No one.. and I mean not one eye ball was directed to the wagon when I stepped out.
They suspiciously avoided its general directions. Meaning everyone saw an..I don't care!
They looked lost in their own problems, which was building tents. Alex, Lucian, and now my Zephyr joined them.
" Glad you could join us, Sisi..." - my sister was stocking the fire with fresh logs. " You sure left angry and the.."
" Shut up, Eli. " - sat beside the fire and looked at the man struggling to understand Demelza instructions.
It took looked simple when done, but it sure looked like a lot of effort.
I was still flustered from what happened. After sat and ate some simple vegetables and meat stew. It was okay, nothing like mothers but we brought plenty of our own food so it was a nice meal.
Two stood guard for half the night. It was enough. We had Lime Lake at our backs. It didn't make me feel all that better, but Zephyr went deep inside and didn't find anything or he would've told us.
The conversation was pleasant, and soon enough, Anna fell asleep.
I looked at Demelza and made a suggestive look that my sister also caught.. and earned me identical eye rolls.
" Please look after Anna for a.. look after her, please.." - I had enough of their eyes on me, so I went and took his hand. " Zephyr promised to take me swimming."
From all their looks, I might as well say he will ravage me in the woods. Please look after the kids.
Well, at least, I held my head high and embraced my shameless nature, at least in front of close family.
I took him down by the lake and actually thought about swimming.
It looked ethereal.. unbelievable beautiful with the moons light reflecting from its giant surface.
A nice swim, huh?
Zephyr would be there, obviously, and make sure I won't disappear in some deep dark hole. Well...he had other plans.
I felt roughly pushed against a nearby large tree and felt his little brother pushing from behind through my dress.
" I see .. you still ready.. as ever.." - I rested my head on the rough tree bark.
We haven't even done anything, and I was panting like a dog.
I felt him pulling my recently pushed back panties aside once again with more force now. It stretched the fabric. And I unconsciously pushed my ass out towards him.
" I can never hold onto my sanity when you near " - I heard his voice and felt his hand on my back. " ...bend over."
I did as commended and received my reward. It was always heaven.. I loved him controlling me like that.
I arched my back, and without missing a beat, he pulled my hair back. I couldn't help but let out a small scream.
" Now tell me.." he stopped and refused to move until I said my piece. " I wanna hear it.."
He whispered in the ear, and even during ecstasy, I remembered..
" My Lord. Aahh.."
" Good girl."
Don't judge.. until you tried it. Roleplaying is fun.
By the time we finished, the fires were almost dying, and I could barely walk straight. A bed was surely needed.
Luckily, no one was around to witness this shameful display of motor skills. I crawled inside our tent and saw Anna sleeping like a baby.
I lay down next to her. The ground was hard even with the furs underneath us. Zephyr climbed in after checking on the guards.
He stopped and looked at me cuddling Anna.
" I love this picture. We have to have a family painting made."
" Those are usually awful.. more attractive women than me end up looking like potatoes."I saw a few made in Malai, and well, they didn't really match humans.
Truth be told, I would've loved one. Only the most affluent families could ever afford it.
One or more silver coin for paint and paper? It was too much, and for someone with actual tale was hard to find.. God knows how much they wanted for their services ?
Too bad no one in the village had talent with the brush or the coin to pay for it.
He climbed behind me, and I rested my head on his arm.
He waited until I settled with comfortably. " To me, my love.. you were the most beautiful first sight I could ever ask for. "
" What do you mean? " - I turned a little and was dark, so I barely saw him.
" I woke with nothing. My body hurt, I felt uneasy because I didn't remember anything, who I was, how I got there. " - he sounded nostalgic but also with a hint sadness.
" I looked around, and I saw you, staring outside the window.. You looked sad but also breathtaking."
He never told me this. I turned fully around.
" I thought you wanted to kill me when first saw me."
" I was ..on edge for sure. But even then, I could never hurt you. I told you.." - he moved his hand from my arm to my cheek.
" I never seen anything more beautiful. My very first thoughts in my new life were..if I am dead, then she is an angel."
Hmm.. I closed my eyes. I remembered that moment. My fear.. the small flames of interest.
Who knew you would set my life ablaze.
" Who knew you were pinning for me since you first laid eyes on me.."
" What can I say.. I have impeccable taste."
Nicely said.. I gave him a gift, and we didn't use or need much air for a while. I fell asleep in his arms, never more sure about destiny itself, willing all my dreams into a reality.
I woke alone as usual but refreshed and after a few minutes of stretching around the empty tent.
I smelled eggs, and I felt my stomach growling.
After last night vigorous workout, we didn't eat. He just went to sleep.
Outside, there was only Demelza and Eleanor having breakfast. The rest must be off somewhere close.
" Morning Lylly.. we didn't see you last night. Anything interesting happened in the woods.." - my sister smiled in anticipation of my embarrassment. "... For two hours? "
Too bad last night's confession made me invincible.
" My fiancee made love to me while we were role-playing. " - I sat down and took her plate. " Any more cheese?"
I had a good-natured laugh seeing Demelza choking on her water.
However, Eli didn't reprimand me..looks like she indeed has her own thoughts.
" What kind of role playing? " - Demelza quickly put her own plate on the grass and crawled over.
I took some of my favourite foods and put it on a plate.
I looked around to make sure no one were close before I told them. " It just some stuff ..Zephyr likes me to do or say. " - I checked as a reflex again. " Or things I like him to do...or say. "
They both looked very interested.
It surprised me that Demelza looked like she never.. done something like that. They listened intently but I wasn't going to tell them .. everything.
" It's..various..nicknames and scenarios. " - with every word, they looked more and more interested, and I started to regret mentioning it. " Zephyr wants me to buy some specific..clothes. Stuff like that, okay !? "
" Zephyr sure like to keep things..spicy, huh?"
" Is Alexander..? "
" He too has his own roleplays. " - she chuckled, remembering something fondly. "..I just never heard that phrase. You and your beloved sure figured things out fast.. "
If she only knew.
Looking at Demelza, it didn't escape me how lucky to be so compatible in bed.
We never had boring or quite sex.
His unpredictable nature and stamina made all our sessions.. absolutely wild. I sincerely hope this will never change. But I need to work on it too.. I had some ideas about the future.
I finished breakfast like an animal and helped myself to seconds. The morning was perfect weather, in my opinion.
Others started breaking camp and getting ready to ride to Tori village.
Zephyr, leading a bunch of man, returned Anna clinging to his face.
He walked over for a quick kiss and sat near the fire with our daughter to dry a little.
They all looked wet in some ways. After yesterday, they all wanted to swim in the famous bottomless lake again. They are probably doing the same on our way back.
" We should be ready to enter your village by early afternoon, right Manata ? " - Zephyr turns to young man with Ilianna resting on his shoulder.
" Yes master.. it's only a short way from Lime Lake. We can spend the night and tomorrow afternoon, start heading back to our new home. Then we can finally start training under you. "
He looked at the little girl and smiled happily. " Master your daughter has your skillset at such a young age."
" My daughter will be a little goddess.." - he smiled proudly, and his daughter got embarrassed and hid her face. " People will one day worship and learn from her. "
" My love, I thought we gonna let her be whatever she wanted to be when older."
I figured to tease him a little.
He said she can be whatever she wants, but he did have a specific image in his head. He took my tease like a professional.
" As a goddess, Lylly..she can be whatever she wants to be."
No man will ever be good enough for our giggling little girl..