Chereads / Fanfiction I am reading / Chapter 1266 - 13

Chapter 1266 - 13

Chapter Text

One day prior...

The day he got out of the hospital, Aizawa Shouta had work to do. The work of a hero is never truly over, as the old saying goes. Vlad was busy with Class B, and U.A. didn't have much of a substitute for his class. Besides, he was able to walk and use an arm. That was good enough in his book to do his job. Even from his hospital room he could speak into a speech to text machine to get a head start with lesson plans. With the Sports Festival drawing near, he didn't have time to waste with needless pleasantries like simply waiting for the chance to go back to his office.

Damaged as he was, Shouta was a pro, and he needed to hold himself to a standard. Even so, his stubbornness could only get him so far. He wouldn't have gotten as far as he did without cashing in on a few favors that Vlad owed him, and even then he wouldn't be able to do much more than give opening statements in homeroom for the next week, and that's if he was lucky. Snipe was kind enough to offer to take over the grunt work with the grading, and Midnight had offered more than once to take over if Shouta didn't feel up to it for a day.

He declined. Out of everything, he needed to be in class tomorrow for the announcement of the festival. Midnight might be a wonderful teacher, but Shouta couldn't trust her to properly convey the gravitas of the situation to his class. Foolish? More than likely, but All Might wasn't the only stubborn man in UA.

So Shouta was released, but he'd have to rest when not teaching. He was also given a prescription of painkillers to deal with the aches of his body healing over time. He was thankful for Present Mic for picking him up and dropping him off at his flat. Not so thankful for the crappy singing and blaring radio. Made him wish for the silence of the hospital. He was going in and out of consciousness throughout his stay, as he hadn't had much time to ponder. The moment he got to his home he got a proper shower, dressed up as best as he could, and then it was back to UA, despite his long time friend's concerns.

After all, they had a meeting to attend. Special Cases Detective Tsukauichi Naomasa, who was also representing the interests of the Musutafu PD, had been holding a briefing in UA with all faculty members present, including All Might in his thin form.

As he did his best to edit the curriculum to Class 1-A's syllabus with one hand in his office, Shouta remembered the details. The ones called Kurogiri and Shigaraki Tomura were easy, since the latter was the one of the reasons his elbow was a giant red patchy mess. It was the All Might-counter villain, Noumu, and what had happened that made him feel on edge.

His students, who had been separated by Kurogiri's mass warp, had joined the fray to save not only him, but also Midoriya Izuku, Asui Tsuyu, and Kaminari Denki. Most of them got out unscathed. Yaoyorozu Momo had flash burns, as did Kirishima Eijirou, but nothing Recovery Girl and a good night's sleep couldn't fix. Midoriya used his quirk, again. And Peter Parker got the worst of it, given the injuries he sustained saving Midoriya and his group from the obsidian beast. Yet it was those three, in addition to Todoroki Shoto and Bakugo Katsuki that helped turn the tide, with Yaoyorozu killing the Noumu and Midoriya breaking his body saving Parker from Shigaraki. Thirteen was up on her feet too, but she was given the day off to rest at home.

This wasn't what Shouta had wanted, to throw his students into livefire combat in a simulation facility where the point was to rescue others. So the best he could do was levy the pros and cons.

He reached for some eye drops, plucking them into his dry eyelids. The sleep and recovery did his eyes some good, but Recovery Girl could only do so much given the damage to his skull. Catastrophic damage to his eye sockets.

Great, and here he thought his dry eye was bad. He'd have to test how long he could keep his quirk active once all this blew over.

Face fractures aside, there were some pros to this. His students got experience that only a few third years could claim, experience that would help them grow into becoming heroes. From what he has heard, they also fought incredibly well as a team, Yaoyorozu proving herself to be an exceptional on-the-fly tactician and leader. Even Bakugo was able to be receptive, albeit from Todoroki's testimony his role was 'blast the warp bastard'. Plus, they all got out alive to live another day.

The cons? Midoriya kept up the habit of breaking his body in order to save one person, making him useless had his strike missed Shigaraki. Yaoyorozu was forced to kill. Parker was injured and was in the hospital for more than a day despite Chiyo's quirk. The trauma many of the students had suffered potentially could be severe, had to be for the few that tried to save him from Shigaraki. Lastly, the media shitstorm that came down while he was away was something he groaned at. UA will be under a microscope going forward. Thankfully Nezu's press conference did its job, and All Might was busy with interviewing the students one by one to reassure them. That should help, in some form.

Shouta sighed. Yes, the first kill. Every hero who had been alive enough and involved in combat situations. Facing a villain who wouldn't yield. Where lives were on the line.

