Chereads / Fanfiction I am reading / Chapter 1355 - 20

Chapter 1355 - 20

Children of the Weirwoods - Chapter 20 - Wups - A Song of Ice and FireNotes:

This would have been up yesterday but my power was out.

Once again, I use quotes from the book and show, which belong to George R.R Martin and HBO respectively.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

The whole trip was utterly dreadful and dull. Like many times over their travels, Cersei wished she could have simply returned to King's Landing from visiting her father rather than this horrid land. The North was as plain as its people, not that Cersei got to see many Northmen with how sparse the region was. 

She could have been in King's Landing enjoying the warmth of summer with Jaime in her bed nightly but instead she had to suffer moons couped up in her wheelhouse just to shiver in summer snow, one would think summer and snow to be antithetical but not in the North. It was made all the worse with the fact there was little opportunity for her to be with Jaime. All of it combined to put her in a lousy mood.

Then there was Robert shaming her before every man, woman and child of worth to see what, an urn, a stone coffin, a statue at best. That damnable woman could not just die and be gone but had to curse Cersei's every moment. It was bad enough that an unkempt bland bitch stole Cersei's prince and started the war that got him killed but the girl blinded Robert enough to not see the gold before him. Not that Cersei ever would have been happy with Robert, but a king at her beck and call has its appeal.

Surprisingly there was one good thing about Winterfell: the heated walls which made the keep surprisingly warm. The chambers she was given were the best she had since leaving the Westerlands, though the walls were boring grey stone on all sides, at the very least they could have been whitewashed or hung with tapestries of something. Not having to see any direwolves hanging in her rooms was a boon of its own, she supposed.

Cersei came out of her thoughts as Eddard spoke of his cousins, she was disgusted by Robert's blatant desire for the women, as if he hadn't shamed her enough earlier. When Robert asked about the girl he stared at during their greeting, Cersei took in the woman. If Robert was true when he said she looked like his little Lyanna then perhaps the wolf whore was more tempting than she gave Lyanna Stark credit for. The woman had a stunning dress of silver, red, blue, and white, it was far too beautiful to be worn by a girl of a bastard line with no titles. With dark brown hair and grey eyes the girl wouldn't stand out on her own and was bland compared to Cersei's gold locks and emerald eyes. What made her so special that Rhaegar would want her when he could have had Cersei?

She distracted herself with her meal and Catelyn Stark's prattling. The woman was as boring as her husband, all duty and honor, a stale paragon of a lady. Lady Stark wasn't the godawful company her sister was, she was forty steps above her sister and thankfully lacked that repugnant smell Lysa carried with her. At Cersei's inquiry the lady summoned her daughter before them, the pretty one Robert wanted wed to Cersei's sweet Joff.

Ever her mother's child, the girl curtsied perfectly and greeted them with a charming but shy smile, there was a nervousness in her eyes as blue as the Sunset Sea off of Casterly Rock. "Your Grace. Mother." The girl seemed as airheaded as any, with a head full of dreams and high in the clouds like a little bird. Cersei's mind was never like that, Cersei's was made to match with a dragon, to be the apex predator in the sky, to be above everyone.

"Hello little dove," Cersei welcomed the girl.

Unaware of the insult, the girl pinkened at the believed praise. The blush gave the girl a humble beauty but also reminded Cersei of a tomato, if only it were brighter. Her red hair was certainly eye-catching and unique, more vibrant than even the girl's mother. Even compared to Cersei it would stand out, extremely so here in the North where everything was white, grey, black, or brown.

Having judged the girl, Cersei continued, "But you are a beauty. How old are you?"

"Twelve, Your Grace." The age was a bit surprising. The girl was tall for her age though so was Joff.

Cersei said as much, "You're tall, still growing?" Drab, tiresome, and tedious conversation, she couldn't care less. It didn't matter what she thought of the girl, Robert would see the match made and it hardly mattered what brainless dolt married Joffrey so long as they were beautiful and of sufficient pedigree, a girl of the West would have been ideal. She would have liked for more years free of a good-daughter's pesky influence over Joff, they'd dumb him down if she let them.

