Chereads / Fanfiction I am reading / Chapter 1536 - 27

Chapter 1536 - 27

Chapter Text



The next morning…


The next morning…


They continued their journey by the light of the rising sun and for much of the way Jon was meditating on Glorfindel's words about the immortality of the elves and he began to see their blessing as a curse. He also remembered the words of Lord Ulmo and Lord Cirdan about the so-called "Gift of Men" ... "Death", there was no doubt that immortality was not what many expected, Jon understood it now but still He felt that calling death a gift was too much, but for some reason Jon felt there was something else.


... There is more to death than we know about it ... Something crucial to grasping the true will of Eru ... For something death is known as the "Gift of Men" ... Lady Shiera asked Lord Ulmo about it and he simply stated that we would discover its truth during our journies throughout Middle-Earth ... I wonder if the Numenoreans sought that knowledge and Sauron corrupted their desire, perhaps they discovered what they sought and for that reason rebelled against the Valar? ...


Jon kept thinking about it for the rest of the trip and decided he must pour through the various tomes of lore ... He will have to spend more time in the library when they return from the Kingdom of Khazad-dûm.


Glorfindel had been very disciplined when he woke up and when everyone had had breakfast they quickly set off since according to his mentor the entourage sent by King Gil-galad was very near as they could see signs of an encampment in the distance, so they decided to hurry.


After a few hours on horseback, they spied a large encampment of silken tent, when they got close enough, they could see that the elves were dressed in robes of silver and sky blue with gilded fastenings and many had jeweled swords at their waist, each tunic bore the same heraldry twelve silver stars that glittered like diamonds upon a field of sea blue it was the sigil of the high king.


"That is the heraldry of High King Gil-galad, we have found them" Glorfindel said giving them a signal to follow him, it took them less than 5 minutes to reach the entourage were a dozen elves some dressed in beautiful white tunics while others were clad in mail and each elf was surrounded by an calming air that smelled faintly of snap dragons and lillies, These elves were knights of the king's households and were akin to the kings of the old tales. Their tall helms were of splendid make wrought of delicate silver and crested by a white horse tail that fluttered in the breeze. Each was dressed in silver plate, and golden mail, and about their waist were jewelled belts, and glittering daggers of silvered steel and their scabbards were studded with many fine gems, they each held a banner that bore the heraldry of the High King, and each wore a cloak of sky-blue silk fastened by a delicate brooch shaped to resemble a swan in flight with each feather filigree with silver thread.


When they noticed the presence of Jon and the others they stopped and allowed them to catch up. As Glorfindel neared they all bowed in reverence, they were especially intrigued by his company it was not often you see a Noldorian lord followed by six Firen's, and when they saw Daenerys all the elves in the entourage were clearly confused by her Valyrian features, violet eyes, and silver blonde hair, the They stared so intently that the Targaryen Princess hid behind Jon.


And suddenly both Glorfindel and the elf in the center of the entourage said at the same time "Suilad" And the Westerosi knew it was a greeting in Sindarin.


"Strange company you keep my Lord Glorfindel" said the elf, an incomparably beautiful young-looking elf, a maiden with lovely hair as black as satin and blue eyes like a deep lake dressed in a gown of a white as pure as the snow.


"Lord Glorfindel, we have expected you for sometime now" Said the elf who was in the center of the entourage who like Glorfindel had golden hair but while Glorfindel's eyes were blue like the clear sky this elf were as brown as an aged oak, but like his kindred had a very regal presence and from his bearing he was clearly the leader of the entourage.


"I'm sorry the delay Lord Saltagar but it seems to me that the entourage was moving in great haste we expected to catch up with them yesterday"


"Yes, I'm afraid I don't want to extend our trip to Hadhodrond any longer than necessary ... But my Lord Glorfindel, I'm curious to know why you are accompanied by these humans" The elf said without looking at them.


"It is not a bother, Lord Saltagar however they are more than merely traveling companions, they are my students in Mithlond ... They are those whom the Valar have called from the Outer Lands" As soon as he said this, all the elves in the entourage held their breath and They looked at Jon and the others with excitement and surprise.


"Are they the emissaries of the Valar?" The elf Saltagar exclaimed with wonderment as he addressed the Westerosi lord.


"Yes, my lord. My name is Jon Snow, they are my brothers in arms Ser Loras Tyrell and Ser Robar Royce, they are the Princesses Arianne Martell and the Princesses Daenerys and Rhaenys Targaryen" Jon said with the greatest possible respect while the other Westerosi nodded.


"My name is Saltagar, a faithful servant of this diplomatic entourage and the High King Gil-Galad, I did not know that they would come to this visit to Hadhodrond" Said the intrigued elf.


"Hadhodrond?" Princess Arianne asked confused.


Hadhodrond is the Sindarin name for Khazad-dûm. and that is why they will come with us to this entourage, at this moment they are being instructed by Lord Cirdan, by his servant and other tutors so that they can become familiar with Middle-earth and carry out the will of the Valar whatever it may be, I brought them with me so that they can observe the largest of the cities of the Sons of Aulë and if possible learn something from them in the time we stay there ", Glorfindel replied.


Immediately some elves changed their demeanor and began to mutter in Sindarin stating that the emissaries of the Valar should not go to see the dwarves and should instead depart for Lindon to meet King Gil-galad while others instead They whispered to go to Edhellond to meet two elves of great wisdom and might but Glorfindel shook his head.


"They are the guests of Lord Cirdan by order of Lord Ulmo and they decided to come to see the lofty halls of Khazad-dûm of their own free will, they will visit King Gil-Galad when they are ready, if the lords of the Noldor wish to meet the emissaries we can discuss that once I have returned from the Kingdom of the Longbeards"


As soon as he said the names "Celeborn" and "Galadriel" Jon and the others for some reason knew that they were individuals of great lineage and importance among the elves. Glorfindel's response left much of the entourage disappointed but they nodded.


"We better continue if we don't depart these lands before dark, we will have difficulties in the mountain passes..." Glorfindel said with authority and no one questioned him and throughout the day the elves spoke with Jon and the others offering their help and advice on all that they required something the Westerosi graciously appreciated ...


