Chereads / Fanfiction I am reading / Chapter 1356 - 21

Chapter 1356 - 21

Children of the WeirwoodsWups

Chapter 21: Sansa I


The final days of the royals(Baratheons) at Winterfell.


So once again, sorry for the delay. Taking over a month was not the plan. Anyway for the most part I was just stumped on writing Joffrey for a while, I also had work stuff and the typical writer's block. Most of my inspiration to write comes from reading other stories and recently there haven't been many which have to my taste that aren't modern AUs. Enough excuses.

On the bright side this is a rather long chapter, though not the longest.

See the end note for details regarding the slightly crack au for this.

Edits: Not done yet but I intend to make Cersei a little less evil in the previous chapter as this is before any of her kids are killed, even if she is losing Myrcella in a way. I want it to be a bit more obvious some of her darkest thoughts stem from momentary anger, annoyance, and sexual frustration (no Jaime).

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Breakfast that morning had been a depressing affair; they didn't eat in the main hall and most everyone was still holding back anger over the previous night. She was thankful for her new lessons more than ever, Sansa couldn't imagine the shock of what occurred at the feast, it had been surprising enough even knowing what type of man Robert Baratheon was beforehand.

After being raised with stories of the Mad King Aerys or the incorrect tales of Prince Rhaegar, Sansa would have thought she'd know better, even her favorite story of Queen Naerys and Prince Aemon the Dragonknight had an evil king. Maybe it was her father's old tales of his good friend and the fact the man fought against the Mad King and for her aunt that twisted her thoughts and made it her first instinct to deny all that she had been told about the man's true nature. 

But yesterday had opened her eyes, she had believed her children to be extreme in their beliefs. Surely the world couldn't have been as dark as they'd said, good men wouldn't stand for it, but there weren't as many good men as she had thought. Knights are just killers in armor and Kings are just men with a crown.

The sight of her daughter's wrist in a splint made her fists clench, she wanted justice. Sansa was mad at her father, mad at Jon and mad at Robb and the others, even though they stopped everything, they did nothing to punish King Robert. In the discussion they didn't even push towards retribution. Her daughter had been assaulted and they are letting the man continue to walk their castle! She didn't even want to look at the fat king.

Everything about the night made her feel a bit sorry for Cersei Lannister and her children. Even if the woman had tried to insult her during their conversation, Sansa couldn't help but feel pity for the woman having married such a horrid husband. Myrcella had been lovely and perfect, she wished the girl would actually marry one of her brothers so she could finally have the sister she always hoped Arya would be, even if Arya has been more pleasant recently.

She and Myrcella watched the boys spar in the yard a bit, Sansa was supposed to give the royal children a tour of the keep and fetch one of the boys to guard her. True to one of the guard's words, Joffrey and Tommen were in the yard with the other boys. Though neither were fighting at the moment, that would be Robb and Jon.

Spotting the girls, Joffrey moved toward them with Sandor Clegane towering behind him. The morning sun made his long hair shine like it was truly spun golden. Joffrey was very handsome, the very essence of a prince. He smiled at her and her heart fluttered in her chest a bit. "My lady. Would you mind showing me the sights of your home? You are much better company than your siblings."

The compliment melted Sansa for just a moment before she realized the implication towards her family. Though she couldn't blame him much, Robb and Joffrey sat next to each other for the feast and her brother practically ignored the prince. Not only that but Joffrey didn't even acknowledge Myrcella or Tommen who was waddling over in his padded sparring gear.

It felt nice to have so much attention from him. "Thank you my prince." It hurt her heart a bit to say the false title, it was a bit like lying and it felt as if she were betraying Jon. "That was actually my purpose in finding you."

The prince smirked at her, pleased with her words. "Good. Shall we start then? No point in delaying, I've already seen enough of the yard." He looked towards the ongoing spar and his lip curled upwards in disgust, she shared the sentiment.

Looking behind the golden prince towards his little brother, she stopped herself from answering Joffrey's question. "Prince Tommen should probably be relieved of his gear, should he not?"

Joffrey seemed put off by her reply before his teeth returned in a grin. "He'll be fine. It'll build strength so one day he'll be a fine knight." He let out a small huff through his nose finding some hidden humor.

She didn't see what was funny but smiled and nodded. Sansa didn't think Tommen would be able to complete the tour with the pads on, sometimes she was sore from walking around Winterfell too much. "Sir Rodrik doesn't like gear leaving the yard…" It was a poor excuse to save the boy even if it was true.

Frowning but not arguing, Joffrey turned to Sandor Clegane. "Wouldn't want to displease Sir Rodrik." His tone almost seemed mocking. "Relieve my brother, Dog."

The Hound growled at being commanded to do the work of a squire but grunted and did as the prince ordered. When finished he tossed the pads on a nearby fence. Rodrik wouldn't like that, Sansa recalled Theon leaving some arrows out overnight and having to oil chainmail for a sennight. The intimidating presence of the Hound prevented her from saying as much though.

"Perhaps it would be more appropriate if my brother and sister received their tour from your brothers, after all she should get to know them if she is to marry one." He didn't state it like there was any other option.

Neither Myrcella nor Tommen looked displeased with the new arrangement though Myrcella did throw Sansa a look as they moved towards Robb.

Shall we go now?" Joffrey asked impatiently now it was just the two of them and the Hound.

Not wanting to displease him any further she nodded. "Yes. Come, I'll show you the hot springs. Then the Great Keep and the Glass Gardens." As they moved she pointed out the library, the First Keep, and the inner stables where the princes' horses would be stabled.

