Chereads / Fanfiction I am reading / Chapter 361 - 23

Chapter 361 - 23

Chapter 23: twenty-two: lullaby of woeSummary:

"Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds."

Albert Einstein.


Two updates in a month? Don't ask me, Idk what's going on either. *throws a 10k chapter at the crowd and disappears like Tuxedo Mask from Sailor Moon*

I do not own Naruto.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Becoming Hokage 101


Section Four


Chapter Twenty Two


Back when I first met Uchiha Fugaku, I'd gotten the impression that he was a stern and intimidating person, but I never felt scared. Some genin are terrified of him, claiming that he's a fire dragon who shows no mercy to those he disapproves of.

I'd never felt there was any truth to those baseless rumours, until now.

The chief of the police looks at me with a face that betrays nothing, and I feel like a mouse that's been caught by a big cat. He makes no other moves and his posture is oddly relaxed, but I have no doubt he'd be able to end me in a second if he wanted to.

I grit my teeth, forcing my brain to work through all the possibilities as fast as it possibly can before a thought suddenly strikes me.

'You know what, screw thinking carefully. If Naruto managed to win over the shinobi world with his pure-hearted beliefs and brash personality, then why not take a page out of his book?'

"It was my idea in the first place to have you in the investigation, you know." I say, somewhat petulant. It surprises Fugaku enough to make him raise an eyebrow.


"At first, it was only going to be the both of us - me and Shikaku-taicho. But then I saw how serious and reliable you were both with civilians and shinobi alike so I suggested it to him. Of course, we can't trust anyone just like that."

The Uchiha patriarch mutters an 'of course' and nods, and I get the feeling he's indulging me.

"And so we came up with this plan. We knew you'd uncover a lot of things from your end and come to either of us to cross-match information."

"The both of you did?"

'Damn you for being so perceptive, Fugaku. Damn you to hell.' I allow a sour look to overcome my expression.

"Fine, did. But Shikaku is a part of this, too."

My own voice sounds as sour as a lemon even to my ears, and I can't help but think that maybe I'm being too much of a brat.

"Of course." The man says and nods again, looking for all intents and purposes that he's completely agreeing with me.

"What else did you find out?" I ask, going along with the illusion that I'm the one in charge. Fugaku's lips twitch, but it might've been a trick of my mind.

"I attempted to start an official investigation and requested to interview some of the staff at the orphanage. However, I didn't receive the approval for it under the excuse that 'there was already someone handling it.' The one in charge of the ongoing investigation is apparently Sarutobi Hiroko."

'Aunt Hiroko?' I tilt my head, utterly confused. The Uchiha merely shrugs, as if to say he isn't sure about it either. 'Well, she did build that apartment complex for orphan genin a while ago, but…'

"I set out to investigate the matter on my own, regardless." My lips almost twitch, wanting to grin, but I hold myself back. Who would've known Uchiha Fugaku'd be capable of saying 'fuck the system'? "What I found out was that the number of registered orphans and the actual number of orphans currently living in the orphanage or otherwise don't match, just like you said."

I nod, mouth set in a grim line. I'd expected at least this much.

"And then?"

"Through one of the police's contacts, I found out that the same gang that controls the slums is the one kidnapping the children. At first glance, that is."

Shikaku and I had talked about this only a week ago. It's indeed a gang of drug dealers that's been kidnapping children, but that's only a façade.

"The excuse they're using is that it's difficult for the police to get involved because the gangs in the slums actually control a good portion of the population with prostitution and drugs, and if we don't tread carefully, we might end up with a civil war on our hands."

I nod along, mentally checking the information I'd gathered with Shikaku.

"The children don't ever go to the slave market, do they?" I ask, already knowing the answer.

"No. They're exchanged for money and business deals."

"And the people who do the actual transactions?"

"Cloaked figures of varying heights."

It all matches. ROOT members themselves are tasked with giving money to the gangsters while making sure the children that were kidnapped are appropriate to be turned into mindless soldiers.

"Sometimes I see them around the orphanage." I mention, thinking back on all the times I'd seen them around. "They're not really inconspicuous."

"People are inclined to think the newly orphaned children had shinobi parents, which would explain the secrecy and the cloaked figures around the place." Fugaku explains, sitting back down on his own cushion behind the desk.

"The Hokage is adamant about letting children be children for as long as they can, and ANBU members answer directly to him." I continue the trail of thought, trying not to get too excited about Fugaku being an ally.

"Tracing back, the only council member who was against the disbandment of ROOT had been Elder Shimura. It's the only other organization within Konoha capable of doing such actions without raising suspicion." The man finishes, and I feel almost giddy.

'Chill. He's found out all the puzzle pieces, but we still don't know whether he's on our side or not.'

I remain silent, waiting for him to make the next move.

He suddenly adopts an almost faraway look in his eyes, as if we're simply reminiscing about the old times. He gets up once again and looks out the small window on his study, arms behind his back. It takes him a while to speak.

"The Uchiha have always remained loyal to the Sandaime Hokage."

I nod, not sure where he's going with this. I take note of the way he words it, the way he carefully mentions 'the Sandaime Hokage' and not 'Konoha'. My father is the first non-Senju to wear the hat, and I don't know if the grudge Uchiha Madara held towards the Senju has infiltrated the hearts of his clansmen so deeply to the point of no return.

'I wonder what Fugaku thinks about the whole Hashirama mess. Does he agree with Madara? Does he think the curse of hatred is justified?'

"You are aware we don't have the best reputation in the village, however, and it weighs in our minds." The patriarch continues, unaware of my internal thoughts. He then turns to me with a somber look, and I dare say I've never seen him look this serious.

"What do you think would happen if people found out the Hokage was so lenient when dealing with those he favours?"

The Uchiha massacre flashes before my eyes. Itachi, cornered, alone, with his hands full of blood, pretending to be the villain he's not. Sasuke, watching it all unfold, tears running down his face, heart broken beyond repair.

