Chereads / Fanfiction I am reading / Chapter 360 - 22

Chapter 360 - 22

Chapter 22: twenty-one: eat the richSummary:

"Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see the shadow."

Helen Keller.


*shows up looking haggard and missing a sock* hey what's up guys it's been a while ahahaha…. ahaha… haha…

Happy 2021!

I do not own Naruto.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Becoming Hokage 101


Section Four


Chapter Twenty One



Fugaku's office is simple and organized, as one would expect. There are papers and scrolls neatly stacked on one side of his desk, one single brush and some ink on the other. He's a rather meticulous person, and it figures everything in his office would follow his style.

"Chiyuki-hime." He nods respectfully at me as a greeting, and I do the same. He gestures for me to sit on one of the two chairs in front of his desk, and I'm thankful for the gesture.

'I hope he doesn't have any appointments for the next little while. This might take a bit.'

"How can I help you?" The Uchiha patriarch doesn't seem to be swamped in work like the Hokage often is, but that might be because the KPF runs on a system of its own. Officers have a certain degree of freedom to decide the best course of action - with the help of established guidelines, of course - so it makes paperwork a lot less taxing for the commander. If people don't need to go to you for every single detail, then things would work a little more smoothly.

'I might adopt something like this in the future.'

"I have a scroll from Shikaku-sama." I say while showing him the scroll and putting it on his desk. The shinobi in front of me raises an eyebrow but says nothing, instead opting to open it and skim through its contents.

'Okay, so now he has at least the inkling that Shikaku and I have some sort of mentor-student relationship going on. Time for the next step.'

"I appreciate it. Can I do anything else for you?"

The scroll itself didn't have much of anything, honestly. It was a simple report about something or another that any genin could have delivered, or so Shikaku told me. It was just something to get Fugaku to associate myself with the Jounin Commander, and it looks like it worked.

"Yes, actually." I briefly look around his office, wondering if he has any sound-proofing seals, and his whole demeanor changes. He sits just a tad straighter in his chair and swiftly activates the seals with a flick of his wrist.

Dark eyes focus on me and they remind me of the two children I met minutes ago.

"Sir, before I say anything, I'd like you to keep in mind that this is all based on my assumptions. I have no concrete proof to say anything for sure."

The truth, but not the entire truth; that's my go-to strategy whenever I have to talk about things that I'm not supposed to know - except, of course, if it involves Shikaku, because that man can probably see through my soul.

"I understand." Fugaku says gravely, and I let out a breath. Even though the reasons why I'm doing this and my objectives are clearer than ever, talking to high-ranking people about these things always makes me nervous.

"For a few months now, I've noticed something off in the orphanage." I begin, and when he makes no motion to make a comment or change his facial expression, I barrel on. "It doesn't really follow a pattern and it is in no way consistent, but every once in a while I'll see people coming and going from there, and judging by their expressions and lack of children by their side, I've concluded they're not there to adopt anyone."

I pause to collect my thoughts, wondering if the police captain has moved at all since he activated the sound-proofing seals. "Normally, this sort of thing wouldn't really make me suspicious of anything, but a few weeks ago I was organizing some papers at Archives, as I've been helping the Hokage's secretary since I was younger. I didn't have the chance to look at them very thoroughly, but I glanced at the orphan reports and the children currently living in the orphanage… and the numbers don't match."

Another pause to calm my mind down and take a deep breath. "It might be a case of misplaced papers, but somehow I don't think that's it. I don't know where the rest of the children are or if anything at all happened to them, but I have a bad feeling about this entire situation."

I exhale, and the office drowns in silence. I don't dare move my eyes from Fugaku's gaze because trust is one of the most important pieces here. I took care in wording my half-truths, because skilled ninja like him know the difference between the truth and a lie. Honestly, though? I haven't lied to him once. Maybe I know more than I let on, and maybe he's realized this, but never once have I told a lie.

