Chereads / Shadow Lord Returns / Chapter 17 - Orchid academy

Chapter 17 - Orchid academy

As Jade observed the events unfolding in the arena from the monitoring room, her attention was drawn to Zephyr's remarkable display of skill and prowess. Despite his seemingly ordinary background, Zephyr exhibited abilities far beyond those of the average human, dispatching zombies with ease and precision.

Intrigued by his exceptional performance, Jade delved deeper into Zephyr's background, seeking to uncover more information about the enigmatic individual. However, her efforts yielded little insight beyond his name Zeph and the fact that he had lived a peaceful life before being taken by the vampires.

The absence of any indication of Zephyr's extraordinary fighting abilities left Jade puzzled. If he possessed such remarkable talent, surely other academies would have sought to recruit and train him as a formidable adventurer. The discrepancy between Zephyr's apparent capabilities and his unassuming past only served to deepen the mystery surrounding his true identity.

"Why are you unhappy?" Jade inquired, though inwardly she felt the urge to reprimand Zephyr for stirring up unrest among the group. They hadn't been informed about the test, only promised entry to the academy. Now, only a select few had achieved that dream.

"Yeah, The guys right!" A voice began, but before the speaker could finish, one of the hooded figures rose, fixing him with a menacing glare. Blue light emanated from his eyes, crackling with sparks, silencing the speaker with a look of fear.

Another hooded figure attempted the same intimidation tactic on Zephyr, but unlike the first victim, Zephyr remained unfazed, opting to stay silent. He understood that if they were willing to orchestrate a test that nearly resulted in their deaths just to assess their potential, they wouldn't hesitate to use force to maintain control.

"Now that everything's settled, each of you will be given a gift for completing the test before being taken to the academy. So, please step forward one by one and claim your prize," Jade announced. Excitement rippled through the group, overshadowing any lingering anger over the harrowing test they had just endured.

With eager anticipation, the first person stepped forward, standing before Jade expectantly. She turned to one of the hooded figures at her side, who nodded in understanding. With a fluid motion, he brought his hands together and then slowly parted them, summoning a brilliant blue light that coalesced into a book before fading away.

The book had a brown cover adorned with the academy's logo—a spiraling O with a large red R in the center. It was an ability book, one of the remarkable creations of human ingenuity. Though it appeared to be an ordinary ancient tome, it held immense power within its pages, capable of transforming its bearer into a champion.

These ability books were the result of human scientists' efforts to unlock the potential of supernatural abilities. By breaking down the abilities extracted from supernaturals, they encoded the knowledge of how to wield them into these books. Each tome contained a plethora of abilities, waiting to be discovered and mastered by those brave enough to delve into its secrets.

However, there was a catch. Once a person learned an ability from the book, it became a permanent part of them, forever altering their capabilities. They could never learn another ability, making the choice of which ability to pursue a weighty decision with lifelong consequences.

The hooded man passed the book to Jade, who then presented it to the recipient. Meanwhile, the other hooded figure stamped his feet on the ground, conjuring a swirling blue whirlpool in front of the man. However, the man hesitated, uncertain about stepping into the unknown.

"Don't worry," Jade reassured him, her voice steady and reassuring. "This will lead you directly to the academy. You have nothing to fear."

Encouraged by her words, the man took a deep breath and stepped bravely into the whirlpool, disappearing from view in an instant.

"Who's next?" Jade prompted, ready to continue bestowing gifts upon the survivors as they prepared to embark on their journey to the academy.

As the procession continued and each winner of the test eagerly claimed their ability books, excitement radiated from their faces. However, amidst the jubilation, Zephyr and Browny remained aloof, their expressions betraying a sense of skepticism and distrust.

"Zephyr's got a point. These academy folks seem shady," Browny mused silently to himself.

When the last of the survivors had received their books and disappeared into the portal, it was finally Zephyr's turn. He accepted the ability book with a steely gaze, his intensity momentarily unnerving the hooded figure beside him. However, the figure maintained their composure, unfazed by Zephyr's scrutiny.

