Chereads / Fanfiction I am reading / Chapter 1130 - 21

Chapter 1130 - 21

Chapter 21: Family Reunion Summary:



Thanks to Epsilon110 and Mattybeach for being my betas again!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Ochako squeezed her eyes shut, but the light coming from the flames still shone through, nearly blinding her.


Then everything went dark.


She heard the flames rush around her, the heat causing her to sweat intensely, but she felt no pain. Ochako had heard that severe burns were sometimes painless because they destroyed your nerve endings, but… no, she didn't feel nothing . She could still feel Mina's arms wrapped around her waist and her own arms holding her friend close. She could still feel the pain in her right leg and the throbbing from the cut on her arm. She could feel the sweat pouring down her brow, mixing with the tears dripping from her face.


As the sound of flames faded, Ochako dared to peek. She slowly opened one of her eyelids, but what she saw made both of her eyes fly wide and her jaw to drop.


Towering in front of her was a massive creature covered in beautiful green scales. Even at her impressive height, she didn't even rise to the shoulder of its massive arm. A curved black spike, as dark as its terrible claws and easily over six inches long, stuck out of the creature's elbow. Its legs were longer, digitigrade and bulging with powerful muscle as they dug into the concrete at her feet.


The body of the beast was covered in massive, interlocking plates running down its neck and back, while it's underside was protected by lighter green armor. A great green ridge accented by long, dark spikes ran down its head to the tip of its tail, which had coiled loosely around the two women. Above her, covering Mina and Ochako and shielding them from the light was a massive, dappled wing.


Ochako recognized those wings. She recognized those arms. She recognized him.




Deku was colossal, easily over thirty feet from tail to tip. His arm was larger than her entire body and his hand could easily have palmed her head like a baseball. His heavy breathing sent deep vibrations through her body, further impressing just how large the predator in front of her was. The sheer power he exuded should have terrified her, intimidated her, cowed her, but instead, she only felt… safe. All of this was for her and Mina, protecting them from certain death. She felt a swell of hope in her heart, dispelling the dark despair that had gripped it.


Next to her, Mina was also slack-jawed, staring dumbly at the massive dragon in front of them. Her face was turning slowly up into a smile, tears of relief beginning to form in her eyes. "He… he saved us." Mina gripped Ochako's waist harder, pulling them closer together.


Deku inhaled and reared back, throwing his head high as he unleashed a thunderous, primal roar. The women squeezed their eyes together and braced themselves as the ground underneath their feet shook with such intensity that they would have fallen over if they weren't being held up by Deku's tail. The trees nearby trembled and waves were kicked up in the nearby water as the ear-splitting battle cry echoed throughout the USJ. As the sound faded, Deku slowly lowered his head back down; Ochako wished she could have seen the look on his face, even if he didn't look like Deku anymore.


"What's this ?" Terrorflame sounded surprised, as well as impressed, but certainly not intimidated. Ochako could hear the smirk on his face. Deku widened his stance slightly, a fearsome growl rumbling out of his throat. His long, muscular tail coiled tighter around Ochako and Mina's feet, wrapping itself up and around their bodies, comforting but not crushing them.


Deku finally spoke, his voice octaves deeper and more monstrous than anything she had ever heard before.


"They… are mine. They are all mine. You will not. Touch. Them ."


Ochako could barely tell that the voice was Deku's. It sounded so foreign, so terrifying, so … alien, but it was definitely his.


Mina's expression devolved back to fear. "We need to get out of here. Those villains are still there, but you heard what that Kurogiri guy said, right? The pros are coming! Midori's giving us a chance, come on!" She grabbed Ochako's arm and pulled it over her shoulder, giving the limping woman some support.


Ochako tore her eyes from Deku, who seemed to have heard them, his tail uncoiling around them. She missed the feeling of warmth and safety, but Mina was right. Ochako gulped, then nodded, the two of them moving as quickly as they could while keeping Deku between them and the villains.


"What are the chances ?!" Terrorflame sounded almost delighted , completely unphased by Deku's transformation. "Another Midoriya in this class of students, and one with a full transformation at that! Quite impressive for someone so young, but what's this?"


The two girls made it to the trees on the edge of the complex, but Ochako's ankle was screaming, causing her to stumble. Mina pulled her behind the blackened, incinerated wood and let her sit down, leaning her up against the charred tree.