"I think so, Your Grace."

"And have you bled yet?" Cersei smiled inwardly at the girl's reaction.

Taken off guard from the inquiry, Sansa looked to her mother for guidance. She truly was a little bird, getting fed the regulated words of her mother. With approval, she shooked that pretty little head of hers in a negative manner and answered, "No, Your Grace."

Having made the girl uncomfortable, Cersei settled for another insult, "And your dress? Did you make it?" It was clear the girl hadn't, it was far too professional for anyone her age to make but she hoped to make the girl believe herself behind the curve of the south. 

It seemed to work for half a split second as the Stark's lips twitched downwards. Unexpectedly however, they quickly rose in a smile and she nodded. "I designed it and helped make it, nearly all of the embroidering was done by me." The girl admittedly had talent with the needle, like the rest of the Starks and even the Stark cousins and Tyrells, her dress irritatingly outshined Cersei and Myrcella. The beautiful swirling blue stitched roses complemented the girl's eyes beautifully and the overall dress design was more unique. The silver and sapphire necklace matched the look elegantly.

"A beautiful necklace." Cersei wished she had worn her own necklace so as not to be outdone any more than she already was by a child but she had only worn a tiara of golden antlers. "Where did you get it?"

The girl's was a silver crescent engraved with prancing direwolves and embedded with small tasteful diamonds and sapphires. It looked expensive. Small elegant fingers ran along the curve and lingered to play with the chain lovingly. Biting her lip nervously, the little dove answered, no mother bird needed, "It belonged to my aunt." Lyanna…

Annoyed, Cersei dismissed the girl. Instead she gave her focus to her children. Joff looked as displeased as she felt, the Stark heir next to him not even attempting to suck up to his prince. Her youngest was trying to eat while having his other arm hang low enough to pet one of the Starks' beasts, not even a day and the Starks were already a poor influence on her babes. Myrcella seemed to have made friends with the leechlings and the upjumped steward girl. They talked in whispers and her sweet girl snuck quick glances at Robb Stark as he looked like a fool entertaining the youngest pup, the girl was a lion and deserved better than a wolf.

The table neighboring that of her children's, called for her attention more than watching her daughter make starry eyes at a Stark. Robert admittedly was on the right track to look at that row, both benches were full with beautiful women and handsome men. One man had the general appearance of Eddard but was exceedingly more handsome; every Stark feature looked better on the man than the Lord of Winterfell. The blonde, her favorite of the lot, while not as vibrant as Jaime, was surprisingly attractive, the half-wild elegance he held itched at her loins. Across from him was the man with the raven, who had the same air of wildness but a darker appearance and a striking face. A small group of people left the table and the room.

When they returned they headed to the minstrel's little stage as the Stark man carried a harp. The Tully looking girl took over the music, the first song was one never heard before and Robert absolutely loved how it boosted his ego. The followingly songs were more and more beautiful, until the familiar chymes came, and Cersei was back in King's Landing as the daughter of the Hand, listening as Rhaegar played Jenny's Song so sweetly every lady had tears on their cheeks. She was the best singer and harpist that Cersei had heard since Rhaegar and in the capital she was exposed to a great many of those poor lute playing boys. The woman's elegant fingers plucked at those silver strings just a Cersei's prince had.

On second look the harp seemed similar but frankly Cersei hadn't given the instrument much attention, its player was always so much more attractive. The black wood harp could have been the same one Rhaegar used; no one had found the harp since, and it was believed the two Targaryens had taken it to Essos as they fled Dragonstone, Rhaegar's former seat. So she supposed the beggars would have sold it, she does think it queer that it might return to Westeros. The idea of it being played to Robert gave her some petty pleasure; she hoped Rhaegar's ghost would continue to haunt the man.

Soon enough dining was done and space was cleared for dancing. If only she could have had one more dance with Rhaegar rather than be saddled with her fat oaf of a husband. Because of his bloody weight he didn't dance anymore which meant she couldn't do so with Jaime without arousing unnecessary suspicion. The youngest Stark girl seemed unhappy to dance with Tommen and the elder was almost the opposite, all white teethed and joyful with Joff. On the second dance Joff partnered with the Tyrell girl who seemed to please him far more than the little dove. 

