Chereads / Tales of the lone guardian / Chapter 1 - The ending of one is the beginning another

Tales of the lone guardian

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Chapter 1 - The ending of one is the beginning another

"How could this have happened?" A futuristic city is in chaos and destruction, fire and explosions occurring everywhere.

"Why did this happen?" A large skyscraper comes down landing on numerous bodies.

A light and dark blue anthropomorphic wolf wearing a dark blue coat and light blue suit looks up at the night sky in a forest clearing.

"No matter what I can't forget that day its been so long yet that memory feels like it was just yesterday." The blue wolf says as the stars glow and dim as if comforting the blue wolf.

"My name is Glacier the last member of the primordial guardian race the first race in all of creation prior to time and space we were there and our job was clear to protect this "creation" with our very life. The guardians were a warrior race born from unknown means or reason as the age before time grew other forms of life appeared in the vast space the creatures would call universes. At first we didn't do anything but develop ourselves technology, concepts, ideas we were the creators of many and we shared our knowledge to the those primal races and they grew in intelligence. They rejoiced in their gifts of knowledge, free thought but with free thought comes conflicting ideas. Chaos was born and it destroyed those who lacked the power and the knowledge so we stepped in to subdue chaos in any form and we have sworn stability and balance ever since. But who would have thought that our gift of knowledge and our help would cause this destruction befalling us?" Glacier says solemnly as more stars glow brighter and dimmer.

"The guardians came in all forms shapes and colors we have some that look like foxes some were dragons even unicorns amd skeletons and the likes it is said the older the guardian the more dangerous they are however all guardians share the same major weakness. For whatever reason the moon that shines down on our home realm causes us to go berserk killing anything and anyone friend foe children adults in the ancient time when we didn't know what was causing we killed countless lives and ruined civilizations. Now that they knew all guardians are to return home on the day we all are affected and be confined in a special restraint made to hold back the immense power a guardian possess." Glacier creates a small orb of ice before shattering it and the dust that comes out forms small snowballs the size of a grain of sand.

"A guardian in their prime can easily destroy a multiverse a collection of infinite possible universes in one time line and a guardian past their prime have the power to destory an omni-verse which is a collection of infinite multi-verses in all time lines but that is only reserved to high ranking guardians the average guardian past the prime at most could destroy up to 500 multiverses if their energy were to be exploded all at once. As the cycle of destruction and confinment repeats some have sought to break this cycle and they have succeeded they are what we call the eons a small group of guardians who conquered the moons rampage by trading eyes with one another but the conditions must be perfect starting with they can only trade with siblings of nearly exact DNA or in other words twins at minimum despite this specific condition at least 10,000 guardians became eons the remaining 10 or so billion guardians weren't so lucky as it was rare to have twins or more at once. Even then it was doubtful that the two guardians would be compatatible with the other. Eons would marry other eons to hopefully increase the chance of success and in the case of failure it ended with pernament blindness and a limit of nearly 75% power in the guardians who failed to trade and accept eyes from the other. Though they lost their sight they gained a new ability to see things such as energy waves light waves and more however their power being limited caused them to be much weaker and their power only equates to a quarter of a infinite possible multi-verse."

"In addition the moon causes a significant limit of power released for all guardians about 75% a big hindrance in a fight. Due to that critical weakness and the amount of attempts to become an eon that was the ideal condition that cost me my entire race my home and my heart." Glacier says as he recalls a flashback to the destruction of his home.

Long long long ago nearly 8 and a half quintillion years ago in a completely separated dimension in space a couple were getting ready for something special.

"Honey come on we are waiting for you to bring our son to life." A gray and white wolf says while carrying a small statue.

"Yes yes I hear you this breath of life isn't easy to brew you know." A female orange fox retorts.

The wolf places a statue of a small wolf made out of the whitest snow and clear blue ice on a table. Meanwhile the orange fox comes in with a purple bottle containing a green liquid.

"So what should we name him dear Mia?" The wolf asks the fox.

"Well Damian seeing him like this reminds of the Glacier we of the ice clan live by. That beautiful white snow and the hard blue ice body it fits albeit rather cringe for us." Mia says chuckling.

"Glacier... It does sound cringe but I think he will get used to it. Alright I will leave the final part to you." Damian says leaving the room and closing the door.

Mia drinks the contents of the bottle and after a few seconds she starts glowing green and she plants a kiss on the statues forehead.

The statues body starts turning to fur and flesh the white snow become a mixture of light and dark blue fur and the ice body turning to flesh and blood.

"Ngh wh-where am I?" The newborn Glacier asks.

Mia is taken aback by Glacier's ability to talk and comprehend his surroundings. "Welcome to the world my son."

Glacier looks up at Mia before walking or rather trying to walk to Mia before hugging her.

