1986/Detroit Michigan.
It's been a week since i started working on my album and currently it's been good so far but for the most part like I've said it's not easy creating a album because you have to take into consideration of the things your fan's will percive you as and what type of artist you want to be, but in general its not easy to create an album, anyways during this past week I've been practicing singing to boost jennifer hudson's template which proves harder to raise only going to 4 percent which is fine by me as i love challenges and during this past week yet again I've been considering my revenge against dearest mariah as i haven't forgotten what she's done when i was 12, i have a very long memory.
(Crystalline's POV)
I'm currently in the studio working on my last song, kings & games, of my album named, crystal 18,which consists of 6 songs, which are, when i see you, free yourself, i believe, kings & games, victory, and roses & thorns which i wrote some of them due to my pitch perfect skill and some of fantasia's songs which is a mixed of music genres but can still hear some gospel in the singing.
I put the headset on and said to smokey "Can i redo that part i felt like I can do better."
Smokey's face turned ugly and said "But you already did it good enough why do you want to redo it this is like the 14th time already this is the best one yet."
"Just redo it already." I said sighing while moistening my throat with water and closing my eyes, clearly ready.
Smokey sighed and deleted half the part in the song, kings & games, with a pained face and played the piano beat to the song.
"I TOOK AFFECTION AS THE TRUTH, BUT YOUR LOVE WAS NOTHING BUT A KINGS GAME." I said singing in a high raspy register holding the notes longly, flipping through registers.
"THATS WHY I WALKED DOWN THESE LONELY PATHS,TO GET TO YOU." I said singing in a high register holding the notes shortly while flipping into the head voice while doing gestures with my hands to remind myself of my technique.
BUT SOMETIMES YOU HAVE TO SACRIFICE JUST TO LOVE, BUT WITH THAT SACRIFICE YOU WHERE NOT CONTENT, BUT BEING WITH ME YOU GAINED CONFIDENCE." I said singing in a higher register holding the notes very longly, flipping into the head voice, with my right hand up.
"That's why love is a king's game." I said singing in a breathy tone, going down the register holding the notes shortly, which proves a little hard for a soprano like me, successfully ending the song.
I took a deep breath calming my nerves and said to Smokey in the microphone "Add the love is a King's game part at the end and the other parts in the middle of the song."
Smokey nodded and got to work, which shows that everyone i meet is not always stupid or it's probably because i have to much common sense for my own good.
I walked out of the soundproof recording room and thought "I need to work on my low notes since jennifer hudson has a heavy voice but it will prove hard since fantasia has a naturally high child like voice but she can sing low notes a little bit but it would be harder to develop since she's clearly a soprano, which makes me one"
"But first things first i need to make more money I'm not content with what I have now thats always gonna be my first priority since money equals, yachts, mansions, cars, hoes, etc, what rich people have you not seen without these things even though I'm not the type to randomly sleep around since i don't think with my dick or pussy currently i put myself before anybody else or you could say I'm the egoistic type" i thought while waving smokey goodbye, letting him handle the rest of the unimportant stuff, like small edits and publishing, since i won't let anybody jeopardize my future not like he wouldn't though, just for example purposes.
I went to to my car and unlocked it and got Into it and started it and drove to one of my appointments that i have with a chairman's son.
TIMESKIP: a couple minutes later.
I pulled into a parking spot and turned my car off and got out of it while locking the door and walked towards the company while thinking "I hope this meeting is successful."
As I walked into the company i went towards the receptionist desk.
"How may I help you miss." Asked the receptionist while typing on the computer, clearly being rude.
"I have a appointment with mr oliver samwell." I said while rolling my eyes dead in her face, not giving a shit.
"Oh your crystillina knowles you can proceed up the elevator mr samwell is expecting you." Said the receptionist, who pronounced my name wrong.
"It's crystalline and thank you but next time when you speak to someone look them in the eyes this is just a word of advice since someone might report you and get you fired." I said while walking into the elevator, leaving a speechless and ashamed receptionist.
While i was going up the elevator i took a look at the luxerious designs on the elevator wall and appreciated its beauty since I love art.
As the elevator stopped and the doors opened i walked into a room I was supposed to have my appointment at and seen oliver samwell sitting in a sofa chair with documents and coffee and sweets with the I love you words on it making me gag inside.
I shut the door behind myself and sat on the sofa chair opposite of him and crossed my legs.
"Welcome ms knowles." Said oliver smiling.
"Thank you mr samwell but I'll get straight to the point if that's ok with you." I said, interlocking my hands that's resting on my crossed legs.
"With all respect ms knowles don't hide your thoughts speak your mind." Said oliver, encouraging.
"I'm here to buy shares as I've heard your company is in a dire need of investment i'd like t..." I said, only to be cut off.
"Ms Knowles that is laughable where did you hear such no...." Said oliver, only for me to cut him off.
"To invest in your company since your company is in need of it mr samwell now tell me how is that laughable." I said with my iconic resting bitch face.
Oliver was staring at me with his mouth open shocked.
I uncrossed my legs and got up from my seat while pulling the contract out of my purse and walked towards him and leaned close to his face and said deadly "Sign the damn contract you self centered son of a bitch."
Oliver snapped out of his shock and said, clearly shrugging off my disrespect "You never cease to amaze me ms knowles I'll sign the contact as your right my company is in dire need of investor's we focus on beauty products that's been going wrong recently as I can see your very gorgeous you seem to know your share of beauty products maybe my company needs you more than it needs me how how about i sell this company to you since i don't need it I'm already tired of running this shitty place and my father wants me to inherit his company since he sees I'm not well versed in beauty products."
"How laughable you really think I'll believe such bullshit." I said, clearly not stupid.
"Hahaha your a smart one ms knowles i like you, why would my father let me inherit his company I'm a bastard child hahaha." Said oliver laughing, while signing the documents.
"Their you now have 10 percent of my companie's stocks you will get a monthly of 20 million since i like you ms knowles." Said oliver smirking while winking at me who was still close to his face, making me gag inside again.
I moved away from him and picked up the contract and put it back into my purse and said "This was a successful and short meeting but next time don't lie to my face I know your company isn't going to shit you just wanted to have fun since your a bored man."
"Hahahaha ms knowles your to smart for your own good, indeed I'm a bored man seeking the pleasures of life but most importantly i find you highly attractive maybe we can catch some d....." Said oliver.
"Don't let your ego get the best of you samwell your quite ugly in fact I find your personality quite trashy and your face is something I will forget about when I leave this room so you tell me if I would like to have dinner with someone like you mr samwell." I said while leaving the room, closing the door behind me.
(Oliver's POV)
"Hehehehe my beautiful crystalline you haven't changed a bit you still turn me down even after all these year's, i see you still have a mouth on you something my cock will be inside very soon hehehehe." Said oliver with a lecherous face, while jacking his cock, sniffing and licking the seat i was sitting on, with an obsessed face.
(Crystalline's POV)
I got into my car and pulled out my oversized phone and called big mama.
"Who is this." Said big mama, clearly already forgot my phone number.
"Hey big mama it's me alina." I said while rubbing my forehead.
"Oh hey baby what do you need." Asked big mama, with a sweet voice.
"I need some of your poison I might need it soon." I said, smiling.
"Ok but you will have to come back home to get it I won't send it to you it's dangerous." Said big mama.
"Ok i understand I'll see you soon " I said, hanging up.
I put my oversized phone back into my purse and started my car.
"My intuition never fails me." I said to myself, while driving off.