As Joffrey looked at each location before they entered the keep, he frowned. "This castle seems far too dull for a lady as beautiful as you."

Even the insult to her home didn't stop the smile from growing on her face, after all how many times she had spoken ill of the castle. The warm feeling was even enough for her to ignore the rushing footsteps behind them. "Thank you, My Prince. You too are very handsome."

He certainly didn't seem like the boy her children claimed him to be. He looked and acted just like a prince should. The dance they shared the previous night was one of the few good things about the feast. Joffrey's beautiful emerald eyes sparkled for a moment at her compliment before flicking to what the Hound turned to face.

She felt her heart skip a beat and her stomach drop, it was the same feeling she got the one time she was caught stealing extra lemon cakes. The way Clegane started drawing his sword only increased the distress.

There Jon was. He slowly halted his rush and held his hands up as a sign of peace to stop the Hound. Jon fell into step with them, he didn't look very happy but she still wasn't confident in her reading of his impassive face.

Joffrey was just as displeased as Jon or maybe he was just more expressive. "What do you think you are doing? A bastard is no fit company for my lady, much less a prince." Emerald turned to wildfire.

Midnight violet darkened slightly, they appeared to reflect the cold stone grey of the walls and met the fire but his face showed nothing. "Lady Sansa required a chaperone. Until someone more fit can take the position, I will have to do." His eyes glanced at hers and she flinched as the coldness was still there, seeing her reaction they warmed a smidge but switched back to their original target. 

It was so easy to compare the two, the difference between the two was startling but contrasting. Where Joffrey was noon, bright and colorful, Jon was midnight, dark, and mysterious. One personified home while the other, the foreign. Both were annoyingly handsome.

"The Hound here is our chaperone. We have no need for another. Now you are dismissed, I'd like to enjoy the tour my lady is giving me." Joffrey glanced towards the Hound who took another giant step towards Jon.

Jon didn't retreat but she could tell he too was intimated by the man well over a foot taller than him and much stronger. "I'm acting on the orders of both Lord Stark and Robb Stark, after last night it would be unwise to do something foolish." He let his words linger in the air for a moment. She wondered how he knew Father wanted her to have him guard her but it could simply be a bluff. "Pardon me but he is your chaperone, Lady Sansa lacks a guard. I mean no insult but it is expected of both sides to have their own chaperone to ensure that they are each protected and have a witness in their service."

Joffrey growled. "You distrust your prince?"

It was then Sansa remembered who both of them really were; her future husband and Joffrey Waters. So she stepped in to defend Jon. "Jon doesn't mean to imply that. Your character or title has nothing to do with this. It is expected of ladies to be closely guarded to ensure they remain pure for their future husbands. Even so much as an hour alone with a good true prince such as yourself can cause rumors and ruin a lady's reputation and matches."

Looking past Joffrey's shining appearance, she noticed things she missed in her earlier comparison between the two young men. While Jon was slightly flushed and sweaty from his hard work in the yard, Joffrey didn't have a drop of sweat on him despite also being in the yard. Though unlike Jon, Joffrey had evidence of dirt on his person. 

The younger 'prince's' voice caught her attention, it wasn't as nice as Jon's either but they were both still growing. Joffrey's tone always lacked the kindness and affection Jon had. "...That seems quite unfair to you ladies." He sure didn't sound like he meant it, Jon's words meant something, like father's.

"Unfortunately many lords disagree with you. Perhaps when you are king you could create laws to help ladies." Sansa knew that it was unlikely Joffrey would have time to do so if he ever did become king for a short time.

A hesitant grin appeared on the blonde prince's face. "Yes, if it would please my lady. Fine he can come along but he and Sandor will give us some space."

If it would please her… A few months ago that might have made her melt, now it just made it obvious he didn't care about the subject beyond her. Sansa's shoulders relaxed with Joffrey's allowing Jon to stay, the realization that Joffrey wanted her alone and without protection was disturbing. Now she has her own Prince Aemon, though she thinks Jon will be more successful in shielding her than the Dragonknight was with Naerys. "Thank you, he is just protective of all of us."

Joffrey's jaw shifted to the side as he thought over his response. "Your father was... kind to raise him in your presence but I believe I understand why now."

It took Sansa a moment to realize Joffrey was incapable of recognizing that her father did so because he was kind and honorable. Was the blonde so evil that he thought Father raised Jon to protect and die for them as some sort of loyal shield?

Daena's words came to mind: 'Judge someone not solely by how they treat you but by how they treat those they deem beneath them.' Sansa felt that was wise advice now. Most of Joffrey's compliments while flattering had insulted both her family or home at the same time. The way he treated Jon for how he was allegedly born was bad, at least when Sansa had ignored Jon he had been an insult to her mother.

She'd ignored his rudeness in favor of his praise of her. Since the children, Val and Marg arrived, Sansa wasn't talked about much. The talks about how beautiful she'd grow to be and how pretty she was were replaced with hushed words about the older girls. Maybe it was selfish but she missed being the pride of Winterfell, the attention of everyone. 

Sansa felt Jon gave the other girls more attention too, Val got to sleep and spar with Jon, Marg... she actually didn't know how much those two spent together. Perhaps Sansa and Jon's lessons together actually gave her more time with Jon than the Tyrell.

If anything proved she still had Jon's attention then it would be the fact that Jon was currently with her, protecting her. His upset expression was replaced with concern as eyed her.

