Chereads / Rabbit's Foot: Heartbreak Hero / Chapter 85 - Demons Hate Happiness

Chapter 85 - Demons Hate Happiness

"So... Do we look a little uhm, out of place?" Avis said as she motioned to a nearby horse drawn carriage carrying a few humans towards the same kingdom they were heading for. Lucy gave a dismissive wave as she turned around. "We look perfectly normal. Why would any one think otherwise?"

"Because you're dressed all smart, Avis is wearing her jacket with an obvious yellow stripe, I'm wearing a ruined t-shirt and grey jacket, Senshi has next to nothing on, Kiola is dressed like she's some steampunk wannabe and just by looking at the people walking past, I reckon we're dressed waaay to out of place." Vinea complained, waving his vines about as Kiola chuckled slightly.

"I'm dressed in the appropriate clothes to be a sky pirate." The dragon said with a flick of her tail. "And Kiola is, by the way, literally as tall as a tree!" He said with a loud sigh. Lucy looked between the four with all seven eyes before clapping her hands together. "Fine. Centipede, you were a fashion designer, what is our dress code?"

Senshi let out a giddy noise before activating her heart ability. Suddenly, a pair of scissors made of chitin appeared in her hands. "Wait... Her heart is to create scissors? That was her power this whole time?" Vinea asked with a befuddled look before having his clothes cut off by the excited centipede.

Avis quickly threw her jacket to the side, wanting it to avoid the same fate as Senshi began to quickly work her magic. Using Kiola's mist and pieces of everyone's outfit, she had somehow managed to make outfits that were both in and out of place, with everyone now looking more fantastical.

As everyone put on their new clothes, Senshi couldn't help but go into detail. "From what I've s-seen on the few people so far. I-I guessed we're in a m-more fantasy based world, like t-those old movies k-kids watched. I tailored e-each of them to you with the very b-best my heart and skills could muster!"

Kiola seemed slightly disappointed since her outfit hadn't really changed much. But Vinea looked overjoyed as he put on some new, raggedy looking wears that matched his vines. Avis looked surprised as she put on her new leggings, though still keeping the jacket on as Panila stared blankly at her new "suit".

"I'm not wearing that."

"W-Why not?"

"That is just a bikini with metal plating on it."

"T-That's w-what demons wear in the shows I watched..."

"I would rather die then be reduced to some lesbian bug's bizarre fantasy."

Senshi, Vinea and Avis looked stunned at the comment. "Lucy... You can't say that." Avis mumbled awkwardly, though the demon looked confused, looking between the three as Kiola was laughing her ass off. "What? It was a factually true statement."

"But it sounds... Really homophobic." Vinea chimed in as Senshi awkwardly began working on a new outfit. "Fine then. I apologise for saying that you are a lesbian bug with a bizarre fantasy." She said with a dismissive tone while staring at Senshi. 

The three knew that was the most apologetic Lucy was going to get. Once Senshi had finished making her an actual suit that looked vaguely more noble like, the five continued walking. Kiola couldn't help but stare at the kingdom with excitement.

"I can't wait to break it all."

"Break it? Dear, we are simply going to find a suitable location to place my city and maybe make a few diplomatic ties. Not much to this."

"Speaking of dipilo-cilam-pisy... Is my crew alive?" She leant down to Lucy's level with an almost scared look in her eyes that was masked by her prideful smile. The demon gave another dismissive wave as she walked, speaking in a rather reassuring tone for once. 

"Both Parfait and Ami were on that ship. My aunties will most likely meet up with us at the first opportunity they get." 

Kiola let out a puff of mist as she sighed, accidentally shrinking a nearby tree to nothing at it was submerged in mist. The dragon seemed somewhat comforted by the words as they continued on their not so merry way.

After another hour of idly walking, and the occasional yell of frustration by Lucy telling Avis and Vinea to be quiet, they reached the impossibly large walls of the kingdom. 

Lucy covered her eyes with her bangs, as she prepared her self to speak with the guards posted outside. Kiola was about to follow, but was quickly stopped by her. "No. If you are to come with us, I ask that you at least be... More human looking."

The dragon looked near offended, but saw that Avis had put on a face mask to cover her beak and a glove to cover her robotic hand. Vinea didn't even bother to hide his features, instead banking on explaining they were magic. 

Kiola let out a groan as a white mist began to enshroud her body. Before they knew it, a stoic, muscular looking human woman emerged. "Happy, Boss?" She grumbled, but Lucy payed no mind to Kiola's change, hastily walking off.

Everyone was asked by the guards their business in the kingdom, with Lucy answering bluntly that they were there on diplomacy and supply gathering. With a friendly look from a few of the guards on duty, they were allowed into the kingdom. 

The five witnessed the majestic beauty of the kingdom, with different races and species all living in perfect harmony, people chatting and laughing together as children played in the streets, the sights and smells of baked goods filling their noses. The city looked as though no one had to ever know hardship or fear. It was...


