Chereads / Rabbit's Foot: Heartbreak Hero / Chapter 86 - He's Back Already?

Chapter 86 - He's Back Already?

"-CKER!" Lucy yelled as she leapt for the alternate universe Ven. She seemed more like a rabid dog, only held back by Kiola, who had rushed over to hold back the angered Demon. "Uh... Is your friend always like this?"

Avis gave a light shrug before she leant against one of Lucy's captives. "Friend is a strong word, more like... Partners in working together for no real reason other then survival." She said with a playful chirp. Ven gave a confused smile as he rested his hand against his scabbard. "You're that bird girl from that weird portal thingie a few years ago, right? Almost couldn't tell with that weird mask. Nice to seeya again."

Vinea almost seemed surprised he remembered them, but became more confused. "Wait, years?"

"Yeah. It was like a good, four, five years. Anyways, what brings you here? Trying to become heroes?" He gave a playful flick of his wrist as Lucy was still scrambling to grab him. Vinea and Avis explained the very very brief version of what happened to their world, with Ven giving his sympathies as best he could.

"Well if you're wanting to make friends with my king, then I could introduce ya. Midas is a bit of a dummy, but he's nice enough that." 

"Midas? As in Midas Ducat?" Lucy asked, seeming to break out of her blood thirsty rage for a moment. "Yeah, you know him?" He asked while his rabbit ear flickered. She seemed pleasantly surprised to hear about Midas. "He was one of the potential candidates to run Desires once Rat left... And in this world he's a king?"

Ven gave a playful laugh while teleporting the three battered and bruised "bad guys" away with a portal before motioning for everyone to follow. "Come on, I'll introduce ya. Siren's Tears could always use new allies."

Lucy let out a small groan upon hearing the name of the kingdom, asking the obvious question; "Let me guess, this place has 7 different locales that are each under the derestriction of leaders?" 

"How'dya know?" He said with a confused smile.

"An educated guess." 

Everyone began following behind Ven through the city while he began giving a tour of his home with a child-like excitement. Lucy couldn't help but pick up on the similarities between her home and his. As Ven continued to talk about the ever rich history, The demon figured out what the difference between her world and his was.

Their was no Mollia. 

This new world had never had a cataclysmic event. One that shattered their wills and made the world flourish into a newer age of advancement. Everything was magical sure, but the technology was hundreds of years apart. 

Lucy couldn't help herself in seeing the people of Siren's Tears as weak, but chose to keep her mouth shut as Avis, Vinea and Senshi were chatting to the new Ven like they had known him since childhood.

After the long winded history lesson, that Lucy admittedly enjoyed, they reached a gloriously large castle straight out of a fairy tale. Ven casually waved to the guards, who raised their spears to let them pass through unopposed.

Once inside and a little bit more walking, they had all gathered into a royal audience room covered in golden artefacts and treasures. Thousands of seats were perched above in a spiral as seven main seats were placed in the centre. 

"And where is your "king"?" Lucy asked with a bored look, standing as proud as she could. Ven gave a light sigh as he gave Lucy a small hug. "Don't worry. We'll make sure you're safe and sound." He smiled before hopping onto one of the main seven seats as multiple figures began to walk out.

"Why was I called in for this?" A bored looking fairy wearing a tiny crown grumbled as she scratched at her neon pink hair before sitting down on the far left next to Ven.

"Because Rabbit wanted to make some sort of deal." A large, powerful looking, white furred weretiger grumbled as he sat down on the far right, his chair loudly creaking from his weight.

"Relax guys. I think V has some potential allies for us this time." A ghostly woman with a white hood covering her face said in a jokingly ghoulish as a singular eye looked down at the five of them before sitting down next to the tiger.

"Whip, always with the theatrics everyone." A fox eared man with striking orange, brown and white hair said in a sarcastic tone while he sat besides Ven, giving a light wave to the fairy beside the rabbit.

"To think Father considers you all his closest allies." A young human girl mumbled as she stepped out, wearing a gold and black silk dress grumbled as she sat just next to the centre seat, eyeing over Kiola with a suspicious look. "I do feel a strange aura coming from that one..." 

Ven gave a dismissive wave as his ears twitched again. "Relax. Their all good, honeybun. Heck, I bet even Tika would trust em. You just gotta chill a bit, Mari." He said with a playfully teasing tone, opening a portal to poke the girl's face.

"And with that, Ven. You have cemented yourself as a dead man." A handsome older man with short, yet well maintained hair said as he entered. Ven awkwardly laughed as the man dressed in a rather classy looking black and white outfit sat down in the centre. 

As Ven began trying to cover his ass, the man raised a white gloved hand to silence him. He gave a cheeky smile before looking down to everyone. "Greetings. Ven has said that you wished to have an audience with me. As I'm sure you know, I am Midas. King of Siren's Tears."

Lucy bowed, motioning for the others to do the same. "I am Lucifer Vincula, Warden and Current Ruler of Pandora's Tears. But please call me Lucy." 

