Chereads / Shadow Lord Returns / Chapter 16 - Completed test

Chapter 16 - Completed test

As the battle raged on in the arena, the stakes grew increasingly dire. With each passing moment, the humans' numbers dwindled while the ranks of the undead swelled. Every participant understood the gravity of the situation: one wrong move, one fatal mistake, and they would join the ranks of the zombies themselves.

Amidst the chaos, it became clear that avoiding infection was paramount. Any human unfortunate enough to be bitten or killed by a zombie would succumb to the infection, transforming into a zombie and further tipping the scales in favor of the undead. The pressure intensified as the survivors fought not only for their lives but also to stave off the encroaching tide of infection, knowing that one misstep could spell doom for them all.

The man in the suit observed the unfolding chaos with a discerning eye. "Their numbers are dwindling, reducing the odds of survival for the remainder. However, there are some individuals showing promise," he remarked, noting those who displayed skill and determination amidst the fray.

"Indeed, sir. There are a select few with notable potential," the woman in the lab coat concurred, her attention drawn to figures who dispatched zombies with remarkable ease. Yet, one individual in particular captured her curiosity—a man who seemed perpetually amused, his smile unwavering even in the face of danger, Zephyr.

"Why does he find this situation amusing?" she pondered, unable to tear her gaze away.

"Miss Jade, I believe we have found our new champions. Cease the test and extend an invitation to them to join the academy," the man declared decisively before departing through the door behind them.

"Understood," Miss Jade acknowledged, addressing the others in the room responsible for overseeing the test and controlling the flow of zombies. "Terminate the test," she instructed, ensuring that the survivors would be welcomed into the academy without further delay.

Zephyr continued his relentless onslaught against the zombies, his movements swift and precise. Some onlookers couldn't help but feel a twinge of concern, wondering if the man had lost his mind to the chaos surrounding them. However, unbeknownst to them, Zephyr's rampage was fueled by a revelation he had experienced moments earlier, spurring him into a fervent killing spree.

[Congratulations, the system has successfully merged with your body and you've unlocked all its features]

"Oh, my," Zephyr exclaimed, a mixture of surprise and excitement coloring his tone. "I had lost track of time, and the system merging is complete. It seems more features have been unlocked. I'll have to check that out later and see what I've unlocked."

But before he could delve into the newfound capabilities, another notification popped up, drawing his interest.

[First quest given]

[Defeat as many Zombies as you can and unlock a skill, the power of the skill will determine with how much you've killed]"

"Whoa, the prospect of acquiring a new skill without the need for training or mastery is truly remarkable," Zephyr marveled, his determination reignited by the opportunity ahead. With a renewed sense of purpose, he set his sights on the relentless horde of zombies, knowing that each one he dispatched brought him closer to unlocking a potent new ability.

Despite his vampiric instincts urging him to press on, Zephyr couldn't ignore the fatigue gnawing at his human body.

"Damn human body," he muttered under his breath, retreating from the front lines and seeking refuge behind fellow fighters. He instinctively pulled Browny along, urging him to prioritize survival over heroism.

"Hey, Browny, don't be a hero," Zephyr cautioned, his tone firm yet laced with concern.

Browny nodded in acknowledgment, understanding the gravity of Zephyr's words. He recognized the importance of prioritizing survival in such dire circumstances, and he appreciated Zephyr's concern for his well-being, despite his initial impression of Zephyr as someone who prioritized self-preservation above all else.

In that moment, Browny felt a sense of gratitude towards Zephyr, realizing that beneath his seemingly self-interested exterior, Zephyr possessed a genuine concern for him. It was a revelation that forged a newfound bond between them amidst the chaos of the zombie-infested arena.

As Zephyr observed the dwindling number of survivors, a realization dawned on him. Despite his initial uncertainty about saving Browny, he couldn't shake the feeling that Browny held potential as a valuable ally. In order to achieve his own goals, Zephyr recognized the need for allies, and he saw Browny as a possible asset in that regard.

The situation grew increasingly dire as the number of zombies swelled to over a hundred, reinforced by the newly infected participants. With only fifty humans remaining and no champions among them, their chances of survival seemed bleak.

Just as all hope appeared lost, strange antenna-like devices emerged from various areas of the ground around the arena, sliding open with an eerie precision.

As the antennas unleashed a powerful sound wave, the entire arena was engulfed in its deafening resonance. The zombies, once relentless in their pursuit, were suddenly halted in their tracks, their movements stilled as they writhed in agony.

Screeches of pain pierced the air as the sound wave targeted their brains, causing them to hemorrhage black blood from their ears. One by one, the zombies collapsed to the ground, their bodies motionless as life ebbed away.

In a matter of moments, the once-thriving arena lay silent, littered with the lifeless forms of the defeated undead. The survivors, stunned by the sudden turn of events, stood in awe of the miraculous intervention that had spared them from certain doom.

The survivors stood in stunned silence, struggling to comprehend the miraculous turn of events. To them, the sound wave had been barely noticeable—a mere hum in the air. But to the zombies, it had been a deafening cacophony, shattering their brains with lethal force.

The revelation struck them with a mix of astonishment and relief. They realized that the sound wave had targeted the zombies' heads, exploiting their inherent vulnerability. Unlike humans, who remained unscathed by the harmless sound, the zombies had been unable to withstand the onslaught, their bodies succumbing to the fatal effects.

In the wake of the sudden victory, the survivors exchanged bewildered glances, their minds reeling with the implications of their newfound salvation. They had witnessed firsthand the power of ingenuity in the face of seemingly insurmountable odds.

"What just happened?" Zephyr echoed the question on everyone's minds. The sudden demise of the zombie horde had left them all bewildered, struggling to make sense of the miraculous turn of events. As they grappled with the shock of their narrow escape, a beam of white light descended from above, revealing three individuals.

Two figures cloaked in hooded robes stood on either side of a striking blue-haired woman, who exuded an air of authority and grace. "Congratulations, everyone!" she exclaimed, her voice resonating with warmth and assurance. "Those of you who have survived the test have successfully become students of Orchid Academy."

Introductions were made, and the woman revealed herself as Jade, an instructor and student of Orchid Academy. Despite the recent peril they had faced, the survivors found themselves captivated by Jade's beauty and presence, momentarily forgetting the harrowing ordeal they had just endured.

"As a reward for passing this test," Jade continued, "you will each be given gifts."

Zephyr's thoughts simmered with disdain as he regarded Jade, his gaze devoid of emotion. Despite her striking appearance, he remained unmoved, his focus squarely on the injustice of the situation.

"Hey, you!" Zephyr's voice rang out, laced with anger and frustration. "Why didn't you inform us that we were being subjected to this damn test? Half of us are already dead because of it, and you expect us to be excited about some gift?!"

His words cut through the air like a blade, the raw intensity of his emotions palpable. Zephyr refused to overlook the loss of life that had occurred as a result of this so-called test, his indignation fueling his outburst.

Meanwhile, Jade's gaze swept across the crowd until it settled on Zephyr. Recognition flickered in her eyes as she identified the source of the challenge.

'Ah, it's that guy,' she thought, bracing herself for the confrontation that was about to unfold.