As they had been prevented, the trip through the cloudy mountains was somewhat difficult and they could feel the cold running through their bodies, although for Jon the feeling was pleasant and nostalgic as it reminded him of the North and the time when he played with Robb.


A slight smile and a tear of sorrow came to her face as she recalled those almost forgotten memories.


According to Glorfindel and the retinue of elves they would arrive in Khazad-dûm the next day and the excitement of seeing the halls of Durin was great and though hostile the landscape was indeed beautiful it kept Loras and the Princesses under control as the cold worsened as they near the roots of the Misty Mountains. It was much harder to keep the horses under control as the cold air caused some discomfort to the party though this was hardly a problem for Jon and Robar who had rode horses through the open country of the Vale and North in their youth.


"This terrain is getting worse and worse, it's as if these mountains want to stop us" Princess Rhaenys complained.


"In a sense it's true, some say these mountains have a malevolence towards travelers," Glorfindel said causing confusion in Westerosi.


"What do you mean teacher?" Loras asked.


"Lord Orome told me long ago that these mountains were created by Morgoth during the Tree Ages, before the sun and moon rose, the great enemy created them as an obstacle for him since before they First-born we awoke in Cuiviénen, Lord Orome was tasked with hunting all the dark beasts that roamed Middle-earth in those distant ages The northernmost peak of the Misty Mountains can be considered Mount Gundabad, where according to legend, Durin, eldest of the seven Fathers of the Dwarves, awoke.


The greatest Dwarven realm in Middle-Earth, Khazad-dûm, was located at the midpoint of the Misty Mountains. The city was built under three peaks, called the Mountains of the Longbeards, Redhorn or grim Caradhras, Silvertine and Cloudyhead (Fanuidhol). Inside Silvertine the Dwarves built the Endless Stair, a stairway from the depths of the mountain to its peak.


The southernmost mountain was Methedras, which was Sindarin for "Last Peak" " Glorfindel replied solemnly to the surprise of his students.


"So, should we expect the road to become more treacherous?" Arianne asked starting to worry.


"No, we are through the worst of it, we must still be careful where we are going, and we must hurry at night this road will become too dangerous to cross" Glorfindel replied.


The Princess of Dorne only grew increasingly uncomfortable from the biting cold until she felt Jon's gaze on her giving her a smile and she returned with equal love showing her darling wolf she would not be defeated by these cruel mountains.


Daenerys Targaryen watched the show of affection between the lovers with annoyance, she had been trying to get Jon's attention for days, but nothing has been working and her patience was running out, her mother had told her that sometimes the members of her House took more than one spouse, as was the case with Aegon and her sisters Visenya and Rhaenys so that she had hoped that Jon would take her as his second wife should he marry Arianne, but still Daenerys wishes to become Jon's first wife as was Rhaenys to Aegon.


She doesn't really dislike Princess Arianne in fact she admires her for her skills as a warrior and her daring and brave character, but since she saw her as Jon's lover, Daenerys knew that she would be a very difficult rival, but she always thought she would be. the only one ... And now it seems that she will have to face Ashara Dayne and Shiera Seastar as well because their affection for Jon has been steadily growing ... And the two of them alongside Princess Arianne were far more experienced and if what has been said of Lady Shiera and Dornish women was true they know how to please a man, while she is an inexperienced virgin, now she wishes she had paid more attention to lessons of those pillow slaves that her brother hired perhaps she could have seduced him away from the Dornish beauty, well now is not the time for regrets nor misery, Daenerys will take advantage of this trip and all the opportunities she has to win Jon's heart and hopefully he shall take her as a wife alongside Arianne or even leave the Dornish wench behind.


She knows that her mother and niece will not be happy with the choice, but Daenerys could not find it in herself to care she was done being a meek little girl terrified of her brother, she is a Targaryen, the Targaryens are conquerors and the conquerors take what they want and in this case what Dany wants is Jon Snow and she will claim her love whether the princess approves or not.


After a discomfiting night's sleep in which the Westerosi learned that the elves could withstand the cold better than themselves. They started down the mountain to reach the west gate of Khazad-dûm the way had been carved into the valley it was apparent by the construction of the road it had been made by expert hands they journeyed up the well-worn path until arriving at a great gate carved into the mountain face, outside the gate were two guards both short and squat in stature.

Jon was awestruck when he had read about the children of Aulë. He had expected a race that resembled the Imp, but this couldn't be further from the truth. They were deep-breasted, strong in the arm, and stout in the leg, most prominent feature was undoubtedly their beards which were finely groomed and reached their waist tucked into magnificent jewelled belts studded with diamonds, onyx, sapphires and rubies, each guard was clad in a splendid suit of glittering plate encrusted with fine gems. Their caps were of steel, and they were shod with steel, and their faces were grim. They carried double-headed axes and stout shields of blackened oak rimmed with silver scored with runes of warding and upon the shields was the sigil of their king a hammer and anvil, a crown and Seven Stars, two trees surmounted by crescent moons, and a single star. It was clear their arms and armour were the work of masters perhaps of greater quality than Noldor.


"They are the dwarves ... The people of Aulë" Jon said with barely contained emotion.


"Yes, we have reached the gates of Khazad-dum," Glorfindel said.


Confusion crossed the Westerosi faces because they didn't see any doors.


"Where's the door?" Asked Princess Rhaenys confused looking for her with her eyes.


"It is in front of us but listen to me well," Glorfindel said stopping in front of his students.


"What is it Lord Glorfindel?" Princess Daenerys asked.


"You are about to meet the fathers of the mountain halls, and you must understand that the dwarves were made differently from elves and men" Said the ancient elf.


"We know It is told that in their beginning the Dwarves were made by Aulë in the darkness of Middle-earth; for so greatly did Aulë desire the coming of the Children, to have learners to whom he could teach his lore and his crafts, that he was unwilling to await the fulfilment of the designs of Ilúvatar" Jon replied remebering the passges from the histories of Arda.


