Essence of the Challenge
●By drinking this Essence you will never run out challenges.
●Whether its a fight of cosmic proportions or trickery and planning spanning eons there will never be a time where you cannot find a challenge.
●Challenges always scale to your ability no matter how powerful you become. Not even being a multiverse spanning god will stop from finding one should you wish it.
Essence of the Chuunibyou
●By drinking this dark elixir Essence you gain the power to unleash your inner dramatically increase your power by acting chunni .
●The more chunni you act the more powerful you actually become.
●Now you too can make a drill that pierces the heavens and make people miles away deaf.
Essence of the Compatible
●By drinking this Essence you gain the power to harmonize any conflicting power or abilities.
●Using light magic won't stop you from using dark magic, even at the same time. Being evil won't stop you from using good only abilities.
●This applies to everything you can do from magic, to super science, to simple training.. you always find a way no matter how impossible.
Essence of the Essence
●By drinking this Essence you learn the secret art of making brand new Essences.
●Also instant PTSD because you REALLY did not need to know what went into some of them.
●May or may not receive random calls at 3 am in the morning from ROBs wanting new Essences
Essence of the Infinite Potential Power Well
●By drinking this essence you can gain potentially any and all superpowers, skills, forms, magic, psychic power, etc.
●A well of infinite power exists within you that through training can do anything.
●You start with only being able to make metaphorical sparks happen with your power but with constant use draw on larger and larger amounts.
●Depending on how your trying to train a power it may directly enhance you, generate an effect or be turned into another power source which does them.
●Example: Using the well to breathe fire vs. Using the well to make magic capable of making a fire breathing spell.
●For clarification: the power well can act as any power or power source you want. Or be turned into any power or power source you want, without removing the well.
●Yes this does mean you can have a pool of magic along with the well, but remember at that point you will need to train both of them.
●The power or powers created by fiat can not be stolen, copied, destroyed, or mimicked in any way against you will.
Essence of the Internal Power
●By drinking this essence you become free of needing any external source for your powers/skills.
●From magic that draws in mana from the environment or sword skills that relies on esoteric or strange laws none of your abilities will require anything outside of yourself.
●This does not give you more power or skill then you already have however. If you are only able to draw upon a finite amount of power this will not change that, merely allow you to use and train it anywhere.
●How this manifests is largely dependent on the power/skill in question, magic for example might draw on an internal pool.
Essence of the Limit
●You gain the power to place any form of limit on whatever you like.
●Anything from a generic "X condition must happen to unlock super mode" to "This spell can't harm allies".
●Yes you can put limits on other Essences I did say *anything*
Essence of the Memetic Bard
●By Drinking this Essence you become The Bard yes The Bard bane of DnD campaigns and common sense the multiverse over.
●Aside from the normal abilities gained from being a Bard (DnD or any other fantasy setting, your choice) you gain a number of other powers.
●A subtle anti-fate effect that derails the plans of anything you wish, often in humorous or bizarre ways.
●Charisma the likes of which even inanimate objects or gods will do whatever you wish.
●Good Looks that border on supernatural for your species.
●The ability to somehow always get out of problems or crimes you committed despite all odds.
●And of course a increased affinity to the Bard class/role/job beyond all but the most powerful or skilled of Bards.
Essence of the Spare
●By drinking this Essence you gain one copy of every other Essence you drank.
●Comes in Crystal, Bottle, and whatever other form you may want.
●They can never be copied, stolen, destroyed, erased, etc. outside of your will.
Essence of ~Accurate Self-Confidence~
Upon downing this straight forward and warmly colored potion you gain the following abilities;
○You gain a complete understanding of who you currently are and who you desire to become. This understanding continues to update as you change.
○Your outward manners reflect your inner reality. You may toggle this if you'd like.
○Your goals, barring things that break the laws of physics (unless you have other powers/abilities that do so already), will always be possible. No matter how strange they may be.
Essence of the Eldritch Soul
By imbibing this strange concoction your very soul is altered granting several powers.
- Your soul both becomes Eldritch/Unknowable in nature and is awakened to it's new nature.
- An awakened Eldritch Soul is able to perceive other Eldritch things as well as those that are generally paranormal in nature.
- Awakened Eldritch Souls are able to manipulate matter-energy and space-time leading to effects that those without awakened souls would call Magic.
- Your Eldritch Soul has an inherent limit on how much matter/energy that it can safely store/alter. If this limit is exceeded you will cause an immediate explosion of all stored/altered matter/energy.
- This limit can grow given both time and experience.
- Unlike normal Eldritch Souls you have an innate understanding of your abilities and their limitations. You will never inadvertently store/alter too much matter/energy.
- Optionally your Eldritch Soul's limits are removed.
- Upon death your Eldritch Soul becomes a full Eldritch Being completely and irreversibly separated from your human body.
- After becoming an Eldritch Being you are able to reproduce by altering/inserting Souls into humans, or other sapient species.
- Eldritch Beings are able to awaken or put to sleep Eldritch Souls.
- A sleeping Eldritch Soul is indistinguishable from any other mundane being of their species.
Essence of the Farmer
Upon imbibing this simple earthy smelling potion, you gain the following abilities;
○You gain a one time body redesign to anything desired within your current species/race.
○Your new form will be at peak human in all capabilities, including mentally, regardless of outer appearance.
○You gain a basic understanding and ability in all things farming related. This understanding and ability can grow quite quickly if you dedicate yourself to them. Even without said dedication they will remain undiminished, though static.
○Any lands, animals, equipment, and structures you seek to purchase for farming will always be priced at cost or cheaper (at the owners discretion). This includes pay for workers.
