Chereads / (I Became Beyonce's Half Sister) / Chapter 17 - Murder On The Mind.

Chapter 17 - Murder On The Mind.

1986/Houston TX.

I was currently getting dressed so I can go have a little chat with gangster wannabe and my grandmother who I have only seen once since I've been back from michigan and that was when she dropped me off from the airport.

"This life sure has a lot of adventures for me." I said sighing, but what would you expect it's real life.

I picked up a brush from the dresser and started combing my hair while humming a random song.

*Bam* *Bam*

"Alina are you done." Asked grandma mia.

"Yea im just tying my hair." I said, putting my hair in a ponytail.

Grandma mia came in and seen my hair and said while chuckling "You have such good hair you need to let me braid it one day when you have time."

I chuckled and said "That would be nice."

"So I'm still not caught up...did y'all kill someone and please tell me momma didn't kill somebody at her age." Said grandma mia pulling out her makup bag and started fixing her mascara in the mirror.

I sighed and started putting lotion on and spraying perfume and said "Yes she poisoned a police officer which will make our time in court even more difficult since I feel like the judge might blame the whole family which in my opinion would be weird by putting a whole family in prison for murder but what would you expect from people everybody is unpredictable."

Grandma mia stared at me for a moment and said with a pissed face "Like hell I'll go to prison i still have money to spend before I die."

"Yea everybody knows your rich no need to throw it in my face since Im rich to now." I Said rolling my eyes, throwing up the peace sign making grandma mia chuckle.

"Where is selena." Asked grandma mia, putting her makeup back in her makeup bag, with me doing the same also finishing.

"I don't know and honestly don't have the heart to care about my dearest belovable grandmother whom I've tried to contact 20 times before I went to bed yesterday." I said while checking my self out in the mirror that looks like I'm about to go jogging sporting, tight black yeoreo high waist yoga shorts and a long sleeve crop top, with air jordan 1s that's currently popular having came out last year, with a little bit of accessories on.

I turned to the side checking my side in the mirror and asked "Do you think this outfit looks good."

Grandma mia looked up from the mirror and looked at my outfit and said while chuckling "Yes it's looks good especially since you have an ass on you the shorts are perfect to flaunt your figure."

I watched grandma mia yap away and said, clearly cutting her off "All I asked was dose the outfit look good not anything else but thanks for the compliment anyway."

Grandma mia rolled her eyes and said "Don't be ashamed that you have a booty on you The whole family knows it big mama was the first one to bring it up."

I rolled my eyes again and said while chuckling "Yea she points out everything."

"She wouldn't be big mama if she didn't." Said grandma mia chuckling.

We both laughed and I looked at the clock, noticing it was 10:00.

"Im ready to go." I said and grabbed my purse and took my car keys out of it and left out of my the room with grandma mia following behind me.

I made my way downstairs and said loudly "BIG MAMA WERE LEAVING."

"HOLD UP IM COMING TO." Said big mama, walking out of her room that happens to be downstairs since helping her up the stairs everyday is a hassle.

"Mama you don't have to come with us we can handle everything ourselves." Said grandma mia, sighing.

"Yea and she would only get in the way if we get discovered by the police while trying to move the corpse parts" I thought, also sighing.

Big mama moved her walker, heading towards the door while saying "Oh I won't get in the way at all I'm helping."

Me and frandma mia looked each other in the eyes and I shrugged and followed behind big mama.

Grandma mia sighed and went out of the house to.

TIMESKIP: Under a bridge.

I was currently inside of my car and pulled under a bridge and turned my car off and looked around, trying to see if gangster wannabe is here yet since he told us to meet him here.

"Isn't selena supposed to be with that snaggletooth motherfucker." Said big mama in the backseat with her black funeral clothes on literally can't be to obvious.

I chuckled and said "Yes she's supposedly..."

"SUPPOSEDLY WITH HIM, KEY WORD, SUPPOSEDLY." I said getting loud repeating myself, still mad from my loss of beauty sleep.

"Ok we get it alina." Said big mama, sighing in the backseat.

"Is that them over there." Asked grandma mia in regular clothes, clearly not her usual luxerious outfits at all.

I looked at where grandma mia was pointing and seen a familiar car pulling up and said "Yep that's his car."

I got out of the car with grandma mia following me, helping big mama out of the car who didn't bother to use her walker and took her cane instead since she claims it will get in the way which is correct in all aspects, if your trying to escape that is.

I stood in between the cars and seen gangster wannabe get out of his car but seen my grandmother not in his car and rolled my eyes.

"Where's my grandmother." I asked, looking up at gangster wannabe, who is tall.

"She went ahead to place the body parts at random houses I told you when you where twelve I got you baby girl." Said tyrone, with a laid back smile.

"I could never understand how my grandmother got with this dude" I thought Sighing, while looking him up and down not caring if he caught me sizing him up.

"Uhhh....what." Asked tyrone, confused.

"Nothing." I said while going to the trunk of my car and popping it opened it and took out gloves and masks.

"Alina is this selena's boyfriend." Asked big mama who made her way beside me somehow.

"Yea." I said, not really caring about the gangster wannabe who somehow looks like one but doesn't really act like one.

"Ok." Said big, who made her way towards tyrone.

"What's she trying to do" I thought, but focused on getting the money out of the trunk.

I put the gloves on and took the money out of the trunk and in case your wondering I put some gloves on so my finger prints wouldn't be on the bag, and closed the trunk, only to see big mama beating tryone with her cane to death.


"HOW DARE YOU HAVE SEX WITH MY GRANDDAUGHTER ON MY GARDEN YOU PIECE OF SHIT." Said big mama, screaming, beating the shit out of tyrone for someone her age.

"I'M SORRY MA'AM IM SORRY." Said tyrone, screaming on the ground, with visible bruises, and a bloody face.

Grandma mia pulled big mama back, trying to calm her down.

I walked up to tyrone and seen his bruised and bloody face and said "Well you deserved that anyways here's the money you stud so keep up your end of the deal."

I dropped the money bag in front of him and threw up the piece sign indicating my job is done here and went back to the car, not really caring about him.

Tyrone bodded and grabbed the bag while struggling to get up but managed to anyway and limped back to his car, holding his bloody broken nose.

"All there left is to battle in court" I thought while getting in the car, grandma mia helping big mama get in the car and got in herself.

"That fucking cracker dares to fuck my granddaughter over my own garden I ought to kill the fucker." Said big mama in the back seat pulling out a mini pistol.


"HOW THE HELL DID YOU GET MY GUN." Asked grandma mia yanking her pistol out of big mama's hand from the front seat and unloaded it.

Big mama clicked her teeth while I rolled my eyes at their antic's and started the car, and started driving back to the house, realizing that big mama tagged along just to beat tyrone for his debauchery over her garden.

Making you remember the saying, don't Fuck with big mama, or that is my saying that is.