Shouta made a mental note to talk to Yaoyorozu on the side. From what Toshinori had texted him, he was going to her estate next after visiting Kirishima and Asui. Still, she would need some form of assurance from her teacher.

As would Peter Parker, who had lost his gear to the Noumu. That fancy metallic costume had to be scrapped by All Might in order to treat him, and was with Power Loader. Still, Parker was alive.

A miracle in it of itself, given how he threw himself against the Noumu, agreeing to Yaoyorozu's plan...

"As if one self destructive fool wasn't enough for this class." Shouta said to himself as he continued typing with his good arm, altering the dates on the syllabus. The three days off would throw things, and would cut into his students training for the Sports Festival which would be in a week and a half once classes were back in session. But heroes adapt. They have to in order to do their duty to society.

As he looked at the syllabus of exams and various training dates, he glanced at the summer section. If he sent a few emails, he could pitch for a summer camp of some kind, depending on how well his class was performing. Although he would need a better grasp of them once he sees them in action at the Sports Festival, feedback from their internships, and then Final Exams.

He typed in 'To be Determined'. Something to table for now.

With a few more edits, Shouta finished the updated syllabus. Now to tackle the schedule and calendar for the Sports Festival. He looked at the docket, mainly the order of events for the First Year students.

Preliminary Obstacle Course Race, Random Event, and then Battle Tournament. Under the random events were a selection of games and events the students would partake in, the ones who got the top places in the race. Calvary Battle, Labyrinth Hunt, Kingdom on the Hill among so many others. There was a box for a suggested event that the teachers can offer, but would have to explain the rules.

Narrowing his eyes, Shouta began to think. Calvary Battle was a four-man team free for all for the headbands of enemy teams. Labyrinth Hunt was Tag on Steroids within a giant moving maze, courtesy of Cementoss and Power Loader with a point-system similar to the Practical Exam. Finally, Kingdom on the Hill was a four man team of whoever was the four people on top of a position, and had to kick off whoever was coming onto said position.

Small team games, or individual free for alls.



That can be an event for the First Years to tackle. Shouta began to type, fingers tacking on the keyboard.


Current Day...

Katsuki grunted as he pulled up on his pull bar in his bedroom, sweat dripping from his brow as he narrowed his eyes and gripped the bar hard. The last three days had made him stir crazy. Nothing has happened save for All Might coming by his place and talking to him about the USJ. That and online coursework, which was a breeze. His dad was a being a literal hen in how much he was asking if he was okay.

Least mom got the idea. He was fine. Katsuki was fine physically and mentally.

And yet... he felt cheated.

He glowered as he dropped down, finishing his rep as he went over, sipping on some protein shake and wiping the sweat off his face with a towel.

The blond looked at his hands, remembering how they had that warp bastard pinned... then the second he was distracted and saw his idol combined with Deku giving Handjob a haymaker, Warpfuck got out of dodge with him. It was so fast he...!

Katsuki scoffed, tossing the rag to the side as he departed from his bedroom, content with his private exercises as he walked down the stairs and through the living room where Dad was vacuuming. He'd been doing that all morning!

"Aren't you done yet?" Katsuki asked as he walked past the brown haired man. His father perked up, blinking.

"Oh well, not really. It is spring and I have to do spring cleaning after all. Plus, the office gave me some time off in light of the USJ incident, since I did say you were accepted and all into it's hero course" He said with a goofy smile. Katsuki narrowed his eyes and looked around. All Might was here a few days ago.

He twitched. Did All Might notice that he and his family let the house go unkept for a bit! How did he not! Damnit all how could he have not noticed himself!

"Need help?" Katsuki growled, going over to the cabinet and pulling out an apron. Dad looked surprised.

"You aren't going to practice your Quirk in the garage?"

"All Might was here, and things have been a tornado for us with you getting that promotion and Mom not being especially good doing this." Katsuki grabbed some paper towels and spray. He took a deep breath, eyeing the window sills and he bared his teeth.

"DIE DUST BUNNIES!" He yelled, spraying and wiping the window boards with a furor. 'How dare you jackasses show yourself when All Might was here! Go to hell! Be purged! Die!' He roared mentally as he glared smoldering daggers at the window boards as if they owed him lunch money.

"So vigorous, just like your mother." Dad laughed kindly, and Katsuki's eye twitched as he continued to wipe the window sills, going around and scrubbing and cleaning with a fervor. "This is the first sign of life I have seen from you lately too. Mom was getting a little worried and all, but she told me to give you some space."

"Broken clock's right twice a day then." Katsuki uttered, finishing the window sills before going to the floorboards against the wall.

"Is the upcoming Sports Festival making you any nervous? You can talk to me you know." Dad offered, and Katsuki turned, red eyes glaring.