"Pandora's Tears? Never heard of it." The fairy said with a mocking look as her little wings flapped lightly. "Oh, right. My King, these guys are from another world and wish to settle their home near us. You know, trading and stuff like that... I think?" Ven said with a smile before holding up Lucy's Keychain sized cell. 

"RABBIT! WHY DO YOU HAVE THAT!?" Lucy screamed in anger as she rapidly checked her pockets. He gave an innocent look as he shrugged. "Well, Avis said your city was in here and I figured "Hey, what better way to show off how great you'd be as an ally then showing off your power". Hope you don't mind, Luz."

Everyone took turns looking over the small keychain sized cell, seeing brief glimpses of the city inside and looking at it in awe. But as Midas looked it over, he seemed almost spooked by it. He turned to Lucy with a cold stare and asked in a cold tone; 

"Are you a Dæmon?"

Everyone awkwardly froze up except Lucy, who gave a nod. "Yes. Why does my race matter?"

"I... Thought every Dæmon was dead... Yet here you stand."

"Funny. Next to every Demon in my world was killed too. But does it truly matter? I only wish to leave a peaceful life in my city again."

Midas looked over the city carefully before sighing, seeming concerned over the idea of there even being a single demon alive, let alone one from another world. "I will let you join our alliance if you obey me."

Avis and quickly outstretched her wings to block as Lucy looked appalled. "You want me to what?" She said in a eerily calm voice, though her voice crackled slightly in anger. "You want me to obey?" The sounds of chains began to rattle. The seven all seemed stunned as she called out; "DO YOU WANT ME TO SIT AND ROLL OVER TOO?!"

"Here we go again." Vinea grumbled as he peeked between Avis's wings, seeing Lucy leap at them in a rather feral manner. The six of them looked stunned by the attack, yet Midas remained calm. Taking off his glove to reveal a golden hand. 

"I shall teach you all some respect for DIVINITY!"

Chains began sprouting from her back as she flew towards them before being pinned to the floor in an instant by Midas, held by the neck with his normal left hand. "Did you think you could harm us so easily? I thought you might show some civility, yet you are just another Dæmon... With incredible anger issues."

Lucy began tearing at his hand, almost able to get him to drop her. The king glared daggers at her before turning back to the keychain Ven was holding. "How about this? We take your city of Dæmons and help them break free of your tyranny?"

Lucy managed to break free, her form shifting to something more feral looking. Any previous class she used to have as Panila was lost in that moment as she tried to use a chain to grab her home out of Ven's hands. 

"Cute." Midas smirked as a golden finger lightly grazed the chain, instantly turning it to gold before it vanished instantly. She looked stunned that anyone, quickly launching chains at him, only for them to vanish again as his hand touched them. 

Kiola let out a growl, getting ready to help before Senshi held her back. "I-I remember t-the Midas o-of our world had t-the ability t-to turn anything into solid w-with a single touch. B-But I c-can feel it. T-This guy h-has a s-stronger version. A-A single touch and you're o-out."

As Lucy continued her futile attempt to try and even damage him, Midas gave Ven a nod. In an instant, a portal opened up beneath the others feet, dropping and scattering them somewhere else entirely. The feral demoness let out a screech and went in for an all out attack. 

"I suppose I should end this. I am sorry you we couldn't come to an understanding." Midas sighed before quickly launching himself at her, placing his golden palm on her stomach. She began to stiffen up when she hit the floor, crawling towards him as best she could.

"WHEN I come back. I WILL TEAR THIS CITY APART AND ALL OF YOU WITH IT!" She yelled before becoming a golden monument, trapped with a cruel stare despite her eyes barely being visible in her statue form. 

Midas let out a sigh and put his glove back on before turning back to his friends. "Ven... I want you to get rid of her." 

"And uh... What if she breaks out like the last demon?"

"Good point. You said they draw power from their hearts, right?"


"Then I suppose I should render her power mute." He sighed before carefully plucking Lucy's remaining heart, turning it to gold and throwing it through one of Ven's portals. "Now Ven. I ask that you get rid of her."

The rabbit awkwardly nodded and leapt down to the statue, patting her on the head. "Sorry about this, Miss. I reckon we coulda been good friends in another life." He sighed before opening a portal and dropping the golden demon into a desert far away from them.

Midas couldn't help but feel a sense of dread form in his stomach as he held the cell in his normal hand. "She'll be back... Won't she."

"Figures. Well, let me know if you need me." The fairy said with a giggle, teleporting away. The weretiger let out a laugh as he nudged Ven to open a portal for him "I've got a colosseum match to watch. The Grey Assassin in fighting tonight." 

"I should get going too. Spirits still haunt the living." The fox eared man said as he left through another portal, the ghost girl following after him. "You say that like it's a bad thing." She laughed. 

The human woman sighed as she leaned against Ven playfully. "Come on rabbit. You and me have dinner." She whispered, making him blush slightly. "Be right there." He said with a wave as she left. Ven quickly stood Midas, awkwardly nudging the king's shoulder. "What exactly is the plan for the city?"

"I do not know. Perhaps I'll just keep it in my collections for now."