"Get back here, Alyssa, don't you dare walk out on me" Her mother commanded her as she kept on walking away from her but she ignored and pay no heed to her instructions.
In a fit of anger, she stormed out of their home of a mansion. Coming out, her chauffeur opened the door to the limousine parked outside waiting to carry her to wherever she wanted.
"Mr Alfred" She called her old chauffeur driver. "Thanks for the wait but I think I'll drive myself to the company today. So, please feel free to take a day off for yourself"
"Alright, Miss Alyssa" He replied while bowing a little as she walked away from him after she'd fully given him her orders.
She headed to the mansion's grand parking lot and then getting there, she hopped into her favourite sporty red car before finally driving out through the gate. The much beautiful and lovely morning never caught her attention as she drove madly in her car.
Her eyes didn't catch the sight of the high magnificent brightly shinning golden yellow sun, clear white and blue skies and the cool freshly blowing breeze. To her, they'd never occurred as her attention was never drew by them. It was as if her attention wasn't on her environment or the things around her.
True or rather indeed, her attention was never on her environment or the things around her to begin with. Not at all. It was much somewhere far off as her mind was occupied, weighed and filled with lot of thoughts. While driving still in much more anger, she remembered the hetic argued she'd with her mother some minutes ago at the mansion before leaving it having enough this morning.
The argument had hust been the same as the previous day, yesterday and all the many other passed days. The same repeated argurment on the never changing topic. It'd been totally the same any, every and each time. These days, that one sentence seemed to be getting on and pushing her nerves more many times. It'd been so much that, she begin hating and wishing never to hear those two words more again.
They'd simply and always been: 'Get Married'. Marriage! Marriage!! Marriage!!! That seemed to be the only thing her mother had been saying repeatedly to her now. It was now her mother's way of replying her greetings when she greet her and asking about how she was doing.
'Why was there such a thing as marriage? Who'd created and made it? Who'd ordained it and made everyone to follow and respect it? Must a man and a woman be together? Or come to be one and form a heart?' She'd always thought and wondered about that constantly.
Within herself, Alyssa knew that entering into a relationship or getting married wasn't ever going to be as easy for her. She believed she could never do these again after all Charles had done to her in the past. The way he'd acted, pretended and faked passionate love for her but only to be cheating with other women behind her backs. For her, falling in love with another man not to talk of yet alone trusting him was going to be so hard.
Charles had broken her heart without a damn care of the effect it'll on her and that'd really opened her eyes to the reality of love and life a lot. Incase you've been wondering, Charles was her ex-boyfriend who she'd loved deeply and had always cared so much about. He was her first love and she was really intriguingly in love with him. Right back then, her heart had yearned and beat for him alone. He'd been her world and life back then once.
He'd been her boyfriend for as long as about two years as she was dating and in a relationship with him for that time being. On one certain night, when she hadn't heard much from him for as long as a week she then decided to go see him. Having gotten to his company and planning to surprise him, she entered his office only to catch him in the act of cheating on her with another woman.
He was having sex with her right there on his table as the woman moaned with pleasure since then she'd broken up with him nothing believing his words of lies and pleas to cover up his disgusting actions. He wanted to have sex with her before they got married but she wasn't ready to do that so since she wasn't willing to satisfy his urges he went to find someone that shamefully could elsewhere.
Alyssa had felt so much hurt and pain afterwards and it took her hell of a while to recover from the lovelorn state Charles made her believe was true. Although, he'd tried so much to get back together her but she didn't give him much of a chance to mainly because she couldn't trust him again and didn't want to go through that killing pain of a heartbreak again.
Heart wrenched, she couldn't associate, relate, trust, feel free or falling in love with men again after the incidence. She considered them heartless scums who where all the same just as Charles as to her none of them could be different.
All this had happened a while before her father tragic death and she couldn't as much help herself but smile while remembering her late father. He'd been a lot good to her just like a friend and each thought of him made her terribly miss him a lot.
Certain, she was so sure that if he was still alive then her mother couldn't possibly be pestering and bothering her about getting married like she was doing now. Her father would've given her the chance to get married whenever she wanted and if she decided to remain single for the rest of her life as a bachelorette he would gladly obliged not forcing her to change her views.
Suddenly, tears from no where blinded her eyes and unable to stop them she let them out as much as she didn't want to really missing her late father. Inwardly, she wished just see him one more time and could do anything to see him. With sadness gnashing at her heart and her head remembering the hetic morning argument all pounding on her, she closed her eyes tiredly wanting all the situation to end and sighed in frustration totally forgetting that she was driving on the road.
Alyssa had gotten a lot tired and have just had enough of all the problems wanting them to all end now instantly. Taking in some relaxing breath and trying to get much as calm again, she opened her small eyes slowly only to meet a not so welcoming or appeasing sight. Her car zoomed on the furnished road with speed and before she could quickly step hard on her brakes stopping the vehicle, she'd ran past and hitted someone who was riding a bicycle.
"Oh no" She gasped in shock covering her opened mouth as the car finally stopped when she'd put pressure on stepping on the brakes. Breathing heavily, she sat in her car looking back at the helpless body that sprawled on the floor unmoving. Seeing that scene, she needed no prophet or soothsayer to tell her that she'd hit and killed someone.