Chereads / Fanfiction I am reading / Chapter 1267 - 14

Chapter 1267 - 14

Chapter Text


Free from the horrors that came with Vlad-sensei's classes, Neito ranted about being better than 1A while Tetsutetsu kept screaming.

Ok, maybe Pony was over-exaggerating a little, but she couldn't help it! She hadn't stopped shaking since the announcement. The Sports Festival was just around the corner, and everyone was abuzz. Normal casual conversations around the lunch hall had been replaced with harsh whispers and talks of training. There was a focus, a drive, in everyone that she hadn't seen before.

Well, almost everyone.

"You know," Peter said through bites of rice, "I thought the obsession with rice was a bit weird when I first came here, but this is really good."

"Glad to see our tastes are rubbing off on you, Parker," Setsuna commented with a wry smile.

"Still won't drink tea," Peter shot back, "Not going to get me there."

The greenette just shrugged, popping a dumpling into her mouth, "I can wait. You'll turn."

Peter rolled his eyes, and Pony noticed his gaze dart to her.

"You ok there Pony?"

The horse girl heard herself yip, almost dropping her burger. She tried to compose herself while giving him a thumbs-up, "Who me? Yeah, I'm all right."

"Nervous?" Setsuna asked. "You know, about the Festival."

Pony tried to keep a straight face, and failed. Her shoulders slumped.


"I'm a bit nervous too Pony, I'm sure everyone is." Peter said as he dabbed his mouth. "I mean, everyone in our grade range that is. We're all in the same boat."

"Yeah but, all of Japan will be watching us! So many cameras pointed at us…" Pony scratched at one of her horns. "Guess I'm just a bit stage-shy."

"You'll do great. Don't worry about it. Just do you." Peter smiled, waving it off. "Speaking of, what's been going on in your classes?"

"Just Quirk refinement for the most part. I had to do loads of heavy lifting." Setsuna waved with a hand nonchalantly, leaning back. "So I didn't make as much progress as Pony here." Peter perked up.

"Oh yeah," The lizard girl grinned, knowing she had the American's attention. "Pony got a real gameface the last couple of hero lessons before and after classes were suspended. She busted her hump, lemme tell ya. Last training session, she figured out how to fly with her horns!"

Peter nearly dropped his fork, as he stared at Pony in surprise and delight.

"Hold on, you can fly?"

"Ah…" Pony blushed, looking away. "I mean, we had to get better in order to catch up. I mean, as Vlad-sensei said, Class A last semester outdid Class B, so we had to pick up the slack! I just trained some more is all!"

"Pony, you can fly." Peter beamed, grinning. "That is awesome!"

Setsuna chuckled like the Cheshire Cat. "How many pros have that sort of ability? And hey, you can get a better shot in America too since you're bilingual! That's always a selling point on resumes."

The Texan girl couldn't help but cup her cheeks. "Well…"

"Look, just take what we have been taught into the Festival." Setsuna leant forward conspiratorially. "You'll do great. You need to make a certain someone proud huuuuh."

She winked. Peter quirked his eyebrow as he fiddled with his chopsticks again.

"Who? Her parents?"

Pony fumed, and elbowed Setsuna in the arm.

"Yeah! Parents will be watching via livestream! Don't want to let Ma and Pa down! Haha!" She laughed overly loud, nudging her green haired peer with her knee. Setsuna only giggled at her trolling. Please please please don't notice Peter!

"You know, we never did have that taiyaki date," Peter commented, tossing his tray on top of the allotted tray-slot near the disposal.


Pony perked up, almost choking before she composed herself, and Peter glanced her way. "After all, everyone needs a study break right?"

Behind Pony, she heard Setsuna choke on something. Peter glanced at her, but the girl waved him off, stifling a laugh behind her hand.

"Uh, ok?" Peter replied awkwardly, "Later I guess," Peter said while waving goodbye.

Pony could barely bring herself to wave back as her friend walked into mass of students. She didn't even flinch when Setsuna snaked her arm around her neck.

"So… taiyaki?" she repeated, her grin clearly serpentine as she looked at her fellow classmate. Pony nodded, the motion was almost robotic at this point. "Can I come?"

Pony gave her friend the flattest look she could muster.

"Do you have to?"

"No," Setsuna admitted.

Pony couldn't stop herself from sighing, "But you want to?" she guessed.

"Atta girl Pony!" Setsuna declared as she slapped Pony on the back, "You're learning!"

"You would just barge in even if I said no anyway…"

"And what, deny the opportunity for friends bonding? Heavens no!" Pony rolled her eyes at the lizard girl's laughter.

Still, being together with Peter after what he has been through. Spending time with him again was the least she could do. She was thankful to Ashido of Class A for informing her of the booklet they were making.

As she saw Peter walk off, her mind went to the Sports Festival. This would be her chance to show how far she'd come while in Class B. To make her parents proud, to show how she was that much closer to achieving her dream as a hero.


'You need to go out there, and tell the world that I AM HERE! And whatever you do, don't forget that drive you felt when you were cleaning the beach.'

Midoriya Izuku felt his shoulders slump as he made his way back to homeroom. Geez, All Might really didn't do anything halfway huh? Izuku could barely walk out of that office, much less find an answer to his idol's lesson.

Sure, the difference between those who aimed for the top and those that didn't was slight at his level, but how can that little difference make the big waves in society like All Might said? Izuku could understand it giving people more drive, but it seemed like there was a deeper meaning behind it somewhere.