"Precisely…Since they were to come in the days of the power of Melkor, Aulë made the Dwarves strong to endure. Therefore they are stone-hard, stubborn, fast in friendship and in enmity, and they suffer toil and hunger and hurt of body more hardily than all other speaking peoples; and they live long, far beyond the span of Men, yet not forever"


... He is warning us out of fear that we will make a mistake and turn the dwarves into our enemies ... it seems they are an extremely proud race ...


"Don't worry, teacher, we don't wish to antagonize the dwarves." Jon said trying to convince his teacher and himself.


"Very well, in that case remember not to use Quenya or Sindarin inside the citadel, they will be offended if they hear you speak languages that they do not use in their city, just use the common language" Glorfindel said with an annoyed tone.


"Would they truly be offended by something so small? " Loras asked incredulously.


"Do you really want that answered?" Princess Arianne asked in an amused tone.


"The pride of the dwarves is one of their most prominent features," Glorfindel said with a sigh.


"Very good master, we will follow your instructions" Jon said obediently giving his friends a look with what he implied "Make no mistakes".


Glorfindel just nodded and stood in front of the entourage while Jon and the others got to the back watching and listening to everything. When they got close enough to the dwarves, they narrowed their eyes and the dwarf on the right began stroking his beard.


"Look just Nain, it seems that time of year has come when the pointy eared princelings visit us "


"So, it seems Doin" Said the second chuckling.


Jon and the others were surprised by the lack of courtesy of the dwarves since as a rule they would not directly insult foreign dignitaries. Although in their studies of elven tradition and culture they learned that both races had a conflicting and bitter history their chiefest conflict was the ruin of Doriath and the lose of the Nauglamír. It was said the Naugrim laboured long and gladly for Thingol, and devised for him mansions after the fashion of their people, delved deep in the earth. Where the Esgalduin flowed down, and parted Neldoreth from Region, there rose in the midst of the forest a rocky hill, and the river ran at its feet. There they made the gates of the hall of Thingol, and they built a bridge of stone over the river, by which alone the gates could be entered. Beyond the gates wide passages ran down to high halls and chambers far below that were hewn in the living stone, so many and so great that that dwelling was named Menegroth, the Thousand Caves.




But the Elves also had part in that labour, and Elves and Dwarves together, each with their own skill, there wrought out the visions of Melian, images of the wonder and beauty of Valinor beyond the Sea. The pillars of Menegroth were hewn in the likeness of the beeches of Oromë, stock, bough, and leaf, and they were lit with lanterns of gold. The nightingales sang there as in the gardens of Lórien; and there were fountains of silver, and basins of marble, and floors of many-coloured stones. Carven figures of beasts and birds there ran upon the walls, or climbed upon the pillars, or peered among the branches entwined with many flowers. And as the years passed Melian and her maidens filled the halls with woven hangings wherein could be read the deeds of the Valar, and many things that had befallen in Arda since its beginning, and shadows of things that were yet to be. That was the fairest dwelling of any king that has ever been east of the Sea.


Thingol sat long in silence, gazing upon the great treasure that lay upon his knees; and it came into his mind that it should be remade, and in it should be set the Silmaril. For as the years passed Thingol's thought turned unceasingly to the jewel of Fëanor, and became bound to it, and he liked not to let it rest even behind the doors of his inmost treasury; and he was minded now to bear it with him always, waking and sleeping.


 At that very time great craftsmen of Nogrod were lately come into Doriath; and the King therefore summoning them declared his desire, that if their skill were great enough they should remake the Nauglamír, and in it set the Silmaril.




Long was their labour; and Thingol went down alone to their deep smithies, and sat ever among them as they worked. In time his desire was achieved, and the greatest of the works of Elves and Dwarves were brought together and made one; and its beauty was very great, for now the countless jewels of the Nauglamír did reflect and cast abroad in marvellous hues the light of the Silmaril amidmost.


Thingol asked the Dwarves of Nogrod to remake the Nauglamír to incorporate the Silmaril Then the Dwarves looked upon the work of their fathers, and they beheld with wonder the shining jewel of Fëanor; and they were filled with a great lust to possess them, and carry them off to their far homes in the mountains. But they dissembled their mind, and consented to the task.




In time his desire was achieved, and the greatest of the works of Elves and Dwarves were brought together and made one Then Thingol, being alone among them, made to take it up and clasp it about his neck; but the Dwarves m that moment withheld it from him, and demanded that he yield it up to them, saying: 'By what right does the Elvenking lay claim to the Nauglamír, that was made by our fathers for Finrod Felagund who is dead? It has come to him but by the hand of Húrin the Man of Dor-lómin, who took it as a thief out of the darkness of Nargothrond.' But Thingol perceived their hearts, and saw well that desiring the Silmaril they sought but a pretext and fair cloak for their true intent; and in his wrath and pride he gave no heed to his peril, but spoke to them in scorn, saying: 'How do ye of uncouth race dare to demand aught of me, Elu Thingol, Lord of Beleriand, whose life began by the waters of Cuiviénen years uncounted ere the fathers of the stunted people awoke?' And standing tall and proud among them he bade them with shameful words be gone unrequited out of Doriath.




Then the lust of the Dwarves was kindled to rage by the words of the King; and they rose up about him, and laid hands on him, and slew him as he stood. So died in the deep places of Menegroth Elwë Singollo, King of Doriath, who alone of all the Children of Ilúvatar was joined with one of the Ainur; and he who, alone of the Forsaken Elves, had seen the light of the Trees of Valinor, with his last sight gazed upon the Silmaril.




Then the Dwarves taking the Nauglamír passed out of Menegroth and fled eastwards through Region. But tidings went swiftly through the forest, and few of that company came over Aros, for they were pursued to the death as they sought the eastward road; and the Nauglamír was retaken, and brought back in bitter grief to Melian the Queen. This enmity has never been forgotten and thus the elves and dwarves are keen to insult one another.




"Doin son of Dein, I see that you continue with your peculiar humor, you would be so courteous to take the step ... I am afraid that my companions and I have traveled a long and dangerous road, we would like to enjoy the great hospitality of the children of Aulë "


"Hahahah ... Very good elf master, you don't have to flatter me so much."


"Wait ... Those who are there are not elves ... They are men" Said the second dwarf now known as Nain.