"Green? Chromatic ?"


Ochako and Mina both froze, slowly turning towards each other, eyes wide with fear.


Terrorflame began to chuckle, but soon the plaza boomed with boisterous laughter. "And you're trying to be a hero?! Don't you know what you are, boy?! You're a villain! It's in your blood! IT IS YOUR BLOOD!"


Deku snarled, turning himself to face Terrorflame properly. The villain huffed, blowing a cloud of smoke from the corner of his mouth. "Who are you?" The white-haired man inhaled deeply through his nose, smelling the air. "You smell like Hisashi, but no… you're his son, aren't you?"


Terrorflame's laughter renewed in earnest. "What a delightful twist of fate! I take his father from him and his own child is chromatic. He must hate you."


"You don't know anything ," Deku growled, his rage shaking the ground slightly.


The villain's laughter abruptly ended. "It's true that I've been isolated for longer than you've been alive, child, but you would do well to respect your betters. I know a great deal more than you think." His voice had suddenly lost its mocking derision, instead dripping with malice. "Are you telling me that he willingly let a chromatic try to become a hero? What a joke ."


Ochako burned with anger and indignation. Who did this guy think he was? Deku was going to become a hero and nobody could say otherwise. She shifted her foot, trying to pull herself up, but Mina held her down.


"What are you doing? " she hissed.


"I can't let Deku fight this guy on his own."


Mina looked like she wanted to slap her. "Are you kidding me?! You're hurt, exhausted and functionally quirkless right now. Midori isn't standing up to that monster so you can hobble back and get yourself killed!"




"No buts! You are staying here until we can get moving again." Mina poked her chest with a finger. "I will not hesitate to knock you out and drag you away if you try to go back." She reached down to pull the shattered remnants of her boot from her right leg.


Shigaraki produced another vial from his hip, holding it out to Terrorflame. "Here."




"What?!" Shigaraki looked up at the man as he flew into a rage.


Terrorflame didn't break eye contact with Deku, completely unphased with Shigaraki's tantrum. "I will not sully myself with such a crutch against this wyrmling." Shigaraki began to furiously scratch his neck again, but before he could argue, both him and Kurogiri vanished into a warp gate, reappearing on the far side of the plaza.


Then, the man ceased to be. With a speed that Ochako had only seen when watching Stormclaw or Ryukyu, Terrorflame exploded into a huge red dragon, even larger than Deku. He took a menacing step forward as he rose to his full height, smoke billowing from his nostrils as he grinned, showing his fangs.


Compared to Deku's curved jaw, Terrorflame's was stouter and straighter, while the villain's horns were much more pronounced, extending past his head. His shoulders were maybe a foot taller than Deku's but she immediately noticed the difference in their builds. Terrorflame was much more the traditional image of a dragon, the one you would find in an old picture book or in a video game, his body well-proportioned and burgeoning with muscle and scales.


On the other hand, compared to Terrorflame, Deku was much lankier. His arms and legs were longer in proportion to his body, and his neck was much longer as well. He almost looked serpentine as he held his curved, spiked jaw low to the ground.


The two beasts, each over thirty feet long, began to pace slowly in a circle around each other. Ochako noticed Terrorflame's body was covered in scars and old battle wounds, his pristine armor disfigured and gnarled, but no less effective. Deku's scales were unblemished and beauti-


They weren't.


Ochako gasped and cupped a hand over her mouth as Deku paced to the right, exposing his right shoulder to the women. The scales above and around his right arm were burnt and flaking, charred black from Terrorflame's fire breath. The green dragon was keeping his right side turned away from the red dragon, keeping his wound out of reach.


"Come, great-nephew. Show me you have the fangs to back up that roar."


The two dragons surged forward.




Momo finished creating a new uniform for herself as Kyouka dusted herself off while Kaminari was wandering around like an idiot after electrocuting the villains that had been attacking them; apparently his quirk had some nasty drawbacks when he went overboard. Kyouka was admiring her handiwork when a giant pillar of flame erupted from the central plaza.


The two still with their wits turned and stared as the blazing torrent rushed through the center of the USJ, dissipating after blasting at least a hundred feet forward. Momo clapped her hand over her mouth in horror, "w-who could have…"


As the fire cleared, her eyes widened in horror. Standing directly in the path, and somehow still standing, was a gigantic green dragon. The beast reared back and unleashed a deafening roar that caused Kyouka to clap her hands over her ears, despite the great distance between them.