And the fact that he reminded Izuku of his trials at the beach. Was it the willingness to go Plus Ultra on everything? Even the little things? Of course, Izuku could also just be overthinking this. There might not even be an answer, it could just be a way to get him mentally prepared for all the training he had to do for the festival.

Loathe as he is to admit it, he wasn't nearly good enough to stand out in his current state. Kaachan, Todoroki, and Parker were leagues ahead of him in terms of power and versatility with their quirks. Since he couldn't control his own quirk he'd have to build his base, which meant good meals and an improved training regimen; if he hoped to gain anything substantial in the time before the festival.

His thoughts were cut off as he bumped into someone.

"I-I'm sorry."

"Hey man, it's fine."

Izuku looked up and saw Parker standing in front of a vending machine, inserting some coins for a random treat. Izuku saw the machine whirl… but the chosen cookie didn't pop out! It was stuck.

"Happens to me all the time," Parker sighed as he slapped the side of the vending machine, causing the cookie to fall down. "What's up Midori?" Parker was looking over at him quizzically.

"Oh ah Parker-san, nothing much just thinking," Izuku said, nervously scratching his cheek.

"No surprise, heard you muttering up a storm for a second there."

"Y-you heard that?" Izuku asked nervously.

"Yeah, my senses have been dialled up to eleven from my quirk, get a lot of input."

Well that was… embarrassing for Izuku. The young successor deflated, looking away from the American, "Oh, I didn't know that." Parker shrugged before he reached down and got his snack from the machine. He tore open the wrapper and offered it to Izuku. Not wanting to be rude, Izuku took a chunk of the offered cookie and took a bite at the same time as the American.

"You're good man, chill," Parker waved a hand as he grinned lightly.

"I know," Izuku said, even as he straightened up and put on his serious face, "I'm just trying to focus. I've got a long way to go to control my quirk before I'm ready to call myself a hero."

He looked down at his hand, seeing the scars on it.

"Do you need help with that?"

Izuku nearly tripped.

"W-what?" he asked, looking at Parker questioningly.

"Well, more of your control thing," Parker admitted, "You went through a lot there, but that was the big one. Plus, with the Sports Festival around the corner you gotta get that quirk of yours under control."

"Y-you heard all that?" Izuku asked, feeling his embarrassment grow. Oh no, was he mumbling out loud to himself again?

"Uhhh…" Parker looked away, confirming Izuku's worst fears. He was!

But, there was a silver lining. Parker was willing to help. The foreign student always seemed to have an idea ready, even in the worst situation. Maybe he had some insight that Izuku just didn't see?

Yes, that's got to be it!

"But, you think you know a way to help me with my control?" Izuku asked.

The American hummed for a second, the focus in his eyes leaving as he no doubt pictured the perfect strategy to help Izuku take one step closer on his path to being a-

"Nope. I've got nothing."

And just like that, all of Izuku's hopes died.


"B-but I'm sure we can come up with something," Parker said quickly, "How about… training partners?"

Izuku straightened slightly.

"Y-yeah, sure, what should we start with?"

Parker didn't meet his gaze.

"I was kinda hoping you had an idea," the American admitted. "I mean, it's your quirk, not mine."

Izuku… had no words, except for one.


Parker chuckled nervously. "... think of something later?" he offered. "Gives us both time to think on it."


Not the best plan but… it was a start. Parker's phone began to vibrate. He ducked into an empty classroom, Izuku following on. "Hello? Oh, hey Momo-san!"

Izuku perked up. Yaoyorozu was on the phone? Oh gosh, he was talking to her so casually too!

"You want to get together to study a bit and plan for the Festival?" A brief pause ensued before Peter nodded. "Don't worry about breaks, I'm actually going out to do that with a few friends of mine." Parker looked off as he paced around, Izuku watching him all the while. Oh, how he wished he could talk to a girl over the phone so easily!

"They're from Class B. You wanna come with? Okay cool, meet me by that Taiyaki place outside of school." Parker nodded. "It's called Somi Somi. Yeah. Okay, see ya then Momo-san." He hung up and looked at Izuku before looking confused. "Um, Midori? Is there," He pointed at his face. "Something on my face?"

Ack! He was staring too long!

"N-Nothing! Sorry, I should get going! C-Can I message you about when we should get together soon?" Izuku spoke in a higher octave, pink rushing to his cheeks.

"Yeah, no worries. See ya then, Midoriya." He smiled, patting Izuku on the back as he walked off.

Izuku blushed and shook his head. He had study hall to do! Got to catch up on math!


After school...

Pony didn't think that this could get any worse. However, she'd forgotten how nice Peter was.

"I'd like a nutella, custard, and red bean taiyaki please!" Peter beamed as he gave his order at the front counter in front of Somi Somi, the local taiyaki joint near U.A.'s campus.

"What do you girls want?"

Yaoyorozu Momo looked pleased, while Pony looked perturbed. Setsuna on the other hand…

"Huh, guess Parker-san really is a player." She smirked as she took in the sight.

"Hey," Peter said, getting everyone's attention again. "Like I said, you girls want anything?"

"I'll have what you're having, Parker-san." Momo offered her debit card. "And I'll pay. Don't worry."

Pony's ears seemed to droop further. Setsuna took it upon herself to pat her friend on the back.

"Don't worry, we're amongst friends. Yaomomo isn't a bad dude. She's nothing like that Bakugo guy Tetsutetsu mentioned in the group text." The American girl sighed. Yes, their overly loud classmate was on caps lock cruise control when he came in. The blonde boy was a jerk, but he didn't represent all of Class A, despite what Neito might claim.

