Chereads / This immortality? Cannot be cultivated anymore! / Chapter 8 - Chapter 8 Who Gave Me the Courage to Come Here?_1

Chapter 8 - Chapter 8 Who Gave Me the Courage to Come Here?_1


Deepening communication with Liu Mengruo brought great benefits to Lin Yuan.

At the very least, the issue of memory loss was completely resolved.

Even if he couldn't remember the past, as long as he could recognize people, there wouldn't be any problems.

The relationships among classmates in school are not that complicated, right? Even if they suddenly become distant, it's not strange...

But the greatest benefit was the stack of detailed explanations of the basic martial Dao textbooks!

With those materials, Lin Yuan's basic knowledge of the martial Dao was no longer like that of an outsider who only knew the names without understanding the substance.

He could openly try to learn the martial Dao.

Therefore, after reading all the basic martial Dao textbooks in detail, Lin Yuan didn't rush to school the next day; instead, he planned to make a trip to the Martial Arts Training Center!

During this time, he had also looked up a lot of information about martial arts halls online.

The situation like his, starting with a literary education and then transferring to martial training, was actually not uncommon...

Why is it that the nine years of compulsory education does not differentiate between literature and martial arts?

It's because whether intending to pursue literature or martial arts, one needs to be well-versed in both areas at the beginning...

There are also many families that initially focus on the literary side due to economic reasons.

But it is perfectly normal to suddenly become wealthy and want to provide better education for one's son.

This was important information that Lin Yuan had specifically confirmed with Liu Mengruo...

And so, early in the morning, Lin Yuan left his home.

The technology of this world, compared to his previous life, was much more advanced...

Not only were there vehicles coming and going non-stop on the ground!

But in the sky, amid the gaps between towering buildings, there were also airships shuttling back and forth in an orderly manner; although not as numerous as ants, it was still an endless stream.

Add to that the virtual 4D imaging devices in the high sky, flashing with lively images and broadcasting various news and advertisements...

It gave one the feeling of having arrived in a future society.

The Martial Arts Training Center was located right in the center of Qinghua City, in a place where every inch of land was worth its weight in gold. Yet, they had built a skyscraper that was over fifty stories tall, with each floor occupying more than three thousand square meters and up.

Almost all activities related to martial artists took place here.

And in fact...

When Lin Yuan, with his student ID prepared in advance, entered the training center's main gate,

he felt an immediate difference.

Outside, if one ignored the high-flying airships, it was roughly the same as the cities in his former life.

But upon entering the training center, surrounded by martial artists coming and going, it felt as though he had arrived in an extraordinary world.

Despite having no training at all, Lin Yuan could keenly sense, through his spiritual power, the explosive forces contained in each martial artist he encountered, whether it was in their hands, legs, or the muscles in their head, elbows, knees, and the like.

The more solid the muscle in a particular place, the more spiritual energy it could channel.

This must be the position of their body's greatest explosive power...

Is this the perception of a cultivator?

Lin Yuan was quite surprised and thought that since the martial Dao originated from the immortal Dao, if he encountered enemies who practiced martial Dao in the future, he could take great advantage of his ability to foresee their strengths and weaknesses.

And when he arrived at the exclusive second floor for the Reserve Martial Disciples,

he saw far fewer martial artists, most of them students like himself.

They must be here for training...

After all, what's taught in schools is only the most basic of the basics. To pass the Dragon Gate exam smoothly and achieve a good score, the training provided by martial arts halls is just the initial level of investment.

"The poor study literature, the wealthy practice martial arts", it has been this way since ancient times.

Lin Yuan had just walked in when a particularly sweet-looking receptionist approached him.

Her gaze was sharp, likely noticing Lin Yuan's looking around, and she smiled, asking, "Hello, sir... may I ask for your last name?"

"No need for formality, my name is Lin."

"Mr. Lin, is this your first time at the training center?"

Lin Yuan nodded.

"Are you a student?"

Lin Yuan nodded again.


The waiter's smile suddenly became much sweeter.

She asked with a smile, "So, are you looking to find a suitable martial arts hall for supplementary lessons?"


"Do you have any requirements?"

