Chapter 2 - 2


早上太阳消失后,他突然发现自己制作的一张无用的符箓,在符箓制作成功后,散发出的光芒与古书上描述的光芒相似.符箓上刻着的符文闪耀着耀眼的金光,然后突然收缩,符箓仿佛活了过来,漂浮在半空中,直到楚云升收回.楚云升推测,清晨太阳的消失,触发了"万法回归"的开始,而这张符箓,竟然被某种神秘的力量激活,突然变得可用了.他仔细研究了古书中制作符箓的规则,终于明白了,符箓的头颅是引导天地法则的通道,是将古书中提到的元气引入符箓体内的必经之路.因此,在雕刻符箓头颅时,符箓师傅师必须按照一定的规律,利用元气将其融入符箓中.只有这样,符箓完成之后,符箓的头颅才能与天地法则产生共鸣,激活符箓的身体.不小心激活的符箓,超出了楚云升的理解范围,因为他当时并没有将任何元气注入符箓的脑袋中.它之所以被激活,可能是因为在书发出光芒的那天晚上,他用伪符作为书签时,以某种不可思议的方式改变了他的伪符.楚云升不知道古书接下来什么时候会散发光芒,依靠书本之光来化身符,显然是不靠谱的.于是他决定先修炼元气.这种被古书称为宇宙中最原始的能量,在过去的5000年里,它被某种神秘的法则从整个太阳系中排斥出来,这意味着在这5000年中,没有原始的气注入地球.根据古书,这被称为天轨被关闭.早上太阳消失后,符箓的异常行为,让楚云升直觉感觉到天道正在逼近,或许是将少量的原始之气泄漏到大地之中.于是他决定在晚上静静地修炼太初之气,按照古书的方法.这个阶段,古书中称为"修气",本质上是从宇宙中提炼出无色,无味,无形的原始之气,并将其作为自己的原始之气引入体内的过程.在这个过程中最大的挑战是如何将其引入体内,这也是最困难的部分.天地之间的原始之气,是人类感官无法察觉的.最简单的方法,就是用一种叫做"天地元符"的符箓,通过符箓直接吸入元气,然后利用体内的元气净化自己的意识,打开第四维意识,楚云升理解为所谓的第六感,从而达到意识与外在元气的共鸣.不过,楚云升却没有这样的符箓,唯一激活的符箓是用来点燃神火的"李火元符",所以最简单的方法也没办法.他不得不求助于最原始的方法,那就是按照古书的公式默默打坐,不断调整自己的意识和思想,以打开第四维度,必要条件是周围有足够数量的原始之气和修行者的天赋.楚云升早就知道自己的资质一般.根据古书的介绍,他已经算计过自己的处境,发现自己远非天才,只是一个普通人,这让他有些沮丧.不过,有了古书在手,他还是觉得很幸运.捧着古书,楚云升坐在地上,开始尝试修气.他看小说时一直以为这些东西很简单,但当他自己尝试时,他才意识到这有多难!不知是因为太初之气稀少,还是天赋差,经过整整一夜的修炼,楚云升花了六个时辰,没有任何感觉.他修炼的第一天并没有产生任何奇迹.他明白,成功需要付出很多努力,需要每天的广泛培养.一夜的沮丧过后,楚云升觉得自己被打败了,决定睡觉,却被电话铃声吵醒.是他的同事余小海打来的电话,楚云升和他关系很好.就在几天前,虞还质疑过楚云升的理智.楚云升赶紧接了电话,就听到于小海兴奋地喊道:"楚兄,出事大了,你厉害了,你得帮帮我们...""Yes, you mean the sun disappearing yesterday? Isn't it explained on TV..." Chu Yunsheng cautiously said, fearing his friends' ridicule."Brother, are you still hiding it from me? The sun disappeared again, for a whole half an hour! Don't you know? Damn it, people all over the world are going crazy, you should see the people on the streets, they're all mad!""Disappeared again?" Chu Yunsheng genuinely didn't know, as he had been sleeping in despair after his failed cultivation. However, the sun's disappearance again didn't impact him much, as he thought he already knew the ultimate outcome.The ancient book recorded that due to the restoration of the celestial tracks and the return of all laws, the energy in the universe would temporarily isolate photons and other particles, meaning that sunlight would basically not reach Earth. The duration of this darkness was unclear to Chu Yunsheng because he couldn't understand the complex texts and diagrams in the ancient book."Brother, what should we do now? Will the Earth be destroyed? We're all worried to death!""I've told you guys before, and now you believe me? How did you insult me before, and now you're in trouble!" Chu Yunsheng felt a sense of vindication, as he had been considered mad for the past three months. This sense of relief and fear was finally released, giving him an inexplicable pleasure."Brother, don't tease us anymore, okay? What the hell is going on? Are we all going to die?""No! The specifics are not very clear to me, but what I know is that on the 28th, the whole world will be plunged into darkness. You should prepare more cold-resistant supplies and a lot of food, I don't know how long it will last!" Chu Yunsheng told him the truth as he knew it."Complete darkness? What about the sun? If the sun disappears, what will the Earth revolve around? Won't we all be done for?""Don't think too pessimistically. The sun hasn't disappeared, and the experts on TV are right about one thing: if the sun disappeared out of thin air, Earth would lose its rotational gravity, and we would have been gone already. The sun is still there, just invisible. Maybe after a while, it will return." Chu Yunsheng thought this was the best explanation he could give without going into the ancient book's complex explanations and diagrams."Brother, don't lie to me, you're our idol now!""Three days ago, I was a madman, and today I'm your idol? You guys!" Chu Yunsheng suddenly felt a sense of petty triumph."Hey... Hey... Damn it, the signal is gone again!" Yu Xiaohai angrily turned off his phone, hurriedly left the company. Now, with the signals coming and going, people felt even more panicked. There were hardly any people in the company building, and everyone was not coming to work. Panic was spreading everywhere as humans faced the unknown disaster!