"Why are those humans with you elf?" Doin the dwarf asked suspiciously when he saw Jon and the others who started to get nervous.


"They are Lord Cirdan's guests from the Outer Lands, and they are my students," Glorfindel said softly as the dwarves were shocked.


"Are they from the Outer Lands?" The dwarf named Doin asked in surprise as Glorfindel nodded.


"That means they came by will of the Powers of the World" Exclaimed the dwarf Nain excitedly.


"Yes ... So, we may we enter Khazad-dum?" Glorfindel asked as the dwarves nodded and struck the ground with their axe four times. At first nothing happened but then the rock wall behind them began to open and form a hole large enough through which they could pass into the mountain.


"We thank you" Glorfindel made a sign and they all followed which Jon and the others observed the expression of veneration that the dwarves gave them as they passed. When they entered, they realized that it was a huge corridor and in it there were more dwarves inside and that they had opened the doors while gazing at the Westerosi in amazement.


"mind your footing ..." Glorfindel said and everyone followed him at that moment Princess Rhaenys approached him.


"To be honest I expected something more extraordinary at the entrance"


"Alas we arrived at sunset had we come when the moon was high in the heavens it would be far grander ... The West Gate of Khazad-dûm is a sight to behold" Glorfindel said, further confusing the Targaryen Princess.


"What does that mean?"


"Dwarf doors are all but invisible to outside sources only their masters have an inkle of their location and even then, they sometimes forget their secrets, they are made with a stone as hard as diamonds that is then inlaid with the runes This door was fashioned by Celebrimbor as a token of friendship between him and King Durin III, the art was called Ithildin or moon runes"


"Ithildin?" Westerosi asked at the same time.


"It is a material that can only be appreciated with the light of the moon and the stars since it reflects its light like a silver glow ... When the light of the moon strikes you can witness its beauty" said Glorfindel without losing his eyes on the way while his students felt great emotion to see that mystical metal.


They finally reached the other side of the corridor where there were five dwarves dressed in fine silk and bearing many sumptuous rings and jeweled belt it was truly a sight to behold though they were delayed as Glorfindel exchanged pleasantries with the dwarven lords. After several minutes Jon and the others entered the great hall of Durin


And they had no words to describe her ...


The hall was as tall as the Red Keep and was held up by huge pillars of stone six men wide upon the pillars there were geometric patterns carved from silver and golden thread, and if one looked to the ceiling you could see it was a planetarium of sapphires and diamonds, the grand hall was illuminated by thousands upon thousands of torches giving the room a pleasant orange glow, if they looked down they could see the floor was inlaid with vast slabs of silver each engraved with various designs and countless statues lined the halls all of venerable looking dwarves clad in armor or robes this truly was the grandest kingdom of middle-earth of this Jon was sure .


Daenerys was curious and got off her horse to touch one of the rock pillars and was so surprised that she couldn't contain her glee.


"What's wrong Princess?" Jon asked excitedly.


"Is this truly stone?" Dany asked.


"It seems so" replied Robar still amazed by the sight of the kingdom of the dwarves.


"It is so smooth that it seems as if it had been carved" Said the Princess happily.


Jon got off his mount and followed the example of Daenerys and when he put his hand on the rock, he was surprised to feel the surface was so smooth that he mistook it for wood, but it was not wood of that there was no doubt.


"Superb… It's the best craftsmen I have ever seen" Jon muttered excitedly.


"Jon ... You wanted to come here ... Well open your eyes ... This is the glorious kingdom of Durin father of the long beards... Khazad-dûm" Glorfindel said with admiration.


... But I didn't expect this ...


Westeros travelers had become accustomed to the splendor of the Gray Ports and the beauty of the sea, however Khazad-dûm, although it did not have that beauty, was undeniably more majestic Jon had expected some lofty hall, but nothing could have prepared him for such beauty truly the children of Aule were mightiest in the arts of smithing and craft he would weep as such beauty if he was not accompanied by his master and wife.


"Contain your surprise young emissaries ... These are only the corridors where the" Children of Aulë "receive their guests, the truly beauty of this kingdom lies but a few floors below in the forges" Said the elf called Saltagar with a mixture of respect and annoyance in his voice as the rest of the elves in King Gil-Galad's entourage made similar comments about the great hall.


With those words, all Westerosi understood that except for Glorfindel none of the elves felt joy at being there, but despite this they could still recognize the work of the dwarves. But that made them wonder what they hoped to obtain in those mines to negotiate with the dwarves since in their time with the elves Jon and the others had understood that what the elves loved was beauty, music, arts, crafts, and the distilling of wines, though it was clear to all apparent that the dwarves valued the wealth of the earth far more taking pride in fine gems, gold, and exquisite suits of armor, however before leaving the Gray Ports Cirdan had told them that the wealth of Khazad-dum was not in gold or jewels but something far more precious, which filled everyone with curiosity ... What was this mine produced?


At that moment, the echoes of footsteps were heard throughout the gigantic hall and the silhouettes of four other dwarves with long beards approached. Unlike the other dwarves they had seen, these wore no armor but robes of rich fabric and lockets of heavy gold.


"We are very sorry for the delay, there was a ... Slight problem with the elevator, but everything has already been solved ... Borun and Findum will take care of their horses ... If you are so kind as to follow me, King Durin IV is waiting for you" Said the kindly oldest dwarf of all.


They all got off their horses and started to follow the dwarf through the almost endless corridors until they reached stairs so long that they were lost in the dark. Instantly everyone was scared Arianne even took Jon's arm like Daenerys, but the dwarf made a hiss, and then the sound of cracking gears and moving stone was heard it took several minutes before a large stone platform rose from the blackness of the lower halls, instantly the dwarves and the elves stepped on the platform, so Jon and his companions also climbed and then began to descend into the bowels of the mountain...