With a sense of resignation, Browny stepped forward, taking his own ability book before disappearing into the portal. For him, it was a necessary step, driven by his own reasons and ambitions.

Left alone with the hooded figures, Zephyr's gaze lingered on them for a moment longer, a silent warning that his trust was not easily earned. Then, with a determined stride, he entered the portal, leaving behind the arena and venturing into the unknown future that awaited him at Orchid Academy.

'Don't worry, we will be meeting in the academy,'Jade thought, her gaze lingering on Zephyr's retreating figure with a hint of anticipation.

With the ability book in hand, Zephyr stepped into the portal with a casual stride. As he traversed the threshold, a sense of satisfaction washed over him.

"Well, I got what I needed from this test," Zephyr mused to himself, his hand closing around a small green crystal—the Zombie crystal he had extracted earlier. It pulsed with latent power, a valuable asset in his quest to increase his strength.

But there was more to his gains than just the crystal. As the portal enveloped him, a notification flashed in his mind.

[Quest complete]

[You have Successfully unlocked your shadow ability]

[The following skills as been received]

: [Inspect]

: [Shadow enhance]

"Whoa, I've received my shadow ability back," Zephyr exclaimed inwardly, in excitement.


As Zephyr stepped out of the portal, the scene shifted once more, and he found himself standing in a quaint grass field. The others had already arrived, their faces filled with awe as they took in the surroundings. Curious, Zephyr followed their gaze and soon understood what had captured their attention.

As they stood in what appeared to be a simple grassy field, the truth slowly dawned on them. This wasn't just any ordinary patch of greenery—it was the outer edge of an immense structure, a grand edifice that exuded majesty in every detail.

The building before them stretched upwards, towering over them with its six floors of imposing brown and red hues. At its center, a giant orchid painted onto the facade lent an air of wisdom and knowledge to the entire structure. A network of white-painted concrete walkways branched out from the main building, leading to various areas of the academy grounds.

But the grandeur didn't stop there. Beyond the main building, other structures dotted the vast campus space, each one promising its own wealth of knowledge and opportunities. It was a sight to behold, a testament to the magnitude of Orchid Academy and the potential that lay within its walls.

"Welcome, everyone, to Orchid Academy," a man announced, stepping forward to address the group. He appeared to be in his mid-thirties, with short brown hair and sharp black eyes behind glasses. Dressed in modest attire, he commanded attention with his presence.

"I'm Michael, your classroom teacher moving forward during your time here at the academy. You'll undergo rigorous training to hone your abilities and become skilled adventurers. Your tasks will contribute to the safety of humanity, showcasing the excellence of Orchid Academy," Michael explained, his tone lacking any semblance of warmth or enthusiasm.

Zephyr couldn't help but notice the indifference in Michael's demeanor, a stark contrast to the excitement and anticipation buzzing among the students. It was clear that Michael didn't care to hide his apathy, leaving an uneasy feeling lingering in the air.

As Michael led the group on a tour of the academy, Zephyr couldn't shake off the feeling of cynicism that clouded his thoughts. He saw through the facade of altruism presented by the academy, recognizing it as a mere guise for their own selfish motives. The ease with which they had accepted desperate individuals like slaves into the academy only confirmed his suspicions.

'I see,' Zephyr thought bitterly, his mind seething with resentment. 'You're all just using us to bolster your reputation with other academies.'

In truth, Zephyr cared little for the politics of the academy. His sole purpose for being there was to navigate this unfamiliar world and regain his lost power. The encounter with the Zombies had been a revelation, hinting at the rewards that awaited him when Zephyr undertook quests from the system. If he could defeat even stronger supernaturals, he might unlock even greater abilities.

"So now that we're done," Michael's voice interrupted Zephyr's reverie, pulling him back to the present. "We will be doing a quick tour of the entire academy, after which you will be given your rooms."

With a resigned sigh, Zephyr followed along, outwardly complying with the tour while inwardly plotting his next move in this intricate game of power and survival.


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