Fugaku and Mikoto, admitting how kind of a child Itachi is just before their own son kills them.

Fugaku, who stands in front of me, alive and well, a severe expression on his face, making him look older than he actually is.

Mikoto, whom I can hear moving around in the kitchen, softly talking with two kids.

'Two kids who got caught up in something they should have never even known. Innocent lives that got tainted and wasted by corruption and greed.'

Something uncurls in my chest and I hear myself speak in an almost detached voice.

"Several complaints, at the very least. Economic drawbacks. A coup - a civil war, at worst. The entire collapse of the system."

The police chief remains silent, looking at me with an unreadable look in his dark eyes. In the twilight, it almost looks red.

"It'd be a disaster, especially considering the present moment. We're in the middle of a war. It'd be an invitation for other villages to attack us at our weakest."

I hear myself speak in a shrill tone, but it's like I'm not in control of myself. The moonlight shining down on hundreds of Uchiha bodies keeps invading my mind and it all ends up going back to the three little Uchiha boys who paid a price too heavy for anyone.

'That can't happen. Not again.'

"I am feeling very conflicted right now. This is the village I swore to love and protect, but what if the feeling is not mutual?" Fugaku's voice shakes me out of it just enough to bring me back to the moment.

'I can stop this. We can stop this.'

I get up hastily, nearly knocking over the cup of now cold tea.

"This is why I'm asking for your help. This is why I asked Shikaku-taicho for his help." I try to swallow past the knot on my throat, hands shaking in fists at my sides. "Konoha is a good place to live, but it could be a great one. The entire system needs to be redone from the bottom up. Paperwork and reports are based on a system created by the Nidaime when Konoha was still a small place, but now that we're arguably the biggest ninja village, it simply means there's always way too much work and not nearly enough people to do it. Efficiency is at its bare minimum. The hospital is almost always running at full capacity. There's far too much corruption and nepotism going on."

I take a shaky, deep breath. Tears sting the back of my eyes, and for a split second I think the dam is going to break.

Somehow, it doesn't.

'Please help me. Please, please help me.'

"I want to make this village grow and prosper. I need not only to clean the house and get rid of all the rats and pests, but I also need trustworthy and reliable people at my side. I can't do this alone."

I clench my fists as tight as I can, very much aware of how emotional I'm being right now - and yet, a huge part of me pushes me to brave on even if my voice breaks more often than not.

"The people of this village - they're just like you and me, made of flesh and bone, with dreams and feelings and the will to live. Not only that, we're dealing with children here; civilian children who're living miserable lives and don't stand a chance when someone comes for them. I can't sit back and watch this happen. I can't let them think they can do whatever they want without facing the consequences."

'It's not just because of Danzo. It's because these people are real - this is real. There's no doubt in my mind the Hokage knows about this but chooses to keep quiet. Hell, there's even a chance he already knows Danzo is behind it but the sentimental fool does nothing about it.'

I take a deep breath and look Fugaku dead in the eyes, baring myself in front of him in a huge gamble.

"Please help me, Fugaku-taicho. Please lend me your power and the power of your family. I will not fail you."

Chocolate clashes with onix in a fierce staring contest. I feel just as raw as I did back in the slums, perhaps even more. Something claws inside my throat, nearly begging for me to scream and let it go, powerful and unwilling to bend to the wrong things.

It seems like an eternity passes before Fugaku silently comes to stand next to me. In one swift movement, he gets down on one knee and holds a fist against his chest.

"The fire of the Uchiha is your fire as well. Make of us what you will."

I grab his fisted hand without really thinking.

"I want people standing next to me, not in front or behind. I have no use for weapons I don't want to wield."

It's the tiniest thing, but it's there: Fugaku softens his expression and smiles, a minuscule thing that gives me flaming wings and makes my heart soar. Instead of pawns, I feel like I've got more and more people standing next to me, watching over the village as it prospers. It gives me hope and fans my will-

-of fire and iron, and I feel like a volcano about to erupt.

"Your wish is the Uchiha's will, Chiyuki-sama."


Dinner is an interesting affair, to say the least.

When Shisui knocks on Fugaku's study to announce dinner is ready, the bright child takes one look at my red eyes and another at his uncle's smug face, then decides he really wants to know what happened.

"Uncle Fugaku, you can't make girls cry! Aunt Mikoto said so."

"I didn't cry." I mumble, like a petulant child. It goes by unheard.

'Of course Fugaku was testing me as well. Talk about a lesson in humility, huh, Chiyuki?'

The patriarch sits at the head of the wooden table, as per usual. Mikoto's seat is on his left, as the matriarch of the clan. Normally I'd sit next to her as a guest, but for some reason Fugaku urges me to take the seat directly to his right - the one that Itachi usually takes, the heir's seat. Mikoto takes it all in stride, as does Itachi, guided by his mom's gentle looks.

Shisui, on the other hand, looks like the cat that caught the canary.

"Uncle, you two stayed there for a long time." The child starts, sitting next to Itachi, who sits next to his mother.

"Talking business takes a while, Shisui." The boy's eyebrows shoot up to his hairline, looking back and forth between his uncle and me like we're something to be studied.

"Business? With Chiyuki-hime?" He realizes his slip up a second too late, and wilters slightly under the reproachful gazes of his uncle and aunt. "Sorry, Hime, I didn't mean anything by that. It's just that, well, you're young-"

"I'm older than you." I interrupt him in a haughty voice, resisting the urge to turn my nose up.

'You're a grown ass woman in your thirties, Chiyuki. Control yourself.'

"Well, yes, but-"

"Shisui, settle down and eat." Fugaku's voice books no arguments, and the boy obeys. Although I do wonder about his parents and what led him to stay so often at the main house, I don't dare ask. Not right now, at least.

Itachi looks at the entire situation with big eyes, absorbing everything. Sometimes he gives a curious look to his father, as if he's never seen the man act like that, but after that dinner proceeds in a somewhat calm manner.

