Comfortably, Alyssa had sat in her car admiring his dazzling masculinity and watching is every careful but swift movement like a hawk on the verge of catching its prey. Well, not until he'd stormed up to the window she now sat down by then softly, but to her it was a little kind of roughed knocked on it.
Hesitantly, she pondered in her mind to herself,'Why is he knocking on my window?What does he want now? An apology? Money? Compensation?' She wondered hard,'But for what? Yes, she know very well that she'd accidentally hit him with her car but then, she didn't kill him and with the way he was effortlessly moved meant he was fine, so, what does he want with or from her'.
Again, he knocked on the glass of her window these time pounding on it. 'Why was he doing this?' She thought to herself again nothing knowing why she decided she was going to find out.
Reluctantly, she slowly lowered her car darkened tainted window and immediately their faces met as one colluding into eachother. Frozen, she noticed that was how he was and a bit in strange awe ness when his eyes met her face.
So, intently, his eyes looked at her and suddenly she felt like she wanted him to know her. His gaze softening when she'd locked her eyes with his, she looked deeper into his beautiful dark blue eyes until she was lost in the darkness of their warmth then again she became aware of the world they were once living in.
As he stared at her so intently, she wondered and didn't know why or much of the reason for it.
Uncomfortable by his staring look, she tried not to notice that his eyes hadn't left her even for a minute since her faces met with his. Shamefully and much surprisingly to herself, she used the not yet awkward situation to her complete advantage by staring again at his handsome physique and dashing masculinity again.
'You couldn't just blame her as he was breathtakingly hot and also very attractive if not the more good looking that she can't help but notice it!' Inwardly, she felt like she'd known him all her life but then he was a total stranger who she was just meeting for the very first time.
Likewise, gazing into her eyes, she knew that his heart was true and pure. That he was different not like other men who were bad guys, players and heartless scums but he looked and to her was sure to be a really loving caring man.
Strangely, her heart began feeling warmed and she was so much made at ease when he fixedly stared at her longingly. Never has she felt this way before in years or be moved by any man like this.
His light pink cherry coloured lips were so eye-catching and inviting that she felt an urge to pull his face closer and kiss him passionately on his so tempting lips.
Difficultly managing and restricting her, she didn't controlling herself by the way. In her heart, she knew within herself that he was so different from the whole lot and that he wasn't like other uncaring men.
Unknowingly, she couldn't explain how but looking into his beautiful eyes she felt like she can see his bare soul and read it to as it reflected on his gaze. Instinctively, she heard there heart beating at the same pace and rhythm. 'Where we destined to meet? Or simply made for to be with each other? Like a match made in heaven?' She thought her mind pondering with the questions again.
Again, she wanted to open her heart up to and also offer herself to him just like that. She didn't know why she wanted to do these serious romantic relationship things or how she could even try as much to be thinking of doing them.