Gasping as she realized awkwardly that they were all standing there waiting for her to come out of her thoughts. Shaking her head, she turned and continued the tour. Trying hard to ignore what Joffrey, the Hound and mostly Jon might be thinking of her.

The tour went on with Joffrey complimenting her and trying to sweet talk her and Jon hiding his annoyance surprisingly well. She gave Jon an apologetic glance when she had to show Joffrey the hot springs. The Hound and Jon kept their distance, something that Jon was most certainly unhappy about but she did catch the two talking at a few points. In the Glass Gardens Joffrey cut himself a winter rose to give her as if they were his to give. When Joffrey finally left after stealing her hand to impart a kiss on her knuckle, Sansa felt she had an understanding of what true chivalry was thanks to the harsh comparison between Joffrey and Jon. 

When they were safely back in the family quarters, Jon's mood had returned to its sour or rather bitter state. "You should take care not to be alone with him. His insistence on being alone with you is worrying. You do recall what he did to you last time?"

There was a moment where a fire lit inside her at how he seemed to be talking down to her and treating her almost possessively. A part of like the interest in her but she could go with the commands.

Then as if a bucket of ice was poured on her, Sansa shivered at the memories of her dreams. She'd ignored them like everything else about Joffrey other than his looks. The visions of him forcing her to look upon her father's head and the more recent one of staring at the floor as she was beaten as a boy's amused commands sounded above her. She'd sought Jon each time they occurred. She mumbled in a manner unfit for a lady, "I'm sorry."

Her apology was so quiet she was surprised he caught it but he was always quiet too so perhaps he was used to it. Gently he embraced her and locked her safely in his arms. His stiff and hard stance softed and relaxed around her, clearly he needed it as much as she did. "You mustn't keep ignoring things you dislike, it will do you no favors."

Snuggling against his chest and shoulders, Sansa hummed. "I know. You sound like Sauna." She knew that was a problem for her.

He chuckled, "Better to sound like her than someone like Theon."

Giggling softly she knew Jon was still a little tense and angry. He had to watch someone who hurt her in another life try and court her all while under his very eyes. She understood the feeling of envy, felt it enough with the other girls around. She now wished Jon could have swooped in and swung her off her feet into his arms and publicly declared their love. "You know you're much better than Joffrey, kinder, smarter, more talented, more handsome. I've seen how you look when you're grown and I've seen Jaime Lannister. You're better in every way."

The way he melted into her betrayed his insecurities. She knew very well that he'd never admit to being envious of Joffrey of all people, just like he was hard pressed to admit he was envious of Robb and even Theon before learning the truth. It was a silly thing, as silly as her being jealous of Marg and Val. "Not very hard to be better than the twat. Who gives a woman a rose from her own garden?"

She snorted, "Who tries to court his sister's betrothed's family?" Not that Myrcella would actually marry a Stark but Joffrey didn't know that. "And who takes a woman's hand to kiss without her offering it or already holding hands?"

"An arrogant one. Do we need to cleanse you of the lion's slobber? Lady might avoid you to keep her coat clean."

It might be rude to talk ill of someone but after all that she heard of Joffrey, she couldn't feel bad for it. Plus Daena said there was a big difference between making fun of someone's actions and choices than someone's appearance or upbringing which they cannot change. "I probably should wash my hand. With how many lies he tells, his mouth must be filthy."

Jon smiled into her hair, she could feel it before he kissed the top of her head. The safety she felt with him was something she'd never get with Joffrey.

The world may not be clearly divided by good and evil like the stories but if there ever was a clearer example between the two in the realm then it was between Jon and Joffrey. Frankly it was a bit poetic.



"So… Which one of you broke Jaime Lannister?" Laerra asked during their morning meal the day after the big hunt. Her stern and exhausted expression was one Sansa had seen many times on her mother as she dealt with Arya being underfoot.

Sansa, who hadn't yet had an interaction with Ser Jaime, looked around the table. Confusion was mostly present in everyone's face. Her father looked a bit stressed but since he came back from the hunt he and her mother had been very relieved to find Bran still on his feet and safe.

Leaning forward on her elbows, Sara smiled. "In what manner do you mean broke? Injured, broke his poor little golden heart, emotionally, or broken in?" Sara wiggled her brows or did as close as she could, truthfully it was a really poor attempt. "If you think it is me because he looks like Taelon then you're wrong. I prefer my gold dragons rather than gold lions."

The implication most certainly did not make Sansa redden. Nope, she was still pure, and most certainly did not learn the expression from overhearing Marg and Val. She was still innocent just like her mother and the septa taught her to be. Sansa was smart enough to put together that Sara was likely romantically interested in Aegon and Myrcella's son or one of their sons, she wasn't aware if they had many children.

 Fixing her half-sister a glare Laerra clarified, "Ser Jaime has been acting oddly, even going so far as to avoid the queen, they did not even 'meet' while the hunting party was away."

Father ever the practical one sought info. "Do we know when this change occurred? On the second morning when I apologized he was still his arrogant and condescending self but I can't speak of his state afterwards."

Jonnel, Sansa's eldest son, spoke next. "The third day he seemed to be true enough to his character while we were in the yard."

"Was that not the night he didn't attend supper?" Alsauna inquired. Everyone looked at her in surprise at her words, Ser Jaime was notable but not so notable that his lack of presence at a feast would be remembered nearly ten days later. "What? I have a good memory and after the boon Minisa was given the day prior I was weary of Lannister retribution. After all, we essentially put Robert's infidelity and attempted actions in the history books."

