Chereads / Meta Essence CYOA / Chapter 60 - Meta Essence CYOA 60

Chapter 60 - Meta Essence CYOA 60

Essence of the Battle Spirit

By drinking this swirling blue-hued silver essence, your innate battle spirit awakens, turning you into a Spirit Master.

●Choose a... something; be it animal, plant, object, food, etc. Your battle spirit manifests as this something, the nature of their manifestation a case-by-case basis; while a bear might cause you to hulk out, a hammer will just manifest on your hand.

○In case you ended up in the world of Douluo Dalu, you will start out as a 10 on the scale from 1 to 99 (100). You MAY of course, have yourself isekai'd to that land, in any era you wish, with whatever background you wish.

●You may cultivate spirit energy, a ethereal substance that nourishes your mind, body, and soul. This gradually empowers you to become superhuman, and beyond. Yes, this can also eventually give you retroactive perfect memory.

○You will instinctually know / understand the most compatible method to cultivate your battle spirit, without risking Deviation or requiring fucked up methods (such as consuming live babies).

○This also allows you to instinctually learn / research methods that best complement your cultivation style - such as drawing upon the surrounding light and water to better nourish your plant-based battle spirit, or inhaling a mixture of spices for a food-based battle spirit.

●You will also gain a sort of plot armor that grants you opportunities (which you can intuit as genuine) to further your cultivation, in terms of foundation, supplemental abilities, etc. Please grasp it firmly, however, for you still need to pursue such leads.

●You may, through intensive, closed-doors cultivation, create your own personal Spirit Ring - ethereal channels used to perform spirit abilities, aka special moves based on your own battle spirit. Up to nine such rings may be obtained, in intervals of 10 ranks, starting at rank 10 and ending at rank 90.

○These spirit rings are unique to you, as you can further cultivate them, evolving them beyond their current tier. The higher the tier - White, Yellow, Purple, Black, and Red - the more difficult it is to raise them.

○These aspects are unique only to you, so please do not reveal this to people you do not fully trust. Actually, it's better if you don't reveal this ability at all, unless you want to get dissected by unscrupulous individuals.

●You may also condense your own spirit bones, highly rare relics in which the original method to obtain them requires a lot of luck and strength. TL;DR, you kill dangerous murder-beasts, some of which are sentient or sapient. This is the same for the usual method of obtaining spirit rings.

○Spirit bones, like spirit rings, will bestow you new spirit abilities. Unlike spirit rings, they are more material, and thus will nourish the body parts they are absorbed (in your case, condensed) into.

○Six most common spirit bones exist - Head, Torso, and your four Limbs. There exists spirit bones that can be grafted (condensed) into other parts, such as the Vertebrae / Ribs, Palms, or even the Penile Bone in one hilarious (not) case.

○Unlike regular spirit bones, in which their tiers (same as rings) are determined at the moment of collection, spirit bones you condense will grow in potency as you live.

●You will also gain the intuition to develop your own spirit abilities through your connection with your battle spirit, independent from those granted by spirit rings and bones. These will best compliment your style, whether as a frontline fighter or a backline support (healer).

●Should you manage to cultivate to pinnacle rank for mortals (aka rank 99), your plot armor will provide you opportunities to pursue immortality, in which divinity is the most common, though there exists other methods for you to become immortal. This depends on the nature of your battle spirit.

Essence of the Falna

By drinking this essence, you become marked by divinity, potentially capable of performing heroic feats.

●A mystic tattoo appears on your back, its design your own choosing. This displays your Status, made up from Basic Abilities, Development Abilities, Magic, Skills, and your overall Level. This tattoo can be made to fade; no methods whatsoever will force your Status to reveal itself without permission. Unlike others who possess the Falna, yours can be automatically updated at will, placing you in a brief trance upon so.

●Gain the opportunity to rebuild your body the way you want; regardless your mind, body, and soul will be ready and fit for adventure. Stats, abilities, etc., will not degrade from lack of use or old age, and your Falna can never be stripped away.

●Immense willpower to keep you going through hardship, yet retaining a flexible mind, open to new ideas. You also have an equally unbreakable spirit that never gives in to despair and immune to any form of corruption.

