asked with amusement after taking her eyes off a book she was reading.




"Do you remember the last trip we took with Jon, my Lady?" Robar replied sarcastically, causing Rhaella to smirk, clearly amused by the young knight's trepidation.




"But he hasn't asked you to accompany him, has he?" Queen Rhaella asked.




"We are brothers in arms, Your Highness, we made the vow to always be together, to fight together, to bleed together ... And to die together ... Although sometimes I want to twist his neck," grumbled Ser Loras for the amusement of the Queen dowager.




Sighing, Robar sat up and massaged her temple.




"That child will end up killing one day ... As soon as we are not there to save him from himself."




At that time, Daenerys, who was beginning to read a poetry book about a story called " Narn I Chîn Húrin " written by a human poet named Dírhaval in the last century of the First Age, closed it and looked at the knights who were criticizing her secret love and gave them an angry look.




"You should support Jon; he just wants to know of the places beyond this Kingdom; he doesn't mean to do anything wrong."




The two knights looked at each other for a few moments and sighed with resignation.




"You're right, Princess Daenerys, it's just stress and weariness overcoming us; we didn't expect to travel until we left in search of Elendil, Robar said, hoping that his friend wouldn't knowingly lead them into peril all for the sake of glory.




"When will they leave?" Lady Shiera asked.




"Three days, we will go with Glorfindel halfway to meet with a retinue of elves sent on a diplomatic mission by King Gil-Galad, and from there, we will continue towards the Misty Mountains," Loras replied.




"According to our hosts, that path is quite hazardous," Lady Ashara said worriedly.




"No, it's not ... Glorfindel told us." They all looked back at the entrance of the library to see Jon with an expression of undisguised joy.




"From your eager expression, you managed to convince Lord Cirdan," Loras deduced.




"Yes, the truth is that he did not feel very comfortable letting us go ... But in the end, he changed his mind."




"Well then, I guess we'll be leaving in three days," Robar said in a tired voice.




"Why aren't you excited, my friends? This will be incredible; we will be able to see the lofty halls of the mountain fathers and witness their legendary skill in the arts of smithing and smelting," Jon said excitedly, and his eloquence was such that it was instilling a desire to travel within all present.




"Well ... If so ..." Loras began to take an interest in the forges of the dwarves ... Maybe he can get a new sword and armor there.




"Well, I'll go get ready; good night," Robar said humorlessly, leaving the room.




"I think I'll do the same," Loras said, following his partner.




After the knights' departure, Jon and the ladies stayed in the library until Lady Ashara approached Jon.




"Are you sure you want to go, Jon?"




Jon looked up from the book he was reading and nodded in confusion.




"Very sure, my Lady."




"The road is dangerous, and even if it were not, you do not know anything about the dwarves personally; all your knowledge comes from poems and stories," Ashara said, trying to make Jon stay in the Gray Havens and not put himself in unnecessary danger.




"Your words are true, my Lady, but I desire to see the kingdom of Khazad-dûm with my own eyes; I want to see the skill that Lord Ulmo spoke about; I know I look like a capricious child, but that is not the case, I'm guided by my instinct ... It is like when we started this journey ... It is a fervor in my heart that never ceases to afflict me ... I know that we will find something incredible in the halls of Durin the Conqueror."




Hearing Jon's determination, Ashara sighed and resignedly gave him a kiss on the forehead as she asked him to take care of herself, and she returned to Lady Shiera's side, leaving Jon surprised and flushed by the sudden kiss.




While Princess Daenerys and Queen Rhaella watched and listened to everything in silence with narrowed eyes, one clearly annoyed and the other surprised by Ashara Dayne's show of affection.




Three days later




After preparing for the trip, Jon, Loras, Robar along with the Princesses (who decided to accompany the knights after all) with the exception of Queen Rhaella and the Ladies Ashara Dayne and Shiera Seastar, who chose to stay in the Gray Havens, followed Glorfindel on the well-worn path that would lead them to the western slopes of the Misty Mountains, at first everyone was nervous about the journey but seeing the natural beauty of the middle earth, the pastures, hills, ponds, and meadows they began to calm down and take in the sights.




"Do not delay; the retinue of King Gil-Galad should not be far; if possible, we will meet them tomorrow," Glorfindel said in front of the group.




They rode across various grasslands all day, traversing Eregion as they sought out King Gil-galad's retinue to go together to what Glorfindel called the West Gate of Khazad-dûm. After a long day of travel, Glorfindel stopped on the shores of a small lake.




"We will camp here tonight; Robar and Jon make yourselves useful and catch from fish for dinner, Loras prepare a fire."




Due to the respect they felt for Glorfindel, the Knights of Westeros followed their orders without complaint, and the princesses helped prepare the camp while Glorfindel stood guard; after a few hours, everyone was sitting in front of the fire that Loras had made while they had dinner.




"Excuse me, Lord Glorfindel?" Daenerys asked




"Yes, Princess Daenerys?"




"I would like to ask you about your time in Gondolin; I would like to know more about that city ... You fought in its fall, didn't you?" I ask shyly.




"Daenerys," her niece chided her, believing that Glorfindel wouldn't want to talk about it, but the Elf nodded.




"It's alright, Princess Rhaenys ... Yes, I remember that night very well ... It was the night of a very important festival for our people when suddenly everything began to darken even though it was still an early evening ... they heard shouts that the gates of Gondolin were being knocked down one by one and that the Balrogs were approaching led by their captain, "Glorfindel said wistfully remembering the fall of Gondolin.