Lying and cheating my way to the top feels… wrong. Half-assed. As if I'm not capable of becoming Hokage if I don't use every single dirty trick I got. As if I'm unable to do it if I'm honest and hard working. It leaves an acrid and putrid taste in my mouth, like I'm chewing on something spoiled. I'm unable to swallow it because it feels wrongwrongwrong-

"I see. I'll take a look at it." Fugaku's voice snaps me out of my thoughts, and there is a determined set to his jaw that wasn't there before. Even though he's still sitting down, his presence gives off the feeling of a large mountain, strong and unmovable. It's the same feeling I get from Shikaku, and I pray to whatever deity or god that is out there for him to be as reliable as I hope he is.

"Thank you, sir." I don't bother hiding my relief and slump slightly in the chair, feeling drained.

"How long has this been on your mind, child?" The Uchiha patriarch surprises me with his unexpected question, and it catches me so off guard that my eyes widen comically.

"I- uhm." I swallow, trying to sit up straighter in my chair. "A few months."

'Mayday, mayday! This wasn't part of the plan. Should I leave right now?'

The man says nothing as he silently gets up from his chair and goes to a small side table to his left, grabbing a cup and pouring some tea in it. The delicious smell of the toasted rice grains mixed with the high quality tea leaves immediately assault my nose and make me relax slightly. He offers me the steaming cup wordlessly, and I take it with a small thank you.

Fugaku sits back down with a cup of his own, and for a few moments we sit there, drinking tea in silence.

"I'm sorry this has been a burden you've had to carry for so long. Thank you for trusting me with it." The captain surprises me yet again and I very nearly choke on my tea.

'Is this really happening? Is this actually Uchiha Fugaku? What's going on?'

When I look back into his eyes, there's a weight in them I've seen way too many times on my father's own eyes. It's an odd and unbalanced mix of guilt, exhaustion, and shame, but soon after they shine with determination and the will to make things right.

'I wonder who said that Uchiha aren't expressive.'

"I've seen you take every single case seriously, sir, no matter if it was big or small, shinobi or civilian related. Thank you for listening to me, and believing me."

He'd called me a child, but not in the patronizing sense. It's likely he's blaming himself for letting someone as young as I am to think about things that I honestly should not and the thought warms my heart. It gives me wings and it makes me wanna fly.

It makes me wanna protect and guard, watch over as this village flourishes and grows without the burden of its rotten roots.

I take a look at Fugaku again, his gaze steady and strong.

'And I think I'm finding more and more people who'd help me with it.'



For a little while, the days blend together in a peaceful sort of way. Routine is a good thing, in that sense. It means things can get a little tedious and repetitive after a few days, but being a ninja also means appreciating the little breaks you can catch in-between the chaos.

"So, what do y'all wanna do now? It's been a while since we had an afternoon off." Genma, as a 14 year old, is just a bit on the lanky side, still in that awkward phase where your limbs are just a tad too long for your height.

"For the sake of our youthful friendship, I say we train-!" Gai, on the other hand, is still as nimble and agile as ever, and not having to constantly adjust your training as you grow on uneven proportions is something he doesn't have to worry about for a while still.

"Gai, please. We just got off training."

"I'm with Genma on this one, Gai. Resting is also important, you know." I finally say my piece, making both of them turn to look at me. Walking in the middle of the two, it easily shows I'm the runt of the team, being slightly short for a nine year old.

'Well, I don't actually mind it too much. It was a bit of a given since neither of my parents are tall.' I silently muse as the ten year old next to me hums in contemplation.

"You raise a fair point, my youthful teammates. Very well! If I fail to rest, then I shall run 500 laps around Konoha!"

"I don't think that's quite how it works, buddy." Genma deadpans, and I can see the imaginary sweatdrop on his forehead. I let out a giggle, warm and content just like this.

It isn't bound to last long.

"Hey, what's that commotion over there?" I ask, more out of curiosity than anything. We're nearing the merchant district and there's a crowd of civilians in front of a bakery. The owner is red in the face, yelling about something or another, as his gaze is fixed on the ground.

'Wait, something's not quite right…'

"...and don't you dare show up in my shop ever again, or I'm calling the police!"