●You now possess a retroactive eidetic memory with instant recall, unlimited storage, tamper-proofing, perfect indexing, and protection from any form of harmful memories.

●You gain the basic skills and knowledge required for an Adventurer of Orario. In addition, you will find yourself a natural prodigy in any skills related to adventuring and dungeoneering.

●Gain three 'Cheats' to be distributed between Skills and Magic in however ways you see fit, as well as the knowledge and skill to use them. In addition, you will have a higher chance to develop new Skills and Magic. Standard limitations for Magic will still apply. Any adverse drawbacks from using relevant abilities are instead long-lasting for you; if you are required to sacrifice an eye, it will regain functionality a month later.

●If you actually find yourself in the Danmachi setting, you may pick a God and events will conspire for you to become a member of their Familia; only then will your falna be obtained. If you were instead reincarnated, the 'Cheats' and quality of life improvements will still be there, albeit 'muted' to 1% of their potency in the case of the former until you receive your falna.


You are also made aware of any mental illness, disorders, disabilities or other conditions you may be suffering from and may have any or all of them cured at your discretion. You become as physically fit as any average healthy athletic person would be or remain at your current level of physical fitness, whichever is higher. You gain full control over your fertility and/or menstrual cycle. This effect is applied prior to receiving the falna.

Essence of the Ideal Self

Drinking this transforms you into your ideal self, as defined by your own wishes and desires.

●Your body changes to whatever physical form you most desire for yourself. This includes gaining physical traits such as strength or agility, up to peak human level. This includes a free, one-time cosmetic body resculpt to your ideal or desired appearance.

●Your mind and emotions change to whatever mindset/psyche you most desire for yourself. You can opt to forgo these changes.

●A one-time full cure of whatever ailments, whether physical, mental, or spiritual, that currently plagues you, and any new ailments of the body, mind, or soul will be prevented from occurring.

●Your intelligence is increased or decreased according to your innermost desire. As 'intelligence' is rather hard to quantify, the maximum you may gain is the equivalent of gaining +16 IQ points on a scale with a standard deviation of 16.

●You gain up to three supernatural powers that you desire the most. These must be specific abilities, rather than any sort of generic 'do anything' powers.

●Your body, mind, and soul can never hereafter be altered against your will, in any way. Among other things, this renders you immortal, nearly invulnerable, and immune to mind control.

●Your powers and internal power supplies cannot be drained, suppressed, weakened, stolen, copied, altered, controlled, or otherwise manipulated against your will.

●You also have the ability to turn any of your powers from fully off to fully on, or anywhere in between, and you cannot be forced to use this metaphorical dimmer-switch against your will.

●You will never end up worse off than when you started, as this Elixir will protect you from the negative aspects of your own subconsciousness.

Essence of the Involate Self

Drinking this essence confers you the blessing of inviolability of the body, mind, and soul:

●You now no longer need to eat, drink, breathe, produce human waste, or sleep, and are immune to the harmful effects of radiation alongside extreme environments ranging from the bottom of the ocean to the vacuum of space.

●Total immunity to all forms of poison, sickness, or disease, mundane or otherwise. Any existing ailments of physical, mental, or spiritual nature that plagues you will be completely cured upon drinking this essence.

●You are biologically immortal and utterly tireless, possessing unlimited stamina - you will be be aged/reverted to your physical prime, but no longer age further.

●Infinite willpower to keep going through any amount of hardship; even bloody and broken you will not stop, and you will forevermore be protected from the effects of despair, boredom, ennui, etc., that will make living forever a pain in the ass.

●Your freedom is also inviolate, protecting you from being imprisoned, incapacitated, trapped, bound, sealed, etc. against your will, automatically freeing you from such situations and teleporting you to the nearest safe location.

●You are completely immune to any attempt to forcefully change, control, or manipulate your body, mind, and soul against your will in any fashion no matter what method is attempted or used. Those that use supernaturally boosted persuasion are equally stymied, being forced to rely on simple mundane arguments against you as anything beyond that flatly fails to work. You are also immune to memetic effects or the maddening effects of eldritch beings or phenomena.