"Of course not, you think I'm an idiot!?" He turned around. "I've been looking forward to it ever since I got here. It's the fact that Parker ended up losing."

"Parker?" His father uttered before he snapped his fingers. "Oh right! Peter Parker, his name was through the news. He was hurt during the attack wasn't he?"

"Got the crap beaten out of him, and lost something too." His costume. That fancy powerful suit of his that allowed him to go toe-to-toe with Icy Hot. Even with that he didn't stand a chance against that monster. Katsuki looked down at his hands, the source of his powerful god-blessed quirk, Explosion.

He had that warp bastard on the ropes. He would have sent Handjob flying even more so than that damn Deku did...

But Katsuki knew, he couldn't have beaten that Noumu thing with his power. Not as he is now.

"I see... I am sorry to hear that. You know, you usually labeled your classmates with labels, like 'richgirl' or 'four eyes'." Dad mused, cupping his chin. "For you to actually label one of them by name means he's quite important to you isn't he!" He snapped his fingers and offered a big stupid grin.

The blond flinched, glowering before getting on his knees and spraying the white floorboards and using hard elbow grease. "Parker is one of the strongest kids in class. That's all to it really. But he won't be that way for long."

"Ah, you plan on surpassing him then? You always say you want to surpass All Might as the world's most famous and richest hero." Katsuki felt a hand on his shoulder and he looked up, and Bakugo Masaru looked down with warm eyes. "The fact you're taking this one step at a time is good son. You're shooting for the stars at first, but it is always wise to shoot for the hilltop, and then work your way up a mountain no?"

"Babysteps huh?" Katsuki muttered, eyes looking off in thought before looking back at the floorboard. "Whatever. Let's focus on cleaning up all this. You're a lot better at cleaning than Mom is."

"Now now your mother is a woman of many talents. Just like you." Dad kindly scolded him before going back to the vacuum, turning it back on. Katsuki looked back with a glare, softening his gaze a bit before focusing back on the floorboards, scowling with abandon.

He couldn't beat Parker or Icy-Hot with gear. He couldn't defeat that Noumu with gear. The Sports Festival will be held without gear.

That is where he will surpass him, and show that Parker where he stood on the totem pole.

No villains getting in the way. No gear letting anyone cheat.

No flukes, just the truth of what would happen. Katsuki grinned darkly at the prospect...

But first things first...


"Be careful! You might tear a ligament in your elbow, and language! Your mother-"

"What did I hear you say Katsuki?!" Came a shrill voice from the garage, and Masaru's shoulder slumped. Katsuki growled out a sigh of frustration.

"May be home..."


Alright, the final interview.

If Yagi Toshinori was being perfectly honest, he'd been dreading this since he got the news of Young Parkers awakening. According to Midoriya, the boy awoke and had a healthy conversation with his peers. It warmed Toshinori's heart to hear that, the boy deserved some goodness after what he been through.

Only for the details of said conversation to come to him from Recovery Girl.

Parker lost his family, his mentor, to a villian. The same mentor that gave him the suit that he so proudly wore in his first exercise. The suit that now lay shattered into a million pieces in Power Loaders office.

He didn't know much about technology, David would attest to that any day of the week.

However, the feeling of losing a mentor to a villian. A villian that even with every drop of blood shed from you and your allies, still remained standing. A gruesome burden to bare.

Toshinori could relate, but then again, he was older when his tragedy came. He had Gran Torino, a mentor level headed and who knew the truth to confide in. Peter only had his guardian. A hero in her own right, but far too fresh to deal with something like this.

She'd grow, but not quickly enough to help.

And that had to be its own hell.

Regardless of what it was, Toshinori only got a voicemail when he called, apparently his guardian, was on patrol. Not the situation he wanted to have this conversation in, but Toshinori would make do. Dragging up the steps of the apartment complex in his skeletal form, he gave a quick glance down the hall, insuring the coast is clear before enlarging. Smile etched into his face, Toshinori knocked against the fated door.

And it opens to reveal Parker with a rag over his shoulder and a spray bottle in his hand.

"Oh, ah, hey All Might," Parker greets, pulling headphones free from his ears.

"Morning to you Young Parker! I wanted to see how you've been fairing, so that is why..." All Might declared with a friendly wave, and then posed. "I am here!"

Parker blinked, then his eyes go wide with realization.

"Oh yeah the interviews, come on in," Parker says.

The young hero steps out of the doorway, allowing Toshinori to look out over a living room that was… something.

If Toshinori wanted to be nice, he would call it a perfect example of a cleaned up flat, save for what looks like boxes filled with scrap parts leading off into a bedroom to the side. There was papers with blueprints on the coffee table as well, being made from graph paper.