Unless all that gossip on social media was true.

"I wanted it to be just us." Pony muttered as Momo and Peter got their fish-shaped waffle pastries and were talking about… chemical formulas. Yeah, that was beyond her paygrade.

"You'll get him next time." Setsuna winked, "You just gotta be more forward, you know, like how most Americans like you and Parker are!"

"It's not like that." Pony whispered harshly. "It's easier said than do-"

"Pony? Tokage?" Peter asked. "Something up?"

"Huh? Oh, nothing! Come on, let's make our order." Setsuna dragged her blonde friend along, who seemed to only move at the serpentine girl's behest.

Pony made a note to approach Peter in the future and ask for an outing.



That night...

The underground flat was dim and dark, hidden away in the back alleys of Camino Ward's residential district. As he reached the door, Dabi checked his watch. 02:00. He knocked three times, paused, then knocked twice in quick succession. The door opened, and the dark-haired man saw his business partner.

"Evening Dabi." Giran said with a tip of his cap.


"Come on in, it's humid out there and I don't wanna burn AC." The underworld middleman stepped aside to let Dabi in. "So, get the job done?"

Dabi reached into his coat, and pulled out a plastic bag, setting it down on the kitchen table. To the side he heard a… loud slurping noise.

Giran took the bag, bringing it up to his eyes to inspect its contents. He let out a whistle.

"Jeez, guy's finger looks like an overcooked sausage, or a burnt marshmallow. He give ya any trouble?"

"He didn't pay up, so he paid another way." Dabi stated as a matter of fact. "As you said in the email."

He heard the sound of slurping, he turned, seeing the source of the noise coming from behind a couch.

"Don't mind her, she's one of my newest partners." Giran waved a hand as Dabi stood up, walking over.

And he caught the smell of blood as he saw a man lying motionless on the floor; his clothes slashed to ribbons, his face and chest a ruin of slashes and stab wounds; the kind that would have made a younger Dabi vomit. Crouching beside him was a girl, sucking blood from his neck with a metal straw. But for two buns, her blonde hair was wild and unkempt. Her eyes were on the verge of rolling into her skull, blood leaking from her lips as slurped and slurped, shivering in… delight? She even moaned, giggling and shuddering as she rocked back and forth. All at once she removed the straw, and then bit down on the dead man's neck; driving long canines into his flesh. He had not been dead long; probably just the last few minutes. From the state of him, the girl had gone completely wild.

Dabi had seen many things in his time in the underworld. She must be a real freak.

"Partner?" Dabi said aloud, looking back to his associate.

"She's very... enthusiastic. Poor sap owed a lot of people money. When he didn't pay up, well… I set her up with him, she happened to like him a lot and..." He brought a finger to his neck, letting out a "Grrrrhk" sound. "I'll take whatever he has left to pawn off for collateral, but, that's one less creditor to worry about." She liked the person she was gonna kill? Who thinks like that?

"Pretty risky to bring a kill to your place. Especially one so fresh."

"I know of some proper cleaners, don't worry." Giran patted him on the back as he guided Dabi away from the blood-sucking blonde.

"Anyways, here it is," he reached into his pocket, and handed Dabi a fat wad of bills. "Your payment."

"Pleasure doing business with you." Dabi pocketed the money. Giran was a bit slimy, but he wasn't as bad as those psychotic Yakuza thugs. And he had connections in high places, and high places meant connections to those with cold hard cash.

"Likewise. So," Giran clicked his tongue. "I got word that I may be getting a big score soon. And I want you to be in on it."

Dabi looked at him, suddenly suspicious.

"Like what?"

"Well, nothing's really set in stone, but stay on the downlow for now. In three weeks or so, I'll have more information. It's gonna be quite profitable too." Giran grinned, showing off his grills as his eyes seemed to be shine with Yen and dollar signs.

Dabi didn't care less. HE just needed money, and if he could get rid of some scummy dishonest people doing it? Well, all the better.

"You know how to find me then." He looked over, seeing the corpse's feet behind the couch slink further as he heard more bestial noises from the girl.

Yep. Definitely a freak.

"I won't keep ya waiting. I got another job, but it's for the missus here." Giran patted him on the back as he escorted him to the entrance. "We'll keep in touch?"

Dabi got to the door, his blue-green eyes looking back at his shorter shady confidant. "We shall." And he closed the door. Sooner he got away from that bloodsucker, the better.


The next day...

It was early morning on Dagoba Beach, with Parker gazing down at his watch. The stars were still out, but the dawn was approaching soon. Better to work out early, he had suggested .

He suppressed a yawn, rubbing his eyes as he stood on the sand.

"Hey Parker-san!" Izuku waved as he jogged towards the American. Peter perked up at the sound, and turned to regard him. Like him, he was in workout fatigues; those light green ones from before, back in the Practical Exam.

"Yo." Parker waved, and Izuku arrived with a light sheen of sweat on his brow. "Ready to go for a run? Heard running on sand helps better build stamina."

"Sure!" He said, getting down to remove his shoes and socks. "I've never really worked out with someone of my own age group. Most I have had is just, well, a trainer."

"A trainer huh? Well, no worries. Now we can talk while we run." Parker had his hands on his hips. "Sleep well, I hope?"

"Yeah! I've gotten better at training over the last year while I prepared to go to U.A." Deku replied as he got up and shifted into a jog. The American followed suit.

"I see. Another thing from your trainer?" He asked, the two now trotting through the sand, Musutafu to their right and the sea to their left.

