Chereads / Shadow Lord Returns / Chapter 22 - The dojo

Chapter 22 - The dojo

"So this is the combat class, a dojo," Zephyr mumbled, standing before the imposing structure.

Departing from Jack and Browny, who chose the ability class to refine their powers, Zephyr had his sights set on the combat class. While Browny aimed to master his earth ability and Jack shared similar aspirations, Zephyr sought something different. He craved insight into human combat skills.

During his reign as the vampire king, Zephyr acquired diverse combat techniques from the various races he subdued. Despite being feared as the foremost threat among supernaturals, he continually pursued strength. However, in his current frail human form, Zephyr found himself unable to execute many of his learned skills. Some demanded extraordinary strength and speed, attributes his human body couldn't fulfill without risking injury.

"What a beautiful sight," Zephyr remarked, gazing at the dojo's impressive structure.

The building bore a striking resemblance to a traditional dojo, boasting a meticulously crafted triangular roof that evoked an Eastern aesthetic from ancient times. Its sturdy construction seemed capable of withstanding even the fiercest storms. A sliding door beckoned Zephyr inside, and he stepped through with purpose.

Within the dojo, the interior design was equally impeccable. The towering ceiling stretched skyward, while the wooden floors added a touch of elegance. Despite the spaciousness, the room was filled with students, though their numbers were modest, totaling only around sixty.

However, what truly captured Zephyr's attention was what adorned the opposite wall of the room.

"Is this heaven or what?" Zephyr mumbled, inhaling deeply as he surveyed the array of weapons adorning the opposite wall. Swords, spears, axes of every variety adorned the space, enticing him with their gleaming edges. "I need to get my hands on those beauties."

Zephyr had always harbored a deep fascination for weapons, their very presence evoking a sense of power and dominance. For him, a weapon stained with the blood of his enemies held a value akin to that of a golden treasure—a testament to his prowess and ferocity in the dark realm.

Unbeknownst to the students engrossed in their chatter, a man in his forties quietly entered through the back door of the dojo. He moved with deliberate steps, ascending a two-meter platform with measured ease. Standing at the center of the elevated platform, he observed the students in silence, his presence unnoticed amidst the noise and commotion.

"Silence, you maggots!" The man's voice boomed through the dojo, cutting through the chatter like a sharp blade. Despite the forceful command, his expression remained eerily composed.

Zephyr's movement halted abruptly, his gaze drawn towards the source of the commanding voice. Along with the rest of the students, he found himself immobilized by the sheer authority emanating from the man standing at the center of the platform.

As the room fell into a tense silence, all eyes turned towards the figure of the man. He stood with an air of undeniable authority, his hands clasped behind his back. Clad in attire reminiscent of military garb, yet bearing distinct differences, he exuded an aura of disciplined strength.

But it was the katana strapped to his side that truly captured everyone's attention. Gleaming with a deadly sheen, it stood as a silent testament to the man's prowess and skill—a weapon that demanded respect and commanded attention.

Zephyr's head echoed with recognition as he observed Captain Jared. The sight of the familiar figure stirred memories within him about the time at Paragox.

"It's this guy again," Zephyr mused silently as he regarded Jared. The individual standing before them was none other than Captain Jared.

"Now that I have your attention," Jared's commanding voice sliced through the air, capturing the focus of everyone in the room. "Most of you should already know who I am, but I'll introduce myself nonetheless. I am Jared. My last name is irrelevant to you maggots."

"I see that many of you have attended combat class. Before we begin, you need to understand what combat truly is," Jared paused briefly before continuing. "Combat is the use of martial arts, whether with a weapon or not. It's an art form, akin to a dance, where each step must be executed with precision and accuracy to showcase the beauty of the art. Some may perceive martial arts as a means to become proficient in fighting, but it's much more than that."

"It's a traditional dance that is primarily used for self-defense. However, given the current state of the world, we must adapt to also utilize it for attack and survival. Some of you may believe that martial arts are not necessary, especially if you already possess abilities. But let me pose a question: What if you find yourself unable to use your abilities? In such a scenario, your skill in martial arts becomes your only means of defense. Without it, you would be vulnerable, easily preyed upon like cattle," Jared explained. "While martial arts may not be as effective against most supernaturals, it still serves to keep you alive. Therefore, if I am going to teach you the martial arts necessary for your survival, you must approach it as if your life depends on it—because one day, it might."

"Enough with the speech, grandpa. Let's start already," Zephyr mumbled impatiently. Unlike the others who were inspired by Jared's speech, Zephyr remained unaffected.

"Before we start, everyone, you'll see weapons hung on the left side of the room. Choose the one that suits you best, something you can wield easily," Jared instructed.

As Jared finished speaking, everyone rushed to the left side of the room to grab their preferred weapons before someone else claimed them. Zephyr, however, remained transfixed, gazing at the array of weapons with stars in his eyes.

"I think I died and went to paradise," Zephyr exclaimed, still standing there, admiring the weapons. In those moments, half of the weapons were already taken by the other students. "I need to find a weapon."

As Zephyr approached a weapon for a closer look at its design, a system prompt appeared.


[Name: Raging Battle Axe]

[Level: Fledgling level weapon]

[Skill: None]

'Oh, almost forgot about the inspection skill, and it looks like it activates on its own, great,' Zephyr thought. With that, Zephyr started to go around inspecting any weapon he came across. He was looking for a good weapon, one that could increase his attributes, and finally, he found something that interested him greatly.


[Name: Katana of Pain]

[Level: Fledgling level weapon]

[Skill: None]

[+2 speed]

"Perfect," Zephyr said with a smirk.

"So now that you've taken your weapons, today being your first day, I'll just pair you with each other to see your strengths and warm you up," Jared said, then he brought out a clipboard and looked at it for a moment. The clipboard was filled with the names of the students attending the combat class.

"So first up, I have Darwin Moro and Ander Malice. Please come to the stage."


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