I praise Mikoto's cooking and listen to Shisui talk about his training at the academy. I get a few moments to collect myself and resume my (nonexistent) poker face, and the meal goes by mostly in silence.

"Would you like seconds, Chiyuki-hime?" The Uchiha matriarch asks, and I'm about to politely deny it when the police chief answers for me.

"You can serve her seconds, Mikoto. Chiyuki-sama is a healthy child who needs her nutrients."

The silence lasts for exactly two seconds. The woman then smiles and gets up to serve me seconds, acting as if there's nothing unusual going on. The two boys look at the Uchiha patriarch as if he's grown a second head, a hint of a smirk on his usually stoic face.

The urge to get up and flip the table on him is strong, but I suppress it.

'Calm down. You can't kill allies you've just gotten. Calm down.'

"Thank you very much for your kindness, Mikoto-san." I reply in a somewhat neutral voice, my face feeling uncomfortably hot. "And thank you for your consideration, Fugaku-taicho, although it's unnecessary."

Itachi and Shisui pause, looking warily at the man sitting at the head of the table as if expecting a scolding, but all they get is the slightest, smallest grin they've ever seen.

"Nonsense. Don't hesitate to ask for anything in this house."

I can see what he's doing. Hell, everyone can. The two Uchiha boys, although young, are both bright and are quick to realize what he's really saying, not to mention Mikoto who was probably onto us as soon as we stepped out the study:

'Fugaku, and by extension, the whole clan, serve you.'

I just wish he'd do it in a less… teasing manner.

'Uchiha Fugaku. Teasing someone. Someone call Pein because the world is about to end.'

I'm honestly not sure what's worse; Shisui's confused but shit-eating grin, Itachi's ever so curious eyes, Mikoto's knowing glances, or Fugaku's barely-there smirk, but something tells me that I don't know what I just got myself into.



Kushina and Minato return to the village on a cloudy, humid day, just a few days after the new seal on my forehead hits the six month mark.

It makes for a great excuse to see the both of them and subtly ask Minato about his own investigation, although I do understand it's not easy to do anything when you're outside the village fighting for your life nearly 24/7.

I'm currently lying down on their couch, soft and worn out in a way that makes me believe it was well used before the war broke out. It gives off a homey feeling, like the rest of their house, safe and warm like a beloved blanket.

"I see no problems with your seal. You're both adapting to each other quite well, I'd say!" Kushina tells me cheerfully after humming and hawing at it for a while, poking and prodding at it lightly with her chakra. Thanks to the seal and the careful way she does it, I nearly don't feel Kurama's lingering chakra.

"Choza-sensei says my stamina has gotten better since the new seal." I mention drowsily, warm and comfy in a safe environment. Rin and Kakashi, who are both hovering nearby and watching the interaction with rapt eyes, agree with me.

"That's true. You've been lasting longer in spars." Kakashi drawls, half-lidded eyes focused on the way Kushina checks and re-checks the seal.

"You haven't been in the hospital in a while, which is great. Some of the new recruits were hoping to meet you, though." Rin giggles, coming forward to rest her cool, healing hands when the Kyuubi host is done.

"What am I, a freak show?" I mutter, without any bite to it.

"You might as well be. Everyone in the village knows how much of a trouble magnet you are." Obito snarks from the kitchen, where he's helping Minato with lunch.

"Don't bully her, Obito. She can't help it." There's a pounding in my head, which I suspect is the result of Kushina prodding at the seal with her chakra. Even if she'd been as careful as possible, Kurama's chakra still manages to be overwhelming in its presence alone, and it's inevitable to feel the aftereffects.

"I can, actually." I mumble, grabbing Rin's hand when she goes to pull away. "Hurts."

"A headache?" The red haired woman asks, a pout on her beautiful face. "I was so careful, though."

"Is' not your fault." I manage to say, lifting my head up so I can rest it on Rin's lap. Her cool hands are soon rubbing soothing circles in my loose hair, and even through the headache I feel like I could fall asleep at any moment. "Is' your friend. You can't help it."

Kushina startles for a brief second before she huffs, giving my head one final pat.

"That thing's not my friend."

"Sure, sure."

From the corner of my half-lidded eyes, I can see Minato roll his eyes at us with an exasperated but fond look.

"Kakashi, you've seen all you wanted to, right? Come help me set the table, yeah?" The blonde calls for my best friend, who's been looking oddly at my forehead for a little while now.

"Sure, sure."

Kakashi and I are a lot better. He's a little more open than I remember him being Before, but then again that's probably a direct result of my actions. He and Obito still have a rivalry going on, but I believe it's mostly a healthy one. Rin, for some reason or another, doesn't seem to have developed a crush on Kakashi yet, which is good, I think. One less insult to add to Obito's injuries, maybe.

"Hey, wake up. Lunch is ready." Speaking of the devil.

"I'm up, I'm up."

"Sure you are."

"I am now, you woke me up."

"Children." Kushina says lightly, but both Obito and I immediately shut up.

I fell into a nice bantering-type of relationship with the Uchiha boy. There's a sort of silent understanding between us ever since that day when we both poured our hearts out, but neither of us has mentioned anything since. We enjoy teasing each other, although his rival is still Kakashi.

"How have you been? Anything happen while I was gone?" Minato asks me quietly after we all eat, pouring some more tea for me. After they exchanged one single, meaningful look, Kushina dragged his team out for impromptu training, claiming that we'd join them after I rested for a little while more. Perhaps the only one who didn't buy the excuse was Obito, but as things stand, I'll be grateful if no one says anything, even if Kakashi did give me the stinky eye.

"A lot, actually. I wish there was a way to contact you when you're out of the village, but that's too risky." The young man sitting in front of me nods with an apologetic look, looking down at his cup of tea.

"Me too. But you're right; it's way too dangerous for us to attempt contact through animal carriers. They've been getting intercepted more often lately."