"You could say that." Deku beamed with a wide grin. Parker couldn't help but smile back.

"Nice job recommending this place too man." Parker panted a little. "Thought this place was supposed to be messy! It's so clean!" Izuku blushed under the praise.

"You don't have to tell me twice, I had a hand in cleaning it!" Wait, now he sounded cocky! "I mean, not to boast or anything! It was, just, a part of my training routine is all…"

"It's fine," Parker looked back. "You did good cleaning this up. I'm surprised... that the city..." He took deep breaths. "...hasn't cleaned this up sooner." They ran past an empty lifeguard tower.

"Well, trash has to go somewhere, sadly." Deku replied, wiping his brow. Before long, the two made it to another tower, then another, and over a dozen towers passed before they stopped to take a breather before starting their next set.

"Okay." Parker took a seat by the tower. "Let's talk ideas." He saw Izuku reach for his water bottle, taking a swig before capping it.

"About my quirk?" Deku asked, to which the American nodded.

"Yeah. Let's start with what your Quirk is." Izuku bit his lip. He couldn't tell Parker his secret. He had already sort of told Kaachan already… And All Might was fine with it, but Parker might catch on quicker than his childhood friend could. He was thankful that Kaachan hadn't figured it out.

"Well, umm… how do I say this…" Izuku fiddled with his fingers a bit. "Well… it's… a bit complicated."

"How so?" The American quirked an eyebrow. Izuku panicked. Don't give it away!

"Well, uhhh," Izuku looked to the side, trying to find the words. "I haven't had a chance to use my, um, quirk all my life due to its recoil effect, as you saw back at the Entrance Exam."

"Oh yeah." Parker blanched. "I remember."

"It's sort of a double-edged sword for me right now. Like… I can only use two modes of my power." Izuku looked down at his fist, flexing it slowly. "Either at zero percent or at max power, one hundred percent." He frowned. "But… I had something happen to me lately. Or rather, something I noticed about my quirk." He looked back at Peter. "Parker-san, um, don't mind if I talk about the…" Izuku stopped, his voice trailing off.

Parker blinked and crossed his arms.

"About the what?" he asked, and Izuku looked to the side since he was unable to look him in the eye.

"The USJ." Izuku said quickly.

His Deputy Representative stared back and sighed.

"Feel free man. Don't let what happened to me get you down." Peter rubbed the back of his head as he got up and stretched his arms. "I knew going in that I had to save Aizawa from that beast. I told Yaoyorozu whatever it takes, and I meant it. Besides," He knelt down, stretching his legs. "You did save me from Shigaraki." Peter looked back up with sincere eyes. "That counts for something, and thanks for that, by the way. Sorry if it's a repeat, but I wanted to tell you that in person."

The sky was beginning to turn orange as Izuku stood frozen, and then he blushed.

"Oh, well! It's nothing! I mean, you would have done the same for me if you were in my shoes!" He waved his arms, looking to the side. "I couldn't just stand there…"

He paused, looking back at Parker. Peter smiled back softly. "So don't let what happened to me result in you walking on eggshells. What about the USJ?"

"Well… when I first struck the Noumu, I was trying to save Asui, I mean Tsuyu-san from Shigaraki. I punched with all I had and yet… my body didn't suffer any recoil at all!" He looked down at his hands. "My body didn't break. Granted I got the Noumu instead, but I could still move afterward."

"And that's when me, Momo-san, and Jirou-san came in." Peter mused. "So that tornado came from you. Not surprising, what you were able to do against the Zero Pointer and in the Battle Trial." The American got up, now performing standing-toe-touches. "So… you said you could only use your power at max or none at all. Did you use max power when you got out of the water to defend Tsuyu?"

"Max power…" Izuku mused, the words resounding in his mind as he looked back in those precious few moments. When he tried to save her from Shigaraki's hands, all he wanted was to get him away from her. His body moved on its own. But…

He never used max power. Not until he had to use his legs to fling himself towards Shigaraki when the man had Peter hostage. And again when he used his arm…

Because he was about to use an ability that could level building-sized robots and bust through ceilings like paper…

"I held back then." Izuku said aloud. "I didn't want to kill them, just to get them away."

"You're not the only one with super strength." Peter suggested as he took a seat. "So you held back subconsciously, I can get that. But, from the moment you leapt from the water to the ground." He pointed. "Did you use your power then?"

"I mean, it was so fast I…" Izuku looked away. "I don't remember much but… maybe I did." He then remembered his conversation with All Might back in the hospital room; how he guessed that Izuku could only use five percent of his power.

"Well, you had to. I mean, getting from the water to ground level without climbing has to be exhausting," Peter said. "The other times I saw you use your quirk, you focused the power into your arms, legs, or your finger that one time."

Izuku deflated where he stood, "Don't remind me, I still hear Mr. Aizawa lecturing me about my control when I go to sleep."

"That's… not healthy," Parker commented, which only made Izuku slump further. "Hey, but it's a place to start." The American quickly recovered, "How are you controlling it now?"

"Oh," Izuku said perking up, "It's sort of like a feeling of whoosh! And capow! Like an egg exploding in a microwave!"

The American stared at him blankly, and Izuku felt like jumping into a hole right then and there. All Might at least understood the reference and the cheesiness. Parker was gonna think that he's a superdork now! Izuku wrapped his arms around his head, trying to look away.

"I-I know it's really lame-"

"It's like the radiation is overtaking you and you're on the verge of bursting!" Parker explained, clapping his hands. "That's perfect!" Huh… That's a more scientific/comic book-like analogy. Better than an egg in a microwave.