As we near the commotion, we're able to see a young girl, no older than six, wearing dirty and old scraps. She looks way too thin, like a gust of wind might blow her away anytime.

Before I can do anything, Genma is already stepping up to the crowd, shaking in rage.

"What's going on here?" His voice takes an authoritative tone, and the people quickly make way for us. Even if we weren't dirty and batted from training, civilians instinctively know who's a ninja and who's not with a single glance.

Gai stands next to him, crossing his arms with a frown on his face. I remain in the back, not willing to intervene just now. My gaze falls to where the little girl is, kneeling on the ground with a few crumbled ryo in her shaking hands.

The owner of the shop takes one look at the boys and scoffs, accepting they're shinobi but not willing to respect them for it.

"It's nothing you need to concern yourself with, shinobi-san." He says with a sneer, glancing back at the girl in front of him as if she were a rat. "I was just keeping my shop clean."

The middle-aged man looks like he might drag the girl out of here by force, and that's when I decide to step in.

'I'd meant to let the boys handle this but…'

I walk up to the shop owner and the little girl silently, glancing at him and the crowd before kneeling down in front of her. A murmur immediately goes up, and not for the first time I curse my lineage.

"Hello there. Can you stand up?" I offer her a hand, not bothering to acknowledge the other civilians just yet. Her hair is short and matted, and it looks like it could be a light brown color underneath the grime. She slowly raises her face to look at me, lovely dark blue eyes peeking up at me from long eyelashes.

"Hey, isn't that…"

"No way."

"Why would she be all the way here?"


A woman's voice shakingly calls out to me, but I pay it no mind. The girl hesitatingly takes my hand and we both stand up from the ground, but she won't look me in the eyes.

"Hime." The owner of the bakery says much too sweetly, sweat dripping all over his face.

"I'm not the one you were talking to." I reply, keeping my attention on the shaking girl in front of me.

"That's right. You didn't answer my question properly." Genma, who'd been quiet up till now, says it in a haughty tone. Taking my cue as it is, everyone present now understands I'm backing the boys up, and if that's what it takes for them to be taken seriously, I'll gladly throw my name around as much as I want.

"Chiyu- shinobi-san, please understand I'm just a humble man trying to run my business…"

His tone changes completely, and it utterly disgusts me. Something acid fills my mouth, but I try my best to keep my face gentle for the sake of the little girl that still clutches the crumbled money in her hands.

'It might be stolen money, or it might not. Either way, it's absolutely no way to treat a child like this.'

"Does that include harassing innocent people?" My oldest teammate fires back, venom in his voice. Gai remains a silent presence next to him, ominous and just as enraged.

"I-I never-"

"Please, we saw the whole thing. Spare yourself."

More murmurs go up in the crowd, and I decide it's time to take the poor thing away from this place.

"What were you trying to buy?" I ask her softly, not quite touching her but still covering her from potential dirty looks. She clamps her mouth shut, and I continue just as softly. "Some sandwiches? Maybe just plain bread?"

She continues to say nothing, and I feel like all she wants to do is get out of here and never come back.

"Hey." I turn to look at my teammates. "How much food should we get?"

"How about a little bit of everything?" The 14 year old says after humming in contemplation for a few moments, looking down on the owner. Gai, uncharacteristically quiet, merely nods in confirmation.

'Well, that's something for later.'

"W-well, certainly, right away." As the man flounders to go get all the food, I finally address him for the first time in this mess.

"How much is it?" He hesitates and glances briefly at the ryo in the girl's hands, then at me.

"Since it's for you, Hime-"

"Oh, no." I cut him off, shaking my head. "It's not for me. It's for her. Do send the bill to the Hokage's Tower. I won't accept any discounts either."

If there was any doubt in the crowd, it's been properly squashed. The money will be used on those who need it the most, one way or another.

'Eat the rich and all that, right?'

The middle-aged man looks like he might say something, but then Gai's clearing his throat and he shuts his mouth.

Ten minutes later, the four of us walk away from the scene, bags upon bags of baked goods in everyone's arms. I don't know exactly how much it all cost, but it must've been at least a few hundred ryo. The boys had widened their eyes after seeing it, but I didn't even bother.

