Chereads / Fanfiction I am reading / Chapter 1129 - 20

Chapter 1129 - 20


Things take a turn for the worse.

Chapter Text

The lake became more shallow as Tsuyu and her classmates approached the shore, allowing the three of them to stand waist-deep in the water as they peered over the raised bank and into the central plaza.


The crowd was much smaller than it had been when the villains had first arrived through the warp gate. Taking stock of the unconscious thugs scattered around the plaza, Tsuyu quickly noticed that there were far fewer than there should have been. This confirmed her suspicions; the villains had been scattered like the students were. Divide and conquer. Tsuyu could only hope that her classmates were as lucky as she, Midoriya and Mineta had been.


Only four villains remained: three surrounding Aizawa and the man covered in hands, who was standing further back, observing. She could barely make out that he was mumbling numbers under his breath as he watched their teacher fight.


Aizawa was clearly flagging, but the battle was nearly won. He wrapped up one of the villains and dragged him in front of another, who was swinging a flail towards the hero. As the villain took out his ally, Aizawa ducked past him and drove his knee into the thug's stomach, and as he doubled over from the pain, the hero's elbow cracked the side of his skull, knocking him out.


Their teacher tried to catch his breath, looking between the leader and the other villain, sizing up the last two enemies standing. The observer paced slowly, walking perpendicular to their teacher, his array of hands creating an unsettling silhouette. The other villain had a simple transformation quirk, his two arms were bulked up to nearly six feet long and covered in dense, brown hair.


The lead villain walked in a wide arc, continuing to keep his distance as the three were locked in a standoff. As he moved behind the large-armed villain and obscuring himself from their teacher's view, Tsuyu noticed the blue-haired man slowly moving his arm, detaching a vial from his hip.


Midoriya apparently had noticed the same thing, shouting loudly over the plaza. "Professor! He's got something in his hand!"


Aizawa jerked his head towards the three students, his hair falling down around his face. As soon as he moved his eyes from the villains, the leader dashed forward and jammed whatever he was holding into the neck of the thug. The villain stumbled and fell to his knees, letting out a blood-curdling scream as the leader stepped back, chuckling to himself.


"What the heck did he just stab that guy with?" Mineta asked in a terrified whisper. Midoriya and Tsuyu were too stunned to say anything as they stared at the scene unfolding in front of them.


Their teacher stepped back slightly, unsheathing his scarf as he returned his attention back to the villains. The man on the ground stood up slowly, a slightly unhinged look on his face as he stared Aizawa down.



Kurogiri sneered. "Are you really foolish enough to plan in front of your enemy?"


Thirteen turned to face him properly. "It won't matter if you know what we're planning if you can't do anything about it!" A finger on Thirteen's costume popped open as Iida began to rev his engines, ready to make a break for the doors. An irresistible force began to pull Kurogiri in, dragging him closer to oblivion.


However, Kurogiri wasn't worried. "Thirteen," he said flatly, "you are a rescue hero. You have saved thousands, but you are woefully unprepared to face me. When was the last time you were in real combat?" The villain began to swirl his warp gate in front of himself, focusing on his quirk's precise energies. "When was the last time you were against someone who was genuinely trying to kill you?"


Thirteen didn't answer, instead continuing to focus on using Black Hole against the villain. Kurogiri opened the other end of a warp gate right behind the rescue hero, almost instantly rending Thirteen's suit wide open.


The hero collapsed onto the ground, weakly uttering "He got me…" as the students all gasped, looking on in shock and horror.


"Come on, Iida! Go!" Satou shoved Iida's shoulder, prompting the man to snap back to reality. Iida turned back and hesitated for a moment, before nodding and kicking his engines fully into gear, dashing madly towards the towering gates.


"A sheep trying to escape from the wolves…" Kurogiri swiftly opened a warp gate in front of the speeding Iida. 'I simply cannot allow that."


Right before Iida slammed head-long into the portal, Shouji leapt in front of him, using his massive arms to envelop the small warp gate and clearing the path for Iida. "Run! I've got him!" The six-armed man tumbled to the ground, struggling with the writhing purple mass.


Iida kicked off again, the gate to their salvation growing closer with every step. Kurogiri began to lose his patience, rearing up and flying at the armored man. "Impertinent children! I will not allow you to set foot outside those doors!" His misty form loomed over Iida's head. "Begon-!"