We both frown for a moment before I shake my head mentally.

'Let's focus on the good news.'

"I thought a lot about what you said to me. About having allies in case things went south." I start a bit awkwardly, wondering how he's gonna take the news. He sits up straighter in his seat, an excited glimmer in his sky blue eyes.


"And I may have, uh, involved some people in the investigation." I internally wince, berating myself for how hesitant that came out. Minato tilts his head, a curious expression on his youthful face.





"Well, who are they?" He asks impatiently, but I can't tell he's not frustrated with me. I realize with a start that he might be pouting because he doesn't know the whole story, and the thought brings a grin to my face, although that quickly turns into a grimace.

"Shikaku-san and Fugaku-taicho."

Eerie silence meets my statement. Minato doesn't bother to hide the utter shock on his face, and I think I could pay a pretty penny for his thoughts right now.

"I- You know what, I'm not even gonna ask how you did that." The blonde finally says, dragging a hand down his face tiredly. "I know I told you to look for reliable allies within the village, but I didn't expect you to…"

"Go after the big guys? Yeah, honestly, me neither." I shrug, feeling relieved he didn't doubt my decisions. "At first, I wasn't going to, you know. But then I realized that whoever is behind all this is no pushover, which basically gave me no other choice other than to bet all my cards."

"And bet all you did. I'm not doubting you, I'm sure you've got a reason for everything you do." He says quickly, perhaps worried I might be offended. "It's just- the Nara and the Uchiha? Really? Next thing I know, you're talking Tsunade-sama into coming back to the village." The young man says with a chuckle, only half-joking.

"That'd be fantastic, I'm not gonna lie. Having her here would be great, but… I doubt even the Hokage knows where she is right now." I say wistfully, allowing myself to imagine for a moment how nice it'd be if Tsunade returned. Of course that's not gonna happen right now, not when she has nothing to come back to. If there was maybe a family member other than Kushina, then maybe-


The thought strikes me as fast and as powerful as lightning, making my head spin at the possibilities this brings.

'Orochimaru is still in the village, which means he's probably got some sort of control on Yamato still. There's no way he'd give up one of his most successful experiments to ROOT, not when Konoha believes the snake is loyal to the Hokage.'

"Oh, no. You look like you have an idea." Minato's exhausted voice brings me out of my stupor, and I belatedly realize I'm grinning.

"I kind of do, actually. But it's too early to call it a plan. Besides, as much as I'd like to go after Tsunade right now, I know it's impossible."

He breathes a sigh of relief, perhaps a bit too dramatically for my liking, before he steers us back to the original topic.

"How much do you know now, then?"


It's a good thing Kushina and his students weren't actually expecting us to join them, because by the time I'd updated Minato on everything that happened while he was out and how the investigation was proceeding, it was already dinner time.



They drop the bomb on me not a week after that.

"You can't be serious." I state, hurt but mostly shocked. "You're taking me out of the investigation? Why?"

Shikaku sighs and massages his temple, pausing in his paperwork. Normally I'd take pity on him and leave him alone, but not right now.

"Whether you're aware of it or not, the rat's nest is much bigger than we'd initially thought." The jounin commander says in a grave voice, pinning me down with his stare. Maybe if it were just another day, I'd be intimidated by it.

"So? I can still be useful. I've been accessing the Archives all this time without raising any suspicion. I'm not about to make a mistake this far in the game."

'I was the one who brought this information to you in the first place.' Sits on the edge of my tongue, just begging to be let out, but rubbing it in his face just seems wrong.

If it were anyone else, perhaps it'd be considered insubordination, and I'd be sent away with a flicker of the wrist and an order to do D-ranks for a month, but it's a testimony to how close Shikaku and I are, and perhaps even my own position within the village, that he actually sighs and attempts to explain his argument.

"Chiyuki, don't make this harder than it needs to be. I'm well aware of your skill set and all you've contributed so far, but it doesn't mean other people don't notice your movements."

I sulk openly, not bothering to hide my displeasure. Logically speaking, I knew I'd be pulled out from the investigation sooner or later. Perhaps a part of me knew it wasn't efficient to have a huge variable like a genin - a child - knowing the ins and hows of an investigation that could potentially lead to a civil war, but it still hurts.

Maybe I still expected Shikaku to keep me updated, if only out of consideration. It stings like a fresh wound, gushing blood slowly, but steadily.

'He's doing this because he cares.' The analytical part of me whispers, urging me to be mature and accept a wise decision made by my superior.

But Shikaku has never been just my superior, has he?

Once in a blue moon, I'd stop and realize that the Nara clan head and I have a much closer relationship than what they'd consider of a mentor and a mentee. Sometimes he gives me soft, exasperated looks, guiding me along and showing me the way without being pragmatic about it, teasing me, supporting me, pushing me to be better and better and I'll catch myself thinking-

'Ah, I wish Shikaku was my dad.'

Of course I immediately feel guilty after thinking that. Hiruzen is a man lacking in many ways, but he's still my father and I love him. He does his best in protecting his family and even though he might not show it, I know he loves me and my brothers just as fiercely as we do him.

'It's just…'

Maybe this is one of the faults in Konoha's system. The blatant nepotism, the favoritism, the selfishness. The want to be treated differently from the others, like you're special simply because you have the right connections.

'Isn't that what you are, though? The Hokage's daughter, a puppet of the system, pretending to be a revolutionary. In the end, you still want the special treatment, just like those people you claim to be different from.'

"Chiyuki." Shikaku's firm voice startles me, and I wonder when it is that he got up from his chair and kneeled in front of me. "I don't know what's going on that overworked mind of yours, but I hope you're not jumping to conclusions."

I can't help but stare at him blankly, a bit at a loss for words.

'What if the conclusions are correct, though?'

The jounin commander sighs, loud and heavy in the silence of his office.

"Come here for a bit."