"Captain?" Jon asked, confused.




"Gothmog was the Lord of Balrogs and the Great Captain of Angband, one of chiefest servants of Morgoth during the First Age, it was Gothmog who struck down noble Fëanor when the Noldor returned from Amman, participated in many battles of the First Age, but when he breached the great gates of Gondolin, he found his rival. My friend Ecthelion of the fountain who was the mightiest warrior in Gondolin ... They dueled during the siege, and Gothmog's great axe struck true and bite deeply into Ecthelion armor though my friend claimed the life of the great demon by piercing his heart with his helmet it was then collapsed in the great fountain, and both perished "Glorfindel said shedding a tear when remembering his dear friend.




"I'm so sorry," Jon said sadly, seeing the sadness in his mentor's eyes, but he shook his head.




"It was a long, long time ago ... Besides, I also made a name for myself in that battle."




"He slew a Balrog?" Asked Arianne excitedly, causing the three knights to look at their mentor in amazement and shock.




"Did he kill a Balrog by himself?" Asked in disbelief, Robar. To which Glorfindel arched an eyebrow.




"Ecthelion did it, and you shouldn't be so surprised, we were equally skilled in the ways of war..., I was leading a group of refugees through the Tumladen valley among which were Tuor, Idril and their son Eärendil but upon reaching a narrow path we were ambushed by a Balrog and a Warband of Gundabad Orcs ... There I faced the beast on the pinnacle of a rock so that they could escape ... The fight was very difficult ... But I managed to wound him before falling off the pinnacle ... We both died there," Glorfindel said as he devoured a piece of fish.




While everyone was confused by Glorfindel's words.




"Both died?" Princess Rhaenys asked incredulously.




"That's impossible," Ser Loras said. Seeing their expression, Glorfindel understood that no one had explained that characteristic of elves to them.




"Nobody told you, did they?"




"Tell us what?" Princess Daenerys asked curiously.




"Elves do not suffer death from old age or disease, like you Men, but we can die from wounds and their sadness like Lúthien. Unlike the Ainur who are in the world, experiencing death that is the separation of our soul and our body, violates our nature since we were made by Eru to live as beings of flesh and blood. That is why we are tied to Arda, and we cannot escape from it while it lasts, so we can reincarnate after our body is destroyed," Glorfindel said.




"Reincarnate? Jon asked in amazement.




"When our body and soul are separated, the souls can travel to the Halls of Command. There we can stay or reincarnate with a new body identical to the old one after being freed by Námo and judged by Manwe and Varda to be absolved of any sin or regret from their previous life. Once reincarnated, we generally remain in Aman. But so far, only two elves have gone through it, one is me, the other is Finrod Felagund, one of the sons of Finarfin and king of Nargothrond, one of the most important kingdoms of Beleriand in the First Age."




Westeros travelers were shocked to discover that elves were truly immortal; they could return to the world if they died.




"No wonder the Númenóreans were envious of you," Princess Arianne said, still not believing the words of her mentor.




"It's because they don't know the true price of immortality, Arianne," The Elf replied, setting aside his plate.




"What do you mean by that?" Asked the Dornish Princess.




"The Elves are not free to change and grow old, but we age in a different sense from that of Men: The Elves, the older we get wearier and wearier we become, and we are burdened by our sorrows, and we tend to live longer and longer in it. Remembering our former glories rather than try something new and in time we will grow weary of the world, and our bodies would be slowly consumed by our souls until we become little more than specters, Invisible "Glorfindel said wistfully as if anticipating that he would end that way.




Hearing the words discovering the weight of immortality and how elves view their place in the world, Jon and the others understood why Cirdan told them that he envied men's ability to die.




"I didn't know that," Princess Arianne said in shock.




"Nobody knew," Jon said, taking her by the hands.




"Do not be so overwhelmed by it since we can evade that destination by traveling west to the Eternal Lands, there we can live in peace, but we must bid farewell to the land that has been our home forever. However, that is inevitable for that reason was the Grey Havens settled safe harbor for Elves who wish to depart for Aman, the ships built by the elves are the only ones that can reach Valinor, the detail is that however, this same effect of our nature means that our destiny after the end of Arda is unknown, some believe that the Elves must perish when the world ends."




Everyone listened with sorrow to learn that elves do not have the simple and eternal life they imagined.




... They live counting the time they have until the end ... Jon thought sadly.




"But back to my story ... My spirit passed to the Halls of Command, where I waited with the spirits of the other Noldor who had died during our war against Morgoth. But because Manwë and Mandos judged my actions as noble in life, my resignation to participate in the exile of my people and to aid in the purposes of the Valar by saving Tuor and Idril, Manwë allowed my reincarnation after a short time, and then live-in peace in Valinor until the Valar sent me as their emissary in the year 1400 of this Age "Glorfindel said without giving importance to his story.




"Did you participate in the War of Wrath?" Princess Rhaenys asked, still impressed by the story.




"No, I'm afraid not; I was still in the Rooms of Command when it happened, so I didn't get to participate ... Something that makes me happy, I had already seen too much blood in that era."




Everyone nodded, understanding Glorfindel's dislike of bloodshed.




"Well, it would be better to turn on, tomorrow we will have a long day. Good night everyone," Glorfindel said, putting out the fire, and everyone went to sleep with many thoughts about their mortality in their minds.







Once again thanks to my friend great_red

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