Kurogiri's command was interrupted by an anguished grunt. He whipped his vision back around as a sharp, excruciating pain ran along his body.


A sharp, crooked horn had pierced his brace, wedged painfully between the metal plates. He could feel his blood slowly seeping out along the wound.


Tsunotori took a step forward, grinding her hoof into the ground and glaring daggers into Kurogiri's wide, yellow eyes. The short woman grit her teeth, exuding a grim intensity that reminded the other students of Midoriya.


Kurogiri cried out again as the horn wedged deeper into his flesh, twisting slowly. Tsunotori never broke eye contact as she growled in English. "Sound trumpets. Let our bloody colors wave." A second horn slammed into the side of Kurogiri's armor, cracking the metal plating protecting his body. "And either victory, or else a grave."


The villain kept his impressed surprise to himself, shoving the pain out of his mind to focus on his mission. He surged again at Iida, desperate to prevent the man from alerting the outside to their attack. Before he could reach the man, Sero shot tape out, wrapping around one of the horns dug into his side.


Satou grabbed Sero's tape, pulling with all his might and flinging the villain away and high into the air. The momentum wrenched the horn from his side, letting the blood flow freely as he grunted in agony.


The groaning sound of the doors being forced open signaled Kurogiri's failure. He turned his gaze to the horned woman down below who was still glaring hatefully at him. The villain warped away as he somberly recited in English: "To weep is to make less the depth of grief."



Uraraka and Ashido ran through the smokey alleyways of the Conflagration Zone, the only illumination from the roaring fires that burned in every building.


"We have to stay quiet, and stay together ," Ashido whispered as the two peeked out into one of the soot-covered streets. Uraraka nodded in agreement and signaled for the two to dash across to another hidden alleyway.


They barely slipped into cover as a small band of thugs wheeled around into the street, sneering as they searched for Uraraka and Ashido. Groups of villains were patrolling around the zone, shouting and threatening all sorts of bodily torture on the students 'when' they caught them. The women were determined to not let that happen.


The smell of smoke and burnt wood stung the nostrils of the women as they crept from alleyway to side road, keeping out of sight of the villains as best they could. Uraraka cursed her tall statue under her breath; her height did her no favors when trying to find places to hide.


"We can't- stay here, M- Mina," Uraraka gasped out as she tried to hold in her coughs. Both of their eyes were watering, and breathing was beginning to get difficult.


Ashido nodded. "I have an idea, but you'll have to trust me." Her whisper was low and serious; she clearly understood the situation they were in. Uraraka met Ashido's steely glare with one of her own, nodding in response. "Alright, let's make our way to the edge of the c-" she coughed harshly, covering her mouth, "-omplex. I can melt us an escape, but it's not gonna be quiet, and we're not gonna be able to hide."


Uraraka gulped. "So you need a distraction." Her friend nodded grimly. Uraraka took a deep breath, shoving her worry away and gritting her teeth. "Alright, let's do this."


The two women began to move as fast as they could while keeping a low profile, making a beeline for the nearest wall of the Conflagration Zone. Uraraka ducked left and right, slapping and grabbing every decent-sized chunk of rubble she came across from the buildings already collapsed from the flames raging in the zone.


A building they were running past was smoldering with low, licking flames when one of the sides collapsed, tumbling twenty or more feet and cracking the pavement below it. The sudden rush of oxygen reignited the dying embers, causing the side of the building to erupt in flames and send more concrete falling.


Uraraka was too stunned from the dazzling cataclysm in front of her to do anything but stare, mesmerized by the flames as the debris fell straight towards her. Fortunately, Ashido was in no such daze, and shoved her friend out of the way, the two tumbling backward and onto the ground.


Uraraka and Ashido covered their heads as concrete exploded in front of them, kicking up dust and flinging smaller chunks of building flying. Ashido cried out in pain as a baseball-sized piece of debris hit her in the back, cutting her hero uniform and leaving a bleeding gash.


Uraraka's eyes widened as her friend cried out. The brunette's shock vanished as she flew into action, flipping their positions in a single motion, pinning Ashido underneath her as she shielded the pink woman from the settling carnage with one of the weightless chunks she had been towing behind her.


Both women panted as the dust floated down to the ground, catching their breaths and staring at each other. "Thanks," they gasped out simultaneously, earning a wide-eyed look followed by a small smile from each of them.


Uraraka reached down and pulled Ashido's shoulder towards her, turning the woman so she could see the wound. Her lilac blood seeped slowly out of the dirty wound, gradually staining the rest of her costume.