Myrcella though had an interesting partner, one of Stark's cousin's cousins or something she didn't care enough to memorize. The man had the Dornish tan and the look of those sand covered whores but he was as stunning as the blonde man or Jaime. The effortless graceful way he moved and those sharp dusky eyes. Sprouting from his widow's peak, a white tuft of hair and his high cheekbones made his Valyrian blood evident if his handsome face didn't. Myrcella was bright red throughout the dance and Cersei thought even she might have been blushing so close to that man. If Jaime wasn't with her she might have let the man into her bed, any of the grown men previously seated at that table really at this point. 

Catelyn Stark went quiet and stopped trying to make small talk like those insipid ladies of King's Landing who can do nothing but run their mouths. The woman's attention was directed towards their husbands. 

"You lied? Eddard Stark lying! I don't believe it!" Even though Robert was trying to be quiet his voice still was loud enough to catch Cersei's attention.

She pretended not to listen as Eddard nearly broke, explaining Ashara Dayne's death and his bastard. It brought a smile to her face, she enjoyed hearing of honorable Eddard's great dishonor and how he wasn't so honorable after all. The confession gave her lovely information that could possibly be spread around the capital to convince Eddard to return to this frozen hell sooner than later; she didn't need him getting on her and Jaime's trail like Jon Arryn. 

With Lady Stark's flight from the high table, Cersei reveled in the peace without her bland and prim voice. She observed the bastard. The boy was certainly handsome, more so than his father though he didn't have the manly aesthetic yet. Even he was better dressed than Joffrey, a bastard better dressed than her son, if she had been a lion, the very thought would have raised her hackles.

Something bubbled inside her as she watched the bastard and Stark's eldest daughter dance, it was practised and effortless and there was something about the way the girl's eyes had such a warm fondness when they met his. The boy seemed just as adoring of the girl. The sight reminded her of her youth with Jaime back at the Rock. When she felt empathy for the little redhead she understood just what she was seeing and had to resist cackling like a madwoman. Eddard's sweet daughter and his bastard right under his nose, another she and Jaime, but they would never compare, they weren't fated from birth. 

The trip had already yielded surprising boons already; she holds House Starks reputation in her palm. Should Eddard follow Arryn's footsteps she can crush him, and his words will become meaningless. 

She celebrated her new found armaments by sitting back with a fresh goblet of wine and watching the men dance, taking in the pleasant way the tight breeches hugged their forms. She got to hear those handsome men sing and they were better than half the singers in the south but they weren't Rhaegar though.

All good things aren't meant to last however as shouts rang out and pulled her attention to Robert. Cersei let out the one of the biggest annoyed sighs she had in a long time. Her husband looked to be trying to suffocate his replacement Lyanna with his tongue, or would be if the woman's jaw wasn't sealed tighter than septas claimed their legs were. The woman tried to push herself away but she learned the hard way that Robert still had his strength under all the fat.

It wasn't unusual for Robert to get handsy with a serving girl or a whore, they were the same thing really, but to force himself on anyone but her was something different. Cersei almost felt some petty pleasure at the sight knowing someone else would suffer Robert even if just the slightest bit then Stark stood up against his king. Eddard, his eldest two sons, the Stark cousins, the Tyrell second son, and other men and women close to the girl all stood up for the girl, Cersei couldn't help but be a little bitter, that this nobody received that much support while she received none when Robert would rape her and leave her bruised and hurting just because she was his wife. For all Jaime's reassurances he'd gut Robert, neither he nor Father made any efforts to make Robert treat her any better or even hide his disregard for her. 

Eddard's threat to send them away and to not accept the position of Hand was both appealing and dreadful. Robert's stupidity may have cost him his only chance of survival, Eddard may be less likely to investigate Arryn's death now, or so she hoped. The man's publicly shaming Robert was beautiful and she took pleasure in every single onlooker's disgust at their king, though Robert shamed himself as much as Eddard did by calling it out.