"Sorry about the mess," Parker says, pushing a box into his room "I've just been keeping my hands busy. My room's a bit chaotic right now."

"I can imagine, with all that you've been through," Toshinori laments as he takes a seat.

Parker nodded in agreement, "Yeah." He finished with a shrug. "Would you like any tea?"

"It's alright, I won't be here for long. I can tell you are busy, given what's going on in your bedroom at a glance." He paused, taking a seat by the couch as Parker took a seat close by.

An uneasy silence fell upon them as the Number One Hero scratched his neck. "So… How are you holding up?"

"I'm doing fine." Parker looked at him confused, "You alright All Might?"

"Me? Oh, er, yes! Everything's fine! Perfectly Plus Ultra here," Toshinori said, forcing out a chuckle as he offered a thumbs up, "I came to ask to see if you were doing alright, considering what happened and all."

"I mean, I am," Parker confirmed with him looking to his room and then back again.

Toshinori blinked. There was something wrong. Parker wasn't looking at him much as his other students had. He has to be in another place mentally. Using this work as a way of distraction.

Or maybe Toshinori didn't know what he was thinking when it came to teenagers again and was thinking too much into it. Geez it's like Young Asui's interview all over again. But he has to get the crux of why he is here!

"Anyways, I'm sure you know why I am here." All Might leaned forward, gazing at Parker. "I'm sure your friends told you?"

"Yeah, Midoriya and Ashido texted me how you were coming around asking if we were okay. And sir," Parker took a deep breath, then smiled. "I'm alright."

"Are you sure? You seem to be working quite hard."

"It's more of a hobby. Before I met my mentor, I tended to tinker around with things like this." Parker shook his head. "Besides, I get to improve within the comfort of my own home."

"Still, the ordeal you went through back at the USJ… It must have been frightening." Toshinori stated. Parker bit the inside of his mouth.

"Well, yeah. Obviously."

"Were you scared?"

"Scared? Course I was. But, who else could have stopped that… that thing." Parker bit his lower lip before taking a sigh. "But, I'm just happy no one else got hurt." He then smiled. "If anyone did on my watch… I don't know what I could have done with myself."

Toshinori paused, and a silence fell between the two. "Besides," Parker continued. "I agreed to the plan Momo-san made. We knew what was at stake if we didn't intervene. No one died after all." He then gave a big grin. "So, big win for the good guys!"

"Even so, you're talking in a general sense. I am here asking about you." All Might reiterated.

"And I am fine. Sensei, you… you don't have to worry. I…" Parker paused, as if he was about to reassure Toshinori. Then he looked to the side. "I am coping, if that's what you're wondering. I'm talking with my friends every day so… I'm not gonna let this slow me down." He laughed. "Gotta be a friendly neighborhood Spider Man!"

"Spider Man?" All Might quirked his eyebrow. "I see you came up with your hero name?"

"Yeah, have had it, um, in my head, for a while. You know." He made some hand gestures. "Spider is my quirk? I can do whatever a Spider can? Makes perfect sense!"

Toshinori nodded along, the boy put up a good front, but Toshinori knew an act when he saw one. The boy was keeping his mind focused, distancing himself from the simple reality of the situation. There was a chance that he was telling the truth, that Toshinori was worrying over nothing, but he couldn't take that risk. Parker was his student, and he deserved better management than simple hope. Toshinori made a mental note to text Aizawa when he was finished, even as he kept his his face neutral watching Parker pick up his supplies.

"Still… I need to improve my skills." Parker looked at the blueprint. "I made these with the mindset of what stuff I can get my hands on, but something is missing. I just don't know what."

"No reason to sound so discouraged! Judging by the look!" Toshinori quickly declared, gesturing at the blueprints, "You look like you're making plenty of progress on…" Toshinori awkwardly scratched his face, "W-whatever it is you're doing." What is he doing? This looks like the complex stuff Power Loader does!

Peter lit up, "It's really cool, I'm trying to get the holo projector to hook to an internal feedback loop so the speakers can output any sound that comes out of the programing, and hoping I can connect it to a central mainframe. But I need to make to make a program that can receive this so I can access it on a computer so it can function properly. That way it can receive voice commands and- I'm boring you aren't I?"

"Oh! Oh not at all! Sounds exciting!" All Might said out loud, offering a big thumbs up. "Technology of this level is beyond my pay grade, but judging by your vocabulary describing your processes and goals, it sounds like you have everything under control."

Parker lit up, bashfully looking over his work.

"I want to make it as good as I can."

"To match the work of your mentor?"

Peter barks out a laugh, "What? N-no. His tech is just… even Power Loader is stumped, and I don't think I'm ever going to get that good."