Ashido shook her shoulder loose and stood up, dusting herself off. "I'm fine, Ochako. We have more important things to worry about than a scrape. Let's keep moving."


Uraraka hesitated, seemingly wanting to protest, but obliged. As they ran through the newly-created debris field, she reached down and pulled the weight out of the largest chunk of wall she could find, picking it up effortlessly and adding it to her collection.


The two made it to the exterior wall without further incident, but they both knew that the commotion was likely to bring unwanted visitors. Ashido nodded to her partner as she put both of her hands up against the thick steel wall and began to produce the most potent acid she could muster.


Uraraka reared back and pitched one of her distractions as hard as she could into the air. As she lost sight of it in the smoke, she released her quirk; a few moments later, she heard the echoing sounds of a great collision. She couldn't risk imparting energy to the debris, but gravity was her friend. Launching something weightless into the sky and letting earth pull it back down was a great way for her to get free inertia.


She repeated the process several more times, pitching the rocks deep into the burning city, each one creating a satisfying, crunching report. Ashido was grunting in pain as the burning acid pushed her own resistances to their limit, but she was not deterred. She was nearly through the wall when they heard a commotion down the road.


A group of three villains had turned the corner and spotted them, each shouting in cruelty and anger as they dashed towards the two students. Ashido redoubled her efforts, tears flowing from her eyes as her skin burned from her own power. "J-just a little longer!"


Uraraka tried to ignore how much her knees were shaking as the villains closed on them. She picked up her penultimate piece of ammunition, throwing the weight out of it and gripping it tightly in her hands. She took a deep breath and stepped forward, hurling the boulder like a bowling ball towards the charging villains.


"Release!" she yelled, throwing the weight back into the projectile and pushing to keep it from slowing down too much. The villains didn't have time to react as the chunk of concrete crashed into them, throwing the three back into a heap. Uraraka hoped she hadn't overestimated or underestimated how much force to put into the attack. She wanted to incapacitate, not kill.


"Midori was right," Ashido said, a small smile growing on her face through her pained tears, "you're scary ."


Before Uraraka could respond, her worries came to pass. The villains groaned and stirred, pushing themselves to their feet, the cruelty in their eyes replaced with burning hatred. Uraraka wheeled around as a second group of enemies ran into the open from the other direction. "M-Mina? I hope you're almost done!"


Ashido grunted with a final effort, light pouring into the dim street as she broke through. "Come on, let's get out of here!"


Tears formed in Uraraka's eyes as her emotions continued to build. She reached down and threw the weight out of her final piece of debris: the mostly-intact wall she had grabbed earlier. She pulled it with her as Ashido slipped through the small hole in the wall, placing the concrete slab above her head.


One of the villains flung a knife at her, catching her in the arm before sailing past. The woman dove through the hole after her pink-skinned friend, screaming in pain as she hit the ground hard. She blinked through her tears and clapped her hands together, "release!"


The wall fell down with a heavy thud, kicking up more dust as it effectively sealed the hole Ashido had made. The pinkette helped pull her to her feet, careful of the bleeding gash on her right arm. "You okay?"


Uraraka panted for a few seconds, partially from her adrenaline leaving her system and partially because of the stress she had put on her quirk. She tried and failed to speak, instead settling on gritting her teeth and nodding.


"If we get out of here alive, I am so kissing you, Ochako. You can't stop me." Ashido's teasing smile was flatter than normal, her own exhaustion clear on her face. Uraraka's face lit up bright red as she began to stutter and cover her face with her hands. "Yeah, you're fine," the pink woman giggled as she gestured towards the central plaza behind her. "Let's get moving. We gotta help the others."



Aizawa squared up against the twitching, wild-eyed villain, still panting and exhausted. Tsuyu and her classmates stood in the waist-high water, staring at the scene in front of them, frozen in concern; even Midoriya was still, his eyes glowing softly.


Their teacher wrapped up the villain and crashed his knee into his gut, causing the thug to sputter and stagger, but unlike before, he remained standing. Her teacher's hair fell down around his face again, and the villain seemed to explode. Before, his arms were massive, easily five feet long, but now they were truly gargantuan.


Each limb was larger than the rest of his body combined, bulging with taut muscle with fists larger than his torso clenched threatening at the ends. The scarf wrapped around him was flung outwards by his sudden growth, the hero leaping backwards as pulling the weapon back around his shoulders.


