Chereads / The Era of Blood and Darkness / Chapter 7 - the crossbow

Chapter 7 - the crossbow


尽管如此,楚云升的第一箭还是空了,不光是空了,就算有冰冷属性的邢冰箭也没能激发出来,他太紧张了.三只赤甲虫的速度远不能与人类相提并论,瞬间就追上了人群,狠狠的钳制着落在后面的人,楚云升那毫无威胁的箭矢,这些傲然的红甲虫,干脆无视.当楚云升浑身颤抖,穿上第二支箭的时候,哭喊声已经完全向他下楼走去,大约有11-12人,后面大概有5人,已经惨死在了三只红甲虫的钳子上.在人群中,十楼的邻居们双手颤抖,瑟瑟发抖,怎么打不开防盗门.红甲虫再次强行爬上去,用它那无比锋利的腿刺穿了另一个胖子的身体,然后把胖子举了起来,把他扔到空中,好像他在玩它一样.楚云升基本上没有把握击中移动目标,对于这种已经静止不动,完全在三十米之内的巨兽,他还是有信心的.他深吸了一口气,锁定了那只无比嚣张的红甲虫!"嗖!"那支被天地寒气包裹的冰冷箭矢,高高跃起,向前冲去!刺耳的破气声,让这只红甲虫叮叮当当的朝楚云升的窗户扫了一眼,也就是说,三十米的距离,再加上元气的属性之力,这支箭已经不允许这只红甲虫再有多余的动作,毫不费力的突破了红甲虫火红色的防御盾,猛烈的刺入了红甲虫的身体.箭矢携带的冰冷元气,让这只红甲虫发出了一声痛苦的惨叫,就连它身后另外两只正在吸食人类脑浆的红甲虫,也奇怪地抬头看着尖叫的红甲虫!冰冷属性的寒箭迅速释放出恐怖的力量,哪怕赤甲体内的火属性抵抗至死,但还是迅速的冻结在了它的整个身体上."这算不算死了?"楚云升并不知道冰冷箭的威力大小,毕竟他以前从来没用过,看到那只冰雕般被冰雕冻结的赤甲虫,他还是不敢肯定,他连忙点了点第三箭,有了前两支箭的经验,他已经没有那么慌张了.原本已经近乎绝望的一群人,突然看到这样的变化,刚才还像是凶猛的神魔怪物,突然不知从哪里射出一支箭,变成了一座冰雕,最直接的威胁就被解除了,就像溺水的人看到一根稻草一样,求生的希望瞬间爆发了!一个中年男子,一把抓住了男人手中瑟瑟发抖的10楼钥匙,平静地打开了门,十几个人疯狂的挤了进去,然后,一个屁股瘫痪在楼梯的过道上,茫然地盯着外面的红甲虫冰雕,还有那几具残缺不全的尸体.微弱的灯光下,这几人瞪大了眼睛,死而复生后,浑身茫然,一头雾水,开门的中年男子还是有些淡定,说道:"快点,上楼去,外面还有两个!""是啊,是啊,楼上有个高手,他一口气把妖兽杀了,有高手在,应该没事吧!""你们看到她有多少层楼了吗?""谁有胆量去看,你看到了吗?""我没看到!"...  Crowds of people talk, do not dare to stay more, hurriedly climb towards the upper floors.  Chu Yunsheng was ready to SHE the second red beetle, when he was just about to pull the trigger, his afterglow found that the one that was frozen actually did not die through, but also shivered and shook, and seemed to want to break out of the ice from the ice sculpture!  Chu Yunsheng's mind moved, absolutely can't give it a chance to resurrect, now kill one less one, moreover the other two have already started to move, with his own ability to SHE the moving target is not very sure, instead of wasting energy like this, why don't you make up an arrow for the frozen one red beetle.  The third arrow did not hesitate to she towards the ice sealed red beetle, ice arrow directly blasted open a mouth, burst open, ferocious incomparable red beetle, unexpectedly was decomposed into countless small ice, finally died only crumbs.  The ferociousness of the other two was completely inspired by the death of their companion, and with a furious cry, they threw off the head of the human that they were sucking, and scurried directly to the downstairs, one used its pincers to destroy the door, and the other directly and quickly climbed from the wall towards Chu Yunsheng's sixth floor.  They have already found me? Chu Yunsheng this time on the contrary, not nervous, not only that, there is a kind of consciousness to put all of them to death, yes, either you die or I die!  With the help of the weak lights of the vehicles on the street outside, and the burning fire of the artillery fire, Chu Yunsheng through the infrared scope on the crossbow, clearly saw the two angry bugs.  The fourth arrow SHEEDED at the monster that was climbing the wall, one arrow hit, iced!  Chu Yunsheng had wanted the fifth arrow not to rush to blast the red beetle that was frozen on the wall, but to ice the red beetle that was attacking the gate as fast as possible, and then utilize the time difference between the red beetle's attempts to break the ice, and then SHE the two red beetles separately.  After he loaded the fifth arrow, he realized that the red beetle that attacked the gate had disappeared, from Chu Yunsheng's position, he couldn't see whether the gate was breached or not, so he didn't know whether the bug came in or went around to another place.  