Chereads / This immortality? Cannot be cultivated anymore! / Chapter 11 - Chapter 11 Nobody Wants This to Happen_1

Chapter 11 - Chapter 11 Nobody Wants This to Happen_1

After returning home.

Lin Yuan immediately tried to adopt the horse stance as taught by his instructor…

Then, to his surprise, he found that while practicing the horse stance, not only did he not feel tired, it was as if he had flipped a switch inside his body. Even the efficiency with which Spiritual Energy transformed into Spiritual Power improved from before.

According to Lin Yuan's speculation, this should be due to the free-floating Spiritual Energy in the world around him.

Even though Spiritual Energy cannot be directly absorbed, living in an environment with an abundant concentration somewhat gets pickled into humans.

This is also why the physique of people in this world is much better than those from his previous life.

It's the same with Martial Artists.

Although they cannot directly control Spiritual Energy, they can use it to quickly recover from injuries…

Even though it was only one class, Lin Yuan had already realized that the intensity of training in class could potentially lead to long-term injuries.

Bath medicines or Nutritional Recovery Agents are necessary, otherwise this method of Cultivation could ruin a person.

Even with the aid of bath medicines and Nutritional Recovery Agents, with an average of one class per week…

Could the mere thousand-yuan Nutritional Recovery Agent really possess such strong restorative powers?

It's probably the nourishment from Spiritual Energy that assists in healing injuries.

This is also why so many Cultivation systems flourish in this world; the people of this world have a much better foundation due to their superior physique compared to those in his previous world.

Therefore, his diligent practice of Martial Dao actually accelerated the absorption efficiency of Spiritual Energy for his Cultivation Technique.

"It's a pity I don't know what level my Spiritual Power is at right now…"

The rankings for Martial Artists are divided into Martial Artist, Elite Martial Artist, martial master… Advancing to the next rank has extremely stringent requirements.

But for Cultivators, I have no idea how the ranks are divided.

Lin Yuan has nowhere to inquire…

He doesn't even dare to search the internet for information about Cultivators.

The internet is not a lawless place after all.

However, even though he doesn't know his own Immortal Dao level, Lin Yuan had already found the best way to utilize Spiritual Power.

"Others take longer to recover from injuries, so they manage one class a week in an orderly manner, but I'm different from them. I just need a few dozen minutes to recover after a class, which means that even attending classes daily wouldn't be a problem."

Remembering how in class, the instructor corrected each of them one by one, teaching how to punch, how to kick, and how to respond to an enemy's attack.

Although it's all basic, without someone to guide, trying to figure it out on one's own would really take a long time.

A look of intrigue appeared on Lin Yuan's face.

The primary reason he practiced Martial Dao before was to provide cover for his path of Immortal Dao, bearing a weapon instigates the will to kill… Lin Yuan, who possessed Spiritual Power, would not easily let others trample over him and spit on him if he were bullied; it was almost impossible.

At such times, a cover was needed.

But now, after experiencing it firsthand, he was truly moved.

"I only have one 'Nayuan True Jue'. I'm not even sure about the level of this Cultivation Technique. But unless something unexpected happens, if I can't understand the 'Remnant Consciousness Whisper', it means I'm unlikely to obtain other offensive Spells, so using Immortal Dao to master Martial Dao is the only path I can take. And doing it this way, normal people would probably not be able to detect anything, right?"

Lin Yuan quickly made a decision.

A single Nutritional Recovery Agent costs around a thousand yuan. Since he doesn't need it, he could completely sell it… Thirty-two classes amounts to more than thirty thousand yuan, plus his savings, would be enough to buy dozens more classes.

Then he could sell the agents and buy more classes.

In this manner, by the time of the Dragon Gate examination, perhaps he really could achieve a pretty good result and become a Martial Artist?

"Anyway, I should go to school tomorrow."

Remembering Teacher Liu's help, without her, Lin Yuan probably wouldn't have thought to use his student ID as a pass to enter the Martial Arts Training Center. If his lack of common knowledge was exposed, it would be no laughing matter.

After completing the horse stance.

Lin Yuan was already dripping with sweat, but his body didn't feel tired at all, instead there was a sensation as if he had been completely opened up and cleansed.

He went on to do push-ups and sit-ups, as well as a ten-kilometer jog, among other exercises.

Then he recognized the faces from photos once more…

After confirming there were no mistakes.

He promptly fell asleep.

Early the next morning.

Lin Yuan first called Liu Mengruo, and then took out his school bag and walked towards Qinghua High School.

At the gate of Qinghua High School.

From a distance, he saw Liu Mengruo standing there.

Dressed in a silver-white suit and matching black stockings…

Since it was for going to school, she didn't wear high heels, but even in flat shoes, one could not conceal her long and straight legs.

She looked like a fresh university graduate, a new teacher.