"H-holy crap! " Kyouka cried out as the roar faded. "Is that Midoriya?"


"I...I think it is," Momo mumbled as the blood drained from her face. Before she could contemplate the terrifying transformation, a second dragon seemingly appeared from nowhere, standing opposite of her classmate.


Momo's breath caught in her throat as her stomach twisted into knots.


She recognized that dragon.


"T-Terrorflame!" Her voice cracked as she took a step back instinctively.


Kyouka mirrored the motion. "The supervillain ? I thought All Might defeated him way before we were born! What's he doing here?!"


Momo clutched her chest as she watched the two dragons pace around each other, their wings twitching as their footsteps shook the ground. Next to Terrorflame, Momo couldn't help but think Midoriya looked valiant… almost heroic, facing against the battle hardened, bigger dragon.




'I'm sorry…'


"Getting stopped by Midoriya."



"You really don't know how outclassed you are," Shouto said flatly as he stared down the frozen villain in front of him. "What are a bunch of lowlifes going to do against someone with three quirks?"


"T-t-three?" the thug chattered out through the ice.


"You've seen my ice, but I also have my fire." Shouto let a small gout of fire rise from his left hand; a small sacrifice to make for the sake of intimidation. "But I'm also telekinetic."


The villain grunted as he was punched across the face by apparently nothing. He sputtered and spat out a bit of blood as he stared back up at Shouto with pure fear in his eyes.


"Fortunately for you, I want to be a hero; I don't want to cause undue pain or death." Shouto heard another thug creeping up behind him, but he also felt Hagakure touch his arm as she brushed past him, moving to intercept. He kept his right foot in position to throw up an ice wall to protect himself in case she failed, but he didn't take his eyes off of the villain in front of him.


The man behind him lunged forward, only to be thrown back by a kick from nowhere, gasping as the wind was knocked out of him as he was tossed to the ground. Before he could stand back up, another kick to the gut and a blow across his face knocked him out cold.


The frozen villain's eyes were somehow even wider than they were before, and quickly darted back and forth between the unconscious thug and Shouto. "Do you see? I don't even have to look to defeat you. Your position is hopeless." Shouto narrowed his eyes. "Your lives will be spared, but only if you tell me how you plan to kill All Mi-"


His question was interrupted by a sound all too familiar to him: the roar of rushing flames. He finally broke his gaze from his prisoner and stared at the source. His own eyes widened as he saw a green dragon standing in the central plaza as the flames faded.


A second, towering dragon grew in front of his classmate, red as blood and covered in scars. Todoroki recognized the supervillain from all the studying he had done under his private tutors.


His mouth fell open as his earlier question was answered.





The dragons tore great chunks out of the concrete floor with every step they took as they rushed towards the other. Terrorflame swung at Midori with his right hand, his red claws glinting in the light as they cut through the air. With a heavy impact that Mina could feel , despite being at least a hundred feet away, Midori turned his body into the blow and blocked with his right.


Midori's long tail came around with him, striking Terrorflame on his left and grinding the villain back several yards, concrete debris flying into the air all around them. The green dragon's head lunged forward, deadly fangs bared as his maw opened wide. The villain brought his own skull down and a sharp, echoing crack rang out as his twisted horns impacted with Midori's flared ridges, the latter being driven into the earth.


Mina gasped at her friend's pained grunt as the ground shattered underneath his skull. Terrorflame rose his right arm up again and brought it down right on Midori's head, but before he could connect, a great dust storm was kicked up as his great-nephew's wings beat once, launching the younger man backward.


"You fight like an amateur. Has this pathetic institution gone even further downhill since my imprisonment?" Terrorflame sneered, his booming voice carrying across the entire complex.


The green dragon shook his head as he rose back to his fighting stance, his eyes refocusing on the posturing villain. Mina noticed the familiar, intelligent look in Midori's green eyes, even if they were massive, draconic and furious. She doubted he would make the same mistake twice.


Midori cautiously stalked forward, his head low to the ground and his wings poised at the ready. Terrorflame beat his own wings, launching himself toward the green dragon with deadly intensity. He swung his claws once again, but this time, Midori was ready.


