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The Era of Blood and Darkness

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If one day the sun disappeared and the world was plunged into darkness, Earth would enter an era of darkness, devoid of sunlight and starlight, with only endless cold and night. Humans would enter a time of darkness, blood, and chaos! In the lines of refugees, the uncle behind you might be a once-powerful tycoon from the Forbes list; among the hungry crowd, the person begging for half a loaf of bread could be a former glamorous model; and in the cold shelters, the one trying to snuggle into your cotton coat for warmth might be a former international socialite who used to drive top-of-the-line sports cars! I will also be posting this story on

Chapter 1 - 1st


"中央电视台!中央电视台!女士们,先生们,你们现在正在收看中央电视台!"女士们,先生们!我目前在纽约市皇后区,那里刚刚发生了骚乱.纽约警方动用大量人员强行驱散骚乱人群.这次骚乱已造成一人死亡,三十多人受伤,我们正在继续收集更多信息..."..."现在让我们联系一下欧洲的孙飞,了解那里的情况.""你好,主人!""你好,孙飞.你能告诉我们巴黎的情况吗?"是的,从今天下午开始,一大群人聚集在巴黎爱丽舍宫前,举着各种标语,要求政府透露事情的真相.我们现在可以看到大批警察聚集在总统府前,以防止局势进一步升级.萨科齐总统取消了对中东的访问,并通过电视讲话呼吁保持冷静...""好吧,让我们试着与东京的苏任联系.你好,苏任,你好...看来卫星信号不是很好,我们暂时无法连接到苏任.没问题,让我们邀请演播室的两位嘉宾为这次活动提供科学的解释.---广告---"欢迎回到中央电视台的特别新闻观察节目.首先,让我介绍一下我们的两位特邀嘉宾,他们也是学术权威.这位是清华大学天文学家霍思年教授,这位是中国科学技术大学的天体物理学家张廷恩教授!"下午好,教授们.我们知道,今天,北京时间12月22日早上7点15分,太阳突然从天空中消失了整整10分钟,这是全球范围内在没有任何日食预测的情况下观察到的特殊天文现象,引发了很多猜测."最著名的猜测与玛雅预言有关,该预言指出,太阳应该在昨天(21日)之后完全消失,使地球陷入黑暗.很多人其实对此非常关注,尤其是一些外国公民,他们非常担心这个预言的成功.到22日早上7点,很多人都以为这个预言,就像1999年的世界末日预言一样,只是一个笑话."但我们也知道,早上7点15分左右,整个太阳消失得没有任何迹象,使地球陷入黑暗,全球通信陷入混乱.整个过程持续了10分钟才恢复正常.很多人相信玛雅人的预言可能真的成真了.当然,我们知道这应该是一种特殊的天文现象,但由于它以前从未发生过,我们邀请你们两位教授帮助我们从科学的角度理解这一点.谢谢!... *m;...m;...(¥¥m;"通过这两位权威教授的解释,我们突然感到开悟,让我们相信这种特殊的天文现象有其必然的科学原因.这也是对玛雅预言等谣言的驳斥.我们应该从科学的角度来看待这些事件,而不是进行荒谬和不必要的恐慌..."楚云升伸手关掉了遥控器.他觉得没有必要再看下去了.互联网上已经充斥着愤怒的声音.所谓的专家反驳已经成为欺骗公众的代名词.从2008年开始,相信所谓专家的人并不多,楚云升自然也不相信.虽然网络上议论纷纷,"和谐军"也在不断缓和,但大多数人还是出于好奇在观.当然,这也引起了许多人的恐慌,中午拥挤的超市就证明了这一点,人们抢购(囤积)食物.如果这种恐慌得不到及时平息,将造成重大的经济损失.楚云升对自己的判断深信不疑.他早就觉得有些不对劲,原因是一件传家宝,一本世世代代都当脚凳的古书.虽然书中的字迹完全难以辨认,甚至不像甲骨文,但他确信这是一本古书.虽然它被称为传家宝,但实际上它只是用作床或橱柜的脚凳.因为这本书看起来太破旧,楚云升的父亲声称这是从他们祖先那里传下来的,永远不会卖掉.然而,当楚云升考上大学,需要钱的时候,父亲偷偷把这本传家宝书带到当铺和古董市场,却被告知没用,最多只有三五岁,这与他父亲声称它是传家宝的说法相矛盾.这让楚云升的父亲非常生气.Later, when the book was passed on to Chu Yunsheng, it continued to serve as a footrest. Until the day he decided to buy a house, he followed his father's footsteps and visited antique markets with high hopes, only to be met with the same rejection. In a fit of anger, Chu Yunsheng decided to have the book carbon-dated. The result clearly stated that it was no more than ten years old, not an ancient book at all.This initial disappointment soon turned into suspicion for Chu Yunsheng. The book had been in his life since he could remember, and it had been in his father's possession for an unknown period before that. The fact that the carbon dating suggested it was only ten years old indicated that it was not just trash but indeed a strange book.Chu Yunsheng spent a long time studying the book's material but found no results. Later, he focused on the strange symbols and texts, and with a tenuous connection to Chinese characters and oracle bone script, he managed to learn about three hundred simple characters. That year happened to be 2010.These three hundred characters were not enough for Chu Yunsheng to understand the complete meaning of the book, and he could not comprehend the content beyond the first ten pages. However, from these ten pages, he barely deciphered the author's warning to future generations: "When the celestial tracks return, all laws will be restored, and chaos will ensue on Earth."During that time, Chu Yunsheng was emotionally affected by a breakup and was influenced by the disaster movie "2012" and the frequent earthquakes and floods around the world. Out of boredom, he calculated the date of the "celestial tracks returning" according to the book's rules and the Gregorian calendar. To his surprise, the date was only seven days later than the Mayan prophecy's December 21, 2012, which meant the predicted cosmic change would occur on the 28th.Chu Yunsheng calculated many times, fearing that his limited knowledge of the characters might lead to errors. As he learned more characters and his calculations became more precise, the date still pointed to the 28th. He became very anxious, not knowing why the book seemed to have a special power driving him to believe that a significant change would occur on that day.He later studied the Mayan Long Count calendar and used the book's algorithm to calculate the exact date of the prophecy. Due to his limited knowledge of the Mayans, he could only roughly determine that the prophecy's exact date was after the 21st.This revelation troubled Chu Yunsheng for a long time. He had anonymously posted information about this date online, but it was quickly buried under a flood of other prophecies. The government even pursued those spreading such information, and his post soon sank without a trace.Three months ago, he witnessed the book emit a colorful glow for the second time, which shocked him. This time, he was sober and could not doubt what he saw. Over the next three months, he prepared frantically for the unknown change, selling his house and all valuable items he thought he wouldn't need in the future to stock up on cash. He rented two apartments in the core of Shanghai, where he believed the military would protect, and prepared for the cosmic change.Chu Yunsheng did not want to help his friends, but almost everyone thought he was crazy, and even his relatives believed so. However, as the sun disappeared that morning, more and more people called him, seeking answers. The news repeatedly emphasized that the phenomenon had a scientific basis and that the end of the world would not happen. Meanwhile, protests demanding the government reveal the truth were escalating in foreign countries, and news websites were filled with headlines like:"The sun disappears, is the Mayan prophecy really coming?""Are you ready for the end of the world?""2012, have you bought your ticket?"...!~!