Not that her husband would know but she'd enjoy the next time she fucks Jaime even more, or perhaps it would be one of Stark's cousins. Wouldn't that just be poetic, Robert so desperate to put his cock in a Stark besides Eddard, and she cucks him with his best's friend's own blood. The bastard could do, he was handsome enough and the most vulnerable target; a bastard's word versus a queen's, that is if he was stupid enough to even claim he bedded her. Regardless she had Jaime and he would be sufficient to cuckold Robert.

The girl and nearly all the Starks, Tyrells and their friends quickly leave, Benjen Stark, Robert, Jaime, Tyrion and herself were all that remained. Instead of staying with the miserable company she sent Jaime to gather her children so they could leave the wretched feast.

"Mother, did Father tell you… before he…" Myrcella wore a warm beautiful smile that mimicked Jaime's even if her mood trailed downwards with her words.

Cersei wasn't smiling, unlike her daughter she didn't have much to smile about, especially after last night with Robert very publicly shaming her. Her daughter's inquiry did intrigue her, Robert rarely spoke with her and rarely did her children know something before she did. "No, we have not spoken since he left for the crypts in the afternoon."

"Oh." The girl didn't seem surprised though. Myrcella still seemed bubbly despite Cersei's comment and the mention of last night's events. "Father said I'm to marry a Stark and-"

"No." Cersei interrupted.

Myrcella sputtered and looked like a wounded fawn rather than a growing lioness. "Father sa-"

"No," she insisted. Robert would not send her daughter to this lonely colorless land. Her daughter will remain close and not freeze away her beauty until she too is as grey as this castle.

Shoulders sagging and lip quivering for just a moment before the lion came out and she straightened and looked at Cersei fiercely. "But I want to foster here! I like the Starks and Robb is handsome and ki-"

"It doesn't matter what you want, you are a princess and you will do what is best for House Lannister. One day we will find you a husband worthy of you with a land and castle as beautiful as you." What keep that might be, Cersei had little idea but the Red Keep was to be Joffrey's and Casterly Rock: Tommen's. That didn't leave many, if any, equal to her daughter, Myrcella had Cersei's beauty and Cersei was worth nothing less than a queen.

Huffing, Myrcella grabbed her little brother's hand and tugged him away, walking right past a Sandor Clegane. 

Cersei would get her daughter out of this mess Robert put them in, that was if Robert hadn't already done so with his actions.

The Stark girl came to mind as an easy solution, the girl was as air-headed as any of the Starks, more so actually. She'd have to put off spreading any rumor about the girl and her bastard brother until Robert was in the ground and by then she'd have enough power to end the betrothal. Yes, that would do, it was Robert's original plan anyway. "Joff." Her son gave her his attention, listening like a good boy. "Convince the Stark girl to beg her father for betrothal."

"I don't want to marry her!" Joffrey scowled, his was different from Jaime's so Cersei presumed he inherited it from her, no wonder it made him look even more handsome with the way it shaded his eyes in a predatory manner.

"And you won't. Just seduce the little bird, it should be easy. Your sister will not be staying in the North and marrying one of those Stark boys. Just charm the girl, you can even take the girl's maidenhead for all I care, that is if she still has it." Cersei muttered the last part to herself. If all worked well they might even have the girl as a hostage should the Starks act out or if Eddard looks into Jon Arryn too far.

Crossing his arms Joff didn't seem happy. "Father wanted Myrcella to wed one of the Starks though." A lion should not concern himself with the opinion of his prey, for it doesn't matter in the end when the stag is in the lion's belly.

Giving her son a soft look to seem happy with his desire to please his 'father,' she replied, "He originally wished for Sansa to be your queen but Eddard Stark must have denied the match for whatever reason. You shall be making your father's wish come true." It was an insult for Stark to decline such an offer for his little whore.

Joffrey's eyes narrowed as he realized the slight to him as well. "Fine, I'll convince her." Her boy wore a smirk that she couldn't help but be proud of, he'll be forwarding their family's interests. Finished with his meal he left without another word, his hound trailing him like a good dog.