Cringing a bit at that thought, Sansa realized that her marriage with Jon and the other girls would certainly be recorded in history. What would the realm think of her? Would she be seen as inconsequential? She wanted her story to be better, something beautiful. The histories must know that she loved and was loved by Jon. Tales told that Queen Rhaenys was favored over Visenya by Aegon the Conqueror. A legacy like that was surely not appealing for anyone in Visenya's position but neither does it shine brightly on Rhaenys, the younger sister appears uncaring towards Visenya and hogging the love and affection. 

Sansa shook her head to escape her thoughts and pay attention again to the conversation. She'd speak with Marg over her topic, the older girl was taught to maintain a positive image and make things appear how she or the Tyrells wanted.

"So in the period between morning sparring and supper on the third day of our guests' tenure here, something of substantial enough influence brought about this change in Ser Jaime." Daena's eyes scanned everyone around the table suspiciously. "Who interacted with him between that time?"

"Oh! I did!" Brynnard beamed as he smiled innocently, he looked like the very essence of innocence and youth. Sansa almost wanted to doubt it was him based on his appearance but she knew from tales he was hardly a boy despite his age, Robb was more innocent than Brynnard. Was that the smile that got Sansa out of trouble so much, Arya's always looked too mischievous.

Scowling and eying her little half-brother Laerra pursed her lips. "Of course… What did you do this time?"

The boy's smile turned wolfish. "I faked having a prophetic trance after 'accidentally' consuming a drop of his blood." That was a bit disturbing.

Everyone took a sharp inhale at the revelation. 

Sansa's eldest seemed the least happy, "Are you aware of the dangers you just put us in?" Alsauna crossed her arms, looking like a mix between a brooding Jon and a stern upset Catelyn Stark.

"I'm aware you all are unwilling to take such a risk." Brynnard's face became completely impassive.

The current Lord of Winterfell was clearly disturbed by the event. "A risk whose consequences were heightened by the lack of our awareness. If he learned too much of the future all our knowledge of what is to come means nothing. What advantages are there for such a risk?"

Even though Jon looked as disapproving of the risk as much as anyone else at the table he still spoke up for their son. "We already mentioned one. Ser Jaime and Cersei didn't meet so Bran was saved even if he had went climbing."

Bran perked up at his name and his eyes widened at the extra detail on why he was prohibited from climbing during the royals' stay.

Margaery jumped in next to elaborate Jon's point, "A division between Cersei and Ser Jaime would be advantageous, Cersei has already shown to be affected by Ser Jaime's distance already."

A memory of the recount of the future came back to Sansa's mind. "Ser Jaime supported Jon in the end, didn't he? He even killed Cersei. He is also still Tywin's heir despite being a member of the Kingsguard."

"Yes, Ser Jaime is probably one of the more susceptible to support us. Though last time he saved Father the reputation of having to order a woman killed, it is not guaranteed this time. The wildfire plot pushed him to do it, unless Tyrion reveals its existence again then we do not have that boon." Alsauna still remained cross with her little brother despite her words.

Laerra was too for that matter. "I think we can agree there was merit to the idea that it could have been discussed as a group but I think we had better options. Skinchanging birds to deliver messages containing only what we want him to know. All of this is also off the assumption that like everyone here that he he would also have dreams from his other life which we don't know if that would be true."

"We are the only family he knows with animal companions, who do you believe he'd think sent them." Brynnard shot a smug look at his queenly sister.

"Get that grin off your face," Lya commanded. Perhaps in an attempt to change the subject from the whole in her argument, the queen asked: "Anything else of note?"

Daena gave the future queen an apologetic look, though Sansa didn't know why. "I suspect we have no need to worry over Father and our mothers fretting over our disappearance in the future. As I believe time is still while we are displaced."

That rose brows. Sansa had no idea how one might have reached that conclusion. She was relieved to know her time with her future children didn't come at the cost of her future self's worry as she really enjoyed their company. The thought of them leaving made her heart hammer inside her chest in fear. Would they leave? When? 

The time travelers looked extremely revealed. Baelor looked as if he didn't really care but his eyes gave it away.

Varon shot out of his seat startling his brother Jael. "That's why my beard isn't growing back yet!"

"Exactly what made me realize we are not being affected by the passage of time. While that could make us in a sense immortal, I'd wager our existence is still tied to our parents. Jael's wound will hopefully be healing to return to its past state rather than normal healing," Daena spoke.

"Wait…" Laerra's words were drowned out by her little brothers.

Lorys banged his head on the table muttering complaints.

Brynnard was just as unhappy. "I don't want to be a child for one more year than I need to!"

Next to Sansa, Arya mumbled, "Should have thought of that before you caused this mess." Arya's comment made Sansa choke back a burst of laughter. Of all people to say that.


Everyone turned to Lya.

The queen was pale and looked sick at the moment. Following a bob of her throat, she exploded. "I have to vomit half the day until we return to our time! This babe is going to kill me." In a groan, Laerra mimicked Loyrs and rested her head on the table.

Mother's comfort wasn't much of a consolation for the queen but Sansa didn't think a back rub and soft words would make her feel much better if she had to throw up daily for who knows how long.



Winterfell was in chaos or as wild as Sansa had ever seen. She and Myrcella stood awkwardly in the middle of the main courtyard watching as every man, woman and child without duties rushed toward the Great Hall where a hearing must be happening. Whatever was so important it was enough that even their lord and king's daughters didn't matter. So rarely did the castle see anything like this.