Toshinori watched as the boy gasined a far away look in his eyes. There was a lot to take in. Admiration, reverence, a hint of regret, but most of all, respect.

Whoever they were, Toshinori had to admit, they must've done something great to have Parker remember them like this.

"Take heart young Parker," All Might declared with a hand on the American's shoulder, speaking in English. "While it might seem like a fools dream, it is the greatest honor for a mentor to see their protegee surpass them."

Parker looked back up at him, his full attention set. "Well, I was more hoping to be a better hero than him more then be smarter than him, if you know what I mean. Doesn't mean I can't try though."

"That's the mindset of a hero right there!" The Symbol of Peace declared with a muscular pose. "You can do it!"

Parker looked respectful, but doubtful as well. Not that Toshinori could blame him. Even for him, after becoming the Number One Hero, recognized the world over, he felt little more than a pale imitation of Nana. A hero who could see something in a idealistic fool she barely knew and trusted him with a the greatest gift that she could give. He may have impacted the world… she impacted him.

Toshinori had only just started to get that part down.

"And remember, just because you think you can't surpass him, it doesn't matter."

Parker blinked, his face scrunching trying to follow All Might's train of thought.

"Why doesn't it matter?"

Toshinori smiled down at him, his dark and blue eyes radiating the warmth of a sun into Peter's own brown orbs.

"Because he believed that you could before you even tried. I may not know this man, but I am sure he had that same mindset the moment he chose you."

The young man stiffened under his touch. For a second, the boy didn't even breath. Then, the corner of his eyes began to water.

"No matter what comes, I promise as your teacher to do everything that I can to let you flourish. I will help you achieve your dreams. If you need any help." All Might put a fist to his broad bicep. "Know that I am here. And by the time that you step out of the halls of U.A, you'll be a hero worthy of creating that same admiration in someone else. As he did for you, you will do for them." He grinned. "It happened for me after all, and it will for you Spider Man, the friendly neighborhood hero."

Peter looked down at the blueprints, then back up at All Might, smile wide as his chocolate eyes beamed. "Thanks…"


That night...

All Might had left jovially, and Peter had the flat to himself as Yu got home from a long day of work. They made dinner as Peter cleaned up his mess in his room, then he went about in touching up the rest of the apartment. After some showers and dishes, it was time to turn in.

"You better get your sleep Peter." Yu stated as she embraced her ward. The American hugged back, his head on her shoulder as she parked back. "I'll be up at six, but you better be in bed and asleep."

"Yeah, sure." Peter replied with a smile as the two went into their individual bedrooms. He's going to stick with his bed, no longer the couch. The lights were off and Casa Takeyama went dark.

While Yu dozed off peacefully, the American was still awake, a hand reaching out towards the ceiling.

He imagined the cool second skin of the Iron Spider Suit washing over him… Then he remembered how it became locked, and the black ceiling overhead… He can see scars and razor sharp teeth.

Peter turned over in bed, clutching his sheets as he took deep breaths. He closed his eyes, and he urged himself to sleep, counting down from one hundred.

He woke up, earlier than he would like as Peter sat up, looking at his alarm clock.

Two in the morning, despite him getting a good five hours sleep. He sat back down, taking deep breaths. "One hundred, ninety-nine, ninety-ei…" He paused, exhaling sharply through his nose as he got up and tip toed around. He put on his casual clothing, his eyes darting to the mass of blue prints and boxes of spare parts by his desk. He tip-toed through his room and to the living room. He can hear the snoring from Yu's bedroom as he got his keys and phone, and silently exited his apartment. In his pockets were the folded blueprints.

He's used to this. He did this a ton over the summer when he first acquired his powers back home. Aunt May was none the wiser.

Peter exited the complex, hands in jacket and hood up as he walked amongst the streets under the night sky. Very few people up and about, with the streets being scarce save for the occaisional truck or taxi. As he walked, his eyes were to the ground.

He let it… He let it get broken.

His last gift from Mr. Stark.

Peter closed his eyes, feeling them water up as he made his way to U.A. He pulled out his phone, checking his email to see the one sent from Power Loader. The head of the Support Department gave him an electronic key to let him access onto U.A.'s campus after hours along with entry into his development studio, as a form of a gift in his get-well card he sent electronically.

"I gotta fix it." How can he be an amazing friendly neighborhood Spider Man without that suit. The suit that let him become the ace. That let him do so many things people can't do.

"I gotta fix it..." He stepped aside someone walking past, almost bumping into them. Looking down at the puddle, the person had dark hair and dark blemish-like markings on his face. Peter didn't tell, he was looking down at the ground.

"I gotta fix it." Peter uttered again as he pocketed his phone, making his way down the boulevard. In the distance, the U.A. Academy stood atop of a hill under the moon.


