Chapter 2 - The New World

As he opened his eyes he saw darkness all around him. He tried to talk but all he could do was cry. He felt cold.

He continued to try and communicate his situation but it still became cries.

Woof !

Through the darkness he could hear a dog approaching. Then he spotted light coming from the same direction the dog was coming.

At first two silhouettes approaching but when the figures appeared in front of him, he could make out a small dog of unknown breed and a woman dressed in white and blue.

" It's okay, now that we have found you you're safe. Nothing will happen to you." Gojo heard the woman saying.

" So I have been reincarnated as an orphan I guess." Gojo thought to himself.

The woman picked him up and carried him to a nearby building which appeared to be a temple.

Inside of the building was dimly lit. The woman called out to another woman

" Sister Felicia, please come and take a look at this baby. I found him in an alley way. Could we take him in ?"

A middle aged woman appeared through the dim light. Gojo could make out some of her features. She was stout and had violet hair.

With a huge smile across her face she said, " Wow, what a beautiful child. Look at this beautiful white hair and majestic blue eyes. Isabel, let me take care of him while you bring some milk. "

After the stout woman took him in her hands, Gojo looked at the woman who brought him there. He saw a pleasant woman in her 20s with blonde hair.

Gojo tried to thank them but it was just indiscreet words came out of his mouth. Seeing this Sister Felicia patted him on his back and turned towards the deity saying :

It's okay now, you can go to sleep. May the blessings of goddess Lena be upon you.

And so Gojo went to sleep.

Gojo had been reincarnated in the village of Seldis. He was taken in by an orphanage associated with the temple of goddess Lena in that village.

As He awaited for his fifth birthday, he started to learn more about the world he was reincarnated to.

This world was collectively known as the Granworld. It had five continents, although only four of them had significant populations.

The continents being Elemantine, Doskoros, Nilogina, Zandafel and Pangea.

Seldis was located in the great Olvin Empire on the continent of Pangea. Olvin Empire was itself divided in several feudal provinces like duchies and counties. The village was located in the duchy of Alkorn which was a border province.

Seldis village was surrounded on all four sides by huge forests. Only on small road entered the village which was connected to a main road that lead to the provincial capital city of Geradin. The population was around 229.

The forests that surrounded the village were full of demon beasts and bandits so very few did actually venture out of the village.

At the orphanage lived nine other kids apart from Gojo. Most of the kids were jealous of Gojo's beautiful appearance. They always tried to tease Gojo about his appearance.

He only had one friend, a girl named Grisella. She was also abandoned in the forests nearby the village at the age of two. As she had beautiful blonde hair and blue eyes and there were lots of rumours about her.

Some said that she belonged to some noble family as an illegitimate child. Others speculated that she was a descendent of a famous witch named Felin.

Other than her there was another kid named Besoff who was a quiet kid by nature. He had lost both of his parents at a very young age. He was picked on by the other kids for his quiet nature. He refused to make friends with anyone including Gojo.

As his fifth birthday approached, Gojo eagerly waited for the day to come. After all he going to be able to access some of his abilities.