Eli informed everyone with the help of her still just boyfriend who, despite the time spent together, didn't formally ask for her hand yet.
Mother might get there first.
The now proud soldier numbers pushed around 75, including the women who joined late.
I deserved to take some credit since being the only one along with my daughter, who actually trained the months leading up to this point.
Other than the soldiers. Our family was all there, adding up almost to the capacity of the tavern.
" People, thank you all for coming. It's late, so I'll be brief. About 2 weeks' time from now, 70 plus new residents will arrive from Dharma. They fallen on hard times.. They were slaves. "
We all waited patiently until the murmurs stopped.
" ..I myself purchased them, and those coming decided to accept MY offer to live here. Now, I know.. this will be a challenge. But no harassment, different treatment, or anything like that, I myself found intolerable will be punished severely. "
The soldier around gulped when seeing him so serious.
" .. Don't think this is harsh or unwarranted. The same words were told the Soldiers who decided to escort them here. The same words will be told to anyone deciding to join us in the future. The soldiers.. Carlos? " he said, handing it over to Carlos.
The man himself got up from the table and addressed the crowd. " I asked my own family's soliders, if they desired a better life. They did .. All well trained and well warned just like everyone. I hope we can all get along and accept each other in time. "
He kept it brief and took a seat back down.
" Thank you. I suppose we all make our peace with the changes coming. But these people, dear friends... they know little other than abuse and inhuman treatment most of their lifes." Zephyr got up and walked to the front of the table.
" I want them to have homes, dreams, a community.. the project a lot of you asked before..is living quarters for them. " he explained.
With the people getting a more comprehensive view of the new building craze, a lot of them nodded along when they understood.
" The work is long and cold.. but there is also good news. " he nodded towards Lucian and Manata, who held large sacks.
" ..I want give each and everyone in the village a gold coin. Hush now.."
He held his arms up, quieted the crowds..
" Take them..all who refuse will getting their ass kicked by me. This is nothing.. a little thank you. Not for the work we are about to do! But the work and love I myself received since my arrival. The same will be given to each resident of this village. " he said, sweeping the room with a grateful smile.
The proud man and women gathered never held wealth like that. Before his arrival, the annual coin they made was a few silvers each, if that.
Some admired the large golden coins and placed it in their palms and weighed it.
" Put those away and pay attention! "
Deputy leader Alexander turned back the crowds attention to my husband, who shot a grateful smile towards his big brother.
" Now that is out the way.. I'll give over to a lady you all love... and use her services. " he saw some unnatural colours in the crowds. The plain black and brown gave way for blondes, redheads, and suspicious shades of blue like their leaders' hair.
Nifa waived at her loyal customers and stood up.
" Soon spring arrives, and since our little peaceful hamlet will soon double in size, and that will continue to rise in the future. " she looked at a confused Zephyr already sat back down.
" I want to invite a few trusted individuals who understand business and can help us expand. "
The people loved that.
With the tavern and Olaf's smithy are the only actual establishments. People still had very little to do or had the opportunity to make more coin consistently since Malai was the place to sell their products or services.
" Excellent idea, Lady Nifa. "
Milo from the front row stood up and spurred the people even further.
" Maybe we have something like Jardone?..
" Would love to open my own shop and sell my accessories..
" A proper weapon shop and little Penelope can sell her clothes..
" Maybe Lady Vistellia can sell her ointments and pastes, remedies and such..
" Maybe a theatre..the Monroe company could help with the stories, and some of us can act it out alongside them.."said Moritz, looking for equally enthusiastic people in the crowd.
With universal approval, her idea passed.
Moritz showed an unexpected passion we never knew existed.
" Alright, on to the next point on the agenda. You all know about the stone quarry a mile or so near the mountain. " he started.
I remembered the place. We never had the manpower or the know-how to mine it ourselves.
" This year, we will start to mine it and use what's gained to build roads new buildings and most importantly..another wall around the one already in place. "
The people were super loyal, but even they got spooked about the amount of work that is to come.
Zephyr laughed at the despondent crowd.
" Take it easy, people. It's not something we need to worry about now..it's just something we need..in the future... we have a lot on our plates. " he walked ahead again, hopped on top of the table.
" Once the houses are finished..with help from all of us, we can welcome our residents with something, I believe you will all enjoy. " he said with a large smile.
The crowd patiently waited, and his smile spread, seeing them holding their breaths.
" A friendly competition, of course. The very first martial tournament of Emet! " he announced it, sending the room into a buzzing hive.
Even our own table..we we didn't know about this.
The Monroe sisters' display must've given him some ideas.
The mostly battle ready soliders loved it and already proclaimed victory over some of their friends.
" Zeph, that's a brilliant idea. " Carlos already up from his seats with the rest of the man and Eli as well.
" It gets better..." he said, turning back to the crowd.
He lifted his hands, quitting the hyped future participants.
" The tournament will be as follows.."
He counted on his fingers.
" A 1 on 1, no weapons allowed. "
" A 2 on 2, with similar rules..martial arts only friends. "
" An archery competition both those advanced and ..those novice.
" A display of talents, anything our people consider one, will be judged by a qualified trio of my choosing. "
" For our weapons enthusiasts, a simulated war with a chaotic game of CAPTURE, my own creations and last but not least.." he looked at mother particularly.
" ..A cooking competition, to finally crown the best and least appreciated artists of our beautiful home. "
How does he come up with these new and wonderful things?
" The games will span over a 10 day period and culminate in a grand celebration marking our new annual tradition. " he continued.
He let another round of murmurs die down.
" Those who come in 3rd or 2nd of each group will receive lots of gold as compensation..the champions will receive whatever they wish.. As long as it is within my powers, I will fulfil those requests. " he said with a serious expression.
The silence was deafening.
The prizes of gold were already good enough, but the champions will receive so much more.
Brilliantly thought out and planned my love. Well done.