The man paused, looking back at the English speaker. His blue-green eyes showed a bit of curiosity before he shrugged.

No matter. Probably some dumb kid looking to meet a dealer. He felt his phone vibrate.

'Gonna talk business with ya soon. Meet me at this bar.'


The man typed back.

'OK'. And man known as Dabi got back on his walk, emerald eyes peering as he turned into a dark alleyway, his daily commute within the underbelly of superhuman society.


It wasn't uncommon for Mei to wake up in the lab. Power Loader always had a conniption when he found her on the couch, work table, or on the floor or amongst the scrap in the spare parts room, so she'd taken to hiding in the air conditioning vents sometimes. Besides, her babies needed her. They slept better that way. She slept better knowing they were so close!

What was uncommon however was for her to wake up to the sound of someone else in the lab. Someone who wasn't supposed to be here, judging by the sound of how they were rifling through Homura's toolbox. (Yes, she could tell who's toolbox by sound, she'd done it enough to have them memorized)

Never one for shyness or caution, the pinkette wiggled and shimmied herself along the air vent peering through the slits to find- Oh!

She pushed the vent open with a laugh. "Oh! Parker!"

The web head didn't even look up or flinch from his work, staring down at cracked, broken mask of his Iron Spider suit, laying on the workstation.

Mei would be the first to admit, she wasn't the best with people, but even she could tell something was wrong when someone was standing in the lab at... three in the morning, were staring at a broken piece of equipment and hadn't reacted to someone hanging from an air-vent.

That's the kind of thing that she did. Only she did it with a smile.

Parker was not smiling.

She dangled from the vent, squinting her peculiar eyes and zooming her vision to see him up close. She used her custom grappling hook and lowered herself down, hair dangling as she looked at the American upside down.

"Hellooooo." She reached down, ready to snap her fingers over his head. "Anybody ho-"

His hand struck straight up, too fast for her to see and caught her fingers before she could complete the motion.

His grip, for a second hurt, but the moment he recognized her she could feel all the tension leave his grip, staring up at her with wide eyes.

"O-Oh! Hatsume? What are you doing here?" He croaked. His voice sounded raspy, dry.

She could see his face now, and there was a redness to his eyes that told even her socially innept self that he'd probably been crying. Or maybe not sleeping?

"I was sleeping." She answered, bringing her smile back to her face as she reached down to poke him on the nose. "The question is, what are you doin here Parker! You a night owl, or an early bird?"

His hand reached up, brushing his nose and she could see when his brain seemed to reset looking away from her and back down towards the broken mask.

"I just... I gotta fix it." He muttered, narrowing his eyes.

The bridge of Mei's nose crinkled.

For her, this would be perfectly normal. Good even.

For other people though...

"Didn't you just get out of the hospital? Like... yesterday? Or was it the day before... No It was yesterday! I remember!"

"I've gotta fix it." He repeated. Not even looking up at her as he leaned over the workbench, grabbing micropiters and magnifying glasses, along with grabbing some pens and graph paper.

"I thought you didn't know ho-" Peter rounded on her, eyes burning in fury.

"I have to fix it!" He shouted this time, shrieking the last two words, and it made her jump where she hung upside down, nearly losing her 'footing' on the vent and her grip on her hook

There was a silence between them. The anger left him as fast as it came. Mei's yellow eyes softened.

"H-hey. Parker. You okay?"

"Sorry for the yell but… I... I just gotta fix it." His voice was soft now.


"I need this suit."

"Not this badly right?" She hedged, and she saw his shoulders tense and bunch up. "I mean…" She tilted her head, her thick pink locks brushing against her face. "The suit doesn't make the hero."

He sucked down a sharp breath, and stiffened, looking up at her like he was seeing her for the first time.


"The suit doesn't make the hero?" She repeated, blinking stupidly down at him as he blinked stupidly up at her. "I mean... The support gear's nice to have but the Support gear needs a hero, a Hero doesn't need the support gear. You don't support the gear, the gear supports you!"

He stared up at her, and she could see in his eyes the moment something at the back of his gaze... clicked with him. All of a sudden his body relaxed, and a tension she hadn't even known had been rushing through him seemed to bleed out as he smiled, letting out a breathless laugh as his fingers brushed over the crown of the helmet.

"I... yeah. You're right Hatsume."

He stepped away moving towards one of the chairs and seemingly collapsing on it. Like the weight of the whole world suddenly crumbled off of his shoulders.

His smile... it was so relieved Mei had to wonder just what she'd said. She looked puzzled, tilting her head again as the American looked up at the ceiling as if he had a Eureka moment, or remembered something vital.