He ends up taking me to the rooftop of the building, urging me to look down at the busy streets. People are coming and going, each doing their own thing. There are mostly civilians walking around and working their jobs, but occasionally you'll see a shinobi jump through the rooftops or on their way to do their own chores. It's as lively as always, despite the ongoing war. There's an hesitant feeling of hope in the air, here inside the village, where things don't seem as bad.

"You told me Konoha is a good place, but it could be a great one." The man next to me starts, looking out the streets. "And I agreed to help you. The deer are the witnesses to the promise I made to you on that day."

We spend a few seconds in silence, each lost in their own thoughts. Then, swiftly but gently, Shikaku kneels in front of me again and grabs my shoulders with his big, warm hands. He glares at nothing in particular, but there's an unmistakable fire in his gaze.

"Konoha can indeed be great, but you need to be alive to do it. Fugaku and I met with Minato and the three of us agreed this was the best course of action because you're essential, Chiyuki. You're the one with the crazy, revolutionary ideas. You're the one disrupting the system." He sighs again, much more softly.

"You'll be a great Hokage, there's no doubt about it. We'll stand next to you for as long as we're allowed to." In an uncharacteristic show of affection, he brings up his calloused, rough hands to hold my cheeks, so that the only thing I see is the raw emotion in his normally half-lidded eyes.

I try to swallow, my throat suddenly dry as a desert.

"The higher ups have been keeping a closer eye on you ever since you went to the slums. They know you've got Fugaku on your side, as well as Minato and even Kushina. They'd have to be idiots to not be wary of you."

That was new information. I mean, I knew I wasn't exactly hiding what I did, and I did notice that sometimes there'd be an extra pair of eyes on me, but for some reason I hadn't connected the dots.

I didn't realize just how much danger I'm potentially in, simply for catching the Council's attention.

"The Hokage is turning a blind eye to all you do, managing to use the ongoing war as an excuse for them to not focus on internal affairs so much, but you've already caught the rat's eye, and it'd be impossible to let you continue on the investigation team while guaranteeing your safety. None of us can do that."

Shikaku gently rolls up my sleeve to show my right wrist, only to pause and raise an eyebrow when he sees Minato's sealed kunai neatly pressed to a tiny dot in the pale skin.

"In case of an emergency." I whisper, feeling small in front of him for some reason. He snorts softly, rolling it back down and going for the left one.

"Beat me to it, that brat." He mutters, just loud enough for the wind to carry his voice to my ears. "In any case, you'll also have these."

The Nara clan head bites the tip of his thumb and starts to draw sealing patterns on my left arm, going all the way down to my thumb. His calligraphy reminds me of Minato's, although it feels somewhat rougher. It's not an unpleasant thing.

When he's finished, he pushes his chakra slowly into the patterns, and I watch in wonder as they swirl together and become tightly pressed into two coin sized black dots.

"It's not as refined as Minato's, but it'll do. This one is a soundproofing seal, and the other is a knockout one. If you send chakra to them, they'll activate, but you have to be touching something - or someone."

Shikaku gives me a look so meaningful it leaves me breathless for a moment, the new seals on my left wrist feeling pleasantly warm.

"You've become important to a lot of people, little rascal. Take care of yourself."

I'm not sure if I want to laugh or cry, but I end up doing both. It brings a lazy smirk on his face, and I feel all warm and tingly inside even as his hand messes up my hair, like he often does. The breeze feels refreshing on my tear-stained cheeks, and I feel like I could almost spread my wings and take flight into the vast, endless sky.

"Thank you, Shikaku-san."




Time passes almost in a blur.

True to their word, neither Shikaku nor Fugaku breathe a word of the ongoing investigation to me, but I do know they've been uncovering more and more unpleasant things by the day, judging by the look on their faces alone. Shikaku had to put our training on hold, choosing to keep me out of the village more often than not. I had to admit it was nice spending time with my team, as the boys are always a delight, but there's always that small longing to go back home.

The feeling of not feeling quite safe even under Choza-sensei's watchful eye unless we're inside the village, the hum and bustle of the streets singing to me like a siren. Sometimes I'd see Kakashi and his team in passing, and even more rarely I'd see my brothers. I saw Fugaku perhaps twice, and Itachi and Shisui once. It's always a rushed greeting, and everyone seems to be busier as the war picks up the pace, but I don't feel any sense of immediate danger and it reassures me somewhat.

Despite that constant restlessness hanging over me more often than not, days turn into weeks and my tenth birthday comes without much of a fuss.

It's probably intentional and it has my father's fingers all over it, but I happen to be home on the winter day I turn ten years old. The mood in the main house is surprisingly light, even if my brothers couldn't make it. Mother lets me eat cake for breakfast, and father gives me a brand new notebook, entirely handmade, with small illustrations on every single page.

"Thank you, father." I say, a sincere smile directed at him. Hiruzen gives me a soft, fond smile, ruffling my hair.

"You're welcome, my daughter. Both your mother and I are very proud of the person you are today, and we look forward to seeing the person you'll become." Behind him, my mother silently nods, her expression softening. It's a look I haven't seen in her face in a long time, the sight making my smile wider.

Choza-sensei insists on hosting a barbecue at the Akimichi compound, inviting the Nara and the Yamanaka as well. Although I'd mentioned not wanting anything grand, he'd still gone all out, making sure there was more than enough meat for everyone, the courtyard decorated with colorful flags and hanging lights. As night descends, hundreds of butterflies fly past me on my way home, shades of orange and blue mixing together in a beautiful abstract painting.

It's an exhausting day, but a great one nonetheless. Neither my brothers nor team Minato managed to come home, but they all sent me letters. I also received letters and presents from the Uchiha, much more than I thought I'd actually get.

That night, I go to bed feeling light and safe. Although both mother and father are home, I doubt they'll be getting much sleep, given the amount of paperwork they've brought home today as well. The one who's been keeping this house together is Aunt Hiroko, who comes by every once in a while to check up on me, even though I'm legally an adult right now.