We aren't swimming in money, per se, but I do live a very comfortable life, ninja business aside. I eat at least four meals a day with snacks in-between, I sleep in my own room in a comfortable bed, I live in a well-kept house, and I get to wear high-quality clothing all the time. The Sarutobi clan might not be the wealthiest, but we are rich, which just brings forth another wave of acid in my mouth.

'Eat the rich, definitely.'

The scenery slowly changes as the little girl guides us silently to where she lives. I easily recognize the nice buildings of the Red Lights District, but that too turns into old, half-destroyed houses. There are people leaning on the walls and sitting on the ground, but no one is talking. Some are smoking, some are drinking, but most are glaring at us as we walk deeper into the slums.

There's a putrid smell in the air. It's a mix of urine, trash and mud that makes me wanna gag reflexively, but I'm wearing a mask, and it will not crumble. Not here, when every glare feels like a needle on my skin.

(It's nothing like the previous Mask, no. That one got shattered for good, and I can't - won't - put it back together. This is a political mask.)

If I show any signs of weakness here, people will pounce on it like starved hyenas. Although I'm not quite the apex predator yet, I will be.


There are more eyes on me than I can see. I feel it in the way my skin itches and tingles, pins of a gaze so focused it might've made me shiver, were I younger.


Of course, it makes sense Danzo has people in every single crack in this village. Like rats, they hide and multiply silently, until you got yourself an infestation so terrible it'd be easier to just leave.

We finally arrive in front of an abandoned warehouse, the paint chipped off and only half a roof covering it. There are no windows, and a measly piece of cardboard is the shield between the inside and the street.

It's such a rundown place even most people in the slums wouldn't want it.

The girl looks back hesitantly at us, then at the 'door'. She manages to kick the wall weakly three times, and a boy's voice hollers from the inside.

"Who is it?!"

"I-it's Rika." I hear her speak for the first time, and although she's very quiet, it has a nice ring to it.

"What's the password?!" Rika glances at us again and makes a complicated face.

"Please just let me in, Yuta."

A few moments in silence pass. Then, a dirty hand carefully moves the cardboard piece aside just enough. One single pink eye instantly narrows when it sees Rika is not alone.

"Who are you?! What are shinobi doing here?!"

"Yuta, please. They helped me. Just- can we go inside?"

The three of us wait patiently, not daring to say anything or try to force our way in. It feels much too raw, too intricate to just barge in a situation like this, and although every single instinct in my body is telling me to drop the food bags and leave, I remain neutral.

'Looking too kindly at them might be interpreted as pity, and looking uninterested might be perceived as if we're looking down on them. For now, let's just remain calmly neutral.'

The boy - Yuta - spends a few more seconds appraising us, then opens the 'door' all the way.

"Drop the bags in a corner then leave." He growls, and the rage in his eyes reminds me of a cornered animal.

I nod nevertheless, and put the bags down carefully in the nearest corner. I feel even more eyes on me, but they aren't hostile, perhaps only cautious. Curious. I glance in the direction of the opposite corner and see two pairs of eyes quickly hide behind some wooden boxes.

"Great. Now leave." Yuta says aggressively, and I nod again. I can't see the boys' expression, and honestly? I'm not sure I want to.

Rika grabs onto the boy's sleeve (what is left of it) and gives him a pleading look. I watch in wonder as his pink eyes soften the slightest bit.

"Yuta, they helped me. The shop owner didn't let me in the store and they stood up for me. Chiyuki-hime bought all this food for us."

As she glances back shyly at me, I nod at the both of them. Yuta then flinches back, like someone just slapped him, and turns wide eyes to me.


I nod again, keeping a calm façade even though I'm screaming inside.

'Oh, no. He knows my name. He knows who I am. He-'

Yuta moves sharply, grabbing me by the scruff of my shirt. To my left, I feel Gai moving in closer, but I hold up my hand in a sign for him to stay down.