"Y-yeah," Izuku said nervously, "I thought so too."

Parker turned away, his eyes taking on a faraway look, "Hmm, if that's what we're working with, maybe you should start thinking like a pressure cooker on overdrive!"

"G-good idea, but the pressure sounds like it could blow my arm off," Izuku said.

Parker grimaced, "Yeah don't want that. I don't know maybe you should set it to something like… boil?"

The image of Izuku's arm lighting on fire filled his mind. He shook his head at the sight.


"Oven," the American offered. Izuku's arm being roasted alive in a rotisserie didn't paint a pleasant picture...

"Not much better." The brown haired boy seethed and shrugged.

"Then I got nothing," Parker said, slumping with exasperation.

"It's ok, I wasn't expecting anything big."

"Yeah, I'm not much of a master chef," Parker admitted, "I just cook things through and hope for the best."

Cook things through…

Izuku's eyes widened as he looked down. "That's it!"

"Huh?" Peter mused aloud. Izuku looked down at his hands, grinning as he gripped his fists.

'I had it all wrong! I was only using One for All in my arms and legs at max power! But when I used it in another way, through my whole body, I managed to get the proper image of the egg not exploding in the microwave!' Izuku's heart leapt as he conjured his ability. He felt the heat of his inherited Quirk surge through his body. He gritted his teeth, the red lines surging through his body.

'Five percent… Don't concentrate it all into one or two places… let it spread…' And the rainbow lights surged from one to another. Parker stood up, eyes wide as Izuku's body glowed.

'Throughout! Cook it through!' Izuku focused, and the red lines faded, and green lightning emtted from his body as the American blinked.

"Did… something big just happen?" Parker asked. Izuku grinned as he looked back.

"Parker-san! Thank you… you helped me realize something very important about my ability just now!" Izuku felt the heat cover his entire body, but it wasn't as intense as those times from before. It was like a warm feeling surging through all of his pores now. This… this was One for All!

He was one step closer to being just like All Might!

"Well." Peter looked to the side before clasping his hands. Then he saw the joy and revelation within the green haired boy's eyes and he couldn't help but grin with him. "I'm glad that I could help, man!" He laughed, going up to him. "Is this light you're emitting, the lightning around you, your power under control?"

Izuku released a breath, and the light faded as he sighed. So that was how it felt to let One for All surge through his body at five percent. It was incredible! He raised his head, and he smiled back at Peter.

"Yeah. My power was a bit rough to figure out, but I had to imagine an egg in the microwave in order for me to control it. But your analogy helped me get to that picture faster!" He looked at his hands. He had to tell All Might about this in class! Heck, he had to text him ASAP! Maybe he could come to the beach today, or Izuku could show him at U.A.!

"Glad I could help," Peter offered his hand.

"Yeah." Izuku walked up, and as the rising sun rose over the town, the two boys shook hands. "Parker-san. Let's do our best at the Sports Festival!" He grinned, and Peter couldn't help but smile back as the sun's light overtook them.

"You got it."


Later that day...

It had taken him six years, but Toshinori had finally found something more painful than his injury.


God, was it always this bad? Even hero work didn't have this mountain of paper perpetually poised to ambush him. Granted it was a mountain that he'd made, but he was above complaining about it.

With the lessons being minimal, Toshinori took it upon himself to diversify the plans going forward. Nezu wanted him resting and planning with the police, but with his three hours already spent for the day, his skeletal form came with an abundance of free time. Which left him with few options to pass the time. Normally he'd grab a bite to eat before heading home to watch the news.

And he tried that, until he learned that it was all nothing but preparations for the Sports Festival. Who would be serving food, who was on groundskeeping duty during off-hours, who would be there as security, the whole nine yards.

Try as he might, Toshinori really couldn't bring himself to listen to things that he already knew. The only thing that he took from the news was that Nezu was really pulling out all the stops. Information on villain activity was practically non-existent on the main channels. Now Toshinori would never say that it was a bad thing, but it still surprised him that the Principal was able to get this much done, if it was him at all.

So he turned to the schoolwork that he had just accepted. Nezu was kind enough to give him the basics, but after the interviews, Toshinori couldn't just sit back and let this be done for him. He needed to make his own mark on the lessons, give them the practical edge that Nezu as a principal just didn't have.

But that unleashed the mountain.

Because, dear god, Nezu was thorough. Did all teachers have it this rough when designing their own curriculum? U.A. was rather laissez-faire when it came to teaching methods, but the bare bones to get to that point were intense!

Every single student was accounted for, but in his opinion the lessons were too broad. Some refinement would be necessary, like specific exercises with certain students acting in critical roles. Rescues were out for now - the less that the children had to even think about USJ, the better - though that did leave open the option of open city combat. Many of the students in Class A had perfect Quirks for combat.

Though, he had better make a note for ground rules. The last thing he needed was another Bakugo incident.

The Symbol of Peace stopped in his musings as his phone rang out, "A PHONE CALL IS HERE!" Thank goodness no one was around. He checked the phone.


Toshinori answered on the second ring.

"Hey kid, how goes training?" He asked, absentmindedly glancing at the clock. Quarter to ten, geez he'd been working a while.

Then a thought hit him. What on earth did the kid need him for at ten at night?

"A-actually," Midoriya stuttered, "that's what I wanted to call you about."

Toshinori stopped leafing through the papers.

"What is it?" He asked, the conversation receiving his full attention, "Caught a snag with One for All?"

Even through the phone, Toshinori could hear the nervous shake in the kid's voice.