There was no other way, Chu Yunsheng could only completely kill the frozen one in front of him first, and retreat back inside the house.  Every two arrows, completely destroy a red beetle, if it was known by the military, I'm afraid that it would have been requisitioned as the main force, ordinary guns are really too difficult to destroy this kind of red beetle that has a shield to protect it.  Closing the window, Chu Yunsheng loaded the sixth arrow, he didn't know where the last one was right now, he only held the bow and leaned against the corner of the wall, ready to deal with the red beetles that would appear.  He obviously felt that the Yuan Qi in his body was running out, except for the first one where he panicked and didn't run his Yuan Qi to cooperate with the crossbow to SHE out the cold ice arrow, the next four, each one, he consumed a lot of Yuan Qi in his body.  Quietly, he was shocked to realize that he could only fire one more ice arrow at most, and his Yuan Qi would be exhausted.  Just now, he was really careless, if he wanted to completely kill three Red Beetles, it seemed that he needed six Ice Cold Arrows, and his limit just now was five, if the Red Beetles recovered faster than him, he basically had no chance of winning!  He must speed up the recovery of his body's vital energy, he believes that his reinforced doors and windows can still withstand the red beetles for a while, and then prepare the modified pistol, as well as the only fire-removing Yuan Fu he has now, he believes that as long as an arrow SHE hits, under the ice-sealed state, he can definitely kill the last bug with the modified pistol or the fire-removing Yuan Fu.  Everything inside the room except for the necessary furniture was incorporated into his Object Nano Yuan Symbol, the room appeared empty, Chu Yunsheng simply sat on the table in the living room, grasping the time to recover his Yuan Qi, while perking up his ears to listen to the surrounding movements.  "Bug! That monster is coming up!" Someone exclaimed in the hallway!  Chu Yunsheng jumped down from the top of the table in a flash, the last red beetle had indeed come up from the hallway!  The question is, now do you go out and SHE kill this bug in the hallway, or wait for this bug to come to the door and SHE a crossbow bolt?  Chu Yunsheng is not a militarist nor a senior fighting expert, he can't quickly come up with an answer to this kind of pros and cons analysis, he needs time to think about it, but the speed of the red beetle doesn't allow him to have so much time to think about it!  Chu Yunsheng could hear the footsteps of someone hurriedly running up from the hallway in front of his door, because there was nearly no electricity, the elevator therefore could not be used for a long time, going up and down the stairs could only rely on climbing the stairs.  Chu Yunsheng made the boldest decision of his life, he opened the door and then stood in the hall, fixed his crossbow on the table and calmly pointed it at the exit of the building, he made up his mind that as long as the monster appeared, he had to pull the trigger at the first time and ice the monster, this was his only chance to win! ~!