"I made some tea for your parents, Chiyuki. Would you like some as well?" Just as I'm snuggling into my sheets, she pops her face in with a kind smile. I consider it for a minute then shake my head.

'It's best not to drink green tea so late. I don't think I'll be able to sleep well otherwise.'

"No, thank you. Good night, Aunt."

"Good night, Chiyuki. Sleep well."

I hear her light footsteps fading away gradually, and I finally close my eyes. Taking a deep breath, I can feel the tiredness of the day catching up to me, and I gladly welcome the soothing darkness pulling my body to the depths of sleep.


Something screams at me to wake up, and I do so with a startle.

I stare wide-eyed at Aunt Hiroko's form hovering above me, a kunai firm in her hand. There's something like regret in her wide brown eyes, and the weapon presses against my throat.

"If you'd drank the tea, you wouldn't even have felt it." She whispers furiously, a snarl in her lips.

My brain stops working, then kick-starts in the highest gear. I feel like my heart's gonna beat out of my chest and tears spring to my eyes at the blatant sign of betrayal in front of me.

"A-aunt… why?" I swallow past the lump in my throat, and I feel the kunai press against the skin oh so slightly. A light sting lets me know it's just barely gone past the first layer of skin, and I don't dare move further.

"If only you'd been a good girl… if only you hadn't meddled in things you shouldn't…" Hiroko sounds almost pleading, crazed eyes shining in the moonlight.

'I can't die. Not here, not now, not like this.'

Desperation fills me like a constricting snake and it takes everything in me to keep breathing steadily. Pure instinct pushes me to ignore the scalding pain of betrayal and focus on surviving.

'A way out. I need to find a way out.'

"I'll make it quick. It'll hurt only for a second." Her grip on the kunai tightens at the same time her voice turns soothing. As if she's comforting me, right before she kills me.

The seals on both my wrists burn. The seal on my right wrist holds Minato's kunai, but since he's out of the village, I'll only worry him if I activate it. The seals on my left wrist are Shikaku's gift to me; the soundproofing seal, and the knockout one.

'I have to be fast. I have to.'

"Good night, Chiyuki."

'I have to.'

Just as she raises her arm to swing the kunai, I push chakra into one of the seals. A sealing paper poofs into existence, and I first feel her legs, keeping me in place, give out. The woman rolls her eyes upwards then closes them, falling unconscious on top of my body.

'She's heavy. I'm cold. I'm scared.'

I lie there for perhaps a few seconds before Shikaku shunshins inside my room, looking at the situation with wide, desperate eyes.

"Chiyuki." He whispers, horrified. His dark eyes focus on the body on top of mine, then on the gash on my neck. A moment later I'm free, and the Nara clan head wraps his arms firmly around me.

"Show me your wound." He commands in a low voice, and I obey him automatically. He looks at my neck with narrowed eyes and swiftly rips off a piece of cloth from my sheets. "Hold this against it."

My hands struggle to hold the piece of fabric in a secure grip and only then I realize I'm shaking.I can't tell if it's because I feel cold or because reality is threatening to crash down upon me. The man holding me says nothing as he uses one hand to wrap the offending weapon in a clean cloth, then pockets it.

I feel my parents flare their chakra right before they slam the door open and take in the chaos with their own eyes.

"What is the meaning of this?" Mother asks in a cold, calculated voice, no doubt jumping to conclusions as she tries to make sense of the situation.

"This, Biwako-sama, is treason." Shikaku replies in a voice just as cold, steel and fire in his eyes. "Hiroko-sama has just attempted murder on Chiyuki."

Biwako immediately shakes her head, her long hair following the movements. She glances at Hiroko's body, and the woman breathes deeply thanks to the sealing paper on her forehead. It's like she's just asleep.

"Chiyuki, my child, your neck…" My father croaks out in a broken voice, pain and anguish in his tired eyes. He extends his arm to me, as if to call me to them, but my grip around Shikaku's neck tightens instead. Mother grits her teeth together and closes her eyes for a second, as if this is all just a bad dream.

"I'll hear it from her." Biwako states and promptly rips off the paper seal from Hiroko's head. Immediately after, the Nara clan head tightens his grip on me and jumps backwards, putting as much distance between us and my aunt.

The woman opens her eyes and quickly looks for her kunai. My parents are onto her just as fast, and father briskly makes a few hand signs to bind her in place. He's now the Sandaime Hokage, the Professor, and his eyes narrow at the snarling figure of his sister.

"Hiroko, explain yourself."

The woman, however, remains quiet, even if her expression of rage speaks volumes.

"Speak, Hiroko!" Mother raises her voice, something I rarely ever see. I unconsciously flinch from the sudden loud noise and hide my face in the crook of Shikaku's neck, peeking out from behind my hair. His grip gets impossibly tighter.

"You won't speak, or you can't speak?" The man's deep voice resonates from his throat, vibrating against my cheek. Hiroko continues immobile, her expression stuck in one of rage.

As if he'd been struck by lightning, Hiruzen startles and slowly walks towards her. He forcefully opens her mouth and grabs her tongue. Father breathes in sharply then lets go, like he'd been burned by the mere sight.

"What in the…"

"Is that… a cursed seal?"

Mother and Shikaku are nearly speechless, but my attention is on the Hokage. Very slowly, he kneels on the floor, looking like his very soul has left him. His tan, wrinkled hands cover his face, and I can practically taste his despair.

"Danzo, what have you done…?"

The man holding me immediately springs into action, securing his grip on me as he stands up. I'm extremely grateful for that, because I'm not sure I can stand up on my own. It still feels oddly as if this is all just a bad dream, like I'll disrupt my chakra flow, yell 'kai!' and break free from this horrible genjutsu.

But that doesn't happen.

