Chereads / Across the Ages: The Mercenary's Dance with Destiny / Chapter 4 - Chapter 4: Beast Warriors

Chapter 4 - Chapter 4: Beast Warriors

在传奇的雇佣兵王崛起之前,双手剑士在军衔中被认为是一个非常低级的单位,很少见,也从未在战场上直接使用过.他们通常被部署为指挥官的护送.然而,在佣兵王耀眼的影响力下,越来越多的战场指挥官和职业雇佣兵开始偏爱使用双手剑.因此,双手剑士单位发展成为正式系统,最终导致正规军中出现四个全新的军事单位:巨剑部队,其突破平原的能力可与战斧战士相媲美,伏击和突击部队,最适合在任何战斗环境中进行伏击和突袭,其任务是拦截敌方双手剑士.最可怕,最让敌方指挥官畏惧的,被称为"战场幻影"狂战士巨剑士的高级双手剑士部队,最后是直接源自雇佣兵王本人的特殊剑士部队,成为各国军队多才多艺的远程攻击力量的核心.记录在现代军事学者赤逸子的著名指南"剑术概论"的首页.195 年红月的春天,在冰冻大陆暖水河河口附近的海科自然村一个破败的小院子的南端,矗立着一座破旧的小房子.尽管庭院看起来破旧不堪,但用原木建造的小木屋看起来非常新.成堆的原始木材,就像小山丘一样,环绕着庭院."劈,劈,劈,"一个小男孩有节奏的声音从原木中间传来.如果你走进院子,你会看到一个男孩在砍柴.人类确实是一个奇特的物种.舒适地生活和摄入最好的营养并不一定能确保健康的身体,也不能像山一样培养出强壮的青春.我们面前的男孩就是一个很好的例子.三年来,他忍受着一位自称来历不明的皇室贵族叔叔的无情训练,但他从未食用过任何营养补充剂.但随着他手臂的每一次摆动,象征力量的肌肉像水银一样从他的腰部流畅地移动到他的手臂,然后再回来.暖水河的早春非常寒冷.在这个地区,类似于 Aeminoer 大陆的绿色景观只在仲夏出现.一般来说,人们在春天从上到下都穿着厚厚的雪兽皮大衣.然而,这个年仅十多岁的男孩,只穿着一条皮短裤.汗水顺着他的额头和身体滚落,迅速化作地上的冰粒,白雾从他的身体升起.他吐了一口唾沫,捡起一把中等大小的斧头,往下挥了一圈,一击就将一根直径半米的圆木劈成两半.然后他拿起附近的一把砍刀,停顿了一会儿,然后迅速地把木头凿成合适的柴火.他用一把砍刀做到了.即使是最强壮的伐木工人也需要一把斧头才能毫不费力地砍伐冰冻大陆的针状硬木.使用砍刀时,薄刀片会卡在木头上,需要连续砍五六次才能穿过,而且砍刀的刀片会很快损坏.使用像斧头这样的砍刀需要多大的力量?"孩子,过来一会儿."屋内的男人厚颜无耻地喊道."好的,池叔叔,我就在那儿."Ami 整齐地堆放着柴火,然后进入了去年夏天新建的小木屋."从今天开始,你需要学习如何使用武器.你再也不用在下午砍那么多木头了.毕竟,村民们不需要那么多.花半个下午来学习武器.迟寒风很少说话如此严肃."你喜欢什么样的武器?我建议你使用骑士长枪和长剑的组合.你肯定适合它.它会成为你的最爱.无视阿美的态度,赤寒风开始强行推荐他那神秘的最爱."你看,你比同龄人高,但不如山人高,所以一把巨大的双手斧头不适合你.根据我对你的了解,你肯定不喜欢成为一名弓箭手,一个依赖伏击的职业.单剑与盾组合的破坏力太小,适合没实力的人.锤子武器正在变得过时,注定要被淘汰.别告诉我你想学长矛;它只用在军队里,只对骑兵有效,没有其他用途.池寒风观察着阿美的表情,试图找到可能动摇他的词语."我想像我爸爸一样;我想学那把大剑.尽管有这样一个健谈的叔叔,十岁的阿美仍然很内向,很少说话,但一旦他下定决心,就不可能改变."确实,你是你爸爸的儿子.我喜欢你的个性,"池叔叔咧嘴一笑,拍了拍阿美的脸颊.突然,他一脸严肃,脸颊一扭,宣布:"不,这次我决定.你得跟我学骑士的长枪.我想把你培养成像我一样的帝国骑士.一把巨剑有什么了不起的?在军队中,它是最低的军衔.看看合适的骑士;他们在正常情况下使用带盾牌的单把刺剑,而在战场上,他们挥舞着长矛和盾牌.这就是战争的主力军.在所有帝国和联邦的军事单位中,新兵只能在长矛兵,双手剑和弓箭手部队之间进行选择.经过一年的基础训练,那些有潜力的人被选入更高级别的部队.例如,长矛兵可以成为侍从骑士或战斧战士.具有魔法潜力的弓箭手,经过一年的魔法训练,可以成为魔法弓箭手或骑狼弓箭手.只有在剑士部队中,那些没有体力或潜力的人才会被送到双手剑部队.虽然出色的双手剑士可以成为侍从骑士,但他们必须改用其他武器,这样的机会很少见.此外,双手剑士很少看到战场行动.如果不是他们的设备成本低和维持秩序的实用性,这支部队早就从军队名册上消失了.如果一个国家在战斗中部署了剑士,这通常是战斗结果迫在眉睫的信号.无论赤寒峰如何劝说或恐吓,阿美都保持沉默——这清楚地表明他没有动摇."哦,我做了什么活该?像我这样端庄的帝王,怎么可能有这样的弟子?哥,我向你和我素未谋面的嫂子道歉.我太无能了,无法好好教你的孩子.他想成为一个低级的巨剑持有者.迟寒风大哭一声,捂着脸假装绝望."Stop crying, you're a grown man, and you're not even shedding tears. Don't peep at me through your fingers; I'm used to it." It's said that black humor is a unique trait—often being in the company of demons, even a silent angel might occasionally crack a dark joke."It seems I need to reveal my true identity to impress you." The man, hands covering his face, sat motionless at the bedside, exuding a cool demeanor."Ami, I'm not just any knight. I'm the highest-ranking imperial knight—a Phantom Beast Knight. I hope you can become a proud Phantom Beast Knight like me. By my name, I summon you, Phantom Beast Spirit Wolf."Chi Hanfeng interlocked his fingers tightly together.A massive pentagonal barrier appeared in the middle of the room, and after a burst of dazzling white light, a snow wolf twice the size of a regular snow wolf materialized. Its fur was as pure as snow, flowing smoothly