Sansa had tried to stop many people to inquire about just what was happening but they ignored her calls. Frowning, Sansa prompted Cella to follow her. If she was going to be ignored it better be for a good reason.

It wasn't a far walk but she was still getting used to the odd feel of Cassana's parting gift by her boot and the soreness of her legs from her rare lessons. Arya had thrown a fit about it but Cass and Jon had settled her down with ease, she supposed Jon had practice, perhaps that was why he was so good with little Aerea. Thinking about her gift caused heat to rise in Sansa's cheeks, gods, her reaction was embarassing, Arya's laugh had made her feel so stupid.

The guards were trying to sort through people to let inside but seeing a princess and lady of the realm let the two girls slip into the large chamber.

Immediately they were greeted by noise, hushed whispers nearly masking the main voices. Neither her nor Myrcella could see through the crowd, too short to view over the many men and overall fully grown attendance.

"...five riders of your king's retinue were murdered by a member of your house in your land! It would be disgraceful to not bring their killer to justice!" A feminine voice growled loudly.

Myrcella whimpered at the voice, holding Cella's hand Sansa gave it a squeeze as they wormed their way to the front.

"Five men against one woman, those odds don't appear to be that of murder but self defense. I have yet to be shown one piece of evidence to support these allegations." That was her father's voice.

Catching sight of dark waves, Sansa maneuvered the two of them to Jon's side. He looked grim as he watched from the front row. Under one arm Arya was leaning against his side between him and Robb. Noticing her, Jon brought a hand to her back.

The fat king sat upon Father's chair as his wife stood on the opposing side of Eddard Stark. The queen looked fierce and stood tall, while she looked almost as cold as that first night of their stay. 

Cersei motioned a hand and men moved five armored bodies before everyone. "Are those not the marks of her warhammer?" Pointing to the impressions dented into the polished steel in the shape of hooves.

Gasping at the sight of lifeless bodies, Sansa felt nauseous. She closed her eyes but the sight of the lifeless bodies behaving more like dolls than actual men seemed painted onto the back of her eyelids. As much as she wanted to bury herself in Jon's arms, she took a few deep breaths and stood taller. She was a lady and one day she'd be a queen and queens don't cry before her subjects.

Just like her Myrcella stood strong though she avoided looking at the dead and held Sansa's hand even tighter.

Her father moved around the corpses like he was the Stranger himself. The lord of Winterfell gently moved the bodies around as he looked over all the evidence. Pulling down their bloody chainmail collars or raising the visors. "All the dents from the hammer stuck in non-fatal areas, and not one mark on their helmets. No evidence of use of anything other than the hammerhead face. But the lethal wounds are done by blade. They were executed. Robert can surely attest to this."

The hulking mass of fat and muscle that was Robert Baratheon stood and also investigated. He didn't look happy with the whole proceedings. "Ned's right." Before moving back to the stone throne and downing another cup of wine, idly Sansa wondered what number that was for the day and it was barely past midday.

Scowling Cersei seemed displeased but hid it well enough to not look angry to the average onlooker. "She had a Valyrian steel dagger, did she not? She could have let them live and be sent to the Wall if they did attack her but instead she executed them without seeking a lord's justice."

"That doesn't eliminate the possibility of self defense…"

Sansa stilled. She felt a light tug of her dress on the side of hip. Her eyes turned and met Jon's side eye glance.

"Lift your skirt a bit." For a split second she was appalled by his request before she somehow understood through a wordless message between them. He dropped one of his gloves and bent to pick it up. When he rose he had his glove and a weight was removed from her boot. 

Jon gave her that slight smile and took a few steps towards the center of the dias. "Cassana doesn't have the dagger, I do." Lifting his arm he presented the dagger to her father and the king. 

'I don't know how to use it.'

'Stick them with the pointy end.'

The memory of Arya and Cassana's simultaneous answer still made her want to hide her face in embarrassment. She'd been given the blade to protect herself. Told it was the same one she carried in the other future. The blade that tasted her mother's blood, took her maternal cousin's life, killed the slimy man who tried to use her. Well, at least in another life it had done all that.

On the other hand, seeing Jon step out before everyone to present evidence to save Cass, and looking sure of himself for once, it made her a little weak at the knees. He looked so handsome and strong at that moment, a king rather than a bastard. 

"That's the dagger." The Baratheon looked curiously at Jon and for a moment her heart beat a thousand times in a second. But the king just laughed, "Don't want to carry too much Valyrian steel at once."

Cersei's voice returned to add her mind to the discussion. "Surely this doesn't cancel the possibility she had a different dagger?"

Alsauna stepped forth next to Jon. "If I may?" She awaited approval before continuing, "That remains a possibility. Though the locations of the wounds suggest that Cassana was not the one to execute them. In our family we discourage such a manner of post-combat execution. If a proper execution or imprisonment is not possible we use chainmail piercing dagger through the armpit to pierce the heart. We believe it disrespectful and problematic to mar the face or body in such a manner. The killer clearly had the time to move the chainmail or visors, so there is no excuse why our tradition was not performed in this case considering the signature hoof shaped dents already prove her involvement."

"You suggest they were killed by someone else?" Cersei asked.

