Chereads / This immortality? Cannot be cultivated anymore! / Chapter 18 - Chapter 18 I Can't Keep Up with the Times_1

Chapter 18 - Chapter 18 I Can't Keep Up with the Times_1


A whole night of training.

It wasn't until after 3 A.M. that Lin Yuan, exhausted, descended the stairs, took a bath, and then went to sleep.

The greatest advantage of becoming a Cultivator was probably the significant increase in endurance.

First enduring training at the Martial Arts Hall that could leave a normal person with lasting damage, then returning home to practice basic Martial Techniques for hours...

Even with Lin Yuan's physique, he felt fatigued.

But it was only a few short hours of rest.

By the next morning, Lin Yuan had completely recovered, and it didn't even affect his school attendance.

In class.

The teacher was there, diligently imparting knowledge...

But Lin Yuan's attention was not as focused as it had been before.

In this world, the nine years of compulsory education were merely to lay the foundation, as half the time was dedicated to physical training, so the knowledge imparted wasn't that deep.

Just as a Martial Artist does not need to study calculus and chemistry, a civil servant does not need to know the eighteen vital points of the human body.

The truly profound knowledge would be taught in-depth only after specialization, ensuring each student would not be delayed by information irrelevant to their future lives.

That would be a waste.

Thus, even though he was in his final year of high school,

The knowledge he was learning might not even be equivalent to the first year of high school in his previous life.

In Lin Yuan's previous life, although he wasn't from prestigious 985 or 211 universities, he had managed to get into undergraduate studies...

Even if much of the knowledge had faded over the years, with the clarity of mind from Cultivation, a hint from the teacher was enough for him to catch up quickly.

Outdoing everyone might be difficult, but securing a passing grade for the literate part of martial exams was still no problem.

This also gave Lin Yuan more opportunities to integrate himself with Martial Dao.

[Name: Lin Yuan]

[Age: 17]

[Spiritual Power: 12.5 (10)]

[Martial Techniques: Dragon-subduing Fist, Sprinting Step]


In class.

Lin Yuan was sketching his own personal panel on a piece of draft paper.

It was a sudden inspiration.

Digitizing his abilities, using his initial Spiritual Power strength upon arrival as a base of 10 units.

This way, he could have a more intuitive understanding of his improvement!

For example, more than a month had passed since the end of his quarantine.

During that time, from initially hesitating to Cultivate, to then recognizing the aid Spiritual Power provided and actively practicing "Nayuan True Jue".

Lin Yuan's Spiritual Power had increased by roughly twenty to thirty percent.

Converting this timeframe and combining it with an increasing speed of Cultivation, it could be determined that his predecessor must have practiced Immortal Dao Techniques for at least half a year.

If it were a fairly talented Martial Disciple, half a year of intense training would still leave them a long way from becoming a Martial Artist.

But I'm practicing Immortal Dao Methods, which is equivalent to starting as a martial master...

Of course, my raw power certainly can't match that of a martial master, with higher purity, and probably not even the quantity, let alone the experience.

Fang Zihao's strength was just a step away from a Martial Artist. Even with my sneak attack, he was able to react—it was just the absence of True Qi that got him.

So even when facing a real Martial Artist, caution is still required.

Writing and drawing until the paper was so filled that no one could clearly discern its contents.

Lin Yuan had made a summary of his current combat strength...

Should be stronger than a Martial Artist now.

But there was an urgent need to improve his combat experience.

Suddenly, Lin Yuan understood why, despite everyone being aware of the existence of the Remnant Consciousness Whisper and the risk of losing oneself by practicing Immortal Dao, the practice persisted.

Practicing Immortal Dao, in less than a year's time, one could possess the level of a martial master, which, for an exceptionally talented Martial Artist adhering to a traditional schedule, would take at least ten years to achieve.

What concept is that?

Everyone knows that corrupt officials are bound to be brought to justice, and the chances of ending well are slim to none. So why are there still so many who succumb to corruption?

Put simply...

People always harbor the hope of getting lucky, thinking they're different from the rest.

But Lin Yuan was truly different, being illiterate was his greatest advantage...

Particularly after starting martial training, he had no aversion whatsoever to practicing "Nayuan True Jue".

If there was to be a single shadow in all this, it was probably the mysterious origin of this technique.

Back during quarantine, Lin Yuan had heard rumors...