●Your soul cannot be targeted as a vector of attack - the only thing you are still vulnerable to will be actual physical violence, if such things can cause damage to you.

●No Oracles or any other form of precognition can account for you, ever. Any predictions that are made will be made without taking you in account, and if seeking you out directly, all they get is static. In addition, you are not bound by fate anymore; your destiny is only what you make of it. This extends to the point that people and events that are deemed unstoppable or even unkillable, just because they are destined to, can be killed by you permanently.

●You are also immune to reality warping shenanigans, such as being caught in time paradoxes, time stops, not existing due to someone killing your mother when she's pregnant with you, etc. - your very existence is inviolate.

●Note: You can still be injured or killed through direct physical damage, if such things are capable of damaging you; all this Essence does is preventing your body, mind, and soul from being affected by other forces without your consent.

Essence of the Runesmith

By drinking this Essence glimmering with teal and gold, you become a Runesmith, able to engrave runes of power on items and living beings. In addition, you gain the following boons:

•The opportunity to rebuild your body the way you want; regardless your mind, body, and soul will be ready and fit for adventure. Stats, knowledge, abilities, etc., will not degrade from lack of use or old age, and similarly, your powers and knowledge cannot be negated, stolen, copied, etc.

•Immense willpower to keep you going through hardship, yet retaining a flexible mind, open to new ideas. You also have an equally unbreakable spirit that never gives in to despair and immune to any form of corruption, including cognito hazards.

•A retroactive eidetic memory with instant recall, unlimited storage, tamper-proofing, perfect indexing, and protection from any form of harmful / traumatic memories.

•Awareness of any mental illness, disorders, disabilities, or any other conditions you may be suffering from, and you may have any or all of them cured at your discretion. You become as physically fit as any highly physically active person would be or remain at your current level of physical fitness, whichever is higher. 

•The power, talent, and knowledge to create and empower arcane runes- sigils that produce supernatural effects when inscribed on objects, structures, and living things. The abilities such Runes confer are vast indeed, and things engraved with Runes are strengthened and fortified to a degree- this includes living beings. In addition, Runes last virtually forever without needing specialized rituals to refuel them, and require little maintenance; they refuel themselves by absorbing ambient energy, both mundane and magical.

•No more than three Runes can be inscribed on 99.99% of all things, living things included; such are the potency of the Runes that most things can't withstand the power of a fourth Rune. Similarly, there are certain Runes of greater potency, Master Runes, so to speak, which cannot coexist on the same object. 

•That is to say, no more than a combination of one Master Rune and two Regular Runes, or three Regular Runes on the same object, period. While you will eventually be able to circumvent or even outright ignore the limits as said above, you will need a greater mastery over your power to perform such feats.

•While the art of Runesmithing is universally compatible with all sources of supernatural juju, from spirit energy and qi seen in Xianxia settings to psionic energy and Mysterious Energy X more prominent in sci-fi settings, should you find yourself in a mundane world much like RL 21st century Earth, you can use your own stamina as fuel, catalyst, and reagent for whichever Runic workings you wish to create. 

•The more metaphysically significant or potent the original reagent, the more stamina and/or other forms of energy is needed to act as a substitute. Invest in good portable electric generators.

•You also gain knowledge of a simple but tiring ritual to transmute normal, industrially processed/forged iron and/or steel into Gromril, or Star Iron. This is an incredibly strong, yet light and flexible metal superior to anything currently in use on Earth that channels Runic energy the best. 

•You can only forge / transmute a couple of ingots' worth of Gromril per day, assuming you start out as a peak human. No chance to create a fortress or something unless you're willing to save up for years, or even decades. 

•As a bonus, you gain a supernatural degree of insight and skill into the process of working with ores, jewels, and things borne of stone and earth, allowing you to swiftly become a world-class metalworker, both for intricate, detailed work such as jewelry and ornaments, to more ancient styles such as the forging of armor and weapons.

•Should you find yourself in a world where the art of Runesmithing is limited to a select race, such as Dwarfs in Warhammer Fantasy, then you are retroactively reincarnated as one such member, with the memories, training, identification papers, etc., to boot.