"Of course. If we were to look at motive, it would be obvious there is little reason why Cassana would confront these men. On the other hand it is public knowledge she not only carried a Valyrian steel warhammer but just came into possession of that dagger as well as a large quantity of gold. Even King Robert recognized the danger of that just moments ago. If that is not a strong motive for glory seeking men I don't know what would be. I would say anyone could have killed them and taken any coin on their person." Alsauna looked at the bodies.

Sansa saw the anger behind the lioness' jade eyes and averted her eyes. Understanding the undertone of her eldest's words Sansa tried to resist but wasn't as adept as her daughter and moved her gaze to the three Lannister men in the first row across from her. One's foot kept tapping, another's fingers were moving in a twitchy pattern, the final stood tall and showed no sign he killed the men before him. 

Her father seemed to see this too. He must have also seen that they had even less evidence against the three than Cersei had against Cass. "We have no conclusive evidence of the truth of the event so this matter cannot be settled. Cassana Wildpack shall not be branded a criminal and these men shall not be remembered as possible brigands. Would you agree, Your Grace?"

"My Hand has spoken. This matter is settled." The Baratheon king looked just as relieved as she felt for the court to be dismissed. He gave the crowd a fleeting glance before grabbing his goblet of wine roughly and marched out of the hall with the white cloaks clearing his path. 

Nobody commented on the spash of the king's wine that landed on the dead.

It was probably just Sansa's imagination that made her hear Cersei Lannister growl because there was no possible way she could have heard it over the loud muttering of the audience. Either way after a glance towards Sansa's group, she too stormed out with her guards.

Cella squished closer to Sansa, "Will Cassana be alright? Do you think she might be hurt?"

"Cass might have a few dents and scratches on her armor but she is likely fine, sore maybe but alright. She is probably the best fighter we have at Winterfell. Besides there aren't many brigand groups in the North besides small parties of wildlings who don't get this far south often. I'd say she is safe enough to get to Harrenhall alone." Jon answered for Sansa and she ignored her annoyance solely for the fact that he actually had an idea of what he was speaking rather than her empty words.

"Oh, that is good." Cella relaxed but her eyes glanced at the bodies on the dias with a scrunched nose. "May we leave?"

Sansa nodded, "Yes, to the garden?" The Glass Gardens were Cella's favorite spot in the castle even above the hot springs, Sansa could think of nowhere better to forget the sight of death than a place of such life.

The five men or the shell of them on the floor that had presumably attacked Sansa's niece, her adopted daughter, deserved little sympathy from her. Annoyingly she still thought it tragic that they'd be forgotten, never mentioned in the tale of history. Was that why they attacked her, to be somebody? While they would never find glory or whatever it was they sought, Sansa didn't know their names nor would she try and find it as that would only make her sadder, she recognized there should be more ways to be remembered. Are all participants of a tourney documented? The Queen of Love and Beauty?

Behind Jon she saw her father eye the corpses, she didn't imagine he was happy they were brought in the hall, they ate here. He commanded men to deal with them and dispersed the crowd.

As she and Myrcella left Jon and Arya she couldn't help but feel her heart sink realizing her father would soon be leaving in less than a sennight. Only once before had she gone more than two moons without her father's presence and she was still a child then. This was worse than him going to war, he'd be walking into the lion's den and Cersei has already had a Stark attacked once. Not to mention what happened in the other life.

No, this time will be different. Happy endings may not be guaranteed but they'd make one for themselves.



Summer snows were not uncommon in Winterfell. A particularly cold night could result in a white morning. Usually the snow would be melted by midday and everything turned muddy. Arya loved those days, Sansa not so much, though she wouldn't want to never again see snow like Myrcella hadn't before coming North.

So here she was, at the break of dawn with her family and friends at the entrance to the godswood. Cella in one of Sansa's warmer dresses and an extra pair of gloves. Overnight three inches of fresh snow fell upon Winterfell on one of the last days of the King's stay.

They played a massive game of boys versus girls snowball fights where the girls surprisingly won every one. Sansa thinks the boys underestimated them or went easy on them but between Minisa dodging throws like she was dancing, Val being well Val, and Myriah's ridiculous aim, they completely obliterated the boys. Even with the addition of her father, as well as Tyrion, and Ser Jaime, who Myrcella had momentarily broken out of his funk, the boys were still outnumbered.

Many moments happened that Sansa would always cherish, Mycella getting hit by Tommen while she stilled after hitting Robb right in his face. Myriah hitting Theon in the groin, which was almost certainly purposeful. Bran surprising the girls after slowing picking them off from a tree before getting caught. Ser Jaime taking a hit for an exposed Tommen, and to contrast: Brynnard pulling Jon to save himself rather than evade. Val, Marg, Aerea, Robyn and her specifically targeting Jon and the time they all hit him at once, just to have his sons get them right back. It was a lot more fun than she had expected.

After a few rounds of snowball fights she and Myrcella decided to play with Ghost and Lady, who both happened to love snow. Lady's love for the snow was a bit of a shock but seeing her prance around gracefully she couldn't help but think her direwolf was meant for snow.

On the other hand Ghost was anything but graceful, rolling around and overall looking goofy. He and Jon's little game of Ghost tugging his hand back and forth was amusing if not a little frightening. Unlike Lady, the albino direwolf would jump to catch snowballs and this became Cella's pastime as she stood with Sansa away from the war.

"You don't like Joffrey, do you?" Myrcella didn't turn to Sansa but she could hear the worry in the blonde's question.

