???: Pass the ball Maki, I'm open

(Maki passes the ball)

???: Goallll!

???: Nice shot bro

(Everyone talking)

Hayami-sensei: good morning everyone

Everyone: good morning, Sensei

Hayami-sensei: for this homeroom session I would like for you to select your class representatives , you guys can vote for whoever you deem worthy , just write their name on a piece of paper and place them in this box. After that, I will count the votes . The person with the highest votes will become the class rep and they will choose their assistant. Get started on the voting.

Hayami-sensei: okay, so now that all of you have voted I will check to see who has the most votes.

Hayami-sensei: it seems that Rie Morioka has gotten six votes which is the highest, so she will be your class representative

Rie: th…thank you everyone for voting for me

Hayami-sensei: okay Morioka, choose who you would like to assist you

Rie: um, let's see, I would like to be assisted by Katsuragi

Shino: huh! Nnnn…no why me, I can't do that type of work, speaking up for my class and making suggestions to the school board , I can't.

Hayami-sensei: I see, perfect choice Rie

Shino: but Hayami-sensei , I don't want to

Hayami-sensei: huh! What was that? Speak up I couldn't hear you

Shino: what I said was that, I'm happy to become her assistant

Hayami-sensei: that's what I thought

(Shino): she's so scary

Hayami-sensei: school is not only about getting good grades and aiming for your goals , it's also about development of character, confidence , the ability to stand up for one's self and applying the knowledge gained from experience. Being the assist to Rie will help you grow as a person in the long run so stop complaining

Shino: yes sensei

(Rie):I finally got the chance to be near to Katsuragi, I can finally thank him for what he did that day. I will now be able to be friends with him and eventually he'll notice me, wait what am I saying (blushes)

Hayami-sensei: alright so, Rie Morioka assisted by Shino Katsuragi will be your class representatives for the rest of your first year, any objections to this selection?

Everyone: no sensei

Hayami-sensei: okay goo-

Hitomi: Good afternoon, Sachiko Takahashi and Tetsuo Kawaguchi please report to the student council room, I repeat Sachiko Takahashi and Tetsuo Kawaguchi please report to the student council room

Hayami-sensei: that girl, couldn't she have waited until the school bell rings.

Hayami-sensei :You both have my permission to leave the class to go to the student council room

Sachiko: yes sensei

Hitomi: I'm glad that you came Tetsuo Kawaguchi, please both of you sit down

Tetsuo: what do you want with me?

Hitomi: straight to the point I see , well then let me enlighten you. I explained to your classmates as well as you that the former student council members have graduated

Tetsuo: I was not listening

Hitomi: huh?

Tetsuo: the information you gave had nothing to do with me so I ignored whatever you were saying

Hitomi: (clears her throat)

Hitomi: so anyway, the reason for calling you here is to ask you to join the student council as our secretary. The school will also prolong the scholarship you have received

Tetsuo: sorry, but I will not join the student council

Hitomi: I see, may I ask why

Tetsuo: firstly even though you're the student council president you're quite a conniving person and secondly, my sister gave me a calling, it would be rude of me to abandon her wishes that's all

(School bell rings)

Tetsuo: well then it's about time for me to take my leave see you

Hitomi: that boy is a strange one, but I can't say that I'm not interested in his opinions of me

Sachiko: I already told you that he was going to reject your proposal

Hitomi: that doesn't mean that I'm going to give up on recruiting him, we still have time before the council members are set in stone.

(Basketball shoes rubbing on court)

(Takahiro scores a layup)

Takahiro: you're surprisingly keeping up with us Nakajima , not bad

Yukio: and even after sustaining a severe injury

Hayato: yeah, I'm fully healed up and ready

Takahiro: oh I see , well then at least you'll survive Nanaho's harsh training regiments

Yukio: alright guys let's run that play again

Takahiro and Hayato: yes

Nanaho: that's the spirit guys keep it up

(Shino dribbling the basketball)

Shino: Fukazawa-senpai am I dribbling the ball right

Nanaho: not bad, but your form is a little crooked and slightly weird, however it will improve overtime

Shino: I see , thank you

(Noboru): dammit!! Why am I over here doing the basics, I should be over there with my seniors on the court not in a corner dribbling a damn ball.

Noboru: I can't take this anymore!!! Why should a naturally talented athlete as my self be placed in a corner doing dribbling drills with this amateur.

(Shino): amateur!!? Is he talking about me?

Nanaho: haven't we been over this yesterday, I've already explained that you need the basic fundamentals of basketball in order to become effective on the court, which you lack

Noboru: my dribbling is actually decent look

(Noboru fumbles the ball)

Nanaho: see I told you, you need the basics

(Ball rolls at Tetsuo's feet)

(Tetsuo takes up the ball)

Noboru: oh, it's Kawaguchi the main talk of class 1T , why are you here?

Shino: Kawaguchi

Nanaho: oh Kawaguchi, what brings you here?