It took them at least a few minutes to get to enter the next room, and this one was even larger than the first chambers they had entered. It was much sumptuous than the main hall; the hall and floor were carved from glittering white stone that glittered like twinkling stars dozens of torches illuminated the cavernous chamber, and a chandelier of crystal hung from the ceiling. In the centre of the room was a grand staircase that led to a great throne wrought of blackened stone inlaid with gold and silver upon the back of the throne set in diamonds was the sigil of the longbeards king, a hammer and anvil, a crown and Seven Stars, next to the throne were at least two dozen dwarfs each one of his folk was clad in a hauberk of steel mail that hung to his knees. Their legs were covered with hose of a fine and flexible metal mesh, the secret of whose making was known only the greatest smiths of the Longbeard houses. They wielded heavy two-handed mattocks filigreed with silver and gold, but each of them had also a short, broad sword at his side and a round shield slung at his back. Their beards were forked and plaited and thrust into jewelled belts, some gold and others silver, each studded by countless gems. Their caps were of iron, and they were shod with iron, and their faces were grim. 

Seated upon the grand throne was a venerable old dwarf who could be no other but the king of Khazad-dûm, King Durin IV was alike in appearance to his counsellors save that his face was strong and enduring as a weather-beaten oak, his beard was like a waterfall of cascading silver tucked in a broad golden belt studded with several large diamonds and sapphires. However, his beetling brow and granite-like face was not that of a delicate and fragile old man; he was a venerable king whose gaze seems to penetrate their very souls as if evaluating them whether or not they were worthy of being in his presence. 

Though the most striking thing about the king of the Longbeards was his attire, he seemed to glitter like a falling star he was clad Glittering Mithril Plate and scale, His pauldrons were of fine make, all his fastenings were gilded, and the metal was burnished to such a high sheen that it shone like a diamond freshly plucked from the deepest of mines. While large couter's protected his elbow and arm, these were also gilded; a skirt of fine scale covered him from waist to midthigh, while a solid gorget encircled his throat stamped upon the gorget was the seven stars of Durin. Under this, he wore an exceptionally beautiful black tabard lined with glittering steel mail inlaid with golden wire; upon the tabard was geometric designs in silver thread. He also wore a cloak of black satin with a silver tassel gifted; it is fastened by a delicate brooch shaped from a large piece of ruby set in silver and surrounded by seven diamonds. His helm is equally splendid wrought of glittering gold and studded with fine gems. Resting by his throne was a great axe of superb quality. Its haft was made of fine oak and wrapped in blackened leather, and the head etched with ancient runes of wraith and fury, it also bore a cruel spike that looked as if it could shatter the thickest plate armour. The last thing Jon noticed was the king wore a great ring upon his meaty hands; it was a band of gold set with a large sapphire blue as the boundless sea the gem was surrounded by the ancient runes of Khuzdul.


One of the dwarves took a few steps forward and spoke to all the guests in a solemn and resonant voice like breaking stone.


"You are in the presence of Durin IV King of Durin's Folk, King of Khazad-dûm and the fourth incarnation of Durin I the Deathless"


Faced with such silver splendor and the penetrating gaze of the king, the Westerosi felt self-conscious at that moment the elf Saltagar stepped forward and bowed to King Durin.


"Greetings King Durin IV, King Gil-galad sends his regards"


The king turned his gaze to the elf and nodded.


"I trust your journey was pleasant master elf though I hope you did not break a nail on the way" He said laughing with great glee and soon his advisors joined in hoping to rile up the pointy eared princelings.


"Don't worry, Your Highness, our trip was uneventful, but we decided to make haste before we had a repeat of our last visit" Said the elf smugly causing the laughter of the dwarves to end instantly and something akin shame ran through the faces of the king and his entourage.


"That only happened that time and I remember asking not to mention it again" The king said irritably while the elf only shrugged.


"You will have to excuse me I did not remember that conversation" The elf said with satisfaction.


Jon and his companions only watched the exchange of insults with amusement and curiosity. But at that moment the king's gaze turned to them again.


"Those who travel with you are of the race of men, why do they come with you?" The king asked curiously.


At that moment Glorfindel stepped forward and bowed to the king.


"King Durin these men and woman are those emissaries that the Valar called from the Outer Lands, King Gil-Galad surely sent emissaries telling such information" As soon as Glorfindel said this the dwarves began to converse among themselves in a language that none of the visitors understood but everyone knew that Khuzdul was the language that Aulë created for the dwarves at the dawn of his creation.


All the dwarves eyed the young men, some curious and others suspicious, and King Durin signaled to silence the noise and rose from the throne. The king only stared at them as he approached them and directed his gaze to Glorfindel.


"Yes, Gil-galad had already sent us a letter on his previous visit to my domain in which he told us how the Powers of the World called a group of strangers from the lands far beyond the eastern seas, I thought they would be great warriors but ... They are only children, three of them are not even full and mature men and the rest are women ... Why would the Powers call these children to Middle Earth? " The king said in a tone that ignited the ire of Jon, Robar, Loras and Rhaenys.


"We are not children; we are men" Loras replied annoyed, but the dwarves continued laughing.


"It is true that we are young but we have already fought in a war, a war that made us distance ourselves from our families and made us abandon our home, we were outlaws until Manwë the King of the Valar appeared to our friend in a dream and urged us to seek Middle-earth "said Robar pointing to Jon who was watching King Durin with no emotions on his face.


Seeing Robar's grim expression and hearing how Westerosi were driven from their homes by war, the king and the dwarves stopped laughing as they understood it to be true.


"Still, it's hard to believe that Súlimo would have gone to so much trouble to bring them here if they are just children… Who are they?" King Durin asked now with no mockery in his voice.


... In that he is right, we are no closer to understanding King Manwe's motives now than then ... Jon thought, discouraged.


"My name is Jon Snow, they are Ser Robar Royce and Ser Loras, my brothers in arms, as for the ladies they are ..."


"My name is Rhaenys Princess of the House of Targaryen; she is my aunt Daenerys of the House Targaryen and finally she is my cousin Princess Arianne Nymeros of the House Martell" Rhaenys said proudly without waiting for Jon to introduce her. At that moment, the dwarves began to talk among themselves muttering in Khuzdul.


"I see that each of you bear titles of nobility ... Although" Snow "is unusual to me ..."


"I'm a bastard, in the land where I grew up, it is customary to call a bastard Snow if he was born in the north" Jon said without giving interest to the matter, which pleased his friends because it seems that at last, he was beginning to not be so worried about his origin.