At that moment Damian comes in and sees the newborn Glacier. "He's so cute. Although blue fur unique certainly in our clan but it just makes him more cute." Damian says sitting down.

Meanwhile at a large city hall a semi aged black and white fox turns on the planetary announcement system. "Attention all guardians shortly the moon will shine and blood will once again be sprayed you know what to do." A commander like voice booms throughout the planet and the other 8 planets in the sky.

Damian and Mia who were distracted by the new born Glacier quickly regain their composure.

"What terrible timing I wanted to spend some more time with my son." Mia says lowering Glacier into a crib.

"Come on Mia as fellow eons we have to go and ensure no rogue guardians are rampaging." Damain says getting up and leaving.

"Mama where is daddy going?" Glacier asks.

"He's going to work don't worry mommy will be back soon too." Mia says before giving one last kiss before leaving.

Mia joins Damian outside before they go and patrol their city.

Meanwhile elsewhere.

"The time has come when the moon shines on them fire and blood shall stain them and then we will take out rightful position as rulers of creation my fellow demon shadows. For too long the guardians have claimed to protect but in reality they are just sewing seeds of fake trust hiding and ignoring that others are suffering and no help came. Today we will storm their home and kill them all men women children they all must go." A hooded figure says in front of an army before cheers erupt.

After a few hours of a peaceful patrol, ships appear in the sky over every city on the 9 planets as troops descend invading houses dropping bombs and causing fires. The eons seeing this all rush to see what was going on.

"Whats happening a siege on us?" Damian says as he sees the ships and explosions.

"But why would they attack us surely they know a guardian isn't one to mess with they must be confident in their military power then." Mia says gaining her composure.

"We need to go now the other 5 eons in our city can handle a siege from them we will go protect the country side and the suburbs." Damian says taking Mia's paw and running to the suburbs.

"Lets do this Mia we can't allow any of them to somehow undo the chains binding the rampaging guardians otherwise we will be in trouble." Damian says creating icicles and imapling the black soldiers in the head and chest.

"You got it darling its been so long since I got a workout." Mia says stretching before creating an ice flute and plays a tune. The music that comes from the flute distracts the soldiers as they seem to freeze and are spellbound while Damian kills them with the icicles.

The battle rages on as seemingly more and more soldiers are dropped replacing the dead soldiers as they soon begin to overwhelm the couple managing to get by and invading more houses.

"You doing okay Mia." Damian asks trying to catch his breath.

"You should worry about yourself you know I don't go down easily but these soldiers how despicable using their own comrades as shields and killing them just to injure us." Mia says wiping the sweat from her forehead.

At that moment the two hear multiple screams of fear and pain as their sharp senses let them hear the soldiers who invaded homes kill off the guardians inside.

"Did they just?"

"No time for that Mia." Damian gets in front of Mia blocking two swords from two soldiers who tried to attack Mia before getting stabbed by two more swords that ran through the soldiers chest.

"Damian! Are you alright?" Mia asks after she blew the soldiers away with wind magic.

"I'll be fine they missed the organs. Once I realized they aimed to do that it was easy work to avoid it. You know shifting organs in my body is easy." Damian says wiping the blood from his mouth.

"I'm fine but these blades are covered in numerous powerful poisons and drugs so try not to take any hits to your chest or head." Damain sees even more soldiers coming before looking at the city.

"We have to retreat and regroup with the other eons there's just too many of them they are slowly chipping at our stamina and endurance most likely so they can launch an all out attack at our weakened force." Mia says lifting Damian up before taking off fleeing the battlefield.

"Everyone who lived there I'm so so sorry for turning tail and running." Mia whispers as she heads for the city before an explosion occurs next to her sending her flying away.

"Mia!" Damian grabs hold of her and takes the crash head on while protecting Mia. As the two crash land on the street they are met with another army of soldiers.

"Honey lets do that combo move. We need to regroup quickly." Damian says as he creates a large ball of clear ice.

"You got it I'll give you a light show to remember." Mia's body glow before streaks of multiple colors of light shoot up into the ice ball and rains down on the enemy killing them in an instant.

The couple heads into the city and regroups with 3 other injured white guardians.

"So any idea of the enemy count?" One asks.

"We killed at least 100,000 in the suburbs how about the city?"

"At least a million the moon may not affect us but we are still weakened by 75% they must have planned that knowing we would be too weak to mount a defense. Another says.

"Since there's only 5 of us here that means the other two must have perished."

"They already killed so many guardians just what is their goal why would they attack us we haven't done anything wrong have we?" Mia asks wrapping up everyone's wounds.

"We don't know the other planets are also under siege we can only assume they plan to exterminate us and perhaps rule over all life as their main competition that being us would be out of their equation as we are definitely strong enough to oppose them under normal circumstances." A white fox says.