"Hokage-sama, Biwako-sama. As the Jounin Commander, I hereby declare that Sarutobi Hiroko is, as of now, under arrest for attempted murder. Shimura Danzo and any affiliates will be thoroughly investigated and judged by the law. Sarutobi Chiyuki, as the victim and main witness of this crime, will stay under my custody until the investigation is finished."

Father remains on the floor, devoid of any energy. He doesn't meet anyone's eyes. Biwako, on the other hand, has channeled all her anger and frustration on Hiroko, who remains still under Hiruzen's binding jutsu and the cursed seal on her tongue. Neither say anything as Shikaku shunshins out of there straight to his own house.

The lights on the familiar wooden structure are all off except for the one in the sitting room. Yoshino greets us as soon as her husband steps in front of the house, looking worried and pale. Behind her I see a man I'd only seen in passing Before.

He looks just as fierce and intimidating as Shikaku at a first glance, and has the typical looks of a Nara. His dark hair is up in a high ponytail, and his face leaves a strong first impression with dark green markings around his eyes, along with his goatee.

"Yoshino, Ensui." Both adults' eyes turn to look at me, equal parts worried and curious.

"There's been an attempt on Chiyuki's life. She'll be staying here until the investigation is over."

The clock on the wall says it's a little past midnight. I'd gone to sleep around 10, so between falling asleep and almost being killed, it's been a little over two hours. In such a short time I'd fallen asleep feeling happy and content, woke up on instinct for fear of my life, and faced betrayal so deep and so raw it's threatening to rip my chest open even now.

The Nara clan head finally puts me down, as unwilling as he seems to, and briefly checks the wound on my neck. The blood has mostly dried by now, leaving a thin red line in its wake.

"Ensui, go to Uchiha Fugaku and tell him we're attacking the rat's nest tonight. Come back here after you're done. Yoshino, I'm leaving Chiyuki in your care. They might come after her still."

Shikaku's voice books no arguments. He looks like a man ready for war, his mouth set in a grim line as he gives orders swiftly and confidently. He turns his eyes to me and they soften the slightest bit, but I don't have the energy or the will to think about how I must look right now.

'I just want to sleep and forget this ever happened.'

Suddenly it's just the two of us. Ensui leaves as soon as he receives his orders, and Yoshino sets on adding more traps around the house. The Jounin Commander kneels to my level and puts his hands on my shoulders, their weight and warmth grounding.

"I know you've been through a lot tonight, and I'm sorry about that, I truly am." He pauses, an uncharacteristic show of hesitation, then continues. "I'm glad you're alive. I'm glad I got there in time. I'm glad I gave you the seals."

I feel the back of my eyes burning and bite my lower lip. The last thing he needs right now is an armful of crying child, but I'm so, so immensely glad he's on my side.

"Thank you for coming." I blurt out in a small voice and he looks a bit like he might cry as well.

"Of course I came. Now, I need you to stay here with Yoshino. If things go south, run towards the forest. The deer will look after you."

I nod, heart heavy with emotion. The fact that he came for me, that he trusts me, that he's willing to protect me-

I throw my arms around his neck and feel his own wrap around me. Shikaku smells like sandalwood and ink, a combination that's so him it immediately helps calm me down.

"Are you going after Danzo?" He nods, and I feel the movement against my cheek.

"I am. There are five seal masters in the village; two are your parents, one is Jiraya, another one is Minato. That only leaves him as the main suspect. After what the Hokage said, he's definitely going to be investigated."

I tighten my grip on him, remembering the atrocities Danzo has done in order to obtain power. He might not have as many sharingan eyes on him as he did in canon, since the Uchiha massacre is a few years away, but it doesn't mean he's an easy opponent.

"Please be careful. Tell Fugaku-taicho to be careful too. I-" I swallow, my throat suddenly dry. "-there's something about Danzo that doesn't sit right with me."

The Nara clan head moves back, enough for us to lock eyes. He stares at me very seriously for a few moments, face betraying nothing. He then sighs and kisses my forehead, getting up in a swift motion. His hand lightly pushes me in Yoshino's direction, who looks at the scene with an odd mix of worry and awe. Only then I realize Ensui is back and waiting for further instructions right at the front door.

Shikaku pecks Yoshino on the cheek, but not a word is said between then. He looks at me meaningfully one last time before he's out the door with Ensui hot on his heels, determination in every tense step.


I'd known Yoshino was a sensible and tactful person, but I just hadn't realized how grateful I'd be for it.

The Nara matriarch sits me down on the kitchen and makes me watch as she makes chamomile tea, as if she'd known Hiroko had offered me tea just before she tried to-

"Here you go, Chiyuki-chan."

She pours a cup for each of us and sits down at the table across from me. The woman doesn't try to make me talk nor does she try to fill the silence with meaningless chatter, and it makes me immensely relieved.

I'm given time and space to analyse my feelings and come to terms with them. The tea is pleasantly warm and easily goes down my throat, soothing the dryness I'd felt before and grounding me in.

'I'm safe. I'll be fine.'

I take another sip of the tea and it nearly burns my tongue.

'Am I? Will I?'

When Yoshino glances at the back of the house and asks if I want to see the deer, I don't think much of it and say yes. We both leave our tea, the cups mostly empty, to go to the backyard. She opens the door to the back and I expect to be able to go into the forest, like I did with Shikaku that day.

Instead, there are three deer standing at the edge of the trees and looking right at me. One of them is a baby, and it almost hops towards me as its parents follow gracefully behind.

Awe overcomes grief and pain for a moment. I step down from the engawa and meet the little deer halfway, kneeling on the grass. It nuzzles me with a wet nose and huffs on my ear, which forces me to smile. The other two deer lie down next to us, forming a protective barrier of natural chakra so pure it leaves me breathless for a moment.

It takes me a second to realize I'm crying. Big, fat droplets of water fall from my eyes and roll down my cheeks, splashing on the arm that's got a hold on the baby deer. It feels like everything catches up to me at once, like I'm falling down a bottomless hole and there's no salvation.

