Chereads / Shadow Lord Returns / Chapter 21 - Academy classes

Chapter 21 - Academy classes

"Come on, let's line up," Jack urged, joining the queue that snaked towards the food counter. The line stretched long, filled with students eagerly awaiting their turn to select their meals. At the front, a variety of dishes were displayed in glass containers, each one more enticing than the last. Even Zephyr found himself drawn to the sight, though he maintained his composure.

'I haven't really tasted human food before,' Zephyr reflected inwardly. 'As a vampire, I only fed on blood bags or supernatural beings to satisfy my hunger. Now that I'm human, it wouldn't hurt to indulge in their cuisine.' Despite the temptation, he reminded himself of his regal bearing.

'I need not stoop to savagery,' he affirmed silently.

The line moved steadily forward as each student selected their meals and carried them on trays to their chosen seats. Zephyr, Browny, and Jack finally reached the front, where they were served by a few women dressed as cooks. With their trays filled, they searched for an empty table to sit.

"I don't know about you guys, but I'm starving," Jack declared, settling into a seat. Browny and Zephyr remained silent, concealing the true extent of their hunger. Jack was unaware of the days they spent starving as slaves to Paragox, their bodies sustained only by injections provided by Michael.

Their bodies were in better shape thanks to injections that provided them with essential nutrients. Zephyr found this discovery fascinating, as it allowed them to maintain their health despite their previous starvation. The injections were a common practice in missions, allowing individuals to forego proper meals and simply inject themselves with the liquid to simulate having eaten a full meal.

Zephyr looked at the food in front of him, observing Browny enjoying it like a ravenous beast while Jack ate with finesse.

'The humans' meal, let's see how it tastes,' Zephyr thought, before picking up a spoonful and tasting it. The meal consisted of rice with sauce on top, accompanied by salad and meat—a balanced combination of carbohydrates and protein.

As the food entered Zephyr's mouth, his eyes widened in delight.

"WHAT'S THIS STUFF, I LOVE IT!!" Zephyr exclaimed, his enthusiasm drawing the attention of everyone around them, who watched in surprise as Browny and Zephyr devoured their food with gusto.

"Is that guy okay? Why did he scream over some meal?" someone voiced out to their seatmates.

"No idea. They might be slaves from those supernaturals and haven't tasted a good meal in their life. Pathetic little bastards," another said, followed by murmurs of agreement and insults from the others. However, Zephyr paid no attention and simply enjoyed his meal.

The commotion caught the attention of a certain individual with a frustrated expression filled with anger.

"Oh, just great! It's that guy again. I see he's causing a scene like at the taste," Jade muttered, glancing in Zephyr's direction, just two seats away from them.

"Is that the guy you talked about?" Eva asked, observing him before using her aura vision on Zephyr. She frowned. "I thought he was some powerhouse that got you frustrated, but instead, he's just a weakling, only level one."

Aura vision was a skill utilized by all ability users. This skill enabled them to see each other's aura, allowing them to gauge their strength. By looking through a person, they could see a gathered aura around their center. Depending on the amount of aura observed, one could determine the strength of the individual, whether they were champions or humans, and discern their ranks. At the moment, only a faint amount, the size of a tennis ball, was detected inside Zephyr, indicating that he was at level one, meaning he was as strong as an ordinary human.

"I know, I will find a way to pummel him," Jade said with determination in her voice.

"Ahh, man. You guys are really savages, I almost pity the food," Jack remarked, looking at the empty trays on the table. Browny and Zephyr had gone for seconds until they were completely full.

"Well, Jack, that was a great meal," Browny said, still feeling amazed by the abundance of food they had.

"Now that you're filled up, we have classes to go to," Jack declared, standing up. They exited the cafeteria, leaving behind a woman in a cleaning outfit who sighed at the sight of the mess.

"I hate this job," she muttered under her breath, resigned to her fate.


As everyone exited the dormitory building, they made their way to the main academy building, adorned with an orchid painting on the front. A group of fifty men and women, all dressed neatly, awaited them, leading the recruits inside. The main building was spacious, easily accommodating the hundreds of students following behind the teachers. Due to the large numbers, the students were assigned to different classes, ranging from Class A to Class K, with each classroom accommodating up to fifty students.

Zephyr, Brown, and Jack found themselves in the same classroom, Class D. As they settled into their seats, a man entered through the front door and stood beside his desk, facing the students. Many recognized him immediately.

"Welcome, everyone," Michael greeted with pride. "Let's get straight to the point. In this class, I'll be educating you about the outside world and our adversaries. We'll delve into their weaknesses and more. But first, let's begin with an overview of the school curriculum."

"After this class, each of you will have the opportunity to choose which class you prefer to specialize in: Ability Class, Combat Skills Class, or Body Enhancement Class," Michael explained.

The academy offered three choices for specialized training: Ability Class, Combat Skills Class, and Body Enhancement Class.

Ability Class focused on enhancing students' understanding and proficiency in using their abilities effectively in combat situations. It aimed to enable students to wield their powers more freely and skillfully against adversaries.

Combat Skills Class prioritized honing students' martial prowess and fighting techniques. It emphasized the importance of physical combat skills to complement and supplement abilities, recognizing that abilities alone might not always suffice in extended battles.

Body Enhancement Class, while available, was considered less favorable for combat readiness. It concentrated on enhancing students' physical attributes such as strength and healing abilities. However, its utility in actual combat situations was limited, as relying solely on enhanced physicality without adequate combat skills could leave students vulnerable.

Each class option presented distinct paths for students to pursue based on their individual strengths, preferences, and combat styles.

"For today's lesson, you'll be selecting your preferred class after our main session," he concluded.

Michael provided a concise overview of supernaturals and their origins, shedding light on their existence and significance in the world. The students also received instruction in other traditional subjects such as mathematics and English, despite some questioning the relevance of these topics in their current situation. However, the school board deemed it important for students to maintain a connection with the old world's education system, allowing them to experience a semblance of normalcy amidst their unconventional training.

As the class concluded, it was time for the students to attend their chosen extra classes, where they would delve deeper into their preferred areas of specialization.

'Hmm, I think I'll take the combat class,' Zephyr mused. 'I'm far superior in combat, and these amateurs in the academy wouldn't stand a chance against me, not even the teachers,' he thought, a sinister grin creeping onto his face.

"Hey, are you alright?" Jack inquired, noticing Zephyr's grin. "You're grinning like someone who enjoys watching the world burn."

'If only you knew,' Zephyr thought darkly.