The student's wings beat hard, jerking him back onto his hind legs and letting the villain crash down in front of him. Mina watched the massive muscle fibers of Midori's legs flex and push, stopping his backward momentum and launching her friend forward, fangs bared and claws extended towards the exposed villain.


Terrorflame's years of experience would not let such a tactic work so easily. Planting his right claw, he ducked down slightly and drove his left arm upward with a closed fist. As Midori's attack sailed high, his fist struck the younger man in the chest, launching him upwards and careening above the villain.


Like a cat, Midori twisted himself in the air and with a beat of his wings, he landed on his feet. The man took a few deep breaths, recovering the air that Terrorflame had knocked out of him. With his second attack repelled as easily as the first, Midori set to prowling again, plotting and strategizing.


Mina felt herself tearing up again, and a quick glance at Ochako showed that she was, too. The incredible power on display from both combatants was driving her fight-or-flight instincts crazy, but she kept her feet firm, standing guard over her friend. 'All that strength, all this intensity… Midori isn't just fighting for me, or Ochako…'


She thought back to what her classmate had said when he first transformed. His declaration of ownership had sounded strange, but Mina knew what it meant. Midori had placed his protection on the entire class, he had claimed all of them.


He was working with his quirk.


'He's fighting for all of us.'



Bakugou's eyes were wide and his mouth had fallen open as he stuttered and sputtered for words. Eiko saw the look of absolute terror on her friend's face, but she didn't quite understand it. "Midoriya really his his father's son, huh?"


"H-he shouldn't…" Bakugou managed to choke out.


"Shouldn't what? Look at him fight that big villain!" She pumped her fists up and down in excitement. "That's so manly!"


Another great clash from the two dragons shook some of the rubble around them loose, kicking up dust and snapping Bakugou out of his petrified state. Eiko felt herself grabbed by the shirt and shoved backward; she instinctually hardened her back as she was slammed into a wall behind her.


Bakugou was glaring into her eyes, only a few inches from her face. His expression was a mixture of rage, fear and determination. "You don't get it! He shouldn't be doing this! He shouldn't be able to do this!"


Eiko was cowed slightly under his furious snarl. "W-what do you mean? His dad does it all the ti-"


"Uncle Hisashi and Ryuko weren't even going to try and teach him this until our third year!" Bakugou shouted in her face. "You have a transformation quirk, you shouldn't be this dumb! Think about how much strain something like that puts on his body!"


The woman's eyes widened slightly. "So you're saying-"


"His body can't handle this!" Bakugou's hands were trembling as they clutched her shirt. "He shouldn't be able to do this, but he somehow did it anyway! Stupid, stupid, stubborn bastard!" Bakugou shouted into the sky as he let Eiko go. "A full transformation is way too much for him!"


Bakugou began to run off in the direction of the battle, Eiko shaking herself out of her stupor and immediately following him. "What's gonna happen, Bakugou?" She couldn't stand the idea of anything happening to her horn brother.


"Stormclaw warned us about this. If he doesn't stop…" Bakugou's rage seemed to have broken, replaced with cold determination.


"He's going to die."


Deku was breathing hard as he was rebuffed once again, landing on all fours and kicking up the concrete rubble, which was all that was left of most of the floor of the central plaza. Ochako's emotions were riding so high that tears were leaking from her face and her heart pounded like a drum against her ribcage. Deku was standing up against the biggest supervillain Japan had seen in at least a century; he was the only thing between them and fiery death.


Ochako adored the look of brilliance in Deku's eyes that was burning through even in his transformed state. She could tell he was strategizing; none of his attacks so far had been the same. He was keeping the villain off balance, not knowing what to expect next.


Sure enough, Deku took her by surprise. With a mighty beat of his wings, he surged into the sky, soaring above the other dragon.


Terrorflame was less surprised, and even seemed excited. "Yes! Think like a dragon, child!" He beat his own wings and chased Deku into the air.


Deku had a height advantage from his head start and kept climbing higher until he was nearly at the roof of the giant domed structure. He flipped himself around with a flap of his wings and began to dive towards the earth, straight towards Terrorflame.


Perhaps Deku was expecting Terrorflame to be slower, as he seemed slightly surprised that the villain was as close as he was. He couldn't gain the speed she guessed he wanted before he crashed into the red dragon, but the impact still sent a shockwave that blew her hair away from her face and shook the burnt trees around her.