Even though the boy is skinny and lanky, I imagine he's either Genma's age or a few years younger. Black hair falls in front of his narrowed pink eyes and I see something more than rage; I see pain and suffering so deep I'd never be able to understand. I see anger, I see hurt, and I see vulnerability so raw it hurts.



Rika moves to try and pry him off, but she doesn't stand a chance against his rage-fueled adrenaline. Everyone knows I could easily subdue him and maybe even get to punish him, but I feel like I owe him this.

"While you live like a princess, the Hokage's precious daughter, we have to beg for scraps to even get by! Do you know how that feels?!"

It's a rhetorical question, but I find myself answering nonetheless.

"No." Yuta falters, clearly not expecting me to answer. Tears burn the back of my eyes and I close them briefly, the pain in my chest threatening to suffocate me. "No, I don't know how that feels."

Perhaps too shocked by my honest answer, he lets me go. I don't dare take my eyes off his.

"I'm sorry." I end up saying, and that brings about another fit of rage.

"Do you think-!"

This time, though, Genma steps in front of me just as Gai prepares to hold the boy back if necessary. It warms my heart, really, but it just makes the situation worse.

"Are you fucking with me?! You making a fool of me?! Huh?!" Yuta seems absolutely irate, shaking in fury and clenching his fists so tight his knuckles are white. Despite that, he refrains from lunging at me again, knowing me might not get away with it a second time.

"I'm not." I say, shaking my head and fighting back the tears. "I'm not, I swear I'm not. I'm really sorry."

Silence falls in the warehouse. Rika keeps looking uneasily between the two of us while the boys like ready to grab me and get out of here.

I hold Yuta's stare, hoping to convey my true feelings. Pain and sadness gnaw at my heart, and I feel the urge to clutch my clothed chest. The boy continues to glare daggers at me, clenching his jaw and barring his teeth.

'I know it's not really my fault. I know that. And yet…'

I close my eyes for a second and breathe out. It's time for a strategic retreat.

"I'll make it better." I speak clearly, the sound of my voice echoing loudly in the silence of the rundown building.

Yuta crosses his arms and scoffs, but makes no move to do anything else. Rika looks at me with something like wonder in her eyes, almost as if she's afraid to believe me.

"I'll become Hokage and I'll make it better. All of it." I continue, trying to get past the stutter in my chest. My hand reaches into the pocket of my pants and pulls out a dark blue handkerchief with my first name embroidered in it.

"Hold onto this for me, please. It was a gift from my eldest brother."

"What are you…?" The boy looks suspiciously at me, not making any movement to come and grab it. I put it down gently on the ground, the embroidery facing up.

"I'll become Hokage, and I'll turn Konoha into a place everyone is proud of." I'm angry and upset, but something else fuels me. I look at the two children in front of me, so distrustful of the world despite their youth, and the will to make things right lights my chest on fire.

"You can't save everyone." Yuta sneers, looking at me as if I were nothing but a naive child. Perhaps right now I am, but not for much longer.

'It's a promise.'

"Watch me."



Fugaku invites me to have dinner at his house a few weeks after that.

It's been long enough since The Slums Incident, as team Choza has been calling it, that people don't outright whisper amongst one another whenever they see me. If I didn't know any better, I'd believe it was almost forgotten.

It's also a day when I'm the only one home, both my brothers out on a mission and my parents swamped with work inside the office. It's a very well planned move, above all.

"Dear, are you sure you don't want to wear something nicer?" My aunt asks me for the third time today, side-eyeing my outfit.

I shake my head, adjusting my bangs on top of my head as per usual. "No, Aunt. I'm fine like this."

There's nothing wrong with the dark pink dress I'm wearing. It's high quality clothing, soft but durable. It allows for a good range of movement while also flattering my skin colour, preventing me from looking too pale.

My aunt sighs and drops the kimono on my bed, defeated.

'Sorry, aunt, but I'm not a doll the Hokage can show off as he pleases.'

With a light skip in my step, I'm off to the Uchiha compound. It's early evening, and the shops are just starting to light up the lanterns on the street, giving it a surreal look. It only helps to boost my mood.

Despite the whole slums fiasco, I've been feeling pretty good. The calm before the storm, probably, but it still makes me appreciate it.