"Well we have to at least take care of the enemy but its unthinkable they have this many soldiers. I mean seriously enough to siege all 9 planets and the 10,000 eons protecting the 9 planets during the rampage." Damian says.

"That could mean they're after us first while killing any stray guardians at any chance with the chains keeping the adults weakened its easy to kill them without any sort of resistance. Meanwhile the children who are forced to be put asleep will be unaware only the children of eons would be awake as they have a resistance to the moons effect but they can't do much without risking loosing control of their powers." Mia says which makes the mood even more gloomy.

"Can the remaining eons fight back at this point we don't have any idea of the enemy count they use each other as pawns and shields and we can't ensure everyone's safety while we fight." A two tailed white cat says.

"We have no choice now we have to assume they will have to be sacrificed as we keep as many enemies out." Mia says as a barrier forms around the building.

"A barrier damn it they got us trapped." Damian says looking around.

"A ship is pulling up do they plan to swarm us in this enclosed space?" The cat asks as a hatch opens and objects fall out.

"Aren't those universe enhanced claymores!?" The cat says.

"Correct bombs with the power of a universe contained inside condensed so much a trigger of any kind will immediately trigger an explosion capable of severely harming a guardian in our current weakened state damn it they know about how much the moon weakens us too how much do they know??? At this rate we will exhaust ourselves trying to defend against that while they kill more of our kind." The white fox shouts in frustration.

"They plan to contain the shockwave and power to kill us damn it. They must have put this barrier to specifically target the eons who could deploy barriers to reduce the damage. Not to mention that glow its been magically enchanted further increasing its destructive force and ensuring it would ignore any magical defense we use. Where could they have gotten such technology and knowledge. " Damian says as the bombs gets closer.

"You two use your soul corridor to escape to your family we will handle them." The white husky says as the other two also prepare an immense amount of energy.

"If we are gonna die we are going out on our terms."

"Matt Casey Sebastian we will remember this good luck." Damian says as he and Mia disappear from the barrier appearing in their room as the distant explosion explodes blasting the ship the barrier and the other three eons away.

"Dad mom whats going on." A white and black husky says coming down the stairs.

"We're under attack Steven." Mia says getting back up.

"That explains the chaos I hear can we win?"

"I'm afraid at this moment we just don't know."

At that moment explosions occur in their neighborhood as soldiers enter the house piling in one after the other even as they fight the back catching Steven off guard and promptly killed.

"Honey get Glacier out of here send him to my fathers place he should be safe there. They're using soul sealing and life leech based swords likely to gain power from those they killed. Do it now!" Damian says fighting off 5 soldiers at once.

Mia nods and runs to the room Glacier is in and comforts the crying Glacier.

"You must live at all costs be well live strong and don't give into despair. I love you son." Mia kisses Glacier just as soldiers swarm in and slash her back open.

"Farewell..." Mia completes the teleport spellbjust as she collapses on the floor from the constant stabbing from behind.

"Mama?" Glacier gets out before he's in the arms of the semi aged fox in the city hall as he's holding off a horde of soldiers.

"Mia you too. You people have taken my precious family from me and my people you will not go unpunished I guarantee you all." The fox creates numerous blades of wind and cuts the horde apart.

"Im reaching my limit damn it." The fox grabs the table as leverage as another soldier enters.

"Leader of the guardian race as well as the wisest guardian the fabled Knowledgeable Luke its an honor to meet you." The soldier says as the fox gets up to meet them face to face.

"I don't need respect from those who invaded and killed my people without remorse even the children who were helpless." Luke says coughing up blood due to the numerous wounds he got inflicted with due to the continuous battle earlier.

"I'm just paying respects to you as you meet your end as we of the demon shadows of cerberus see you as a true threat hence the strong army of generals we sent at you and your powers are without a doubt in a class of their own." The soldier says drawing his sword.

"Glacier run now get away from here." Luke shouts at Glacier who's been watching from behind Luke.

"Is that your son no it would have to be a grandson considering your longevity I'll kill you before I kill him then we can take our position as rulers of creation." The soldier says walking up to Luke.

"The demon shadows of cerberus so you are the foot soldiers of her why would she attack us answer me." Luke demands raising his wooden staff.

"Typical you would know of us and of her all the more reason to kill you." The soldier says just as his left arm was cut off.

"Hmm. Well damn you still had some fight left here I thought you were a withered old root but no you still had enough strength to do this most impressive." The soldier says fascinated by his severed arm.

"Even though you've been weakened its impressive you survived this long. I am general D.Shack master of torture and interrogation and the 5th strongest among the demon shadows. This is goodbye guardian." The soldier cuts off Luke's arms before raising his sword and delivers a decisive blow to Luke who falls down.