The villain lunged forward, crushing the ground to smithereens where their teacher had been before he had dodged away. He swung his arms wide, chopping the air as Aizawa jumped above him. The villain's arms suddenly shrunk back to normal as their teacher wrapped him up and pulled himself downwards, driving the thug into the dirt.


Once again, the villain was not knocked unconscious, the jarring blow to his head only seeming to irritate him mildly. Their teacher snarled in frustration, " what did you inject him with?!"


The blue-haired villain sneered. "Wouldn't you like to know? Let's just say it's a homebrew."


Aizawa jumped back as his hair fell again. "Trigger and stimulants?" he guessed, "You'll kill him."


The leader shrugged, throwing his arms wide. "A small sacrifice to bring down this disgusting society of heroes!"


Before Aizawa could retort, the large-armed villain took another deadly swing at him, the hero barely dodging.


Purple mist appeared next to the leader, the warp villain forming from nothing. Tsuyu immediately noticed a large, yellow horn jutting from the side of the mist, with what she guessed was his blood dripping from it.


"Tomura Shigaraki," he said formally, his voice slightly strained from the pain he was in.


"Ah, Kurogiri," Shigaraki responded, either unaware or unconcerned with Kurogiri's wound, "is Thirteen dead?"


"The rescue hero is out of commision," Kurogiri said evasively, "but one of the students escaped. He is going to call for the other heroes."


Without warning, Shigaraki seemed to snap, his arms twitching as he raised his hands to his neck and began scratching himself violently, like a junkie going through withdrawal. "If you weren't the lynchpin of this whole operation, I'd turn every atom in your body to dust!"


Just as quickly, he composed himself. "There's no way we can win if dozens of pros show up to stop us; its game over, back to the title screen." His shoulders slumped. "And I was looking forward to finishing this today. Dammit… let's go home."


Tsuyu could hardly believe her ears. Next to her, Mineta was having a similar reaction. "Did I hear that right? Did he say they're gonna just leave ?"


"That's what it sounded like to me," Tsuyu responded.


Mineta began to weep tears of joy, his arms reaching for Tsuyu's chest in a relieved 'hug'. Before he could touch her, he froze. Midoriya's eyes had flared brighter, the man snapping his neck towards Mineta, his mouth curled up to barely reveal his sharp fangs. Mineta wisely chose life, and took a step backwards.


"Oh, before we leave…" Shigaraki turned his crazed look on the three students. "Let's make sure the Symbol of Peace is broken. Let's wreck his pride."


With stunning speed, Shigaraki was upon the three classmates, his hand reaching towards Tsuyu's face. Death itself flashed before her, rooting her in place.


"Shigaraki, was it?"


The villain froze, his hand inches from the woman's face. She dared to shift her gaze to her right, catching a glimpse of the green light radiating from Midoriya's eyes.


Midoriya's right arm was covered in scales, his am bulging slightly as his clawed hand gripped Shigaraki's wrist tightly.


"Why are you doing this? You want to kill All Might, but that plan has clearly fallen through," Midoriya continued, his tone both curious and matter-of-fact. "Surely you have a backup plan, so I'm curious as to why you're doing this."


Shigaraki tilted his head slightly, seemingly intrigued by Midoriya. "Isn't it obvious? I'm going to kill you to break All Might's spirit."


"Surely your goals are larger than that ," Midoriya responded. "You want to kill All Might, sure, but do your aspirations end there? The death of a single man?"


The villain's hand gradually pulled back as his curiosity grew, Midoriya releasing his grip on the mesmerized villain. He stared at the student for a few moments, thinking. "It's… not just a single man. It's what he represents. With his death, I will destroy this pathetic society and their 'heroes'."


Midoriya snapped his fingers. "There it is. I knew you couldn't be that small minded." The student grew a twisted, unnerving smile. "You want to change the world, I can understand that. So what's the best way you can do that?"


Shigaraki's eyes grew a manic glint. "By killing All Might."


The greenette nodded. "Right, but he's not here, so what's the best you can make of this situation?" Before Shigaraki could respond, Midoriya continued. "I'll tell you: fear. You spread fear. You make a name for yourself, your 'League of Villains'. This doesn't have to be a setback, Shigaraki, it can be a brilliant debut."


"What do you mean?" Shigaraki had seemingly completely forgotten about Tsuyu and Mineta, the two taking the opportunity to slowly slip away.