The guards in front of the big gates are expecting me, and both men give me a respectful nod before leading me inside. Some people in the compound stop to greet me, while others nod from a distance, their gazes respectful but guarded.

'Are outsiders even welcome inside? Other people have visited before me, right? Right?'

Fugaku lives with his family in a big house right in the middle of the compound, easily accessible by all. It's made of dark wood that looks expensive just from a glance, and although it's different from Hashirama wood, I'll bet it's just as strong.

The guards flare their chakra once, nod at me, then leave. As soon as they're gone, a beautiful dark-haired woman slides the door open, giving me a small but kind smile.

"Welcome, Chiyuki-hime. My name is Mikoto. It's a pleasure to have you here."

"The pleasure is all mine, Uchiha-san. Thank you for having me." I bow lightly, showing respect to the Uchiha matriarch.

"Oh, no, none of that, dear. Call me Mikoto." Her smile widens the slightest bit and she welcomes me in, showing me to the sitting room.

Mikoto is much more like a princess than I am, in my opinion. Her beauty and elegance only add to the ever-present charming lethality kunoichi have, making it impossible to ignore her. She's someone who commands respect from the moment you see her, grace dripping from her every move.

"Of course, Mikoto-san. I brought some of my favorite green tea. I hope it's to your liking." I present the package to her and her eyes light up, a grateful expression on her youthful face.

"Thank you, Hime. I'm sure it is." She tilts her head in the direction of where I assume Fugaku's office to be, a twinkle in her eyes. "Dinner will be ready in a bit. Would you mind keeping my husband company until then?"

I grin at her, breathing a bit easier now that the pleasantries are out of the way. "Please leave it to me."

I call out to the Uchiha patriarch, entering his study with his permission. Just as I slide the door closed, I hear the front one open suddenly, a boy's joyful voice carrying in the house.

'Ah, that must be Shisui and Itachi.' I think, amused.

"Fugaku-taicho." I nod respectfully at him and he does the same, gesturing to the cushion in front of his desk.


"Yes, please."

It would be unthinkable for a subordinate to drink tea poured by a higher ranking officer, but Fugaku and I seem to have this strange camaraderie going on, something that goes beyond mutual respect but isn't quite friendship.

It reminds me of the way Shikaku and I interact.

After we both sip on our tea for a moment, Fugaku pins me down with his eyes, just as intense as if he had the sharingan activated.

"I investigated the matter you trusted me with."

'Already? It's barely been a month!'

I almost lean forward in my seat, eager to hear about it.

"Did you know ROOT was involved?" I nearly flinch, not expecting him to be so direct about it.

'This is it, Chiyuki. Make it or break it.'

"To some extent, yes." When he continues to keep quiet and look at me with a piercing gaze, I continue in the calmest way I can. "I suspected they were involved when no one had an explanation for the missing children. No one disappears without a trace like that, unless an A-class shinobi or above is involved. Shikaku-taicho handles the jounin, which leaves ANBU and ROOT. Either way, someone high up in the ranks is orchestrating this, especially seen as ROOT was supposed to have been disbanded at the end of the Second Shinobi War."

It's probably a good thing that Fugaku doesn't even ask how I know about ROOT. We're way past that point if he's uncovered what I think he has.

"You already have a suspect in mind." It's not a question, but I still feel the urge to nod.

"I do."

"Would that suspect happen to be Shimura Danzo?"

Involuntarily I widen my eyes, not quite believing my ears.

'There better be sound-proof seals in here, or else you and me both are going to prison on charges of treason.'

The man nods to himself, as if my reaction was the answer he'd been expecting.

"I found it hard to believe it myself, at first. Elder Shimura is someone loyal to the village, a war veteran with only Konoha's best interests in mind."

The way he says it makes my skin itch. This is the excuse Danzo had used to justify kidnapping children and turning them into mindless soldiers, but to hear it from Fugaku's mouth is almost like-

"How long were you and Shikaku planning on testing me?" This time I do flinch, averting my eyes before I can help it.

'Well, shit.'