"And now the runt shame he wasn't older we could have had some fun if he had time to develop his power. Oh well this makes it easier for me." D.Shack walks up to Glacier who has crawled to his grandfather on the ground.

"Why did this happen my family my grandfather dead in front of me." Glacier crys grabbing onto Luke's body.

"Quiet down you damn mutt this is all for us! Creation will be under her rule and we can't have opposition to her so now begone!" D.Shackle swings his sword at the crying Glacier.

For Glacier seeing all this pushed him to his emotional limit seeing his family die before him twice hearing the words from D.Shack ignites a emotion he hasn't felt yet deep inside his body.

Time looks as if it had stopped for Glacier the sword seemingly frozen in midair as a searing emotion fills his body and that emotion... The burning red hot haze of anger and hate. A red hot anger ignited itself within and seemingly took over Glacier's blue body sorching his fur black and red.

D.Shack swings his sword but in an instant it was caught and broken by the red and black Glacier.

"YOU DAMN INSECTS HOW DARE YOU CAUSE THIS TRAGEDY AND DESPAIR FOR MY BROTHER! NO MERCY. THERE WILL BE NONE OF THAT. THAT TIME IS OVER DO YOU HEAR!!!" Glacier yells out and before D.Shack realizes his head and body has been engulfed in flames and burnt into ash before the ashes also burn into nothing.

"No more, no more from you insects. I will not allow you to hurt my brother any more. You brought upon the destruction as his birthday gift then mine will be your own demise brought by your foolish thought!" Glacier or the entity in control shouts as they take off flying around the planets at beyond light speed killing every last invader but by that time the last guardian had already died all that is left is Glacier controlled by the entity returns to Luke.

"My child... Do not despair and harbor guilt... You must live and carry on our legacy as our time draws near you alone will take on the title Guardian of Creation protect it as we have since our origin. The secret vault treasures are yours. You're the destined one take them and master their power." Luke says which snaps Glacier back to reality him turning back to his blue self with no memory of what he had just done.

Glacier turns and sees Luke's body on the floor and as he leaves he burries Luke before heading to a vault behind a painting following a light that escaped from Luke before he was buried.

Glacier touches the vault door and it opens revealing a set of twin a Chinese style rapiers with a blue tassle, a blue and black bow with the head of a wolf at the top of the bowl and a fox at the bottom made from an unknown pure silver colored metal, a white trench coat on a mannequin that screams luxury and intimidation,by the mannequin there was a blue staff with a clear crystal orb floating, and finally a crystal seed within a glass cube glowing blue.

Glacier takes all of them putting on the coat that shrinks down to fit his small 1 foot 5 size and turns a deep midnight blue.

"I promise everyone a tragedy like this will never happen again not as long as I live I vow to never allow this sadness and despair befall others." Glacier says as he enters the portal inside the vault leading him outside of the 9 planets and to an empty part of creation.

"May this seed help the chosen in their endeavor in life and provide them with what their destiny has in store." Glacier utters the words on the seeds case as the seed flies out of the glass case shattering it before expanding. It eventually unfolds revealing a solar system of 3 planets and a white star. The first planet harbors intense heat volcano and running lava through the planet and atmosphere. The second harbors a primitive planet for starting life with vast oceans and land. Finally the third harbors ice and snow that rages all the time and Glacier settles for the ice planet which he later dubs Frost.

Frost the third planet is pure ice and snow from the core to the crust how it exists is beyond any normal understanding unbeknownst to Glacier the temperature reaches to several trillion times below absolute 0 meaning no life could survive except for Glacier who doesn't seem to notice the cold much.

Scorcina the fire and lava planet closest to the white star is covered in volcanoes and lava and is the opposite of frost reaching trillions of degrees how it doesn't destroy the planets core is again unknown. Finally the life harboring planet Gaia is just an ordinary habitable life planet the only difference it being much larger than most gas giants so who knows what life takes place there.

Glacier flying to the ice planet with his wings that seemed to have been a part of him but failed to notice that his wings was absorbing the particles in the atmosphere. When he lands what awaits him is a large mansion and he heads in shivering slightly and shakes off the snow caught on his fur and clothing.

Inside its a pure white void but after a little while it transforms into a well furnished almost luxury white and blue ocean like aesthetic.

"Welcome master Glacier I am the ai of this house and a faithful helper." A voice rings out.

Glacier walks in and explores the mansion that seems to change to his personal taste (despite being a newborn). As he enters a door it changes into a dark almost night like bedroom and Glacier immediately jumped onto the soft bed and passes out due to the eventful day he had just gone through.

Authors Note: When the term creation is used its referring to all possible universes multiverses omniverses timelines dimensions and more. Any idea becomes a universe and from there it splits to parallel worlds into individual time lines with a new set and from there it keeps splitting and splitting off to infinity.