"Let's say you kill us. Think of the headlines." Midoriya was unsettlingly calm. "'Villains Break into USJ, Take out Teachers and Kill Students.' Not a bad headline, but it's thinking small. What sends a better message: a bunch of villains killing some college freshmen, or a true mastermind, who orchestrated this whole operation, had the students in his grasp, literally dead to rights… and then walked away?"


Midoriya threw his arms wide. "It's not about the body count. A few dead in a country of millions? It'll be forgotten in a month or two. It's about the message you send. The fact that you are strong enough to break into this place, desecrate one of the supposedly most secure campuses in the world , just to prove a point. You held our lives in your hands, and you let them go, just because you could."


Midoriya crossed his arms as he finished. "That shows that you're not some two-bit violent thug, but a real supervillain, planning much further ahead and much grander than a couple of dead students. Fear is what wins wars, Shigaraki, not dead bodies. Break the spirit of your enemies and it will be worse than any death."


Shigaraki was stunned silent as the man finished his speech. His eyes squinted slightly, his face twisting into a wide smile. "You're pretty smart, kid... and I think you're right." Tsuyu nearly tripped; had Midoriya's ploy worked?


"Fear is important. Which means… Kurogiri!" Shigaraki called back over his shoulder, a warp gate forming under his feet in an instant. The villain reappeared next to Kurogiri, chuckling softly to himself. "We'll continue as planned. Bring in the heavy-hitter."


"Oh, and finish off Eraserhead, will you? I'm done with him."


"As you wish, Tomura Shigaraki." Kurogiri turned his focus on Aizawa, who was dodging away from the Triggered villain, his exhaustion making his movements more sluggish by the second. A massive arm surged forward, but once again, Aizawa ducked out of the way.


This time however, one of Kurogiri's warp gates opened up and swallowed the punch, redirecting it to Aizawa's blind spot. With a sickening crack, the massive fist collided with the pro hero, sending him hurting to the ground in a heap.


Shigaraki began to laugh harder, cackling at the unconscious man. "Finish him off."


The thug lurched towards Aizawa, his massive arms dragging along the ground behind him.


Tsuyu and her classmates couldn't move as muscle as he approached the hero and raised his arms high, ready to crush the man into a fine paste.


He swung his titanic limbs down.


A heavy crack echoed throughout the plaza.



Mina cheered as the thug flew backwards, smashing through the concrete divider between the plaza and one of the other zones and crashing into the ground, choking in pain as he held his broken ribs.


Ochako skidded to a halt as she hit the ground, her right boot completely shattered from the flying kick she delivered to the villain's side. She nearly stumbled as she rose to her feet, clearly favoring one leg; it was no surprise she hurt herself with how fast and hard she had flung herself forward.


Mina turned her gaze over to Midori, who was staring wide-eyed at Ochako. His eyes ran over her limp, her shredded costume, her shattered boot, her filthy hair, her exhausted expression and her blood-covered arm. Mina took step back as his vision snapped to her, his eyes tracing over her tender hands, her soot-covered skin and the blood staining her costume. The shock on his face drained away, replaced with unbridled rage and hatred . Mina gasped as a fire seemed to erupt in his eyes, his horns flaring back at speeds she had never seen before as he bared his fangs.


The villain staggered to his feet and began to run towards Ochako, a furious, unhinged look on his face. Ochako was shaking, her face split between fear and determination, but her hurt leg prevented her from getting out of the way. She braced herself for the villain's retaliation.


As he stomped forward towards the woman, Midori kicked off almost too fast for Mina to see, covering the distance in an instant and leaving a massive explosion of water behind. For the second time in less than a minute, the villain was catapulted backwards, but this time, a massive, scaled man was on top of him.


The villain screamed in agony as he crashed into the earth almost fifty feet away from Ochako, Midori pinning him to the ground. The claws on his left arm were buried in the thug's side where his broken ribs were, crimson blood staining his clothes. Midori ripped his claws out, renewing the screams echoing through the plaza. Surprisingly, the villain didn't stay down but began to struggle to get up.


" Villains! " Midori screamed, raising his right arm behind him. "What have you done to them?!" His arm bulged massive, dwarfing the rest of his body as he braced himself to not fall off balance. The man brought the closed, scale-covered fist down, finally knocking the villain out cold as his ribs cracked under the mighty blow.