"The king of Arda called a mere bastard to Middle-earth?" Asked King Durin confused once again directing his gaze to Glorfindel who only nodded.


"The High King's motives are a mystery to all, but the one who brought them to Mithlond was Lord Ulmo, the lord of the waters who armed them with knowledge about the history of Arda and with powerful gifts, show them Jon ..." Glorfindel said with a anxious expression.


Jon smiled and slowly drew Ringil from its scabbard causing the dwarves and elves to nearly weep at the beauty of the blade which glittered like pale ice in the light of the flame.


"Oh ... by Durin's Beard ... Is that ... the legendary Ringil? The weapon that wounded Bauglir in the Elder days?" King Durin said unable to contain his astonishment.


"Bauglir?" Arianne asked curiously.


"It is the title our people gave to the great enemy," said one of the king's adviser dwarves without taking his eyes off Jon's sword.


"Belong lord of the Longbeards and my kindred, this blade was forged by the hand of Aulë in a ages past, crafted in his great forge ... Is there a smith between among the Noldor or Dwarves who could forge such a weapon? ... If it is thus, the only one who could have achieved thus perished when the moon first appeared in the night sky and will only return to this world when Arda breaks." Glorfindel said solemnly admiring the sword that once belonged to Fingolfin. Jon decided to take Ringil just before leaving the Gray Havens as the advice of Glorfindel and Lord Cirdan, since Ringil was created by Aulë himself the dwarves could be more receptive to listen to him or tolerate him and his companions if they saw one of the creations of their father.


Although that worried Jon since the dwarves could try to claim Ringil as it was a creation of their father and it they believe him ti be unworthy of such a mighty weapon, at that moment Jon felt disgusted with himself he was starting to think Lady Catelyn but Lord Cirdan told him that while dwarves are prone to jealousy, they were not overly cruel, the dwarves of Khazad-Dûm who were friends of Celebrimbor and would not dishonor themselves by trying to take Ringil by force knowing that one of the Aratar gave it to Jon.


"In that case, please accept my apologies ... Master Jon" King Durin said looking at Jon with a mixture of admiration and suspicion.


... Wow, these dwarves are suspicious ... Even with Ringil they still don't trust me completely ...


"Don't worry, Your Majesty" He replied, putting Ringil back in its holster.


"But that has not answered my question... Why do they come to my domain?" Durin asked again.


"Ever since I learned of the existence of Khazad-Dûm I have wanted to see it with my own eyes, to see its great forges and the legendary skill in mining and metal forging that Lord Ulmo described to me and my friends when he told us about your people.


Jon's words filled all the dwarves in the great hall with pride, starting with the king himself who put on a smirk upon learning that one of the Aratar had praised the abilities of his people.


"Hahaha ... Alright boy I think you and your friends have been sent by the Valar, in that case the hospitality of the dwarves is yours ... Thrur!" Said the king in a shrill voice and another of the dwarves rushed towards his king.


"My King?"


"Order that a feast be prepared for our guests." The dwarf Thrur happily prepared to carry out his king's order and quickly left the hall.


"Soon emissaries of the Powers will enjoy the great dwarven hospitality, the sweet malt beer, red meat right off the bone, and sweet fruit tarts" King Durin's description of the food whetted everyone's appetite.


"It is very kind, King Durin, but if it is not too much trouble for you, I wish to take my students to see the Khazad-Dûm gate, it must be dark by now," Glorfindel said and the king's eyes filled with satisfaction.


"Ah yes, you cannot leave without seeing the splendid silver door of my domain ... Someone guide you and then show you your chambers, that is appropriate" King Durin said returning to his throne and watching Jon and Ringil with interest.


The journey back to the entrance was much easier than at the beginning and at that time the Westeros travelers were waiting outside the entrance of Khazad-Dûm for the moon to rise to see "The true west gate" but the boredom and Hunger sapped Westerosi patience the only ones still excited to see the gates were Jon and Daenerys.


"Jon, I think this can wait it's getting really cold here," Loras said with annoyance.


"Patience Loras remember your training. Patience is important, I promise you this will be worth it" Glorfindel said sitting on a rock "


"But master ..." began the knight of flowers.


At that moment, the moon became visible in the sky and its rays began to illuminate the group until they reached the entrance and at that moment the eyes of the Westerosi widened completely ... A silver-colored figure began to form in the rocks of the mountain, shone as if it were white fire and refulgent like a crystal that contained the brightness of the stars and diverse figures began to appear, figures that everyone quickly recognized thanks to their mastery of the elven language.


The emblems of the House of Durin were displayed: the fine silver-like inlay showed a hammer and anvil, a crown, and Seven Stars, two trees surmounted by crescent moons, and a single star. And on the top of the door a few words in Quenya:


"Ennyn Durin Aran Moria. Pedo Mellon a Minno. Im Narvi hain echant. Celebrimbor o Eregion teithant i thiw hin"


"Durin's Gates, Lord of Moria. Speak, friend, and enter. I, Narvi, made them, Celebrimbor of Hollin drew these signs, mmm ... What an interesting friendship "said Arianne holding her laugh after translating the text but it was useless as everyone started laughing when they saw the rivalry between the Noldor and dwarves, dangerous but not without ridiculousness.


"They are beautiful, it is as if a star is inside the rock ... It is warm" Daenerys said touching one of the parts of the door.


"I must admit Jon ... You were right, it was worth coming here" Princess Rhaenys said staring at the bright silver gates of Khazad-Dûm to everyone's astonishment as it was the first time she had paid Jon a compliment.


"No wonder Princess Rhaenys ..." Jon said surprised by her compliment.


"Yeah, well, I don't want you to think that I don't appreciate beauty but it's seriously cold and I can't be the only one who is famished from our journey... Please, let's get inside at once" Loras said giving Jon and Glorfindel a pleading look . And they both nodded.


"Yes, I think you're right Loras, now how do we get in?" Jon asked.


"It's easy, you must open the doors" Glorfindel said calmly as the Westerosi were shocked.


"How will we open them? They only open from the inside" Asked Robar clearly confused.


