"Honey please, I want us to sleep together, you refused to do so on our wedding night, and father barely it go, not once have you touched me, held me close, if you loved me, you would do it!!" she yelled, "she" is Kate, Akina's aunt, when Akina's mother died, her grandparents from both sides forced her father to marry her aunt, the truth is he doesn't love them not at all, not in the seven years he's had to be married to her has he ever loved her or her child, because they are the reason he had to marry her, and the reason why he has no idea where his daughter is, his little angel, his bright flower, the beautiful reminder of the work him and his true love.
When he was told he'd have to marry Kate, he fought hard, not knowing what they meant by he'd regret it, and no matter how much he changed he'd never be able to fix it, the day he returned home, and his beautiful princess was nowhere to be found, only the disgusting smirk of the ones who were supposed to love her as much as he, and her mother did, they told him, that whatever Kate wants she gets, no matter what, and if he didn't make his choice, she'd be sleeping by her mother's side, he really had no choice, but to go through with it.
He stared at her, his eyes lifeless, and loveless, she tried so hard to ignore the hate he had for her, she was in denial, she was holding on to the hope he may llove her back one day, that he would forget about Akina, and Akiko, that he would only focus on the two of them , but she knew the only way to get what she wanted from him was "If... if you don't I'll have that child killed, I'll have her die in front of you, I'll have Akina experience hell as she dies, as she yells for you, and Akiko!!!" she yelled as he tried to walk away, he snapped, and rushed back toward her, wrapping his hand around her throat, glaring into her soul, tears threatening to fall from his eyes, the veins on his forehead throbbing, gritting his teeth, as he wanted to do it, he wanted to kill her for even mentioning their names, she tried to hit him, she tried to yell, but she couldn't, "Mom? Dad?" a voice ranged from the hall, he tossed her away from him, as Katie her daughter, walked into the room, "I am not your father, stop referring to me as is" he growled at her, turning back to Kate, "Hurry up to the room, when you're ready" was all, he said as he started to untie his rob.
She smiled to Katie, and walked up to her, "Soon you'll be an older sister my angel, this is my chance to make him love me, he can't hate me if I am the barrier of his child" she said, wiping the blood from her lip, "How is that girl anyway?" Kate asked, Katie looked sad, but immediately fixed her face, "Awful... grandmother Mary kicked her out of the house, she now lives outside in the woods, in a shed that has been poorly kept, Grandmother Tin hits her every time she cries for her mother, or father...and Grandfather Mason whips her whenever he comes home angry," she reported, "Oh my, *clearing her throat* I remember that, Mother hated when I would try to yell for grandpa... and yes father didn't like to be kept waiting when he was in a rush, don't worry he'll make sure she stays alive" Kate explained, "He likes to leave her in the LaiRa woods" Katie said, that made Kate's face drop, "Well...well she must've done something bad enough that he had to do that, I'm sure he doesn't let her get hurt, or found by them" she said turning away, not seeing the look on Katie's face hinting at something.
"He hates us mother, and that won't change, please stop he may do something even worse, if not to you, then to himself.... I've seen him use a blade mother.... he cuts himself while in the bathing room, he just keeps apologizing to Aunt Akiko, as he does it, .....mother please, please stop it, you've become selfish now, you're doing this not for me now, I don't need a father anymore, I don't want to be part of the reason WHY HE KILLS HIMSELF!!" she yelled, Kate slapped her, "He WILL love us Katie, ok! he can't be mad forever, once I bare his child, he'll be nicer to us, and love you Kate have to live with your grandparents, your grandmother said it's a great idea, so you don't get in the way, she says that's why he acts the way he does, you're always around, so do me a favor, and STAY OUT OF MY WAY!!!!" she shouted, pushing her out of her way, which resulted in Kate hitting her head.
"This won't end well, I know I have a feeling something will make all of this a whole lot worst, then it already is, and that is something I don't want to be a part of."
"The only person she has to protect her, will soon be gone..."