She couldn't help but be annoyed that Jaime was to guard Robert for the next hour when one of the two dolts would take over. At the very least Tyrion wasn't breaking his fast with her, she could only hope he drank himself to death, got lost, or perhaps he fell off one of the towers, but fortune never favored her when it came to that little monster.

Nothing better to do, she went along with her day, she'd tear into Robert once he was up, ideally he'd feel the effects of his drinking last night and be pained by her very voice. For now she'd see how the Stark's are reacting, perhaps act compassionate as a weaker queen might. 



Cersei took a deep breath and exhaled while trying to let the hot spring relax her. This was easily the greatest thing about the North, every day she visited the pool at least once a day since Myrcella first brought her here that third day. She supposed the gods had to give this place at least one boon, else there be an eighth hell which wouldn't do with their fixation with the number seven.

"Meow." One of the two little brats mewed again. Every single time they were in her presence they made that damnable sound. It was some sort of mocking game they were playing and Cersei was confident that the elders knew exactly what the two little girls were doing and allowing it. She was ready to strangle one of them the next time they did it again but had to resist doing so with all her will.

It didn't help that she was in a foul mood for the entirety of their stay with very few moments of warmth. Since Robert left with Eddard to the Crypts, things only got worse and worse. It started with Robert shaming her at the feast which was a much a boon as it was a curse at first but then the bloody girl had to request the New Gift as an apology gift. The offer was perfect in Robert's small mind; undo a wrong done to the Starks by the dragons at no cost to himself. The dumb oaf didn't realize the story of why the land was returned to the Starks would become a page in history and Robert's shaming of her would be known by all for the rest of time. If that wasn't enough the men claim the girl outright called Robert ugly and not worthy of her, a nobody from a bastard line of savages claiming she deserved a husband better than Cersei's. The girl couldn't insult Cersei any worse if she tried without being direct.

She hated every single one of the women and girls here. Unfortunately she wasn't alone in the springs and the other half of the pool had all of the little whores minus Catelyn Stark. Her daughter had lowered herself to join the group, spending most of her time with the rabble. They were all so annoyingly pretty too, even the ladies of minor houses and the wildlings.

The red hair of the Tullys was truly beautiful and unique and Cersei couldn't help but loathe them for it. The little bird, the tall look-alike of Catelyn, the iron eyed redhead and the little one, even darkened by the water the color was as irking as it was eye catching. The meowing brat with those bright violet eyes was sure to be the sole person in the world with such a coloring. Every one of them had bodies to match their faces and of those grown they all had breasts that could challenge Cersei's own in both size and shape but theirs were annoyingly perkier.

Nissa, the one who's wrist Robert broke was just as hauntingly alluring. Slightly smaller tits and a more graceful build but still everything any man could want. If the woman did truely look like Lyanna Stark, Rhaegar wasn't as mad as she had believed, Cersei hated her mind for that very thought. Looking at the woman's hairless cunt Cersei couldn't help but wish Robert had raped the girl. Perhaps his seed would have grown inside her and ripped the Wildpack apart and strangle to death on its way out of the bitch's belly. If only.

Cersei prayed for the same fate for each of the girls. The two Dornish sluts with their overused holes might stand a better chance of survival though if Elia Martell's experiences were to go by, perhaps not. Those two had that distinctive streak or streaks of white hair that Cersei would love to cut off while they beg her not to. The younger had her streak at the center of her bangs like her handsome brother while the elder had two sprouting from her temples.

Two women never once entered the pool fully, one sat there along the side with her legs hanging in the bubbling water, the other one with the Valyrian hair next to her had her face in a book. The dark haired one would on occasion rub her belly mindlessly and Cersei wondered if she was with child or if it was a habit from the previous child based on the stretch marks. Recalling Pycelle's warning about hot baths with her own children, Cersei contemplated causing the woman to fall in, the realm didn't need another Stark, there were already far too many.