Mina winced as the noise echoed through the plaza, but took the chance to run over to Ochako, who was nearing collapse. She grabbed onto her, helping to prop her up. "Are you alright? Can you walk?"


Ochako nodded as she panted. "I'll be fine… but I think my quirk's used up. I'm all out." Mina helped Ochako to stand.


Midori also stood up, turning around with cold fury burning in his eyes. "Tsu. Mineta. Take Aizawa and get him to safety." The two students, who Mina hadn't even noticed yet, leapt into action at his command, not hesitating to run over and pick up their unconscious teacher and move quickly back toward the entrance, leaving the Mina, Ochako, Midori and the two villains alone in the central plaza.


The villains had simply watched the events before them unfold. The one Mina heard called Shigaraki seemed to be enjoying himself greatly as he chuckled maniacally. "You're getting more interesting by the second, kid…"


"The warp gate is ready, Tomura Shigaraki," Kurogiri said with finality. "There is no going back after this. Are you-"


"Yes!" Shigaraki interrupted him harshly. "Do it."


A swirling black and purple mass appeared next to the two villains, a huge metal chair falling from the gate and crashing onto the ground next to them. Sitting, strapped into the chair, was a giant of a man. Shigaraki reached over and grabbed the restraints holding the man down, the bonds simply disintegrating in his hand.


The man stood slowly, a cruel grin growing across his face, rooting all three students in place with the malice he exuded. As he moved his gaze upward, Mina finally got a good look at him. His head was covered in short white hair, flecked with bright red, while two massive, red horns twisted back along his skull, one with the tip broken off. He rose to his full height, dwarfing Shigaraki next to him in height and breadth.


His face was wrinkled, his sadistic smirk doing nothing to hide his age, but despite it all, he looked incredibly physically fit. He rotated his head, popping his neck as he seemed to enjoy the look of horror on the students' faces.


" Greetings , students of UA," he said slowly, his voice deep and intimidating. "My name is Genta Midoriya."


"Midoriya…?" Mina whispered softly as fear gripped her heart. She slowly turned slightly to her right, peering at Midori, whose eyes were wider than hers, his breathing getting deeper and faster.


"But you might know me better…" he smirked as smoke vented from his nostrils, "as Terrorflame."


Mina's heart stopped. A chill ran down her spine as her knees began to shake harder.


Ochako reached out, slowly grabbing Mina by the arm and pulling her closer, both women unable to run, nor move their eyes from the true supervillain before them.


To her right, Mina could hear Midoriya collapse to his knees, his pained breathing turning into grunts and groans. She dared to peek once again and saw the man clutching his head as if in the greatest pain he had ever experienced, tears falling slowly from his eyes, which she was sure would have been burning furiously bright if they weren't squeezed shut.


"I have come here to take revenge on the man who locked me in Tartarus for 25 years, " Terrorflame spat as he looked around. He turned back to the villains. "Where is he?"


"He is en route," Kurogiri explained.


Midori's groans became full-blown screams of pain as he buckled over, pressing his head to the ground in an attempt to dull the pain. Mina was crying again, panic overwhelming her. She looked back and forth between her friend and his relative, her heart falling deeper and deeper into the pit of despair in her stomach.


"Midori!" she cried out, her voice cracking with fright. "We need you! Stop resisting!"


His screams redoubled, anguish echoing through the plaza. "I'M… NOT!"


Terrorflame turned back to the students, a look of bemusement on his face. "Very well, I suppose I will simply have to entertain myself while I wait."


His cruel grin returned as he bared his fangs. Unlike Midori, these fangs only caused her heart to clench with fear. His red eyes began to glow, resembling pools of liquid magma as his horns twisted larger on his head. "It's been so long since I've been able to stretch my wings, as they say. It feels good to be able to breathe again."


He inhaled deeply, his eyes filled with nothing but malice and arrogance. With a low roar, he opened his mouth wide as a torrent of flame poured forth.


Straight towards Ochako and Mina.


Even if their legs were working, the absolutely massive wall of fire rushing towards them would have offered them no chance at escape. The heat was so intense that Mina could feel her face and hair beginning to dry and singe as soon as the flames escaped his throat. Time slowed down as the rushing death closed in, the fountain instantaneously evaporating and the concrete cracking as the fire rushed past.


Mina was told that your life flashed before your eyes before you died, but she only saw the bright light of Terrorflame's attack as it closed in.


The deafening roar of searing flames and charring flesh filled the USJ.