"No not at all, everything's fine!" He said. "I just, ah, wanted to show you something. You said that I should call you whenever I had a question about One for All, and I was hoping that you could give me some advice. Unless of course you're solving a crime in which case it's really not important-"

"Pump the breaks kid, it's all right." Toshinori said, holding back a little chuckle, "I'm sitting here, bored out of my mind. Frankly you're giving me a break from all this school work and Sports Festival planning."

"O-oh, I'm glad that I could help then!"

"Yeah yeah," Toshinori said throwing on a jacket, "Head to the beach, I'll see you there."

"I-I'll be there in a jiffy!" The kid said before the line cut off.

Toshinori rolled his eyes. Geez, kid must've found something if he wanted to show him of all people. Granted most kids liked showing off to their idols, but All Might didn't think that's what this was about.

Kid took his job as All Might's successor too seriously. His willingness to train himself into the ground was proof of that. The memory made Toshinori go pale.

Oh crap, did he pull something stupid and get himself hurt again? Recovery Girl was going to kill him at this rate! Toshinori moved with a speed that that belied his skeletal form and jumped into his truck.

The drive down to the beach was quiet, eerily so. Not that his new neighborhood was bad, hell it was probably the safest end of the city. Had to be, the less people hiding in alleys ready to see him change forms, the better. It also didn't hurt that he made a point to end his routes around here when he had the chance. Having All Might be known to hang around an area didn't exactly give an open invitation to criminals. No, it was more like the whole city was holding its breath for the festival tomorrow. The best and brightest showing their stuff.

And Midoriya had something to show him the night before such as event.

He didn't know if he should feel worried or proud. Proud felt more appropriate. Showed that the kid was making progress despite the attack. Good for him, he didn't need something like that holding him back.

Toshinori pulled into the beachfront, the sands still as clear as they were when young Midoriya finished both his training and cleaning the mountain of trash. Even from the parking lot, Toshinori could see the kid, dressed in casual attire, pacing in the sands below. Climbing out, he saw that the kid was already in mutter mode.

"Got to imagine the egg getting cooked all over or else I could risk-"

"Working hard kid?" Toshinori asked. He was making word-salad heaps to himself all over again...

Young Midoriya nearly jumped out of his skin at Toshinori's arrival.

"HI ALL-!"

Toshinori's hand snapped over Midoriya's mouth.

"Not so loud kid!" Toshinori shushed, finger to his lips "We've been over this!"

"Swory," Midoriya mumbled, eyes wide.

Toshinori held in a sigh, this was going to be his whole night, wasn't it?

"So what was so important? You sounded like you wanted to tell something big."

"Oh right," Midoriya said, "I-I think I've got something with One for All."

Toshinori raised an eyebrow; so it was a breakthrough. That was good, but what was it? He focused, giving the green haired boy his full attention.

Then Midoriya lowered into a stance.

And he started to glow.

Not figuratively either. Lines of raw power arched across his skin, highlighting his arms and legs, with two lines framing his face. The air around him crackled with energy, and Toshinori could feel the barely restrained power of One For All begging to be let loose. But it wasn't like the times during the Entrance Exam and the Battle Trial when Midoriya's arm was glowing like the sun, this was… under control. Harnessed.

Toshinori never felt more proud of anything else in his life as a wide grin began to spread across his skeletal face.

He wondered, did Nana feel like this? Looking at him?

"Are you ok All Might?" Young Midoriya asked.

Toshinori blinked, when had the kid stopped using his power? Well, whatever, shaking his head, Toshinori let out a small chuckle and cracked a smile.

"Oh yeah don't worry about me, just an old man letting his mind wander."

Midoriya's shoulders slumped, "You're not that old, All Might."

"We can trade lies all day," Toshinori snorted, "But I got to say, that's some progress that you've made, looks like you're finally getting the hang of it. When did you figure this out?"

"J-just today, I was brainstorming with Parker early this morning and it just clicked."

Huh, well, good for him.

"Well, guess miracles do happen," Toshinori comments, "Could you try it again?"

Midoriya nodded and got back to powering up. It was quicker this time, showing a degree of control that wasn't there before, and right when he needed it too. Lucky him.

Oh, who was he kidding? Getting a hang of One for All before when he really needed it was a godsend. Though, with his current limit he probably couldn't do a whole lot.

Speaking of which, why hadn't he moved?

Toshinori glanced over, and sure enough, Young Midoriya was still clenched in concentration.

"Ah, you doing alright there Midoriya?" Toshinori asked in concern.

A pain-filled nod came out of Midoriya.

"J-just trying to get used to it."

Toshinori nodded and waited, but nothing came of it.

"Can you… move?"

Midoriya looked up but it looked like it cost him his soul.

"I-I think so."

Toshinori nodded again, "So ah, you gonna… do that?"

"Yes I'll-!" Midoriya declared.

Only for a sound like a rubber band snapping occur and for him to fall over in a huff. Toshinori winced, sand didn't look like the best benchmark.

"Or I'll just die." Midoriya said from the ground.

"Hey hey hey," Toshinori said, putting a hand on his student's shoulder, "No need to go that far. It's a good start, and it shows how far that you've come. You're looking more and more like my successor everyday."

Midoriya looked up with watering eyes. Geez this kid and his tear ducts.

"Oh god stop crying kid, you're gonna ruin the moment. Now if I were you, I'd start training with your body under this control-state you got going. You've got over a week." Toshinori then grinned wide. "Then you can announce 'I Am Here' to the world."

His successor wiped away his tears, gave a determined smile and nodded.