After almost a minute of him sitting and her hanging (honestly the blood was rushing to her head. It gave her that familiar fuzzy feeling like when she was fixing the underside of heavy machinery too long) he looked up at her, realizing that the mad inventor was upside down.

"What are you doing in the vents?"

"Sleeping!" She repeated. "What else do you do in vents!?"

He blinked and stared at her like she was the weirdo in this conversation.

"You want some breakfast?" He finally asked, standing up and walking over, the two's faces. "I know of a place close by that's open, well, twenty four seven."

Her smile came back twofold. "Best idea you've had all day!" He sniffed, then scrunched his face.

"Ehh… After you take a shower first."

"Ohhhh okay. You're treating though!"


Peter finished making tune ups and leaving the blueprints in the studio as he took a cleaner Hatsume to the local diner, and the two got breakfast and filled their bellies. Hatsume had to get back to get a few more Zzzs before Power Loader checked in at six, while Peter bid his farewell and returned back to the apartment, sneaking in around five. He got into bed, took a refreshed nap and before long he heard Yu lumbering about for coffee like a zombie. After a shower and grooming, Peter was off to school, with his charge none the wiser of his little nightly outing.

Walking through the halls of U.A. felt… strange. It was weird to think that, but experiencing it was something else. Hard to believe that in only two days Peter's view could be changed so much. Going from happiness, to anxiety all the way to calming is a mood whiplash no matter how anyone sliced it.

Then again, this wasn't just an ordinary week for him.

Even for him, the kid that went from helping people cross the street to fighting Captain America halfway across the world, it was too much.

But even so, walking up to the doors of Class-1A made his shoulders relax. He didn't notice it at first, but after walking through the doors, he saw the reason. Todoroki was staring down at a paper on his desk, Bakugo was brooding as always, and Midoriya was mumbling to himself, his hands blurs over his notebook. The way Eijiro, Mina, and Ochako all chatted away around the red heads desk, the only one missing was...

Momo did nothing but smile warmly and wave. Peter waved back, but as he stood there, a certain brawler noticed him.

"Hey hey! There he is!" Eijiro declared, "Ace is back!"

One by one, the rest of the class turned to him. Smiles and welcome backs flooded from the classroom. The four armed Shoji gave a silent wave, Denki threw a thumbs up his way. Todoroki gave him a slight nod from his desk, though he didn't look like he was trying to burn a hole in his head anymore. From what Peter remembered, his card was a simple "Get well soon."

"Welcome back man!" Sato declared with a fist to his chest.

"Now we're all back together again!" Mina pumped her fist up.

"March of victors…" Tokoyami muttered, eyes closed and arms crossed.

"Glad to see ya back on your feet man. Looked pretty roughed up but hey, you are our class Ace!" Sero patted him on the back with a wide grin.

"Thanks guys. And thanks for the get well booklet too. It was fun to read." He looked over to Aoyama who was sitting at his desk smiling, chin resting on his hands. "A bit overkill on the glitter though. Hehe."

"Nothing can ever be overkill when it comes to shining and twinkling! There can be no limit to such things." Aoyama responded looking back.

"Trust me, this is coming from me. Ya kinda went overboard…" Mina added, and the French-Japanese boy flinched and looked away.

Peter laughed a bit but felt a tingle run down his back as he turned his head, and his eyes locked with the source.

Bakugo Katsuki. The one person in the class who didn't send a card. Thug looked ready to light Peter on fire with his narrowed gaze alone. Guy looked angry, then again he always looked angry, but this was more so than usual, not as hot and wild, but cold and sharp. He wasn't baring teeth as he looked away.

Huh? What did he want?

Whatever it was, it was nothing compared to Eijiro who wrapped an arm around Peter's neck.

"Welcome back man!"

"Oh! It's good to be back Eijiro," Peter said, an smile effortlessly spreading across his face.

"As wonderful as it is to see you again, we need to sit down," Tenya screamed, waving his hands, "It's almost homeroom! Take your seats!"

"You're not in your seat either dude," Sero commented as he got to his seat.

The bi-speckled boy paled and bolted for his seat, even as Peter disengaged from Eijiro and plopped down on his seat, behind Midoriya and in front of Momo.

"Welcome back, Parker-san." Came Momo's voice as he looked back, and he saw those relieved and warm obsidian pearls.

"Yeah, feels good to be back."

He meant it too. He saw Momo smile warmly back, and he felt at peace just looking back at her.

But even as he thought of homeroom, Peter couldn't help but wonder...

"Hey Midoriya," Peter called to the boy in front of him, "Who's teaching our class for today?"

"I…" the boy's voice trailed off as the realization hit him, "I couldn't say. I don't know anything about substitutes."

"Oh yeah, Aizawa-sensei got pretty bangged up didn't he?" Sero said.