Lin Yuan couldn't help but feel moved inside; no wonder his predecessor had sent her a love letter.

He approached her.

Upon seeing Lin Yuan, Liu Mengruo smiled and said, "Lin Yuan, you're here. Let's go. You've missed more than a month of classes and have missed many important things. Especially the liberal arts and martial arts preference form, everyone else has filled it out, but you haven't yet, come with me."

"Yes," replied Lin Yuan, following her obediently.

First, they went to the office, where Teacher Liu handed him three forms, two of which were already filled out.

She said, "These are the preference forms, you previously filled out liberal arts, but if you're really intent on switching to martial arts, now is the chance to change… I'll ask you one last time, are you sure?"

If it had been before his visit to the Martial Arts Hall, Lin Yuan would have hesitated slightly as his practice of martial arts was purely for self-defense.

But now...

Lin Yuan didn't hesitate much, took the form, and made some amendments to the previous two forms, then, referencing the earlier ones, started to fill in the third blank form.

Liu Mengruo watched him copy and couldn't help but admire, "It seems you didn't fall behind in your studies while in isolation, your handwriting has become much neater... Ah... Sorry."

She suddenly remembered that the change in handwriting could likely be due to his amnesia. Although the muscle memory remained, there would still be some changes.

"It's okay."

After Lin Yuan finished writing, Liu Mengruo led him toward his class.

Class 3, Senior Year 7.

The class had a total of seventy-two students.

Forty-one boys and thirty-one girls.

When Liu Mengruo brought Lin Yuan in, as expected, it caught the attention of everyone in the class.

"Go on, we just rearranged the seats yesterday, and yours was moved to a spot by the window," she said.

Liu Mengruo pointed towards the back row near the window.

A single seat, no deskmate.

It was clear that this seat adjustment was likely made for him.

"Thank you, Teacher."

Lin Yuan walked over, passing several classmates on the way. Some students smiled at him in a friendly way, to which he responded with a smile.

He passed by a girl with slightly curly hair.

The girl was very pretty, with a doll-like elegance that set her apart from the other students.

It was Lu Ziyu, the one Liu Mengruo had mentioned.

At that moment, she was lying on her desk pretending to sleep, not sparing Lin Yuan a glance, and he didn't interact with her either.

Teenage boys and girls, what's there to be guarded about?

Even if the relationship was deeper, so what? Watch me easily pull it out.

Seeing Lin Yuan settled in his seat,

Liu Mengruo looked at him worriedly, then turned and left.

As soon as the teacher left, a few students immediately gathered around him, inquiring with concern about his isolation during this period.

Clearly, they all knew about the huge change in Lin Yuan's family, so even though they were enthusiastic, they were also careful in their speech.

Lin Yuan could clearly recognize each one of their names, but as to their relationships...

In school, alienation and indifference almost never needed any reason. Even the closest of cliques could disband without apparent cause.

Lin Yuan had experienced this before and was well aware of it.


Lin Yuan answered every question they had, but his tone throughout conveyed an unmistakable detachment.

Gradually, the other students lost interest and dispersed.

Soon, it was time for class to start.

Lin Yuan took out his textbooks, intending to listen attentively...

All the knowledge from his previous life had been returned to the teachers.

Even if he wanted to take the martial exam, the written test was essential; he had work to do.

Fortunately, he was quick-witted and had a clear mind. Especially since he had learned this knowledge in his past life, although forgotten, he could make connections instantly as soon as the teacher explained it.

His progress was quite fast.

Time quickly came to four o'clock in the afternoon.

With the ringing of the school's end-of-day bell,

the teacher announced that class was over...

Lin Yuan, on the other hand, picked up his backpack and was the first to dash outside.

The Martial Arts Hall had classes at three different times each day, at ten in the morning, two in the afternoon, and six in the evening.

The distance from here to the Martial Arts Hall was not short; he had to hurry.

He ran so fast...

That by the time Lu Ziyu had just finished writing a little note, intending to slip it to Lin Yuan, she found he had already run out of sight.

The girl immediately stomped her foot in frustration.

Meanwhile, Lin Yuan dashed all the way to the Martial Arts Hall, arriving at five-thirty.

He took out his black card and said to the receptionist, "Hello, I'm here for classes today as well."


The receptionist smiled professionally, not questioning why Lin Yuan was back without even skipping a day in between.

Instead, the complexity in her eyes deepened.

If yesterday's look was odd, today he faintly sensed something else in it… pity?

Watching Lin Yuan get ready for class with his personal belongings,

she finally couldn't help but stop him and said, "Nobody wants things like this to happen, but since it has, we can only learn from it, so we won't get conned again … Tens of thousands might seem like a lot, but it's not worth jeopardizing your future over, right?"


Lin Yuan's steps immediately halted, and his face registered complete astonishment.