The day before the Sports Festival...

Peter was at work in the studio with Mei, on the 3D Printer. Mei was busy with her new 'babies' that she was planning for the Festival, while Peter was working on creating new gadgets to use on the side. He wasn't going to risk the suit he used back in Germany out in the field. Not until they got Karen out.

All at once his phone buzzed. Grabbing it, he checked it out. A new email!

'Dear Peter Parker,

According to the specifications listed in the email you provided, along with the ability of the support gear in question, it has been evaluated by the committee overlooking the U.A. Sports Festival. We have given you the clear to utilize the 'Web Shooters' for the event. You may only use this piece of equipment, as it befits your 'Spider' Quirk.

If you have any questions, do not be afraid to contact us.

U.A. Sports Festival Evaluation Committee'

Peter beamed. The printer beeped as it finished its work; a refined and sleeker model of his web shooters. He put them on the workbench, and set to work with the parts he had created earlier. He had found he could work much faster in the studio than at home; even with his Stark-brand tools.

He grabbed a vial of his web formula and inserted it into the device. Putting the vial aside, Peter slapped the device onto his wrist as it slinked across, latching on and creating the spigot, trigger, cartridge, and light showing the web fluid's stock. He aimed and gently activated the gadget, causing a line of web to shoot out and latch onto his thermos near the fridge. He pulled back, catching his thermos before taking a sip of water.

"Ohh!" Hatsume perked up, pausing to sip on a drink as she lifted up her goggles. She ran over, bending down to look at Peter's wrist. "This is one of your babies isn't it?"

"You could say that. Petition came through too, so I can use this at the Sports Festival." He grinned back at the mad inventor. "Hope your 'babies' put on a good show too!"

"Hehe~" Hatsume chuckled, hand to her bosom as she posed. "My babies will make all the rich investors and companies go coocoo for Cocoa Puffs! You can rest easy there!"

"Can I see them?" She wagged her finger, grinning like a fox.

"Ah ah ah, not until the Festival. It would be a spoiler for you to see. Hehe~" The girl skipped back to her work station, welding together some boots after putting on a protective mask. Peter grinned and looked at his web shooter on his wrist. They needed a few more tweaks, getting the right PSI in the barrels, but they were almost done.

They were almost ready, and it was almost time.


That night...

Sweat dripped off his brow. He could barely see the training post in front of him. But still, he thrust, he kicked, he lashed out against the unmoving wood. Sad as he was to say, there was little to no technique in it. With his right side alone, the skillset of his opponents almost didn't even matter. Yet he needed the speed and the sudden surprising burst of movement to direct his quirk at any opportunity.

Then the alarm sounded, and Shoto Todoroki dropped to the ground, only to force himself back up to his feet as fast as he could. The second he straightened, he stopped for a moment before dropping again. His arms burned, and his legs screamed for relief, but he gave no quarter.

After all, he couldn't finish yet, he hadn't even started training.

The alarm sounded, and Shoto thrust his right side against the dummy, flash-freezing it down to the core. He pulled his hand back, looked down to his left side and held back a scoff of disgust at the shivering present there.

Glancing down his family training dojo, he resigned himself to the number of dummies that stood frozen. Ten concentrated lines of ice before he began to feel the effects.

He would need more.

With the time that he had left, tonight would be the last time to truly push his limits.

And with another dozen posts, there was no time like the present.

He trotted over to the next post and reset the timer on his phone.

"Shoto?" his sister called.

Shoto held back a sigh, glancing to the edge of the field where his sister had seemingly popped out of the woodwork.

"Did you need something, Fuyumi?"

His older sister scratched her cheek nervously, hesitantly glancing back.

"It's just… father's returned from work."

Shoto's narrowed. He turned his attention back to the dummy and started the countdown.

"So?" he asked, striking at the top of the dummy.

"H-he wanted to speak to y-" Fuyumi jumped as the dummy was all but encased in ice.

Shoto slowly turned to her, his left side shaking from something other than the cold.

"So?" he repeated.

Fuyumi wilted under his gaze, and a twinge of guilt wormed its way into his chest. He turned around, stopping the timer on his phone before it could interrupt them.

"H-he's adamant."

"He has legs," Shoto said bitterly, "If he wants to talk, he can walk here himself."

"I also have ears, as much as I'm sure it pains you to hear."

It took a herculean effort not to crush his phone or freeze it at the sound of that man's voice. Turning around, he almost didn't recognize the man that stood at the door of the dojo, as much of a blessing as that would be. The old man was still in his hero uniform, but without his mask and his flaming beard.

The two things that didn't change were that flat look, and that judging glare.

As if he had the right to judge Shoto for anything.

"Fuyumi, get dinner finished, and have your brother help. Don't wait for Shoto and I, we clearly have a lot to talk about."

He didn't even look at her as he spoke. The older hero must've seen the growing resentment, yet he simply waltzed into the dojo, experienced eyes looking over the training posts. He walked up to one, and with a single backhanded strike, shattered it into a million pieces. Shoto didn't even let himself blink at the impact, he didn't even move.

"Down to the core," Enji stated, and if he were anyone else, Shoto might've thought he was impressed. "If you continue this foolishness, you'll only diminish the usefulness of your fire."

Shoto huffed, and what a shame that would be. Unfortunately, the old man noticed.

"Is there a particular reason why you're insisting on this little rebellion of yours?"

"I already told you why," Shoto all but growled.