"It's easy to solve the puzzle at the door and it will open," Glorfindel said with amusement.


"Why don't they just let us pass?" Princess Arianne asked irritably.


"It is a test that Lord Cirdan wanted to put them to know how much they have learned, if they want to have dinner and shelter from the cold, they must use their ingenuity ... Now hurry I want to go to rest" Glorfindel said impatiently but sure that they would answer correctly.


Jon and the others sighed and began to analyze the puzzle of the door. But the cold and hunger began to hinder his efforts.


"What does it mean to speak, friend and enter?" Loras asked irritably.


"It is quite clear if you are a friend, you say the password and the doors will open and you can enter" I answer Robar.


"Say friend and come in ..." At that moment Jon had an inspiration.


"This is not a riddle ... It's a play on words" Jon said to everyone's confusion.


"What does that mean Jon?" Daenerys asked but Jon didn't answer, he just approached the door and said in a deep voice.




The star briefly shone and faded. Then, in silence, the doors through which they entered the afternoon appeared.


"How did you know?" Steal asked surprised.


"The password was inscribed on the arch; the translation should have been: Say 'friend' and enter. They did that to throw off the fact that they were already giving you the answer", said Jon pleased with himself.


"And then you had to say the word friend in Quenya, and the doors opened" Rhaenys said, impressed and annoyed with herself for not figuring it out earlier.


"It's really simple but it works" said Robar surprised by the simplicity of the puzzle.


"Yes, it's true but let's go inside" Loras said starting to tinkle with cold as he grew up in Highgarden he was not used to the cold and less if in Westeros there had not been a winter in years.


"Loras is right, it is better to enter they have earned it, the dwarves are excellent hosts, they will soon feel at home ... Very well-done Jon", said Glorfindel proud of his student.


And with that they all reentered Khazad-Dum ready to enjoy the feast that King Durin had prepared for them.


And what a feast it was ...


The large dining room was made of stone, but this was so smooth that it was extremely comfortable and the heat of the place was fueled by large torches and it was gigantic, dozens and dozens of dwarfs were eating, drinking and laughing, the food was ... Splendid , after a long period of only eating shellfish and on occasion deer, the food was a delicacy, wild boar meat, juicy and soft, a single bite made the fat of the meat weep with flavor, the fruit tarts were simply exquisite stuffed with apples, strawberries and pears, Jon developed a very strong taste for strawberries, but best of all ... The beer, sour, strong and refreshing, even after a few cups and Jon felt like he had drunk many kegs.


... If King Robert had found this place, he would never have left ... Jon thought with amusement.


But despite everything what attracted the most attention were the "manners" of their hosts ... The dwarves organized drinking competitions at the table and threw food at each other; The Elven diplomats presented the High King with a single casket of fine Mithlond wine that had been aged for several centuries, a vintage so rich and precious that the cost of a single glass would leave many a Noldorian lord in debt. King Durin, keen to show his appreciation for such a fine spirit, stove in the large barrel lid with his axe and guzzled the whole lot in one go wiping the copious spillage with his beard and burped so loudly that the sound was echoed off the walls of the cavern, causing an amusing sound akin to an avalanche to fill the room and all the dwarves started laughing, the elves seemed to be used to this and gave no signs of disgust nor could they as the Lord of the Longbeards was a marvelous host and to offend him would be rather foolish. Still, Westerosi were torn between amusement and annoyance at the lack of manners shown by the sons of Durin though they would not say anything lest they offend their venerable host.


They and the elves were at the head table near the king, a place of honor reserved for the diplomats of the free peoples.


"I can't believe this drunken fool is the king of all dwarves," Rhaenys muttered irritably after King Durin's burp.


"Is that the only thing that bothers you?" Arianne said, directing her gaze to a group of dwarves who had a competition of catching grapes with their mouths in the middle of the table.


"Well at least we are having dinner and we are warm against the cold" said Robar devouring a piece of meat and not paying attention to anything else.


However, Jon was not paying attention to his food, he noticed that despite the food competitions, none of it fell to the ground, nothing was wasted, the floor was still sparkling clean despite the constant competencies.


"It's incredible ..." Jon muttered, realizing the reflexes and precision that dwarves possess, at that moment he remembered some words from Mikken the Winterfell blacksmith and years later he heard them again in King's Landing from the mouth of Tobho Mott:


... Precision is the key to being a blacksmith ...


And if the dwarves were so precise that they didn't waste a bit of food in their competitions, he couldn't wait to see them at their forges. At that moment, a group of dwarves approached Jon and the others.


"We hope you enjoy the feast," said an aged dwarf who's black beard was tucked into a belt of iron.


"It's fantastic and the drink is great," Jon replied taking a sip of his beer. Instantly the dwarves put on smiles that made Jon uncomfortable and one of them took out a bottle of a golden liquid.


"What's this? More beer?" Loras asked as he observed and heard the dwarves talking to Jon.


"Well, not really, this is mead."


With that, Jon's face turned pale, the mead was not unknown to him or his friends since in many of Northerners brewed their own, however Glorfindel had warned him that the mead produced by the dwarves was extremely powerful…Enough to stun an elf in a few gulps, his master told him to be careful because the dwarves will probably try to make him drink.


"It is a gift from us ... We will only share our mead with those we deem as friends of Durin's folk" said one of them.


"I'm but a simple warrior" Jon replied surprised.


"You're an emissary of the great powers, please share a drink with us" Said the one covered in soot. Jon and Loras shared a look and although they knew it was an extremely potent drink, they were sure the dwarves would take grave offence if they were refused, so they reluctantly nodded, and the dwarves filled their glasses with mead.


"To your health" Jon said only to hear the distant voice of his teacher shouting "JON, NO!".


And that was the last thing Jon consciously remembered, then there was only laughter, screaming, nonsense words and dancing, a lot of dancing, then a moment of great pain in one of the eyes.


Jon didn't remember anything after that only that at some point he fell to the ground and everything changed.