'Aunt Hiroko was working with Danzo all this time. All this time, my worst enemy was in the room next to mine-'

A sob breaks out before I can stop it.

'The tea she gave my parents. People from outside who knew of my chakra release. The outpost mission.'

The baby deer licks my face, but the tears don't stop.

'The suna shinobi. The apartment complex she had built for orphan genin. Being in charge of the missing children investigation. Kidnapping kids right under everybody's nose for that piece of-'

The same deer licks my nose and I almost choke on air. It's as if it's reminding me to breathe, and just breathe for now.

For a while, the deer let me hug them and use them to ground myself in the moment, to cry and mourn for all that I had and all that I lost. For the children going missing right in front of me. For the family member I loved and trusted in this harsh, cruel world.

For the way things were, and for the way they'll be from now on.

It feels like a few hours later when Yoshino gently nudges me. I sit up and look around in a daze, wondering when I fell asleep. The deer that'd been lying next to me until now get up as well, and with a final lick they all go back into the forest.

"Come, Chiyuki-chan. Let's get you something to eat."

Now that the deer aren't wrapped around me anymore, I feel cold and scared again. Even though the stars are shining brightly in the night sky, it feels as if there's a heavy rain cloud around me once more.

Yoshino extends her hand to me, a soft look on her face. It takes me a few seconds, but I accept her help and get up, the two of us making our way back to the house.

'The deer wouldn't let Yoshino into the clan if they didn't trust her. More than that, Shikaku would've never married her if he wasn't absolutely sure of who she was.'

I take a deep breath and hold her hand more securely, chasing away my paranoid thoughts. She squeezes my hand back and guides me to the kitchen table once again.

"Let's wash our hands before we do any cooking, hm?" Effortlessly, the Nara matriarch guides me along in a kind voice, giving me soft instructions.

She's respecting my space and right to be upset, but at the same time she doesn't let me stay still for too long. She gives me things to do while not letting me have too much freedom with it.

She doesn't order me around, nor does she act like I'm incapable of doing anything, and it feels nice. Right now, it's everything I need.

Even if the tasks are menial, both of us do it with care. We wash our hands, then we carefully wash the rice three times. While it cooks, we cut up tofu and green onions for the miso soup. She asks me to take some vegetables from the fridge and cut them up in stripes so we can stir-fry them.

For a split second, the knife glints in the light, and it takes me back to that moment in my room. Aunt Hiroko is hovering over me, kunai glinting in the moonlight-

"I think that's about enough. Shikaku isn't a huge fan of vegetables, you see." In one smooth movement, she gathers the food I'd cut and takes them to the counter, where she proceeds to season them. "Are you okay with fish?"

"Yes." I reply automatically, the emotionless tone of voice and the crack at the end making me flinch. Yoshino ignores it and asks me to get the fish from the fridge, making a comment about how she got it for a good price at the market that day.

In what seems no time at all, we've got a steaming meal in front of us. My stomach growls, reminding me of just how long I've been without food, but even though I'm hungry and the food looks delicious, I have little appetite.

Even so, it'd be rude to not eat a little after all the work Yoshino went through, so I take small portions of each dish. The woman in front of me thankfully doesn't insist I eat more, although she does keep a watchful eye on me.

After we eat, we put the leftovers in the fridge and wash the dishes. Then, she sits me down and puts a cloth with cold water over my face to help with my swollen face. She brushes my hair and takes proper care of the cut on my neck. She gives me clothes to change into, and I gladly take off the blood stained pajamas. She fusses over me briefly, folding the sleeves that are a little too long for me. We stretch and do katas together.

By the time the first rays of sun lazily drift through the clouds, we're organizing her first aid kit. Yoshino hasn't gotten a wink of sleep, but she doesn't seem to mind. Throughout the whole night she watched over me, not only physically but mentally as well. She must've been worried for Shikaku too, but she's holding it together for my sake.

'Why is it that even in the midst of bad things we manage to find good ones?'

I turn around and put my arms around her, and the woman goes along with it. There's a distinct smell of peppermint and lavender around her, an odd but pleasing mix.

"Thank you, Yoshino-san. I'm really glad you're here with me."

Her hands rub gentle circles on my back, and her voice is soft when she replies. "You're very welcome, Chiyuki-chan. Know you're always welcome in our house."

As if that'd been his cue, Shikaku flares his chakra outside the door and slides it open. Both Yoshino and I get up instantly, looking for any serious injuries. The shinobi looks exhausted, dirt and ash covering him from head to toe, and although he does seem to have a few injuries, they don't look particularly life-threatening.

"My two favorite girls." He whispers softly, voice rough with tiredness and emotion. I nearly turn to mush, insides melting and heart hammering.

Shikaku slowly takes off his shoes and pecks Yoshino on the cheek, just like he did all those hours ago. He then kneels and ruffles my hair, the smell of smoke and blood even more evident with him so close.

It doesn't matter in the slightest to me. He's back and alive, well enough to move around without assistance, and that's what's truly important to me.

"Is it over, Shikaku?" Yoshino asks quietly, a concerned frown on her face. Her husband sighs and drags a hand down his face, smearing even more dirt around.

"I'm afraid it's just begun. Shimura Danzo is dead."



Question: if you had to choose a single jutsu to use for the rest of your ninja career, which one would it be and why?

> Constructive criticism is more than welcome, but if you're gonna be an asshole about it, then just don't bother.


> This chapter is kinda heavy, plot-wise, and we have a bit of a time-skip here as well. I hope it doesn't seem too rushed, as it definitely isn't my intention, but the story is going to move a little faster from now on. Prepare yourselves, ya filthy animals.

> I've been seeing some really nice fan theories on the comments, so please do keep them coming! I don't want to give anyone spoilers, so I refrain from answering most of the time, but I always enjoy reading them.

> If you're interested in seeing Fugaku's POV, make sure to check out Spring Day's latest chapter!