Sansa's hand stilled mid stroke of Lady's fur. She didn't quite know what to say, Myrcella had never really spoken about her older brother before. The girl would spew a thousand words of love for Tommen but not one for Joffrey, Sansa assumed this meant they eldests didn't get along but she didn't want to risk insulting her brother if she was wrong.

As if sensing her dilemma Cella spoke up again. "I don't like him. I just wanted to ask if you would marry him. He told Mother the other day that was what you wanted." 

"No, he insults my family and home in every conversation I have with him," Sansa answered honestly. "Why would he say that I did?"

"He insults us too," Myrcella's admittance was almost too quiet to hear. "Mother doesn't want me to marry one of your brothers, she wants you to marry Joff. Because of her, I have to go back to King's Landing instead of fostering here until I'm older." Her friend's voice turned bitter.

Not only would her father be leaving but her new friend as well. This would also be problematic for their plans. Did her father know? Surely Cella could convince her 'father' otherwise. "Do you want to stay here?" Does that have something to do with Joff?

The response was instant, no hesitation. "Yes! I wish Tommen could stay too, he likes it better here too." 

That made Sansa pause, after a childhood of wanting to escape the North it was odd to see someone want to leave King's Landing for Winterfell rather than the reverse. "Have you spoken to your father?"

Shoulder slumped, Myrcella threw another snowball to Ghost who leaped impossibly high for his size to catch the breaking orb in his maw. "No, it wouldn't do anything. I was supposed to stay but Mother convinced him. Father almost always gives into her wants. He finds her annoying when she is upset and he doesn't want her to tell my grandfather."

Sansa took note of all those details and couldn't help but compare that to her previous belief on what the royals' relationship must be like. But her mind still lingered on Cella's relationship with Joffrey. "Why do you want to stay here so bad? I hear many wonderful things of the South."

The question made her friend frown. "The city smells really bad and we mostly have to stay in the keep. Mother doesn't like us befriending other kids even if they are heirs. And…" The princess was going to say something but changed the subject. "The only thing I like is Tommen, Uncle Jaime and Uncle Tyrion, the sun and my garden."

"Were you going to say Joffrey was the reason you don't like it there? You said he insults you earlier." Sansa gently took her friend's hand. Her friend deserved to know someone cares.

Cella turned to look at their hands and looked almost like she wanted to retreat but instead bravely squeeze back. With a reluctant nod, Myrcella gave her a grateful smile. "He bullies Tommen worse than me but he rarely strikes us. He is horrible, I'm so glad you won't be marrying him. Joff...Joff once killed Tommen's pet fawn, it was so cute too! A cat full of kittens too!"

Gasping, Sansa was horrified and she already knew the boy was a monster but that... His personality was part of why he wasn't here with everyone but mainly because they all knew he'd ruin any fun that would have been had. She was extremely touched that here friend had to deal with that monster all her life yet here she was worried for Sansa. Her father and the others had wanted to foster Cella to save the girl from war but now they also need to save her and Tommen from their brother as well. "Myrcella. I'll speak with my father about this. We'll do everything we can for you and Tommen. Even if we can't stop you from leaving tomorrow, we'll be going to King's Landing for the tourney. Can you wait until then?"

Quite suddenly the blonde had Sansa locked in an embrace. Nodding against Sansa's ear, Myrcella let out one single hopeful sob. "Yes. Please don't tell anyone what I told you. Thank you so much!"

Hugging her friend back tightly, Sansa smiled brightly. One day they'd be family, perhaps not the way Myrcella thinks but the blonde would be Sansa's husband's brother's wife. Sansa would be her friend's children's aunt either way. "Don't thank me yet and don't worry, your secrets are safe with me. I do need to tell my father so he can try to keep you safe but I'll make sure he keeps it between us. Now come on, it's your last day here, let us enjoy it!"

With that Sansa did her best to make sure Myrcella enjoyed her final full day at Winterfell, and more importantly made sure her friend felt cared for and loved enough to last four moons until the Hand's Tourney. In her bed that evening, Sansa was confident she succeeded. 



The day had finally come and the entire family was outside to see Eddard Stark, the new Hand of the King off. Sansa supposes they were also there to keep up appearance and be polite to the Baratheons and Lannisters but in their hearts there was only love for her father.

An absolutely dreadful feeling lingered in her heart and which threatened to draw tears from her eyes. The horrid dream of Joffrey and her fathers head kept coming to mind, that had been the last time she'd seen her father in that life whilst this moment might replace it. Her father might not return, after all this was the very same goodbye given to Robb and Rickon, they last saw him disappear through the gates. Sansa thinks that might actually have been the most pleasant goodbye her family had regarding the man, isn't that tragic?

In that other life she and Arya would be leaving with him, never to see their eldest brother again and only through chance survive to reunite with their pack. If they could survive being the lone wolf, their father could. He wouldn't have to deal with Sansa betraying his efforts to protect her and Arya. He'll be fine without her, without them, Eddard Stark survived two wars without any of them.


The voice broke Sansa from her thoughts. Turning from the sight of her father swarmed by the direwolf pups, Sansa's lips twitched upwards at the sight of her friend. "Cella!"

Myrcella's hair seemed to lack its normal vibrancy and she overall appeared duller in color and mood. The blonde had just finished talking with the other girls but she was closest with Sansa in both age and friendship. She did seem to brighten at Sansa's smile though the somber presence around her failed to depart. "I can't leave without saying goodbye to my best friend."

'Best friend,' Sansa tried to avoid thinking about what that meant regarding her new friend's relationships. "Of course not! I hear it's bad luck if you don't."