... He was traveling those strange mountains in the company of his sister whom he now cared for ... After a successful hunt ... A juicy deer, the taste of blood was still on his tongue They were near the bright entrance where I waited for them to come out, despite the prominent cold of the mountains neither he nor his companion will enter the interior of those mountains ... The wind screamed and the trees spoke about a great evil that slept there since ancient times, cowed, and wounded I seek refuge in the shadows ... He slept there ... In the bowels of the earth .. . Those who now live there did not know what they were sharing their home with ... They lived with fire and shadows under their feet ...


Then the dream changed ... He no longer felt the icy cold of the mountains but the cold that is under the earth, the rotten and humid air, heavy and suffocating ... At that moment Jon saw them ...


A group of nine individuals ... Two men, an elf, a dwarf and an old man with a pointed hat and a glowing staff ... Also with them apparently were three children.


All of them were running chased by strange creatures, the place was familiar to him in some way, until when he saw the dusty and cobwebbed dwarf statues, he recognized it ... It was Khazad-Dûm! But it was not the Khazad-Dûm full of life and glory that Jon and his friends had just met, but rather it seemed abandoned and forgotten, much older. Fear was present in the faces of the nine who were fleeing in pursuit. Until suddenly they were surrounded by hundreds of monsters and seemed about to attack them until they themselves made their way to something else ... something that terrified them.


It looked like a huge shadow and in the middle of that shadow there was a dark shape, maybe a man shape, but it was huge to be a man and it also had bat wings and a flaming tail, and in that shadow, there was a power and a terror that went before her.


What it was could not be seen: it was like a great shadow, in the middle of which was a dark form, of man-shape maybe, yet greater; and a power and terror seemed to be in it and go before it.


It came to the edge of the fire and the light faded as if a cloud had bent over it. Then with a rush it leaped across the fissure. The flames roared up to greet it, and wreathed about it; and a black smoke swirled in the air. Its streaming mane kindled, and blazed behind it. In its right had was a blade like a stabbing tongue of fire; in its left it held a whip of many thongs.


Jon knew what it was, he had seen that monster in the paintings in his classes in the Gray Havens, although it had been only a painting this had been so convincing that the terror he felt was as if he had it in front of him at that moment.


A Balrog of Morgoth in Khazad-Dûm.


"Alas, alas, a Balrog! A Balrog has come! " Yelled the terrified elf.


"Durin's Bane!" The dwarf screamed and dropped his axe, covering his face with his hands.


'A Balrog,' "Now I understand.' He faltered and leaned heavily on his staff. 'What an evil fortune! And I am already weary.'" The old man said sadly.


The Balrog ran towards them and in that instant his hateful eyes stared at Jon and this scream.


When Jon woke up hours later ... He didn't remember anything about those two dreams.


... Jon, Jon .. . JON! ...


Jon's eyes widened with difficulty, and he looked disoriented at everything around him.


"What's wrong?" He gasped and with effort.


"That's what I want to know, you have rolled in your bed for a few minutes, screaming fire and shadows! over and over again ... Master Glorfindel says that happens by drinking mead, they seriously warned us about that ... "


Jon turned to the speaker and saw the annoyed and bored face of Robar who was watching him impatiently.


"What happened?" His voice hoarse and Jon put a hand to his head.


"You drank too much mead brother and became drunk, you danced and sang incessantly, you passionately kissed your Dornish Princess in front of everyone, then Princess Daenerys and Princess Rhaenys.


"What?" Jon tried to scream but his throat stopped him.


"Oh yes, it was rather amusing, I did not know you were so daring, the two Princesses looked like blushing brides I guess they would never have expected that show of affection in public, but Princess Rhaenys ... You should see your eye, here" said Robar with fun.


Robar gave him a small mirror and Jon saw that he had a black eye, he touched it and a stab of pain ran through his face.




"Yeah, that girl hits hard"


"I don't remember anything, how could I?"


"I don't know, but it was the most fun I've seen you have, the mead showed us all a different side of you last night"


"And Loras?" Despite everything Jon remembered that his best friends drank with him and Robar laughed.


"He already got up, but he can barely move ... Frankly, you are better than him, unlike you he did not sing until he hurt his throat so he can still speak ... But enough of that ... Better get dressed, king Durin wants to talk to you.


Jon's heart sank.


... Lord Cirdan and Master Glorfindel will kill me ...


After a quick bath and breakfast Jon and Robar joined the great hall along with everyone else, when he arrived, he saw the elves and dwarves looking at him indifferently.


"You came," King Durin said in a deep voice.


"Your Highness I ..." Jon started to say but the king raised his hand to silence him and raised his throne.


"I opened the doors of my domains for you, I invited you to dinner at my table, my people shared their best drink with you ... and do you know what you did?"


"No ..." Jon's heart was pounding so hard it seemed to leap out of his chest.


"No? I'll tell you, you danced like a fool, you sang with a shrill voice ... You made a fool of yourself in front of everyone ... . Do you know what my feast became?" The king said with anger in his eyes.


"No ..." Jon said without a voice.


"It became ... EVERYONE'S PARTY!" The king yelled with a loud laugh and everyone joined in, including Jon's friends, who soon felt Arianne's hand on one of his.


"You should see your face Jon, it is priceless" said Robar laughing.


"What?" Jon asked without understanding anything.


"It's a little joke that the king wanted to play with you, we thought it was funny, so we decided to help" Arianne said kissing him on the cheek.


"And a punishment for not listening to my warning about mead," Glorfindel said with a slight smile.


"Boy, you are the best singer that these lofty halls have ever seen, you turned my humble feast into a party that will be remembered for generations, it has been a long time since I had such an excellent celebration" The king said happily.


"You're welcome" Jon answered understanding that he was the victim of a joke.


"They told me you wanted to gaze upon our forges" said the king happily.


Instantly Jon's eyes lit up.


"Yes, Your Majesty, that's why I came here I want to see the legendary skill of your people in all its splendor" it seemed Jon's flattery had won the old dwarf over and he smiled with contentment.


"In that case, I shall see your request granted, after the lovely performence you graced us last night how could I refuse such honoured guest ... You will have my permission to explore my kingdom to your hearts content." King Durin said while Jon and the others wait with expectation to see the purpose of their trip fulfilled ... to see the great forges of Khazad-Dûm.