With the two dragons locked in a ferocious grapple, there was no way that either of their wings could keep them aloft. They tumbled toward the ground in a death spiral, quickly reaching terrifying speeds. Ochako strained to make out what was happening, but struggled to see anything concrete.


What was clear was that Deku was using his longer limbs and neck to his advantage. Terrorflame clearly had the upper hand in experience and raw strength, but Deku seemed to be more clever and quick-witted. He used his reach to keep Terrorflame at bay, letting him strike with less fear of retaliation. Deku used his right arm to reach past the villain and grab onto his wing, effectively negating any maneuverability the red dragon had in the air.


The two dragons approached the ground rapidly, and Deku used his superior position to flip Terrorflame beneath him, aiming to crush the villain against the ground. Ochako dared to let her heart fill with hope as the draconic meteor rushed towards impact.


"Clever, but futile."


Ochako was reminded just how strong Terrorflame was as he broke free of Deku's grasp and kicked away from him, flipping over in mid air and beating his wings with enough force to obscure Ochako's vision with dust and debris.


With her line of sight blocked, she had to rely on sound. She heard two heavy impacts as the dragons hit the ground, Mina stumbling and falling down next to her as some of the lights that lined the complex shattered from the shockwave.


A rush of wind and the cracking of concrete betrayed the surge of motion in the cloud of dust. She heard the sickening sound of piercing flesh and a deafening, primal roar that caused the two women to shriek and cover their ears.


Ochako's heart clenched with terror. 'Was that Deku?! Did Terrorflame get 'im?!'


She strained her eyes as the dust cleared, desperate to see what had happened. Her mouth fell open and tears began to fall slowly as she saw the dragons seemingly frozen.


Terrorflame was twitching slightly, his neck raised up and his jaw open as smoke poured out. Underneath him, Deku was low to the ground, his longer neck bent upwards and his curved jaw turned to the side with his fangs buried deep in the villain's neck. Terrorflame's ruby blood dripped to the ground, accompanied by another strange green liquid.


Ochako nearly cried out for joy as hope surged inside her once more.


'He- He's doin' it...'



Pony, on the other hand, did cry out in joy. She jumped in the air and pumped her fist, cheering at the top of her lungs. "Get him, Izuku!" She had completely forgone Japanese, leaving the other students mostly unaware of what she was saying.


"Did you see him flying through the air! It was like something out of an old action movie!" Pony popped two of her horns off and mimicked the dragon's mid-air struggle by flying and spinning them around her.


"And that part where he blocked the fire! Oh, and that dodge he did!" Pony was full-on fangirling over her friend's success.


"Tsunotori, you might wanna calm down," Satou warned her, "this doesn't look like it's over yet."


"Don't dull her sparkle," Aoyama chimed. He was smirking, admiring Pony's spirit.


Pony grinned at Aoyama's encouragement, turning back to the plaza to keep watching Izuku sa-


She stopped. Her horns floating around her fell to the ground.





Ochako's leaping heart suddenly plummeted back into the pit of her stomach.


Terrorflame wasn't shaking with pain.


He was shaking with rage.


"You… how dare you…" Terrorflame's eyes were burning bright, hot red; they truly looked like erupting volcanoes. "I was allowing you to serve as my entertainment until All Might arrived… but I see that you are tired of living."


With a casual swipe of his right hand, Deku was tossed backwards. Terrorflame puffed a gout of fire from his nostrils and down his neck, his crimson blood igniting like gasoline and sealing the wound. "I was going to take you under my wing… Teach you the true power of our quirk… but you have proven yourself a nuisance. Witness the power you do not deserve!"


Terrorflame's eyes burst with light as his entire body bulged. When he had been comparable to Deku before, he quickly dwarfed the green dragon in every way. His horns twisted back further beyond his head while his claws lengthened and sharpened. Spikes grew from his elbows and around his jawline as his wings stretched larger and larger, a faint blue-black tone growing on their trailing edge.


Ochako had estimated Deku to be about seven feet tall at the shoulder, and easily 30 feet long; she had thought he was massive.

Terrorflame brought new meaning to the word.


