Chereads / Shadow Lord Returns / Chapter 15 - Test of survival 2

Chapter 15 - Test of survival 2

A collective gasp rippled through the crowd as they witnessed the gruesome demise of the man who had guided them towards what they believed to be their escape route. Frozen in terror, each individual stood rooted to the spot, their expressions contorted in horror and disbelief.

The illusion of safety shattered in an instant, replaced by a stark realization that they were not alone in the arena, and that the true nature of the test had yet to reveal itself. Despite the absence of the woman's voice declaring the test complete, the sight of the open doors had misled them into believing their ordeal was over.

Now, faced with the gruesome sight of the man's severed head lying on the ground, any semblance of relief evaporated, replaced by a palpable sense of dread as they grappled with the harsh reality of their situation. The test had only just begun, and the true challenge lay ahead, lurking in the shadows of the arena, waiting to claim its next victim.

As the growling intensified, accompanied by the eerie glow of green eyes piercing through the darkness, a sense of dread enveloped the spectators. With each staggering step, an abomination emerged from the shadows, its ghastly appearance striking fear into the hearts of all who beheld it.

Its decaying flesh hung loosely from its skeletal frame, a grotesque testament to its undead nature. With no lips to conceal its razor-sharp teeth, its rotting maw contorted into a horrifying grin, revealing jagged fangs stained with the remnants of its victims. Hollow, lifeless eyes stared out from sunken sockets, their eerie green glow casting an otherworldly pallor over the scene.

It was the stuff of nightmares, a creature straight out of horror stories and survival movies, a grotesque amalgamation of death and decay that now stood before them, its malevolent presence sending shivers down their spines. With bated breath, they braced themselves for the harrowing ordeal that lay ahead, knowing that their survival depended on their ability to confront this unholy abomination head-on.

"Oh, just great, a zombie," Zephyr remarked with a resigned expression, his eyes devoid of fear as he picked up the axe from the ground. "Now the real test begins," he added with a smirk, his confidence unwavering in the face of danger.

As the zombie caught sight of the sizable group of humans before it, it emitted a deafening cry that reverberated through the arena, sending a chill down the spines of all present.


The eerie sound hung heavy in the air, but before anyone could react, another cry echoed from a different direction, followed by the emergence of another zombie from a separate door. Soon, four more of the undead creatures staggered into view, their grotesque forms advancing menacingly towards the trapped group.

The situation grew increasingly dire, the tension palpable as the survivors realized the true extent of the danger they faced. Yet amidst the chaos and uncertainty, Zephyr remained resolute, his determination unwavering as he prepared to confront the horde of zombies head-on.

"Let's do this," Zephyr declared, his grin bordering on madness, a glint of excitement shining in his eyes. Browny, standing beside him, wasted no time in selecting a spear from the assortment of weapons scattered across the arena floor.

As he gripped the weapon tightly, Browny couldn't help but admire Zephyr's unwavering calmness. Despite the looming threat, Zephyr's smile never faltered as he deftly spun his axe with practiced ease.

'Wow, this guy has no fear. He's fuckin' smiling,' Browny thought to himself, a mixture of admiration and trepidation swirling within him. Though he may have appeared composed on the outside, Browny couldn't deny the fear gnawing at his insides.

But as he met Zephyr's gaze, Browny felt a sense of reassurance wash over him.

'Well, if he's willing to face death head-on, I might as well stand by his side,' Browny thought, his resolve solidifying as they prepared to confront whatever horrors awaited them in the arena.

The atmosphere tensed for a moment before the zombies surged forward with uncanny speed toward the humans.

In a horrifying flash, a zombie lunged at a man, sinking its teeth into his neck, ripping flesh with brutal efficiency. Despite his desperate screams for help, no aid arrived. As his life drained away, the man collapsed, his blood spilling onto the ground, forming a gruesome pool. The zombie, undeterred, continued its macabre feast on the remains.

Within moments, a horde of zombies poured through the doors, quickly surrounding the humans in the arena, their numbers reaching fifty. Faced with no alternative, everyone scrambled to arm themselves with whatever weapons lay scattered on the ground, bracing for a fight for survival. Fear gripped them, but they understood that inaction meant certain death.

As the humans battled against the relentless onslaught of zombies, their numbers dwindled with each vicious attack. Yet, amidst the chaos, some managed to hold their ground and fend off the undead menace. Among them was Zephyr, his skill evident as he dispatched zombies with calculated precision.

With a powerful swing, Zephyr cleaved the zombie's head clean off with his axe.

"Another one down?" Zephyr remarked, surprised by his own effectiveness. He recognized his prowess in combat, yet without his vampire abilities, he struggled to fully utilize his fighting skills. However, as he wielded the axe, he felt a strange surge of energy coursing through him, augmenting his strength.


[You have acquired a weapon from a Fledgling rank supernatural, crafted from the power source crystal of the lowest ranking zombie.]

[+1 strength]

[Skill: none]

As Zephyr marveled at the weapon in his hands, he couldn't help but feel a sense of awe at its origins. While he was aware that supernatural beings possessed power sources in the form of crystals within them, he had never before wielded a weapon crafted from one. As the former vampire king, he had utilized these crystals to create his transmigration circle, harnessing the power of various supernatural entities. However, the realization that these crystals could be forged into weapons came as a pleasant surprise to him. He understood the significance of this discovery, recognizing it as a newfound advantage for humanity in their struggle against the supernatural forces.

Zephyr observed his status screen once more, confirming the addition to his strength as a result of wielding the supernatural weapon.


< Level: 1>

[Strength: 10(1)]

[Speed: 10]

[Stamina: 10]

"I see, that plus one strength was added to my strength," Zephyr mused. Curious, he decided to conduct another experiment. He dropped the axe and checked his status again, noting the subtraction of the additional strength. However, upon retrieving the weapon, the bonus was reinstated.

"Ah, so the weapon grants me that extra power," Zephyr deduced. His mind wandered to the possibilities, pondering what effects a higher-grade weapon might bestow upon him.

"Zephyr, help!" Browny's desperate cry pierced the chaos, struggling to fend off a relentless zombie with his spear. Browny, not accustomed to combat, fought with all his might, driven by a determination to survive despite his past as a slave to Paragox.

Suddenly, an axe flew through the air, striking the zombie squarely in the head and felling it instantly. Browny's eyes widened in disbelief as Zephyr emerged, casually retrieving his weapon.

"Well, Browny, seems like you could use a hand," Zephyr remarked, pulling the axe free from the zombie's skull. "Zombies are a peculiar type of undead, you see. No matter how you attack them, they'll keep coming unless you target the head," he explained calmly, a faint smile playing on his lips. "Let's make quick work of them, shall we?" With a confident grin, Zephyr darted back into the fray, eager for the thrill of battle.

Browny stood in awe, his gaze fixed on Zephyr. 'Who is this guy?' he wondered silently. 'He's surprisingly strong for a human. Could he be a champion?' The thought lingered in Browny's mind as he struggled to reconcile the image of the seemingly frail man he had encountered in the cave with the formidable warrior now standing before him.

'It's hard to believe he was the same guy in the cave, barely able to stand on his own two feet,' Browny thought, a newfound respect blossoming for the enigmatic figure known as Zephyr.