○You get an innate sense of the state that plants, animals, equipment, lands, and structures intended for farming you own/are in charge of are in and what is necessary to improve their condition.
○All lands, plants, animals, equipment, structures, and workers that you own/are in charge of have the capacity to grow beyond what is normally possible for them.
○Without additional aid from other powers your abilities cannot break physics, only bend them.
○The workers only advance quickly in their abilities related to farming.
Essence of the Twisted Path
The bottle twists and turns in seemingly nonsensical ways simultaneously separate and touching every point on the holders body.
- When you drink this potion you gain access to, ownership over, and understanding of the Twisted Path.
- By moving in a precise manner you may enter the Path from anywhere/when/what if.
- Merely by willing it so anyone can be brought to or ejected from the Path to anywhere/when/what if that you are aware of.
- Due to the Omniversal nature of the Twisted Path by understanding it you know of everywhere/when/what if in the Omniverse.
- You always have enough mental/physical capabilities to take advantage of your abilities.
- Addendum 1: The Twisted Path is an Omniversal scale art installation literally touching every place, moment, and possibility in all of every existence.
- Addendum 2: Unlike you others who access the Path must travel via whatever means they have access to.
- Addendum 3: None of the entrances are logically related to each other, the entrance you enter in may be right next to the beginning of the Omniverse. Because of this those who are aware of it's existence typically call it "the worst way to travel."
Essence of the Voodoo Soul
This ordinary looking bottle appears to contain water but there is an odd aura about it.
- By drinking this potion your Soul's ability to bring form, life, and ability into inanimate objects is awakened.
- You are able to perceive Metaphysical and Paranormal events normally imperceptible to others.
- You are able to slowly imbue form, life, and ability into objects, yes even that pebble which is really a piece of shit.
- Hypothetically you can also do this to living beings but the more self aware they are the more difficult it is to do so, humans and equivalent are flat out impossible.
- Remember how I said slowly earlier? Yeah it is gonna take a decade to make a simple wand of fire bolt or assemble two Legos on your.
Essence of the Avatar of Iron
by consuming the Essence of the Avatar of Iron you become one with a battleship from legend.
●Choose an ocean vessel that is reknowned for its capacity for direct warfare, your soul becomes its soul. A battleship counts but a pure carrier or other support ship does not.
●You retain your original body however it changes based upon what vessel you chose. These changes are based on your own perception of the ship's qualities, so long as the changes don't make your body more powerful than the ship your imagination is the only limit. As a consequence of this your body becomes as tough as the ship itself.
●You can change the load out of the chosen ship to anything that it could have been equipped with. This can be done once every 24 hours from your perspective.
●At this same time, once every 24 hours, so long as either your original body or the ship is mostly intact, both you and the ship are fully restored in all respects, including consumables. If the ship is at the bottom of the ocean it returns to the surface fully repaired, if your body is buried, burned, or disintegrated it returns to the surface fully healed. This healing includes damage from age, you will always retain your youth and the ship will never rust.
●All aspects of the ship are easily controlled. You will never be overwhelmed by controlling both your body and the ship. There is no maximum distance for this control.
●This includes any form of sensory apparatus that the ship may have built into it.
●A final note: you are not merely 'part of the ship, part of the crew' you are the ship, now go forth with pride.
Essence of the Great Loom
By imbibing this rainbow potion with thread-like color changes you gain access to many powers, abilities, and items bound up within the Great Loom of Fate's pattern.
•You become closer to the weave and thus your form becomes an eldritch facade that will cause all mortals that look upon it to conflagrate into green flame which disintegrates them down to a bleached skeleton.
•You gain a full body robe that will hide your destructive form from the prying eyes of the curious.
•You are allowed access to The Great Loom of Fate at any time from your home. While in proximity to the loom you are able to weave alterations into the fabric of reality.
•A Distaff tied to The Great Loom of Fate finds itself in your hands allowing you to access the Loom's power from anywhere by utilizing specific tones that alter reality.
•So long as you hold your Distaff you can hear the tones of reality in the world around you giving you access to more abilities.
•You gain an intrinsic understanding of both weaving and music.
•To better aid your weaving your form is brought to the peak of human potential, think RL Olympian not Captain America, with particular emphasis on hearing and endurance.
Essence of the L337 Hacker
By consuming the Essence of the L337 Hacker you gain several boons.
●Perfect memory and unlimited storage.
●Beyond genius level intellect capable of nearly unlimited parallel thought trains along with the associated mental multi-tasking capability.
●Able to instantly parse and understand any form of code from the most basic machine language to the most abstract visual language, as well as various cyphers and other such encoding methods.
●You have an instinctual understanding of what exploits to use in any situation to accomplish both what you want and don't want to happen. This primarily works in computer programming but also extends into the more hardware aspect of technology as well.
●Just to be clear you can make and tailor to your needs any form of virus, malware, etc. as well as just making incredibly clever and clean programs of a non-infective nature.
●You are able to cause computer processes to go faster by increasing the speed at which you are imputing data, whether through typing or other.
●Your speed and accuracy in imputing and receiving data from a computer system through any form of interface is unmatched, even by devices that are specifically designed to use them.
●When in a large crowd you may loudly shout; "Hack the Planet!" And be perfectly understood by those you wanted to communicate without the crowd paying any significant attention to you despite how strange your actions may be.
Essence of the Personalized Essences
By consuming the Essence of the Personalized Essences you gain the following boon.
●Choose as many or as few options from any or all Essence Potions and/or CYOAs that you'd like to possess. You may also make any changes to the choices that you'd like.