"Horrible?" Avis asked with a confused stare at Lucy, who seemed visibly unsettled. 

"There's no strife. No fear. No danger."

"Isn't... Isn't that why you rule a city? To stop all those things?"

"Well, yes. But they still happen. This city is... Almost to friendly. There must be a catch."

"You've been living in Pandora too long." Avis grumbled as they began making their way through the city. Lucy looked uncomfortable by everything. It was her very nature to both thrive and reduce suffering, yet for her to be in a land that seemingly had none. 

It was horrid, disgusting, unsightly, cruel, tainted, every negative word she could, but it all meant the same. She hated this place.

As they looked through the city, they heard what sounded like a battle happening in a nearby plaza. Lucy looked almost relieved to hear fighting, going off to check it out. Everyone hurried through an alley and into what looked like a festival being trashed by 3 individuals, with people seeming too scared to try and stop them.

One of them, a winged woman wearing a paper bag over her head in old looking clothes let out a squawk like laughter. "Stupid mortal humans! You shall know true fear!" The winged woman cackled as a vine limbed girl awkwardly trying her best to rip apart a food cart. "Queen... Can we take a break? I'm tired. Gnaw... Tell her." She complained as the winged woman threw her feathers about wildly, destroying things at random.

"Relax, Rosey. W-We'll be outta here before Rabbit and The big one get here." An undead man dressed in ruined western clothing said with a buzzing sound that almost sounded like a laugh as he began firing at the crowd, though aiming above them to make sure he didn't hit anyone.

Lucy looked between the winged woman and vine limbed girl before looking at Avis and Vinea. "I think those are your alternate universe counterparts... I must say, they seem as pathetic as you two." She began to snicker before giggling, that quickly turned into a howling laughter that began to attract attention.

Avis and Vinea wanted to at least nudge Lucy, but feared the consequences of even minor aggression, so instead chose to do what they do best. Annoy her into doing something they wanted.

"Well, they do look pretty strong. This new world is probably way tougher then ours." Avis said with a dramatic point with her gloved hand. Vinea gave a long sigh as he motioned to his counter part. "And if our counter parts are strong enough to make even the warden of Pandora feel scared, then what will you do if we met your counter part?"

"I know you are trying to provoke me. It won't work." She smirked before getting hit on the head by a stray feather. Avis and Vinea, who were lightly chuckling with Senshi, quickly froze as Lucy calmly plucked the feather from her now cut hair. 

It only took a few strands of hair to enrage the warden, who calmly stepped out towards the three with a cruel, twisting smile as she tried her best not to yell. "You three. You have just ruined my already ever so horrid trip to this city. I ask that you apologise."

The three would be bad guys looked between themselves before laughing. The winged woman hovering Lucy with what seemed to be a condescending look under her bag, spoke in a teasing tone as she threw her feathers in a spiral pattern that purposefully missed the demon. "And who do youz think you are? We are the most feared trio in this city!" 

"Yeah!" The other two cheered. But Lucy just held a smile before tapping her foot lightly on the ground. "You seem more like children playing pretend. Let me show you how a real villain behaves." 

Suddenly, the winged woman was dragged out of the sky and thrown to the ground by chains. Everyone let out a gasp as they watched her be thrown through some stalls. Her companions quickly rushed to their Queen's side, with the undead quickly lifting his hat as he drew his revolver.

"Stay back, lady!" He yelled, seeing 7 distinctly coloured eyes glowing in the dust of the wreckage. "Aww... The undead thinks he can actually hurt me." She cackled, quickly dragging him away with chains. 

The vine limbed girl could only hear the sounds of scared buzzing and the rattling of chains. She began to panic, quickly trying to drag the winged woman away with her vines, only to fall forward as she hit someone. She turned back to see Lucy, all 7 eyes glowing cruelly.

"D-D-Don't kill m-me..." The girl whispered timidly, unable to stand. But Lucy could only laugh. "Dear, Killing is too boring. I'll just flay you." She let out a loud cackle before being hit by a more metallic feather.

"Time to calm it, Warden." Avis said with a sigh, with Vinea behind. "Did you really have to do all of that?" He asked with a smirk, giving a playful wave to the vine limbed girl. 

"You complain that I do not fight, you complain when I do. What do you want?"

"We want you to be... Fun edgy, not this edgy." The harpy snickered, motioning to the now ruined festival around them. "Oh come now. I was not going to kill the girl and her friends. It was a simple jest."

"Jest? Who uses the word Jest anymore? Mollia, you're old." Avis laughed, using a quick flap of her wings to get rid of the dust. As Lucy began to wrap the three "evil-doers" together in chains, she heard a familiar voice that nearly sent her into a blind rage.

"Woah, nice work on these guys... I mean, they look a bit battered... And scared... Weird. But it's nice to meet a new hero. Name's Ven Misa." A purple haired young man with two large rabbit ears said as he jumped down to Lucy with a smile.