Lin Yuan thought for a moment and said, "The lower the tuition, the better, the fewer students, the better, the stronger the tutor, the better, and the longer the martial arts hall has been around, the better!"

The smile on the waiter's face froze and had become extremely reluctant.

"Well... Mr., you really have a sense of humor. How about I take you on a tour of the various martial arts halls?"


Lin Yuan nodded.

"Please follow me, Sir."

The waiter was already feeling a bit regretful. This was a difficult customer to serve, and she really shouldn't have approached him just because the young man looked handsome and charming...

Internally grumbling, but her smile remained as sweet as ever on the surface.

She earnestly performed her job, taking Lin Yuan around several martial arts halls on this floor one by one.

She introduced as they walked, "Each martial arts hall has its strengths. Mr. Lin, you can choose according to your own advantages and strengths. For example, this Gale Martial Hall is a well-established institution that has been around for over forty years since its first establishment. It has opened over a hundred branches and has always done great business.

There is also this Fiery Flame Martial Arts School. Although it doesn't have as many branches, it has the advantage of the headmaster, Chen Guohan, who is a martial master of the True Qi level, presiding over it. Being at the start and needing core members, if the students stand out, they may well be taken as disciples by the headmaster. At that time, the benefits will go beyond what money can buy..."

Martial practitioners refine their bodies, elite martial practitioners refine their strength, and upon reaching the martial master, they practice Qi Refining... such levels can indeed be termed as masters.

Even though it's just a branch of the Immortal Dao, the Martial Dao has developed for so many years and already formed its own system.

This female waiter was in charge of receiving new martial disciples every day.

She was well-versed in the strengths of each martial arts hall.

One martial arts hall's martial techniques were unique and powerful; another's instructors were experienced in laying solid foundations; yet another's fees were relatively affordable and the tutors were dedicated, and so on and so forth.

As for Lin Yuan, he only believed half of what she said...

After all, she was only talking about the strengths, not mentioning any weaknesses.

Lin Yuan had his own way of judging.

He followed her steps, his gaze constantly measuring the martial arts instructors who were either teaching or training.

His spiritual power could resonate with the spiritual energy outside, and as these instructors grew stronger, the ubiquitous spiritual energy passing by them would also linger appropriately...

This was his main source of perception.

Then he found that not everything the waiter said was just a sales pitch.

At the very least, being able to open a martial arts hall in this training center that was directly managed by Xuan Country's official authorities meant that none of these schools were merely marking time; indeed, each had its strengths.


"Is tuition always this expensive?"

After touring around and even watching some of the students in training, Lin Yuan confirmed that all of these martial arts halls were acceptable and choosing any one of them wouldn't pose a significant problem.

Further, he planned to start from the very basics, not needing particularly high-level instructors to guide him.

But when he saw the price list...

His face showed an astonished expression, and he suddenly understood why his predecessor had not learned martial arts...

Just the most basic course of sixty lessons a year costed 130,000!

And that was the cheapest...

The highest-priced Gale Martial Hall, on the other hand, went up to 200,000 for just fifty lessons a year.

Lin Yuan had previously thought that his net worth of 100,000 made him wealthy, but now he realized just how audacious he was to come to this training center.

The waiter seemed to have seen this kind of scene often and didn't pay it much mind. She explained with a smile, "If you want to become a martial artist, you must refine your body, and refining the body simply put, is the process of breaking down and rebuilding your original body. Normally, after one lesson, it might take you a month's time to recover from the injuries to your body, so although the tuition fee is expensive, it includes their exclusive medicinal baths and Nutritional Recovery Agents to ensure that you won't sustain hidden injuries during body forging. It may seem like a lot of money spent, but this will serve as the foundation for your future path as a martial artist, allowing you to climb higher."

Now, Lin Yuan was at a loss for words.

He knew about the Nutritional Recovery Agent, a body recovery elixir that could only be purchased by official organizations and units.

The price of one vial on the market was over a thousand yuan.

And it was usually not available to the general public.

If they were willing to use Nutritional Restoration Elixirs for their students, along with medicinal baths.

Then the price ... was indeed quite reasonable.