He was at least fifteen feet at the shoulder; Ochako guessed that his head stood another fifteen feet above that, and from his nose to the tip of his tail, she was pretty sure at least two Dekus could fit along the length comfortably. His limbs bulged and rippled with powerful muscle, while his scales thickened along his body. Ochako's entire body would have fit inside his palm, and his jaw was so titanic, he could easily swallow both of the women whole in a single bite.


'He… he was just toyin' with us. Deku never stood a chance…"


She scooted back along the ground in a panic, her brain screaming at her to flee. Mina grabbed her by the shoulder and wrenched her up, surprising Ochako with her strength. The pinkette pulled Ochako onto her back and began to run as fast as she could, both of them looking back over their shoulders at Deku, who was pulling himself up.


Ochako noticed that he was shaking. The backhand from Terrorflame couldn't have hurt him that badly; he had taken much worse in the fight before and been fine. She was a little concerned with how easily she was reading the expressions of a gigantic lizard, but she could tell that he was pushing himself, struggling to stay in the fight.


The women froze in their tracks as Terrorflame unleashed a truly blood-curdling roar. The ground shook and the remaining lights in the USJ shattered. Ochako tumbled off Mina's back as they both fell down, clutching their ears. The roar made Deku's sound like a puppy trying to imitate its parents.


Terrorflame turned his fiery gaze back to the two women. "You will not escape my wrath again. His voice boomed across the entire complex, louder than ever before.


The monster opened his massive jaw wide, his vicious teeth glinting and dripping saliva. Ochako could see the tell-tale glow of flames once again begin to emerge from his throat.


And then, Deku happened.


Despite him having to fight to even stand, the green dragon surged forward, faster than even the villain could react.


Time was flowing in slow-motion. The flames sparked and surged, edging closer and closer to the end of his throat and towards the women. Before the dragon could take another shot at turning the women into charred husks, Deku beat his wings and kicked off with his legs as hard as he could.


A crater several feet deep was left behind as he sailed over into the air, the spiked horns on the top of his skull impacting Terrorflame's jaw with a bone-chilling crack .


The villain's head was shot skyward as the flames poured out like the engines on a space shuttle. Despite not being aimed at them, Ochako could feel the heat radiating from the attack, and the air around her began to rush like a hurricane as it rose.


The roof of the USJ stood no chance as the flames smashed into it and melted a gigantic hole in the dome, the flames shooting into the sky as they escaped the complex.


Molten glass and melted steel fell from the hole as Deku tumbled back to the ground, the ground splintering as he landed. Terrorflame's entire body shook with renewed rage as he slowly lowered his head back down.


He raised his deadly claw above Deku and crashed it down on top of the green dragon, pinning him down with a single hand.


"You… insolent… child!" Terrorflame roared with unrestrained fury, staring down at the pinned dragon. Deku's maw opened as he tried to breathe something out, only for Terrorflame to push his hand down harder, crushing Deku's chest down further into the destroyed floor, stopping his attempt. Ochako could hear the sickening sound of snapping bones even across the great distance between them. "You claimed these students? You called them yours? I will slaughter each and every one of them in front of you. I will tear your wings from your back and then devour you limb by limb. I will make every… single… moment… agony for you."


Ochako could hear Mina crying as her own tears fell harder. Deku's eyes glowed so weakly as he looked up at Terrorflame, but she could see the defiance and determination still burning within them, stronger than ever. Her soft tears turned into wet, choking sobs as the supervillain began to lower his jaw towards Deku.


"Missouri… SMASH!"

Terrorflame's head was driven into the ground with such a force that Ochako and Mina were physically thrown backwards a dozen feet from the wind pressure alone. Rocks and debris were catapulted into the sky, whirling around as if a tornado had appeared in the middle of the USJ.


All Might had leapt down from the hole Terrorflame had burned into the dome with such speed that Ochako only knew he had from the sound his movement generated. The number one hero stood tall between Deku and Terrorflame, his broad shoulders standing guard over the dragon-sized crater he had just dug into the floor of the plaza.


Ochako could only catch a glimpse of his face, but it told her everything.


He wasn't smiling.


Debris began to fall down all around the USJ, splashing into the waters of the Flood Zone and bouncing off the roof of the Conflagration Zone. He lowered himself into a combat stance, emanating pure power from his bulky frame. "Never fear, students…"


" I am here."


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