"We are gonna die. " I said in a panic as we exit the hole and still ascend.
We are going higher and higher with no signs of stopping.
"How do we get out of this." I said as a the ground was getting further away from us.
Blood Stalk didn't answer as we kept going as I try and think of a way to land without dying in the prosses.
"We need to somehow move the rockets down so we and descend." I say looking at the wires attached to the rockets coiled up in a way so it could grab.
"How long will the rocket fly for? If we let go will it explode? If we don't will explode anyway?" I think useless thought while looking at the rocket trying desperately to think of something.
"They seem to be connected to the wires. If we pull them can we steer them slightly down?" I say while trying to do that the rocket seemed to slow down for a moment.
"Come on, come on." I chant like it would help and the rockets are turning with us.
"Ok, starting to get the hang of this." I say as the rockets started to move right and we steer in that direction.
As we did this the rocket started to stall and the thruster on the back started to lose steam.
"No wait." Is all I could say before we started falling down a little and the rockets seem to stop entirely.
We started to fall and I think this might be the end of us. If we live after the fall it will not be for long.
I see the ground below and freak out a little seeing it so far away get closer every second. I could not think.
"Shoot..." Was all Blood Stalk said and I snap back to reality.
I shot to the left with the steam gun.
When I pulled the trigger, two more rockets appeared and Blood Stalk grabed them with the Wires.
We swung from them as they seemed to rev up and started to move.
They started to go left at a slow speed and we swing below our legs not quite touching the trees below us.
"Ok, we can just ride this until a clearing shows up and then we can get off safely." as I said that the rockets that started to fall hit the trees behind us and after we started to move they exploded destroying the tree they landed in and setting it on fire..
"Well, as safe as having rockets as transportation." I corrected myself while I look down at the trees zooming by our feet swinging and our head turned to look at the destruction behind us.
"Pretty..." Blood Stalk replied after being silent for a while and I didn't know what they were talking about.
We are currently flying over the water source that we fell in last time and I can see that it is a river or stream connected to a huge body of water which could be either a lake or ocean leading off in different directions.
I guess that means we are either on an maritime forest or maybe even an island. This doesn't really narrows down where we are but there should be civilization somewhere close. I hope.
"Let's try and look around the shore line." I told Blood Stalk and we began to circle the area so find anything.
As we continue to fly around I see something in the distance.
"Is that a ship?" I saw some kind of old looking ship out in the water with giant sails.
"Rescue is here." I say relieved that something good has happened.
"Lets go." I say excitedly and we start to move over there reasonably fast over the water.
"Ding." I heard a microwave sound and know what it means.
"BANG!" An explosion of white steam appears on our back destabilizing us.
"Really! Now!" I scream as we start to lose control of the rockets and move wildly in all directions.
"Let go!" I yell as we let go the the rockets before they hit either us or tear us apart.
Blood Stalk did as I said and let go of the rockets again and we start to fall once more.
"We are going to hit the water." I say bracing myself for impact. Hopefully we can land without to many injuries. If we were going faster it would be like hitting pavement, but since we are moving relatively slow I think it would be better than the ground.
As we hit the water the monster corps falls with us. It is surprisingly heavier when it is in water.
"Sorry, my bad." I say to Blood Stalk as they grab the new bottle from behind us.
As this was happening something simmered in the water below.