Not even granny or the other elder said anything.
The silence was deafening. I looked at Zephyr, but his facial expressions give away nothing at all.
Leader Metill took his silence as some sort of negotiation tactic and went on adding to his offer, something that made my blood boil.
" I was also hoping to offer my daughters Setil and Miri, hands in marriage." - he looked at he girls on his left and then looked at me. ".. But that was before.."
Disgusting cockroach.. those two potatoes?
I got so angry.. and I took it out, on the only thing available.
Zephyr's hand.
" you can see that won't help. " - he looked at my furious expression and doubled down. " ..That won't happen! Thank you. I'm already spoken for."
I released the pressure and even forgiven his slip of the tongue.
I smiled at the two..offerings. By Ehlite.. they looked like two disappointed lemons.
" I see. Well, we can always offer land or really anything in our powers. You see an honorable one." - He looked extremely sad and his hand clutched in frustration. " We lose a significant amount of our young each year. Due to tradition and ..pride issues."
Zephyr waited for a little while before asking the obvious.
" I understand somewhat but, have to ask anyway, why are they so willing to fight if you have no hope for victory?"
He seemed saddened just by thinking it.
" Tori village is small we used be sixty strong when I was eleted. That includes women, children... the old. Like my father, I was chosen as a leader yet couldn't help my people. " - leader Metill kept his eyes on the window looking at the lands of Emet and the people visible.
" We can't offer enough to Tori.. she attacks our village every year. Our young decided to fight, but in the last two years, we lost most of them. Now there's nothing to more man to buy us time with their lifes."
Hearing his story was like a nightmare.
I knew some villages have it, though. Not all divine beasts behave the same way.
Some more aggressive or unpredictable..others never leave their caves. Seem to survive even without a sacrifice or a massacre. Leader Metill went on.
" We petitioned Lord Sakarai for aid. But received no reply. Yet they collect our winter tribute to his armies..." - he chuckled in frustration and raised his empty hand as if to signify they had nothing to offer.
" I'm afraid our village is doomed unless intervention."
I looked at them..then the men I gave my heart to. I saw he had already decided to help.. I thought I did.
" You should move your people."
He surprised everyone in the room, including the man and his children, not to mention our people.
" Move?..I'm afraid I do.."
" Move to Emet village. " - he clearly stated his idea and went further. " Bring them all. All your remaining people. There's land to farm and plenty of time before winter to build homes last for generations. "
He looked right at me and smiled brightly. " I'm in the middle of building mine. We also train. My brothers and I are building a force strong enough to protect our people. " - he looked each of them individually. " We would welcome you all."
Of course, he did something else that I thought.
I couldn't help but smile. He didn't need to risk his life.
Leader Metill exchanged a few looks with his own children. They all seemed agreeable.
" It that would be alright with the elders of Emet village? "
He turned to granny and the other two elders.
" My grandson already decided. " - she nodded towards us with a proud smile. " There's nothing to say except Welcome."
He stood up and bowed towards Zephyr and me. His children soon followed suit.
" Lord Lady. We're humble people. Please take care of us."
Zephyr squeezed my sweaty hand, and we got up together he walked to the other side and tapped the man's shoulder, and extended his hand.
" I'm not Lord friend. Please call me Zephyr like everyone." - he looked at us all. " Let's look after one another."
As the man shook his hand with an appreciation and respect in his eyes. We merged at least in spirit with Tori village on August 27th in 1102.
We left the hall as Granny took care of the logistics.
They agreed Zephyr and his men would ride to Tori and help them escort back its residents some forty odd people in the following day.
Later this afternoon, there will be a meeting where Zephyr announces the merger of the two villages. One thing left to tell him before all that.
" You just gonna go pack up those poor souls and come back, right? " - I stood still with my arms crossed.
" What's with those accused look? Of course, my love..."
Funny, it didn't sound all that convincing.
" You want to fight it ANYWAY!!? "
"...No." - he looked something particularly interesting behind me.
That was an obvious yes. Bastard.. if you play it like that..
" Fine.. go fight ancient monster, you stupid idiot! " - I tried to kick him but, evaded without even looking down. " Go do it..we see the next time you slay any monsters in our bedroom..or in the river."
I turned around and tried to leave on that note.
I was a few feet away when he appeared in front of out nowhere.. his appearance sucked the air around me and lifted my dress up. He picked me up princess style.
" Let me idiot.."
" Those blushing cheeks really work against your request, Lady Astoria.." - he buried his face in my neck and kissed it inch by inch.
He is good..he knows his audience.
I was still angry but couldn't hide a small smile.
" My love.. I don't wish to risk my life. It was just a momentary moment."
" A momentary..moment?? You wanna try that again there. " - I pulled my neck away to stop the distraction. " Honourable one? "
" Stop it.. you know what. Maybe say it again."
He kissed me and teased my ass with his fingers.
Good effort..not enough.
" Stop.. I'm not saying anything. I don't believe a word you say. You are training your ability and getting more comfortable with it. " - I did my best to get out of his arms, but he kept maneuvering, so it was difficult.
" I know you enjoy fighting .. I can see how happy it makes you. I don't mind people, but draw the line with divine monsters !! "
I climbed out of his hands because he let me and stomped about five seconds too late to punctuate my point.
" Unless he attempts an attack on your life.. you're FORBIDDEN TO FIGHT!! "
I my last word not only surprised him but a bunch of others bystanders.
It felt great seeing him shocked. At least now, it might reach his tiny brain.
I huffed and left him. Went straight home.
Inside were mother and Demelza having tea. Lucian mother, Miranda, was teaching Eli at the kitchen fire how to make dinner.
" Hey sweetheart, how was the meeting. Lucian and Alex told us earlier about it. "My mother started but after seeing my state. " You look..are you okay ? "
I went straight for the food and ate some grapes before answering my mother.
" It was great.. Tori village will merge with ours. They ride tomorrow to bring them all."
" Whoaa.. I thought they wanted Zephyr to save them..." - Demelza put her cup down and opened her eyes wide. " But, not like this."
" It's was Zephyr's idea, Dem. ..where is my daughter? "
" Lizzy took em to your new home. Anna wanted to see her room being built."
Hmm.. I hope she punches his father right in the..well, maybe not there. The shin kick will do just fine.
" That's good news, no? " My mother saw me keep eating the grapes. " Why are you so angry.. and hungry? "
" I'm hungry because I didn't have breakfast and angry because.." - I looked the door I burst through. " I think we are about to have our first fight."