Essence of the Self

Drinking this transforms you into your ideal self, as defined by your own wishes and desires, without feeling like you became too overpowered.

●At the time you consume this Essence you immediately win the genetic lottery, increasing all your stats, hereby defined as Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom, Charisma, and Luck, to peak racial maximum, and will not deteriorate from that state whether through old age or disuse.

●Any physical and mental health problems or defects currently plaguing you will be removed, with any new instances of such prevented from occurring.

●Your diligence and willpower is boosted, making you more driven and motivated, as it purges excessive indolence and procrastination. That is to say while you still value relaxing and chilling out, you wouldn't put something off if it's important.

●You gain a retroactive perfect memory with instant recall, unlimited storage, tamper-proofing, perfect indexing, and protection from any form of harmful memory. For some reason, you are able to improve yourself thrice as fast.

●You become perfectly capable of using powers, abilities, techniques, etc. without any adverse effects. This ranges from not suffering from Taint-buildup as an Aberrant Nova, able to swim as a Devil Fruit user, or being immune to the Great Curse as a regular Exalt. This includes usage of mutually contradictory abilities, so you can also eat multiple Devil Fruits, or drink more than one Cauldron Vial, without dying or horribly mutating.

●You are completely immune to any attempt to forcefully change, control, or manipulate your very being against your will in any fashion no matter what method is attempted or used. This also includes supernatural persuasion, memetic or eldritch effects, and reality warping shenanigans. The only things that can negatively affect you are direct brute force and threats to those you care for. Take note. You. Are. Not. Invulnerable.

●Any powers and internal power supplies you possess cannot be drained, suppressed, weakened, stolen, copied, altered, controlled, or otherwise manipulated against your will.

●You will never end up worse off than when you started, as this Elixir will protect you from the negative aspects of your own subconsciousness.

Essence of the Slayer

By drinking this Essence, you gain the capabilities of those who hunt and slay the terrors of the Moonlit World:

●A free, one-time cosmetic body resculpt to your ideal or desired appearance.

●A one-time full cure of whatever ailments, whether physical, mental, or spiritual, that currently plagues you, and any new ailments of the body, mind, or soul will be prevented from occurring. This includes things such as near/farsightedness, genetic diseases, etc.

●You gain an immunity to all mundane diseases, poisons and venom, as well as a high resistance towards being turned/converted into a creature of the night. Only those at the levels of an elder would be able to turn you into one of their kind, and even then would need to somehow immobilize you and perform hour-long foul rituals.

●This resistance also extends to supernatural influence that such beings would employ against their prey. This includes curses, hexes, and other forms of dark magic employed against you.

●You are endowed with strength, speed, and endurance that rivals Olympic gold medalists, your athletic feats able to easily break world records, with the will and resolve that allows you to keep going through any amount of hardship.

●Your mind has been enhanced, gaining a retroactive perfect memory with infinite storage and instant recall with superb indexing. Your thought processing speed also becomes faster, allowing you to read novels from cover to cover within minutes.

●Your reflexes, awareness, balance, and hand-eye coordination are enhanced to superhuman levels, to the point you have a mild combat precognition and danger sense.

●You gain the ability to heal at a vastly accelerated rate, mending broken bones in hours and regenerating lost limbs in a day. Getting decapitated will still outright kill you, for now that is.

●Your lifespan, provided that you do not die in battle, have been extended by several decades. Until your hourglass empties, you will always retain your skill, stats, and abilities obtained from this Essence or pick up in the future, never degrading from disuse. Your apparent age will also be set to the prime of your life.

●You gain a high amount of innate knowledge of things that go bump in the night, a professional scholar when it comes to the beings of night that prey upon humanity.

●Innately gain the kind of skill, abilities, training, and psyche that members of well-funded private military contractors have undergone, without negative changes to your personality and/or mental health. In addition, you can keep your cool in all forms of stressful situations.

●You can render most forms of supernatural and biological immortality invalid, making the immortal mortal. This also allows you to permanently put down what you intentionally kill - not even the remnants of your quarries will turn into wraiths.

●Yes, you can even kill spirits and even gods with this ability. Just make sure you're strong enough to do so.