"Oh yes," Enji drawled, "You've made yourself quite clear. You'll be a hero only using your right side." The old hero barked out a harsh laugh, but there was no levity in his eyes. "Grow up. You're not a child anymore, and all you're doing is disgracing me and your family. Besides," the old man reached into his pocket and pulled out a small slip of paper, "According to your records, your mother's quirk isn't worth the respect you're giving it."

The ground under Shoto froze, only stopping short of the man in front of him, the number two hero flaring his own quirk, melting the ice in an instant. His eyes burned with a heat revealing that fire, but his smarmy smile gave it a disgusting smugness that made Shoto, who glared venomously, want to vomit.

"What are you talking about?" The youngest Todoroki demanded.

Enji waved the piece of paper in his hands, "Your records from U.A, they reveal quite a different story than what you're telling."

Shoto's clenched his fist, how the hell did he get those? The records weren't supposed to be released until after the festival at the earliest.

"Don't look so surprised," Enji said, "Being the number two hero allows me many privileges, on top of being an alumnus. After the USJ attack, I thought it prudent to check in with how you're doing, given your testimony."

"How considerate of you."

"Of course," Enji scowled, "Despite what you feel, I am still your father, I have all the right to request to see the progress of my greatest creation."

Shoto seethed, baring his teeth. That title. That little moniker that had been hanging over Shoto's head for as long as he could remember. The thing that made this man raise him, barely knowing he had siblings.

The thing that made his mother…

Shoto's eye burned, phantom memories searing through him. But even so, he didn't give the man in front of him the satisfaction of thinking that he reacted to his words.

"I'm in the top five for all of my classes," Shoto pointed out.

"Not good enough when it comes to your quirk assessment," Enji countered, "Nor in your mock battles. As my son, being number one is expected."

"It's the beginning of the year," Shoto said, but even he knew that was a weak argument.

"That's no excuse and you know it!" Endeavor barked, "What the hell is this?!" He asked waving the print in his hands, "Losing to a heteromorphic quirk, to a mere 'spider' one, and a foreigner to boot! Is your rebellion really worth losing to an insect quirk? Losing to a nobody? This… Peter Parker?" He spat out the name like a curse.

Shoto counted to five in his head, closing his eyes.

It helped. Barely.

"Whatever report you got, it had to have had mentioned how I was without my partner, who was neutralized first, and I was against that spider and his partner by myself-"

"Excuses!" The 'hero' roared, "As a Todoroki, my son, an entire army is fair odds when it comes to battle! All of your teachers have commented on your refusal to use your left side! You may have been getting by using your right, but you will meet a brick wall sooner or later, as your confrontation with that foreigner classmate of yours in the Battle Trial showed."

"They haven't mentioned it to me," Shoto bit back, gritting his teeth.

Enji huffed, "Bunch of cowards, you're their student, and if you're doing something so stupid that even they notice they should inform you. At least your homeroom teacher has enough sense. According to him, your rebellion is hindering your growth in all areas. If you used it, there's no reason you shouldn't be at the top of all of your classes, if not your entire grade."

Enji crushed the report into ash, letting the flakes fall to the ground, all the while keeping his stare sorely focused on Shoto.

For a long moment, neither of them said a word. Shoto didn't blink under the gaze, despite the power that his father held, this was nothing. Just a tired, bitter old man who couldn't achieve the rank of number one projecting onto a child that didn't choose to be here.

And what was worse, it was at moments like these that he actually looked like he was proud of Shoto. The fact that he could meet his gaze without backing down anymore, that of all things brought some pride to Enji's eyes. That his son had a spine.

"However, with the festival coming up, you have an opportunity to make up for your mistakes."

Shoto rolled his eyes, turning back to the posts.

"I don't need you to tell me to win. I was going to do that regardless."

"And I expect nothing less," The old man said, "Looking through your competition, there should be little standing in your way. However, the events of the festival are designed to hinder and challenge all quirks, even one like yours. So for now," Shoto glanced around, and was met with another stack of paper, "You have homework."

Shoto gave the paper a half glance, only to level a flat look at the hero in front of him.

"And this is?"

"The previous events for the festival," Enji explained, "Worthless competition or not, you would do best to familiarize yourself with what could occur. To prepare for what may come."

"I thought you wanted me to win by myself?" Shoto asked, his voice a tone that he didn't feel.

"I said I expect nothing less than victory from you," The old man clarified with a huff, "But even I don't go into a situation blind. To do so is foolishness."

Shoto's eyes narrowed and Enji only smirked.

"Consider this a gift, one of many that I've given you."

There was a moment of complete calm as Shoto reaches out and took the offered stack of paper with his left side. He saw the cover of the paper, dating the events from when Enji himself was going through U.A. as a student.

A gift he had called it.

Then Shoto stared right at him before willing his left side to burn the papers to ash. Enji's smouldering glare intensified, the minute pride that he had in Shoto's resolve gone like the wind.

"I don't need your gifts," Shoto declared, shaking his hand as he tossed away the cinders. "Just like how I don't need you."

"So you squander it just like all the others," Enji sneered, his voice a barely restrained calm as his green eyes burned with a silent rage.

He turned around, his massive grip burning his fingers into the door, "The festival is the last time that you'll be allowed to continue this little rebellion of yours, do I make myself clear? If you continue this… You will not want to see the consequences."

Shoto didn't answer, but then again, they both knew that he wouldn't. So the so-called hero left, leaving Shoto alone with a slam of the sliding door. He heard Endeavor's heavy footfalls as he left this wing of the compound, not even bothering to say goodbye to his own daughter. So much for a family dinner.

Good riddance.