(Tetsuo passes the ball to Noboru)

Tetsuo: I am here to join the basketball team

Yukio: oh, I see why the sudden change of heart?

Tetsuo: let's just say that I found a good reason to join and leave it at that

Yukio: okay that works for us, welcome to the team Tetsuo Kawaguchi

Tetsuo: yes

(Nanaho): the captain is trying to hide it but he's boiling with excitement (smiles), maybe this year you'll achieve your dream Yukio


Yukio: so you're the first year who wanted to be our manager this season, nice to meet you, I'm Yukio Hamaguchi and you are?

Nanaho: Fukazawa Nanaho

Yukio: I see , what a nice name , it suits you

(Nanaho): no, we will definitely make it this time around

Hayato: hey Tetsuo

Tetsuo: huh?

Hayato: you and your class did well against us in the mini tournament, I look forward to playing along side you

Tetsuo: I'm sorry but who are you?

Hayato: huh! So you already forgot about me , oh well

Yukio: go ahead and get changed

(Tetsuo ties his shoe lace)

(Tetsuo): it fits perfectly, my sister sure knows a lot about shoes

Usagi: big brother, your feet are quite huge that the store owner barely has any shoes that will fit

Tetsuo: my feet aren't really that big

Usagi: well I wear size 7 and a half so compared to mine they are quite big

Tetsuo: well , I guess that's true

Usagi: wait this one looks perfect doesn't it big brother, try it on

(Tetsuo): it's perfect

Shoes store owner: that pair of shoes is quite durable and very flexible for athletes such as yourself young man, so what do you say? Will you purchase this shoe

Tetsuo: yes

(Tetsuo): I'll definitely put them to good use

Yukio: before we continue can you please show me that beautiful shot you did during gym session.

Takahiro: yes , I would like to see it as well

Tetsuo: okay

(Tetsuo shoots a three pointer)


Yukio: (whistles) no matter how many times I see it I just can't believe how perfect your form is , the sound of the basketball hitting the net just has this authentic tune to it.

Hayato: yes you're right, not even my shot makes those sounds

(Shino): Tetsuo is truly amazing, he was able to score that shot so effortlessly. I will focus and train harder so that I can be of use for this team. I will not loose to him I will be better!!

Yukio: alright everyone let's get back to training

Everyone: yeah

Noboru: my arms are getting tired , how much longer do I have to do this Fukazawa?

Nanaho: training has ended so you all can stop now

Hayato: phew , that was quite the workout

Takahiro: if you think that today was a challenge just wait for tomorrow's training

Hayato: what do you mean by that

Yukio: Nanaho might not look it but she's a great strategist and her observation skills are off the charts , today was just to test our overall skills and endurance but tomorrow is when the real training starts

Noboru: (breathes heavily ), finally it's over, I can't feel my arms

Nanaho: well that's a good sign I guess

Noboru: what's that suppose to mean, you made me dribble this basketball for the whole entire day I deserve better than this

Nanaho: (ugh), for the last time you need the basic skills to function on the basketball court

Noboru: basic skills, a pro like me doesn't needs the basics

Nanaho: I have had it with you, you better come prepared for tomorrow

Noboru: wait was that a threat? She just threaten me didn't she?

( Shino breathes heavily)

(Shino): look at him, he doesn't even look tired at all, throughout this whole training he has done nothing but surprised all of us. His shots and ability to dribble and pass are quite exceptional , he even gave the captain a hard time. will I ever be able to catch up to someone like him?

Yukio: this was quite the training session, reminds me of the old days

Takahiro: wait Yukio , we aren't that old as of yet

Yukio: (laughs) yes you're right, well everyone always mistakes you for a middle aged dude

(Takahiro): why did I even open my mouth

Yukio: thank you everyone for putting in the effort at training today, now I can be at peace knowing that I have a team to play on. Now then let's clean up and get ready to go home

Nakajima: I'm heading in this direction see you all tomorrow

Shino: um, I'm also going in that direction as well

Yukio: okay, you guys travel safely

(Train doors open)

Nanaho: see you guys at school tomorrow Takahiro and Kawaguchi

Takahiro: yeah , I look forward to it

Yukio: take care guys

Takahiro: you too Yukio

Nanaho: now then, shall we get going Yukio

Yukio: yes, let's go

Nanaho: today was great wasn't it, it turned out even better than I had imagined

Yukio: yeah, the best part of today was when Tetsuo joined the team , he will really help us in the long run

Nanaho: yes, I was surprised as well when he decided to join the team out of the blue, because he clearly stated that he wasn't interested. But nevertheless ,in doing so we will be able to make our dream a reality

Yukio: yeah, I'm certain that this time we are capable of going to the inter high

Nanaho: hmm, I have high hopes for you since it's your last year Yukio

Yukio: now you're making me quite nervous

Nanaho: haha very funny

Nanaho: well , I'm heading that way , see you tomorrow captain, I look forward to seeing you and your newly found team at training tomorrow. I will work them half to death to prepare them for the tournament

Yukio: I bet you will (smiles), now then time to go home