"Guess we'll just have to see," Momo added.

Peter sank into his seat. Guess she was right, they couldn't exactly make a guess of what would happen. A sub seemed like the best option.

Peter shrugged, "Or Mr. Aizawa could just walk in and say-"

"Morning," Aizawa said, walking through the door covered head to toe in bandages, one arm in a cast-and-sling. The other had a cast but the fingers were visible.

As one, a dozen heads snapped to Peter to see the American as pale as a ghost holding his hands in surrender.

"I swear I was kidding. I can't look into the future."

"Regardless of the reactions, I'm glad to see that you're doing well sensei!" Tenya declared.

"I wouldn't call that doing well," Ochako said, voicing everyone's reaction. "He looks like a mummy." She added with a whisper, to which Mina nodded.

"No matter what you think, my welfare isn't important. Don't worry about it. If I can walk and talk, then I can teach." Aizawa grumbled, taking his spot in front of the class.

Then he looked up, and all traces of tiredness were wiped away, replaced with stone cold seriousness.

"Because your fight is just beginning."

Peter tilted his head, Midoriya shivered in front of him, and even Bakugo leaned forward.

"Our fight?" Bakugo questioned.

"Don't tell me..." Midoriya muttered.

"That's right, the U.A Sports festival is right around the corner."

"THAT'S JUST A NORMAL SCHOOL THING!" the class erupted.

Peter felt the urge to bang his head against the desk. So serious, and it was just the festival? Geeze he thought it was going to be villians for a second.

"Hey what's going on?" Eijiro called out, "Should we really be doing this? I mean, sure it's listed in the syllabus but we just had a villian attack. Shouldn't we, I don't know, wait for it to blow over or something?"

Aizawa sighed. "If I'm being completely honest, it is in rather poor taste, so we're in the same boat," he said, and Peter felt an awkward air descend across the class, "However, after the press conference, Principal Nezu is insisting that it go forward. Despite the timing, or, more likely, because of the timing, it's the perfect opportunity to show how effective UA's crisis management protocols are and that everything is fine. At least, that's the mindset."

Peter nodded, it made sense. The Sports Festival was huge, even when he first came to this world. He remembered Yu asking the day off specifically so the two of them could watch it.

"And the principal is pulling out all the stops for this," Aizawa continued, "Compared to the past years, there'll be five times the police presence, and to top it all off, Nezu pulled in some favors. Among the heroes attending the event, Gang Orca, Endeavor, Edge Shot, and Mirko will be in attendance both to scout and to provide security. And that's not counting the local hero agencies and other firms in neighboring wards wanting to help pitch in. And All Might himself of course."

"Mirko is here! The number one female hero!" Mina excitedly declared. "That's awesome!"

"And the number two hero in all of Japan too! Man, we get to see Todoroki's dad in person!" Denki added.

Peter heard someone whistle, and he couldn't blame them. From what he remembered, those were three of the top ten heroes in the country. Though, he did get a tingly feeling at the mention of Todoroki Enji, the Flame Hero Endeavor. He turned his head around, noticing Todoroki looking out the window, glaring.

"With the aftermath of the attack being at the forefront of the news, the number of heroes that will be watching this event will skyrocket, not just here in Japan, but a few other foreign firms will be attending as well. This is the greatest opportunity for you first years that you'll get, maybe the best any Class has had. You were the class that fought the villains, you saw action before almost anyone else has. They'll be watching you, so this isn't something that can just be cancelled over a few villains." Peter raised his hand, and he felt Aizawa's gaze upon him. "Parker?"

"So this is one big job interview?" Peter asked. It sure did sound like it.

"In a sense Parker-san, the festival is designed to test students in a variety of different ways." Momo explained. "See how we adapt and what not."

"The perfect battleground to show your worth," Tokoyami commented with crossed arms.

"Yeah, they'll be looking to hire us as sidekicks after we graduate!" Denki said excitedly.

"And a lot of those sidekicks never make it big, kinda like you Kaminari," Kyoka added cheekily.

The blond clenched his chest. "Really…?"

"Yaoyorozu got in one, so there's your answer. Comments aside, if you manage to get picked up by a big named hero, you'll gain valuable experience, however," Aizawa stressed, "Your time is limited. This opportunity only comes along three times in your entire school tenor, if you don't give it your all, you'll be overlooked and never made it as a pro. So show the pros what you're made of, and make a future for yourselves. You got three shots, make it count. Am I clear?"

"Yes sensei!" the class corrused.

Even as his voice echoed with the others, the tips of Peter's fingers pulled against the edge of his desk. The perfect opportunity in front of the entire world.

There was no better chance to make good on his promise.

"Alright, that's all for homeroom, class dismissed."