from head to tail, with its massive tail swaying side to side as it lay its head on its enormous paws, snoring contentedly.The person who intended to amaze Ami was left slack-jawed upon seeing the massive white wolf."Little White," the nobleman said, crouching down to stroke the wolf's ears, lamenting, "We haven't seen each other in three years. I hoped you'd have rested and rejuvenated in the Phantom Beast Sanctuary, but you've given me the biggest surprise: you've gained weight!" Chi Hanfeng shouted hysterically, tugging at the wolf's ears."Woof-woof!" The startled white wolf shook off the grip on its ears, turned its head, revealing large fangs and a blood-red tongue.Upon recognizing Chi Hanfeng, the wolf's fierce expression softened, and it smiled, wagging its tail enthusiastically before pouncing on Chi Hanfeng and pinning him to the ground.Throughout this spectacle, Chi Hanfeng's less-than-graceful human traits were on full display.Faced with the wolf's fiercer countenance, Chi Hanfeng immediately changed his tone, ingratiatingly stroking the wolf's long fur, "No, no, what I meant was, after three years, you've grown bigger and more handsome." Once the wolf was appeased, Chi Hanfeng swiftly flipped and pinned the wolf beneath him, gripping its head fur with one hand while delivering a few firm pats:"Darn it, from now on, no more returning to the sanctuary. You're on night watch duty in the courtyard."From start to finish, Ami was indeed frightened. The pressure snow wolves exerted in this region was immense, and seeing such a large one appear out of nowhere would scare even an adult hunter into a stupor.Chi Hanfeng was quite satisfied with the fear on Ami's face after the wolf appeared. Sitting proudly atop the wolf, he took the lance and shield hanging from the wolf's side and, with great satisfaction, declared to Ami, "How about it? Impressive, right? If I donned armor, it would be even cooler. And here's more good news: with a mount like this, you won't need to provide it with food. It can find its own in the barrier."Cautiously, Ami touched the wolf's fur, his eyes filled with curiosity."Do you know why I've always called you 'son'?" Chi Hanfeng tossed out a heavy revelation.On the three known continents, the highest-ranking unit is the Dragon Knight, but due to the extreme rarity of flying dragons, especially those willing to cooperate with humans, Dragon Knights cannot be deliberately cultivated. The total number of known Dragon Knights across nations is less than twenty. Therefore, despite their power, Dragon Knights cannot be used as regular military units.The next highest rank is the Phantom Beast Knight. The only area where Phantom Beast Knights fall short of Dragon Knights is that, while Phantom Beasts can float in the air with the help of barriers, they cannot use magic, making them less effective in single combat against Dragon Knights.However, the most enticing aspect for nations is that Phantom Beast Knights can be trained.