●However, all the above pale to the last ability those who imbibe this Essence will possess. Unlike traditional Slayers and Hunters, those empowered by this Essence will be able to draw upon the strength of slain opponents, each life (or un-life) taken granting you more time on the mortal plane:

●Ordinary mortals, combatants and civilians alike will grant moments - minutes, at best.

●Those who affiliate with the supernatural, such as cultists and collaborators granting weeks.

●Slaying monsters and/or witches, however, will grant additional years to your life, a decade, at the very least.

●In addition to extending your lifespan through taking lives, you also grow stronger from the enemies you kill, improving existing powers and even developing new ones thematically based on those you have felled.

Essence of the Super Soldier

By partaking of this essence, you are turned into an enhanced human - a super-soldier, if you will. Thus you gain the following boons:

●A free, one-time cosmetic body resculpt to your ideal or desired appearance, skewing towards a tall and athletic look.

●A one-time full cure of whatever ailments, whether physical, mental, or spiritual, that currently plagues you, and any new ailments of the body, mind, or soul will be prevented from occurring. This includes things such as near/farsightedness, genetic diseases, etc.

●You gain immunity to all diseases, poisons and venom, and the ability to consume anything that isn't actually poisonous or indigestible by your metabolism without any problems.

●Your physical attributes are now enhanced, putting you around several times stronger, faster, and more enduring than record-breaking Olympic athletes.

●You also gain a perfect memory with infinite storage and instant recall with superb indexing. Your processing speed also becomes faster, allowing you to read novels from cover to cover within minutes.

●Your mind has also been enhanced, able to resist hostile mental influence, with the will and resolve to back it up, allowing you to keep going through any amount of hardship; even bloody and broken you will not stop.

●Your reflexes, awareness, balance, and hand-eye coordination are similarly enhanced to superhuman levels, to the point you have a mild combat precognition and danger sense. With your enhanced thought processing speed, the world might as well be in bullet time if you wish to.

●You gain a very potent healing factor, able to regenerate to full health so long as a single drop of blood remains. You can now live for centuries as a perpetually 20-something super soldier, provided you do not die before then.

●Innately gain the kind of skill, abilities, training, and psyche a professional soldier possesses, without negative changes to your personality and/or mental health. You may choose which military branch your... download (?) is primarily from, or all of them if you wish. Oh, and you can keep your cool in all forms of stressful situations.

●Skills, stats, and abilities gained from this serum, and those you pick up in the future, will never degrade due to lack of training or the passage of time.

●You gain the charisma of a natural leader, able to motivate people and keeping up morale. Potency is amplified several-fold when leading a squad of people into a (potentially) stressful situation.

●Abilities granted by this essence can be inherited by your offspring, and you can select what abilities they will gain, their potency, and how/when they will manifest at the time of conception.

Essence of the Superhuman

By imbibing this Essence, the crystallization of one's desire to gain superpowers, so too, will you become greater. Gain the following boons:

●A free, one-time cosmetic body resculpt to your ideal or desired appearance. For some reason those with superpowers often have the incredibly good looks that comic heroes have.

●A one-time full cure of whatever ailments, whether physical, mental, or spiritual, that currently plagues you, and any new ailments of the body, mind, or soul will be prevented from occurring. Includes things such as near/farsightedness, genetic diseases, etc.

●You are also now a potent athlete, with strength, speed, reflexes, and endurance rivaling Olympic champions, with the will and resolve to keep going through any amount of hardship; even bloody and broken you will not stop.

●You also gain a perfect memory with infinite storage and instant recall with superb indexing.

●Aside from those shown above, you may gain a single supernatural power that you desire the most. These must be specific abilities, rather than any sort of generic 'do anything' or 'do everything' powers.

●This also includes the often implied but never stated ability to have to have your powers work in ways that won't hurt or adversely affect you or things you use your powers on.

●Your chosen power can consist of a grab bag of powers, as long as they follow a theme of sorts, and do not number more than a dozen. Things such as "Flying Brick", "Hulking Brute", or an "Aquatic Hero" packages, for example.

●... No, that does not mean you can grab Flying Brick, Hulking Brute, and Aquatic Hero as a single package.