Slowly one by one they got out, Cersei noticed that the vast majority of the Wildpack and even the wildlings had hairless cunts. The exceptions being the blue eyed blonde wildling and the massive muscled woman with thighs that could probably crush a man's pelvis or skull and her equally large breast that could suffocate a man. She thought that to be curious, coming from the same culture and family one would expect they'd all do the same. The little bird had hints of red hairs so it wasn't the Stark blood, perhaps they shave it, Cersei had to admit it was a less beastly look, maybe it could even snap Jaime out of whatever madness has overtaken him these past few days.

"Myrcella stay." Cersei didn't like her daughter frolicing with that sort. The girl has already become more rebellious and she didn't need Myrcella to get any ideas of picking up a sword like Eddard's youngest or those Wildpack girls. It would lower Myrcella's prospects, the Starks may accept some half-man beast but Cersei would not stand for it, women had their own weapons. Myrcella didn't have a twin to swap places with to protect their house's repute like Cersei had.

The whole group paused their departure with Myrcella's halt. The iron eyed redhead defended Cersei's daughter as if she had any right to. "Your Grace, Myrcella just spent a long time in the pool with us. According to studies it isn't healthy to stay in much longer."

Scowling, Cersei waved off the woman and her excuses. "Then my daughter will simply stay and keep me company. There are benches in here."

"I have lessons with Sansa soon. I want to attend them." Myrcella straightened up defiantly for the second time. The Starks were already corrupting her, they were all Myrcella and Tommen would talk about anymore, Joffrey had already snapped at the two for it.

"And I want you to stay with me as company. Besides this trip was for pleasure as much as duty, you can skip a few lessons." She doubted some maester with a few links could properly teach her daughter.

The little dove put a hand on Myrcella's elbow comfortingly. "We can find you later," the girl gave a soft smile before stepping back and handing Cella a cloth to dry herself.

After washing, drying and putting their clothes back on the group reluctantly left Cersei with her bitter daughter glaring at her.

Robert was gone over half the previous day and yet Jaime for the first time in their lives refused the opportunity to bed her. The entirety of the trip they couldn't risk it and now once they have the perfect time and a perfect isolated location he refuses, she knew he wasn't as smart as her but he was downright mad to decline the chance. For the past ten days he'd been acting strangely and she can't put it down to anything but the damn Starks, they must have done something to her Jaime.

If that wasn't enough to put her in a bad mood, then learning Robert legitimized all of the Wildpack even after giving the Starks the New Gift, after the woman beat the Hound and won the Valyrian steel dagger and five thousand dragons. It was his damned softness towards his bastards, Meryn told her of the king's belief the big woman might be Robert's half-sister or some relation to the Baratheons. Not only that he charged the woman to deliver something to his own eldest bastard girl. Cersei had warned him about bringing the girl to court; she will not allow the girl to be legitimized and compromise her children's throne. No the bastard would never get whatever it was Robert wishes and if her plan results in one less adopted Stark then all the better.

With a Valyrian steel dagger alone as payment, it would be easy to convince some of the freeriding knights to hunt down the woman. Another weapon of the metal, the armor, and all the gold the woman was carrying, Cersei was certain to have their silence. Of course the hit wasn't worth even a quarter of that worth, all of that belongs to House Lannister, the freeriders can have the woman as many times as they'd like before she's cold though, it'd make everything all the more easy.

Turning to a trusted Lannister man at arms, Cersei smirked. "Bring me five of the best freeriding knights, I have a job for them, you as well. A few others of the King's men will be needed to accompany you for the mission. Ensure your men are better than the freeriders and can hold their tongues. Five hundred dragons for you and two hundred and fifty for your men should the numbers stay low."

"Of course, Your Grace." Cersei could tell the man was excited by the promise of so much gold.

Cersei smiled from her window as the Starks said their goodbyes to the girl. Her grin had grown when she saw the freeriders leave an hour after the woman and even larger a half hour later when her men left.


This covered quite a bit of what I've already covered but it seemed important to understand Cersei a bit better and do this as a character study of sorts.

Next chapter will be Sansa's perspective and cover the last bit of Robert's stay as well as her thoughts on Jon and everything else.

Upcoming Chapter POV Order:

Sansa I

Elia II

Rhaenys I

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