"I heard the same." Cella gave her a knowing grin but it fell soon enough. "I'll see you again, right?"

Gods, Myrcella's tone was like a dagger to the heart, it was painful to hear. "The Hand's Tourney, remember? You can even show me your garden and everything good in the South."

Nodding, the blonde gave Sansa the faintest hint of a grin. "Will you really be able to take me away then?"

Hopefully, Sansa couldn't exactly say that though. "Yes. We'll steal you if we have to but considering our fathers are good friends I don't think that will be needed." Well Aegon might steal her in Freefolk terms.

"So you won't forget me then? You have so many friends." Myrcella bit her lip nervously.

"Absolutely not! They are your friends too." Giving up her decorum, Sansa launched herself at her friend and enveloped the smaller girl in a hug. When she finally released the girl, Sansa said the real heartwarmer. "Besides we're going to be family one day, how can I forget you."

As predicted the girl reddened but unexpectedly Myrcella never took any shy glances towards Robb or any of the boys. Instead the girl grinned madly despite the crimson flush. "I won't forget you either." They shared one last smile before emerald eyes looked back to meet another set. "I-I need to go…" Hesitantly, her friend made to turn and go.

"Wait! You still have one more person to say goodbye to." At Cella's confused look, Sansa called to her wolf, "Lady!"

Ears perked up at the call, from her spot in the swarm by her partner's father, Lady gracefully padded over towards Myrcella.

Leaning down to pet Sansa's faithful wolf, Cella was graced with wolf kisses to her hand, resulting in giggles. "How could I have nearly forgotten to say goodbye to you, Lady!" Myrcella spoiled the silvery direwolf, not that Sansa already didn't. "It should be hard to forget such a well behaved lady such as you," Cella spoke to the direwolf in that tone reserved for cooing over cute animals and babes. 

In the end the good moment had to come to an end and Sansa knew it. She wrapped the Lannister in one more hug. "I'll miss you, Cella."

"I'll miss you too." When they parted, emerald eyes were shiny and wet. "Bye, Sansa." With that said, Myrcella turned and moved away, they both knew if she hadn't done so then Cella might never have left.

"Goodbye Myrcella!" Sansa got a wave in return before her friend disappeared through the gates to head towards the massive wheelhouse.

As if sensing Sansa sadness, her father moved on to her and laid a comforting hand on her shoulder, that might be another thing she might never experience again. Not only was she losing a friend today but her father as well.

"I'll do my best to convince Robert to let her leave with you after the tourney and I should return not much longer after that." She tried to commit to memory the sound of his deep voice and Northern accent that seemed so gruff and barbaric with other men like the Umbers. He knew exactly what she wanted to hear, their recent closeness was something she'd always wished for. 

Burying herself in his chest, her father's arms held her tightly. Sansa wished they could have stayed like that forever or at least for hours but that was impossible. "I love you father, I'll miss you. You better stay safe so one day you can give me away during my wedding," as well as see her crowned, hold her first child, and just be there in all their lives.

Letting out a content sigh, her fathers rare smile could be felt on the top of her head as he pressed a kiss upon it. "I love you too, my sweet girl. I'll return." His embrace was so warm but all good things apparently must come to an end in this cruel reality and he pulled back. "We'll see each other soon enough. But I'll miss every single one of you. I'd much rather stay with you than go south but to best make that dream of yours reality, I must leave."

Father kissed her head once more before straightening and moving back to her mother and Rickon. After one last minute of fussing over the three year old, a peck to Mother's lips and some nods to the boys and Arya, all of whom he must have already spoken to, Father hopped astride his horse. Smiling down on all of them, he rode out the gate still watching them till he could no more.

Trailing seconds after him was Uncle Benjen. The boys had wanted the man to stay but as a sworn brother of the Night's Watch Benjen had felt compelled to return to his duty, though he promised not to go ranging for the moment. Tyrion Lannister requesting to visit the Wall had also forced him to accept as to keep as much similarity to the other lifetime as possible.

The differences were already so big. Bran isn't broken, Sansa isn't to become a princess, Jon isn't going to vow away his life, Lady will live, no assassination attempt. Now she has more family and friends around her than she ever could have imagined. Now Winterfell didn't feel so lonely, now it was truly a home.

Though it already feels a little less warm without her father.



Little more than a sennight later they were back in the courtyard as riders reported fluttering purple banners branded with a white sword and falling star approaching.


The first chapter of the AU fic where Lyanna, Rhaegar and other dead Starks and Targaryens are revived in the Godswood while Robert's welcome feast happens is now up. It doesn't get into the big topics but I like to think it is still entertaining. Not as crack-like as I intended but turns out I can't write crack.

Sansa was a bit of a spectator for a portion of this but the chapter covered all that it needed to from the angles I wanted. I can't help but feel there are moments I wanted to have but can't remember, either way, those aren't completely necessary. A bit heavy on the Sansa-Myrcella friendship but I wanted to show it, rather than just say they're friends.

So question: would you all prefer me to add the full list of endgame pairings or leave them unknown until they come up. Most are not really a big deal but as someone who can get turned off by certain pairings, I understand wanting a heads up. Although there aren't any really weird pairings in my opinion.

Also is 'week' as in 7 days a canon word? 'Sennight' is such a bit of an annoyance to write every time.

Next chapter will be back in Dorne, continuing a few days after Elia's last chapter. It'll be from Elia's perspective and we get to see her reunion with Oberyn.