Chereads / This immortality? Cannot be cultivated anymore! / Chapter 13 - Chapter 13: One Must Not Be Too Shameless_1

Chapter 13 - Chapter 13: One Must Not Be Too Shameless_1

Business was being introduced, but suddenly someone interrupted it.

Especially when it involved deception...

The young wife who had just shown interest now had a wary look in her eyes.

And Zhao Sanyuan too turned around in anger.

Upon seeing Lin Yuan, his face showed a flash of recognition, and he smiled, "Isn't this Mr. Lin? What brings you here, just finished a course... strange, didn't you just take one yesterday? Isn't it problematic to attend classes so frequently?"

The charming young wife asked, "Young man, what do you mean by deception...?"

"It's nothing really, I paid 60,000 yuan for thirty-two of his classes yesterday, only to find out today that these classes will be invalidated in a month. That means out of over thirty classes, I can at most attend four.... Others pay over two thousand per class, while I pay one thousand five hundred. I thought I was getting a little discount, but instead, I ended up throwing my capital into it."

Lin Yuan sighed, "Big sister, looks like you want to sign your little sister up for the Martial Arts Class, right? It's better not to learn than to complain about it being expensive... If you really can't afford it, then you just have to give up. Trying to get a bargain will only lead to losing both your money and your possessions."

"Lin Yuan... you..."

Listening to Lin Yuan's brief description.

Zhao Sanyuan's face showed resentment, but he quickly suppressed it, switching to a mocking tone.

"I see... that makes sense, indeed, it's only a few hundred yuan cheaper per class, so it's really not worth the risk..."

"Uh... Mrs. Liu, Mrs. Liu, we can negotiate about the price..."

"No... it's not necessary..."

The woman named Mrs. Liu, feeling embarrassed, pushed Zhao Sanyuan away, saying, "Sorry for taking so much of your time, I'll go look somewhere else."

After saying that, she smiled gratefully at Lin Yuan and left with her daughter.

Zhao Sanyuan laughed out of frustration.

Helplessly watching his prey leave, he said to Lin Yuan speechlessly, "Is this your purpose? Do you know that I never intended to deceive them, and it's not always that we have expiring classes. You just had bad luck, but they were fortunate. I just received over twenty classes with six months' duration, and I was planning to sell them to her."

Lin Yuan said, "But you would have charged her much more than you did me, and it isn't necessarily much lower than the official enrollment price, right? Plus, when you always walk by the river, how can you not get your shoes wet? Dealing with someone like you, who is so cunning, once trust is established, it's only a matter of time before you deceive them."

Zhao Sanyuan snorted and asked, "Are you here to ask for your money back?"

Lin Yuan asked, "Would you give it to me?"

Zhao Sanyuan sneered, "If I don't give it to you, what are you going to do about it? Beat me up? You must be physically fit if you're planning to apply for the martial arts academy, right? Come on... there are cameras everywhere here. It was wrong of me to deceive people, but if you hit me, then you're in the wrong, and I could make you pay through the nose."

Seeing Lin Yuan's expression change slightly, he mocked, "Or are you going to wait for me outside? But I drive as soon as I leave, do you know my car's license plate number? Even if you do, can you keep up with me? Can you find out where I live? Dare you come to my house and cause trouble? You wouldn't even dare to touch my car because you'd have to pay dearly if you do..."

Lin Yuan asked, "Aren't you afraid I'll sue you?"

"I highly recommend that you take up legal weapons to defend your rights, although it's not going to be any use, because the money I earn not only goes to greasing palms at the Martial Arts Hall but a fixed portion also goes to my lawyers... What I fear least is a lawsuit, but are you going to spend tens of thousands more on lawyers for a lawsuit? Not to mention the time and effort, if you really had that kind of money, you wouldn't need to buy second-hand classes from me."

Zhao Sanyuan said with contempt, "The law only serves those with money and power, poor scum should stay away... understand?"

He paused, then continued, "Of course, you can also do as you did today, follow me around and mess up my business, but then you'd have to watch me every day. I work here regularly every day, and my salary is not low, those are just extra earnings for me... But my extra earnings could waste all your precious time. Do you think you can outlast me?"

A look of scorn appeared on his face, as he said playfully, "So, what do you plan to do, Mr. Lin Yuan?"

Lin Yuan looked deeply at Zhao Sanyuan and said, "Since you claim to have a high salary, have you ever considered that your so-called 'extra earnings' might potentially ruin someone's future..."