●... No Eidolon either, you dope!

Essence of the Witcher 

By drinking this foul concoction that tastes of bitter herbs, you become a Witcher, a being who hunts things that go bump in the night; ie, monsters that prey upon humanity. You gain the following attributes:

•You gain the opportunity to rebuild a new body however you wish, within human limits; regardless your mind, body, and soul will be ready and fit for adventure. Your parameters, knowledge, abilities, etc., will not degrade from both lack of use and old age; similarly, your powers and knowledge cannot be nullified, stolen, copied, etc.

•An immense willpower to keep you going through hardship while retaining a flexible mind open to new ideas and concepts. You too shall gain an equally unbreakable spirit that never gives in to despair and immune to any form of corruption, including but not limited to cognitohazards, eldritch truths, and clarketech indoctrination.

•A retroactively eidetic memory with instant recall, unlimited storage, tamper-proofing, perfect indexing, and protection from any form of traumatic / harmful memories and/or information.

•You are cured of any and all physiological and psychological conditions, be they congenital, genetic, acquired, as well as from injuries, environment, upbringing, exposure, etc., no matter what, you are cured of such debilities. This regenerative effect will continue to affect you in a conceptual level - any ruinous curses, magical diseases, and even mundane injuries, shall be gradually cleansed, healed, and purged. This will not stop a transformation you seek, but will instead target any undesirable aspects in such transformations. 

•Your base constitution is enhanced, granting you a peak human body, capable of competing in all olympic level sports events in a professional capacity, and not just win, but outright creating new world records. Your stamina and durability, however, is further amplified, rendering you more vigorous and robust than normal humans.

•You innately gain the memories of a fully trained Witcher of no specific School, with the muscle memory and mental clarity to match. This entails a solid foundation in the various forms of Witcher bladework, hand-to-hand combat, alchemic knowledge and recipes, tracking, stealth, marksmanship, as well as an extensive education of monster biology and behaviorial science. 

•You gain the ability to cast the 5 most commonly known Witcher Signs, spells that require nothing but gestures and focus to cast- Igni, Quen, Aard, Yrden, and Axii. Igni produces a stream of fire; Quen forms a magical shield; Aard produces a pulse of kinetic force; Yrden creates magical traps; and Axii confounds the target's mind. With time and effort, your proficiency in casting them will be beyond normal Witchers, from Igni burning as hot as dragonfire with an impressive range, to creating Yrden sigils capable of ensnaring even a giant or incorporeal spirits.

•You gain a form of mind's eye and mental repository when facing other monsters, monstrous beings, and inhuman beings that aren't found in the Great Bestiary of the Witchers. Upon observing, defeating, or examining them, you will find that said repository will be automatically filled, granting you knowledge on their behavioral habits, abilities, as well as their alchemic properties. Any minor but useful quirks you have observed on such beings, consciously and subconsciously, will also be added in said repository.

•This form of mind's eye will also aid you in harvesting not just the body parts of monsters you have hunted down and slain, but also useful herbs and plants and other materials. You gain an inventory specifically attuned to storing and preserving them. This will also produce suitable vessels to contain them, and once within your inventory, will place such things under stasis. When emptied, these vessels will simply dissipate into the aether.

•Your education in alchemy isn't just limited in knowledge and recipes for curatives, oils, poisons, and potions, which requires the usage of harvested monster parts and other relevant ingredients to brew and use, but also an extensive theory in substituting one ingredient for another, as well as tweaking and altering existing recipes for your own benefit. With time, and research, you can derive new alchemic recipes for reagents specific to whichever world you find yourself in.

•You also gain the starting gear for all Witchers - a pair of swords; one silver and one steel for monsters and humans alike, a set of generic leather armor, gauntlets, and greaves. These will in time absorb the ambient essence and spirit energy of your hunts, upgrading themselves to suit your demands. 

•Your consumption of this Essence will also empower you to be more than your average Witcher, as you can now gradually grow stronger from the monsters you've hunted, even if you weren't the one to land the final blow. This "experience" can be guided to strengthen yourself in any desired ways, from your own combat prowess to your proficiency in the Signs, among other things. 

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