(Alarm beeping)

(Tetsuo yawns )

(Tetsuo): already three o' clock

(Tetsuo): it's time for my morning jog, I have to go get ready

(Tetsuo drinks some water)

(Tetsuo brushes his teeth)

(Tetsuo puts on his basketball gears)

(Tetsuo): um, if I remember correctly, I had a basketball and it should be right here, ah, found it. It's been a while since I used it so it's a bit worn out .While jogging yesterday morning I saw a basketball court not so far from here, it should be a good place to practice

(Tetsuo opens Usagi's room door)

(Tetsuo): she's still sound asleep

(Tetsuo locks the door to the apartment)

(Tetsuo starts jogging)

(Tetsuo): I think that it's somewhere around here

(Tetsuo): I found it, huh? Someone else is here

(Haruko bounces basketball)

(Haruko shoots a two pointer)

( The shot hit the rim and missed)

(Haruko breathes heavily)

(Ball rolls over at Tetsuo's feet)

(Tetsuo takes up the basketball)

(Haruko): huh?

(Tetsuo passes the basketball back to Haruko)

Haruko: thank you

Tetsuo: how long have you been out here?

Haruko: well since one , I was very anxious and couldn't get any sleep, so I came out here

Tetsuo: oh, I see

Haruko: so, what are you doing out here so early

Tetsuo: I just came out here to practice a little before it's time for school

Haruko: so you play basketball then right?

Tetsuo: well, you could say that

Haruko: so, can you shoot

Tetsuo: yes

Haruko: can you show me how to shoot, please

Tetsuo: alright, just watch me

( Tetsuo shoots a three pointer)


(Haruko): whoa, that was amazing, the flow of his power on the basketball was so authentic.

Haruko: nice shot

Haruko: so can you watch me and tell me what I'm doing wrong please

Tetsuo: okay, I guess

(Haruko shoots a two pointer)

(Misses the two pointer on the backboard)

Haruko: I just don't know what I'm doing wrong, the ball just won't go inside the rim

Tetsuo: you rely too much on your arm strength for power, try and rely more on your leg strength, when you took that shot your arm was straying to the right you need to correct that. Also you should release the ball on your way up when you jump not on the way down this instigates you into using your arm strength instead of your leg's explosiveness which provides you with the strength you need to actually make a shot.

Haruko: um, I don't really follow

Tetsuo: here , let me demonstrate it to you again

(Tetsuo shoots a two pointer)


Tetsuo: just rely on your leg strength, keep your hands straight as it will guide the basketball to the hoop and align your body with the rim and trust me it will be hard to miss.

Haruko: I see , I understand , I'll give it a try then

(Haruko): alright just remember what he told you

(Haruko shoots a mid-ranged shot)


(Haruko): what? It actually went in

Tetsuo: see , it's not impossible to score a shot , you just have to do the right thing

Haruko: that's the first shot I had scored since I came out here, I didn't think I could actually pull it off, thank you

Tetsuo: I didn't do much but okay

Tetsuo: do you actually play basketball for your school or as a hobby?

Haruko: I play basketball for my school, I attend Hachioji academy

(Tetsuo): I'm certain that my sister is also attending that school, this is a small world, huh

Haruko: believe it or not I'm actually the power forward for my team and I might seem small to you but I'm the best defensive player they have . The only problem was that I couldn't even make a single shot in a game, not even from a free throw or a layup, which led to us loosing in either the first or second round. Even though my teammates try not to show it they are disappointed with me and view me as a burden ,they started talking bad things behind my back and called me bad names. But, everything will be different this year , since it's my last year in junior high school, I want to be someone my teammates can rely on when they feel pressured and also convince my parents that my time and efforts are not being wasted. The tournament is in four months I have to be ready by then.

Haruko: oh, I'm sorry for making you listen to all that, I don't know why I'm telling you all this

Tetsuo: it's okay, I don't mind listening

Haruko: oh I see, well thank you for listening

Tetsuo: continue shooting the way I showed you until you are ready to leave

Haruko: yes

(Haruko shoots a mid-ranged shot)


Haruko: I got the gist of it but it seems like I need more practice to be consistent

Tetsuo: yes

(Tetsuo dribbles between his leg and then behind his back)

(Steps back and shoots a three pointer)


(Haruko): so cool, this guy is absolutely amazing

(Tetsuo shoots another three pointer)


Haruko: well then, it's about time for me to leave , thank you for what you have taught me.

Tetsuo: it wasn't really nothing special

Haruko: well it was to me , it will not only make me more reliable on the court and in games but also a better overall player. I appreciate what you have done for me , I can't thank you enough.

(Haruko walks away)

(Haruko turns back around)

Haruko: um ( blushes awkwardly), if it's okay with you , can we meet here again so that you can give me more tips on how to get better

Tetsuo: sure

Haruko: alright great, let's exchange numbers

Tetsuo: uh, okay

Haruko: thank you , well then see you later

(Haruko walks away)

(Tetsuo drives to the rim)

(Tetsuo goes for a Layup)


(Basketball bounces on the ground)


Usagi: join the basketball team for your own sake, I know that you love the game and my well-being is what's holding you back from doing what you love and I don't want to deny of that.

Tetsuo: but your not

Usagi: I know that you yearn to play basketball again, which is why you haven't stopped playing after all those years

(Flashback ends)

(Tetsuo): looks like Usagi was right

(Tetsuo): well then, it's about time that I got home as well

???: I went to karaoke last night with two of my good friends and we met those two members from the boy band the seven crimson hearts

???: Whoa, for real

???: Yes and they sang for us all night, their voices were so angelic

???: I envy you guys

???: I even got one of their phone numbers

???: No way, can I get it too

???: Yes you can for five thousand yen

???: Never mind

(Tetsuo): hmm?

Sachiko: good morning Kawaguchi, can I talk with you for a bit

(Tetsuo walks pass Sachiko)

(Sachiko): what the….

(Sachiko grabs Tetsuo's hand)

Sachiko: hey , what the hell is wrong with you, why are you avoiding me, ever since the first day of school you have been acting cold towards me and I don't even know why.

Sachiko: answer me , why are you avoiding me?

Tetsuo: let go off me

Sachiko: oh, sorry I got carried away

Sachiko: there is something important I would like to discuss with you

Tetsuo: and why should I listen to what you have to say?

Sachiko: what's your deal?

Tetsuo: class is about to start, I don't have time for you and your problems

(Tetsuo walks away)

(Sachiko): that guy is really getting on my nerves, I thought he was someone I knew but I guess I was wrong