魔兽圣殿位于艾美帝国,圣堂和休斯帝国的交界处.它被圣雪山所包围,圣雪山绵延 500 公里,平均海拔 4,000 米.从任何方向看,一旦你穿过圣雪山进入其核心,地形就会从海拔 4,000 米急剧下降到约 800 米,露出传闻已久的魔兽圣地.如果没有亲眼目睹,很难相信这样一片狭小,梦幻般的土地可以存在于雪山之上.从远处可以看到各种神奇的野兽自由自在地生活.然而,当你试图进入时,你发现自己被一个巨大的障碍挡住了.据说,只有在黑日和白日对齐的那一刻,而且只有在有可能成为魔兽的灵兽的带领下,才有可能进入.当然,这些只是民间传说中的传说.据报道,实际的方法只有爱美帝国,圣教会和休斯帝国的上层知道.一些吟游诗人在侏儒的舞会上听过一首诗:造物主留下的四个原始种族;智慧人得着天,恶人得着地;无知者只能在凡间徘徊.贫穷的矮人寻找造物主的遗物.当生命的火花再次出现时,神圣的魔兽将成为无知者的救生艇.这为神兽圣殿增添了一层神秘感.记载于"山海怪事记""爱美,我一直把你当成自己的儿子.而且,只有拥有皇室贵族头衔的人,才有机会竞争成为魔兽骑士,"赤寒峰说道,他骑在一只雪狼身上,一边挠着狼的下巴.雪狼幸福地闭上了眼睛,满足地发出咕噜咕噜的声音."爱美,让我给你一个提示.想要快速与雪狼这样的神兽建立良好的关系,最简单的方法就是挠挠它们的下巴.呵呵,这些大假人可以在身上到处抓挠,但够不到下巴下面.如果你愿意帮忙,他们会非常高兴的,"迟汉峰建议道."但这跟我应该学什么武器有什么关系?"爱美恢复了镇定,平静地问道,拒绝落入池寒风的陷阱."白痴,"迟寒风打了爱美的头."挥舞双手剑的关键在于狠,猛,准,敏捷,快速,熟练.所以,一个剑客必须极其敏捷.目前,所有已知的灵兽都只能提供动力,无法匹敌双手剑所需的速度.如果你想学剑术,你永远不可能成为骑士.迟寒风突然狡黠地笑了笑."我的计划是让你向我学习长矛.五年后,当你 15 岁时,黑太阳和白太阳将对齐.按照传统,爱美帝国会派出特使与北哈米尔帝国谈判,换取五只雪狼灵兽.我打算借一个,然后带你去魔兽圣殿脚下,教你如何将灵兽变成魔兽.这样,你就可以成为魔兽骑士了."只有五个,所以没有人会借给我们一个.我们得偷或抢,"早就熟悉池叔的行事方式的爱美揭露了这个计划."嘿嘿,那又怎样?身为皇室贵族,自己的儿子成为魔兽骑士是理所当然的,"老者厚颜无耻地拍了拍自己的胸口."如果不是让你成为贵族骑士,我不会在乎你用的是长矛还是剑.""韩峰,你知道哈米尔帝国海岸线上有一种叫狂秃鹰的鹰吗?"一个苍老的声音问道."嘿,哈伯叔叔,你什么时候回来的?"池寒峰和爱美注意到了院子里的哈伯爷爷.「我刚才回来,看到你们俩在愉快地聊天,所以我不想打扰,」哈伯长老低声说."这些狂暴的秃鹰以其速度和敏捷性而闻名,飞行速度极快.我们的一位祖先曾经驯服过一只大型狂怒秃鹰,发现它可以完全补充伟大剑士所需的速度.而且,这些狂秃鹰是一种灵兽,据说能够进入神兽圣殿进行炼化."嗯,哈伯叔叔,你怎么知道这么这么偏僻的村子里的神兽修炼方法?"迟寒风颇为不解."呵呵,皇室贵族并不是池家独有的.我们的祖先也是贵族,但因为种种原因,我们离开了帝国,"哈伯长老显然不想进一步讨论这个话题.在 2:1 的投票中,双手剑成为 Aimi 的主修课程,而赤寒峰通过坚持不懈的游说,让枪盾组合获得批准成为 Aimi 的辅修课程.后世的伟大剑士或许可以松一口气,如果没有哈伯长老的干预,爱美可能会被赤寒风的胁迫误导.那会剥夺无数选择伟大剑客道路的雇佣兵和战士的职业.据说练习双手剑法是艰苦和危险的——至少迟寒风是这么说的.根据赤家的理论,除了握把剑柄外,双手剑的其余部分都是危险的,挥舞它可能会伤害到小白或赤寒峰本人这样的小动物.于是,在迟寒风的坚持下,爱美用了一把村里铁匠锻造的钝剑——重达 20 公斤,几乎像一把大斧头.当然,除了下午用来砍柴的那把真正的双手剑.Red Moon Calendar Year 196At just 11 years old, Aimi had already made astonishing progress in the two-handed sword, particularly excelling in ruthlessness, fierceness, and accuracy. According to Chi Hanfeng's assessment, Aimi had reached the level of the legendary Leike Haber. Without the aid of Xiaobai, Chi Hanfeng's spear couldn't breach Aimi's two-handed sword range. If they compared single-handed swords, Chi Hanfeng could only rely on his agility to maneuver around Aimi; otherwise, his weapon would be knocked away.Facing this situation, Chi Hanfeng often laughed: a great swordsman known for agility and speed battling a knight famed for force and power in a chaotic mess.Of course, this is not a scenario Chi Hanfeng wanted to see. While mocking, Chi Hanfeng, ever the neighbor to demons, devised a new training plan for Aimi.Red Moon Calendar Year 196, SummerThe four-year marathon running training officially concluded, giving way to what Aimi would later call, "Three Years of Demonic Hardship."Every morning, Aimi still had to rise early, plunging headfirst into the dense Snow Forest to the east, undressing completely except for a pair of shorts, and walking or running barefoot under the watchful eyes of the demon.All the trees in the Snow Forest bore needle-like leaves to withstand the ten-month-long snow, and these leaves were coated with a thick layer of wax to prevent moisture loss.These long needle leaves pierced the skin, coupled with the bone-chilling cold wind, producing pain, itchiness, and numbness—a sensation unimaginable without personal experience.To avoid the crisscrossing branches and leaves, you must walk slowly, but slow walking means enduring the extreme cold; running fast for warmth means enduring the pain of countless needle pricks.Initially, countless times, Aimi fainted from the cold on the ground. Without the healing properties of Snow Moon Lake, Aimi might have long perished.However, over time, every part of Aimi's body seemed to grow eyes, deftly dodging the springing branches and leaves, allowing Aimi to gradually start running in the forest.Two years later, even riding Xiaobai at high speed through the Snow Forest, Aimi could agilely dodge the branches and leaves.From then on, Mr. Chi Hanfeng basically stopped engaging in ground battles with Aimi. In his words, "You've graduated in land combat." But whether this graduation was akin to surpassing the master remained unknown.