"I've already said that expiring classes aren't available all the time, how can you be so sure that I'm always ruining someone's future? Maybe I've also contributed to someone else's future. It's just your bad luck. Instead of praying and cleaning off your bad fortune, are you going to blame me?"

Zhao Sanyuan said impatiently, "I have business to do, stay away..."

With that, he pushed past Lin Yuan and walked away.

Lin Yuan did not lay a hand on him.

He was truly so angry that his chest hurt.

Being deceived, he wasn't that angry.

After all, Zhao Sanyuan unintentionally ended up doing him a huge favor...

But right now, his shameless and arrogant behavior truly showed him the variability of the world.

Once a person becomes bad enough, there really is nothing you can do about it.

In Zhao Sanyuan's words just now, there was actually some bluster, he was afraid of him sticking around, continuously disrupting his business.

After all, expiring classes have a time limit, and if he obtains them cheaply and they reach their period, they would really rot in his hands.

This is also why he talked so much to him, analyzing the pros and cons in detail.

But what he said made a lot of sense...

Lin Yuan simply couldn't afford the losses on his end.

Others might just lose some money, but for him, the losses would be significant.

"Those who possess a sharp weapon will inevitably harbor thoughts of murder... How true that saying is."

At this moment, Lin Yuan suddenly felt extremely fortunate that he didn't know any Immortal Dao techniques; otherwise, he would have had no choice but to fiercely retaliate.

But even so...

"No chance? Just wait... If I don't have a chance, someone else will!"

Lin Yuan turned around and walked out.

Returning home.

The first thing he did was to dial Lin Rourou's number.

The sweet voice on the other end of the line picked up quickly, "Hello... Is that you, little brother?"

"Yeah, it's me, sister Rourou. I want to ask you about something. You see, now that I'm a formal student at the Descending Dragon Martial Hall, I'm enjoying all the benefits Zuo Jianqing got, right?"

"Right, is there a problem?"

Lin Yuan asked, "I heard that Zuo Jianqing has become a Martial Artist? Since I bought his classes, and he was able to learn the martial techniques from the hall, does that mean I can also learn them?"

Lin Rourou asked, "Do you want to advance to the high-level classes ahead of time?"

"Not really, just trying to recoup some losses."

Lin Yuan thought about how, despite not knowing how long his predecessor had cultivated, he could fight toe-to-toe with a student who had practiced for two and a half years, even with no combat experience whatsoever.

He felt right now like Zhang Wuji who had just learned the Nine Suns Divine Skill.

Since that was the case...

He might as well skip the body tempering part and attempt to practice Martial Techniques directly.

He explained, "I've already attended two classes, but I didn't feel any pressure at all. I even think I could continue without any issues tomorrow... This shows that I've already adapted to the basics, and there's no problem in continuing the classes. But sister Rourou, you also said that I can't finish all these classes in a month. In order to break even, I plan to learn these martial techniques ahead of schedule. Even if I don't master them, keeping them in mind for future cultivation when I reach that level would also be considered recouping some of the losses, right?"

"That makes sense."

On the other side, in a simple and tidy room.

The girl lightly kicked her legs, thinking it over, and indeed, it made sense.

She said, "I'll apply for you tomorrow... But I can tell you the answer right now. There's no big problem. You've inherited all of Zuo Jianqing's obligations, and after paying the tuition, you have the right to learn the martial techniques from the hall. However, because Zuo Jianqing has already learned these techniques, if you want to acquire them, you can only apply in the name of reporting a loss."

"And then?"

"You might need to pay a lost-and-found fee."

Lin Rourou said, "The fee for each martial technique might be several thousand."

Just a few thousand?

Lin Rourou thought it was expensive.

But Lin Yuan felt it was incredibly cheap...

After all, even the basic classes were two thousand a session.

He laughed, "I'm not buying all of them, just picking out some of the essences... That shouldn't be a problem, right?"

"Okay, come over again tomorrow, and I'll help you out then."

"No problem, I'm free tomorrow anyway... By the way, are you free at noon? I'd like to treat you to a meal, sister Rourou, but I'm not sure what to eat. Could you help me find a place?"

Lin Yuan spoke with a bashful tone, "I'm really sorry for bothering you so late, sister Rourou. I should really show my appreciation, but I just don't have any experience with dining out with girls..."

"No problem, I'll find a place for you by then. You're not exactly rolling in cash, so we can just grab something casual,"

Lin Rourou chuckled, "Don't worry, I'll definitely help you save money."