Why was there a lockdown? Because at that time in their neighborhood, two Spiritual Charms had erupted.

One had already been neutralized, but the whereabouts of the other remained unknown.

While thinking about this…

The bell signaling the end of class rang.

Liu Mengruo on the podium had just finished the lesson.

Seeing Lin Yuan still diligently taking notes, she nodded with satisfaction. It had been several days, and since no flaws had been discovered, it seemed there were no issues at all.

She felt quite contented having helped another student.

Gently tapping on the desk, she said, "Class is over. The next session is elective. Reserve Martial Disciples head to the field to prepare for training, and academics go to the third floor's education room for an emergency crash course to prepare for the weekly quiz."

"No way… I pulled a muscle in my leg yesterday, and it hasn't healed yet…"

"Ugh… another test, my brain's turning to mush…"

Whether academically or martially focused, everyone's faces were filled with grievances, and the classroom was instantly filled with complaints.

"This is for your future as well. Endure this hardship for another half a year, and a bright future awaits you."

With that, Liu Mengruo picked up her books and headed back to the office.

The students were left with faces full of lament as they each went to prepare for their next classes…

Lin Yuan, meanwhile, tore up the paper in his hands into shreds and tossed it into the trash bin, ready to get up and head to the changing room.

He had already transferred from the academic to the martial track, and with Dragon Gate approaching, the number of students switching tracks was not small…

After all, many students excelled in both academics and martial arts, so they naturally pursued both until it was time to make a final decision.

But just as he was about to stand up, someone stopped him.

With her slightly curled hair, wearing round rimless black glasses, and paired with her round, childlike face, she appeared quite adorably absent-minded.

She seemed a bit embarrassed as she asked Lin Yuan, "Lin Yuan, what's been going on with you these past few days?"

Suddenly, Liu Mengruo's caution came back to him.

There seemed to be some inexplicable relationship between the two.

He asked, "What do you mean, what's been going on?"

"That is…"

Lu Ziyu hesitated, and after a pause, she muttered vaguely, "Aren't we good friends?"

Lin Yuan asked, "Then what?"

"It's just that…"

Lu Ziyu stuttered, "Lately, Liu Cheng from the next class keeps pestering me. Didn't you promise to be my good friend for life? And you also promised Tiantian that you would take good care of me in class, right?"

Lin Yuan immediately understood the subtext and asked, "You mean to say, you want me to pretend to be your boyfriend, right?"

He couldn't help but find the situation both amusing and pathetic…

Previously, Liu Mengruo had specifically warned him, and he had taken it quite seriously, keeping his guard up around this Lu Ziyu.

But now it seemed… he had definitely overthought things.

In the days of student life, the naivety of youthful love indeed feels like the most significant of affairs.

And without a doubt, the predecessor must have been Lu Ziyu's devoted follower, forever placed in the friend zone, only to be used as a shield from others…

What a poor sap.

Lin Yuan felt a wave of aversion wash over him.

He waved his hand dismissively, "I've lost interest in playing a shield for someone."

Lu Ziyu's eyes went wide, unable to comprehend, "Why?"

"Why do you ask?"

Lin Yuan incredulously replied, "Do you give grass?"

"Wha… what?"

Lu Ziyu's round face flushed red as she stuttered, "You… you know I have a girlfriend, and yet you say such things to me…"

What did she mean? She's a lesbian?

So, did the predecessor initially like her, then upon discovering she was a lesbian, decided to protect her relationship?

Are young people nowadays really this complicated?

All of a sudden, Lin Yuan felt as if he might be somewhat behind the times?

He said flatly, "If you're not giving grass, are you giving money?"

Lu Ziyu's eyes widened in disbelief as she stared at Lin Yuan.

But Lin Yuan helplessly said, "Neither grass nor money, so I'm supposed to just be your shield for nothing?"

"But… but…"

"But what but… During the two months of lockdown, I came to see clearly. When life and death come knocking, no one can help you, and so-called romantic entanglements are utterly unreliable. That's why what I was willing to do in the past, I'm not interested in now. I've enrolled in the Martial Arts Hall, and now my only desire is to practice martial arts. Women are just passing clouds, and I won't let them distract me…"

Lin Yuan squeezed past Lu Ziyu, saying, "Sorry, I'm busy with something, I'll take my leave."

Lu Ziyu blinked blankly, a little confused. Why had her once good friend suddenly become so cold?