Our taverns were emptied for the night, and several large tables pushed together to accommodate the 40 plus people from just two families really.
We were seated close to the main Monroe family.
Aside from Ceron and his two sons, one of them a single father of the three kids who looked.. somewhat like him. I suppose.
Their mother passed away from a bad fever years ago.
His brother who had the knife thrower daughters and was Veila father as well, and a few cousins totalling a dozen the other like Catalina and her daughter ended up with them over time.
" I believe the last time we had such a feast, we were performing for Lord Mai, himself. "
Ceron Monroe looked like a smarter man than he deemed at first glance.
He wanted to make sure the flattery never stopped and kept talking about the individuals in his troupes. Mostly his nieces.
" They might not look like it, Lord, but my other nieces can throw and apple off your head 30 ft away with their special knives. "
Zephyr was charming and polite all night, showed interest in everything told.
" Mnnn.. May I see one..the knives? "
He was quickly handed one to examine.
Then turned to me with a shit eating grin.
" Look at this, my love..These knives can act more or less like..an arrow!..won't you want to switch up maybe? "
The idiot wanted his insults turned into a reality.. I took the knife anyway.
It was light and ...balanced. Perfectly shaped, and I could just imagine them slicing through the air splitting targets in half...damn it.
I wanted to throw one.
" Nope.. no, no, no.. no." I saw it on his face handing it back that it was one too many no's. "..maybe just the design of them..they are interesting looking. "
His surprise was entirely fake, but I had to smile how well he knew me.
" I suppose they do look interesting..ladies, would you mind showing off your skills? My wife needs one more little push.."
Damn him and his antics.
Aim and Mai Monroe were all too ready before he ever smiled at them like that.
"" Of course!! ""
" Brothers, let's help the ladies. "
They cleared some space at the end of the tavern for them, and Lucian and Manata returned with targets..about an inch length perfect tree slice. You could count every ring.
Only our rapiers could do such a work of art.
The girls lined up and looked back at Zephyr, holding Anna in hand. The rest of us moved closer to see it as well.
" Let's make it competitive .. each take a target, 5 knives each and whoever hits the middle ring the most..gets.." he looked at Anna, who lifted one finger. "..one gold coin."
Well, that sent the room into a frenzy...why, my love?
This was suspicious..why is he spending so much lately.
It can't be Carlos's gold he never accepted his gifts.. in fact, lately, he chastised him so bad for it that he probably never gifts anything to anyone, ever again.
Tonight is going to be a long one, talking.
The Monroe sisters and their parents lost what to say to the two girls, who lost all their confidence for a second but soon realized that no matter who wins, their family receives a gold coin.
It's funny that moody little sister of theirs hidden one in her boots for days.
They turned around and took aim.
" Mai, you go first..elders and whatnot.."
Mai, who was the elder, gave a smirk but didn't shy away.
Her first one hit the second closest circle from the middle.
Not bad.. The way her body contorted was imprinted on my brain.
Her sister..Aim hit her target dead in the middle...
The families cheered around us until it was repeated by Mai and then Aim again...
They kept hitting them out of their stuck position... it was very entertaining.
It came down to Aim's last knife..if she hit it for the 5th time in a row, she won.
No hesitation, like with the other 4..
...Third ring out from the mid. She lost.
But he never looked happier..it was another suspicious thing.. letting her older sister win.
The cheering went for both not just the winner and as they bowed...
I decided to try this art myself..and somehow accept the fact that my husband knows me sometimes better than I know myself.
Best husband acquired..thank you Ehlite.
He stepped closer, clapping happily. " It was .. incredible..a noble battle. Ladies, you both deserved to win after entertaining my family..take this. Let's hear it for the winners.."
He interrupted them and let the crowd cheer drown out any chance of refusing the gold coin they each received.
Their family received 200 silver for 10 minutes of entertainment.
I still counted it into silvers..like how I had 970 silvers in a form or 97 gold coins in a large pouch on top of thousands of bronze coins in a chest near our bed.
He walked towards me, all righteous and superior.
" Should we tell Olaf to custon make some for you? "
I bribed him with a few kisses first, hoping to lessen his mockery. " Yes, please.. and have Nifa paint them later. "
" Yes dear.. want me to tell you.. pfftt.. your next weapon obsession as well? "
" No need.. I'm sticking with these..for now. "
He took be my waist and rested his head on mine.
" Tomorrow you will be busy..and we still have the meeting soon as the dinner ended..." I did my best to sound intimidating. " Tonight you will tell me everything in detail and I'll have questions on my own Mr.."
" ..and I'll have questions on my own, Mr..adorable when you are trying to sound intimidating. "
Would've kicked him it was always easy to land one this close, but the dinner party was wrapping up, and we still had a meeting telling those needed to know about the direction our village is heading.
We had new arrivals in a week or two and plans already in the works.
Busy night indeed.