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Chapter 1 - PROLOGUE

"It has become our reality - a world once balanced, now teetering on the brink of chaos. We were the inevitable conquerors, our ancestors' mighty swords, sticks, and clubs a testament to our unyielding strength. But with the rise of magic, everything has become uncertain and lost. The wars we once waged with pride have now become our haunting legacy, our weapons reduced to relics of a bygone era.

"We wander tirelessly, never settling for long, pursued by the belief that we are nothing more than cockroaches to be crushed. We're trapped, unable to escape the 'ordered civilization' that brutalizes us, labeling us as slaves - powerless and doomed to gamble with our lives. We could hide in the treacherous forest, but that would mean sacrificing our descendants and our only hope against the rampaging Uhryér, those terrifying demon beasts that roam the dark woods.

"And now, we're left wondering who to blame - the Creator, our Lord, Odin? But perhaps something, anything, could point us towards a reason why we're lost and pathless. If this reality is indeed someone's grand scheme, could they not at least help us reclaim our former glory days? Is it too much to ask for a glimmer of hope in this desolate world?"

"For millions of years, this cycle has repeated itself. Millions of generations have risen and fallen, all in the pursuit of power. The same power that was given to us in the first place. Were we not meant to use it for our own betterment? Were we not meant to thrive and flourish?

"Instead, we've squandered it. We've used it to oppress, to dominate, and to destroy. We've fought wars, slaughtered each other, and ravaged kingdoms. . All in the name of power. And for what? So that we can repeat the cycle again? So that we can continue to suffer and struggle?"

"But this time, I demand it back. The world was meant to be a battlefield, and we'll see it through to the end. Either we emerge victorious or we perish. There's no other option.

"I, Kravel, will reclaim what's rightfully ours. We've been oppressed for far too long. It's time to take back our power and shape our own world. The world will be ours once more, or we'll burn it to ashes trying."

"This is our story…"

"This is our plight…."

"Welcome to our Chronicles….."